Mark Of The Beast. 666

So...without the mark, you cannot buy food, travel, get on a plane, get medical care, etc. In short, you are bannished to dead land Doesn't this mandatory vaccine smack of this, with just a different name?

Since nobody has said any of this, what in the hell are you talking about?
The governments of a variety of states have made the bullshit masks mandatory, which I reject and refuse to comply with unless the business politely requests I do so, but I still make them give me one and wear it as a chin diaper so I can breathe properly. Otherwise as I understand it, you're supposed to have to wear these stupid bullshit masks to do any sort of interaction in public, which I object too.

I'm not all that religious, but I do have an absolute faith in God. My instinct is that anything promoted by leftist sycophants and zealots are the manipulation of His antagonist.
DTMB has always disliked me. He has been ignoring me for some time now, for which I am thankful. But I think I'm pretty much done with being his kicking stone. There are other worlds than this one. He can kiss my ass.
He is a leftist piece of chicken shit. He inserts himself in conflicts and uses his petty capacity to censor people. People like him were the sort that slammed the shower doors at Auschwitz. Keep posting and speaking your mind, everyone on this board knows what a malignant parasite that asswipe is.

So...without the mark, you cannot buy food, travel, get on a plane, get medical care, etc. In short, you are bannished to dead land Doesn't this mandatory vaccine smack of this, with just a different name?

Since nobody has said any of this, what in the hell are you talking about?

WTF?! Are you living in a bubble?

That is all they have been talking about.

This whole forcing folks to wear masks is the dry run. Do you really think folks are this dumb? I don't, for an instant, think masks do a damn thing.

. . . but, I will tolerate the state's infantile demands, for now. I am just not someone who will put up a fuss if it is no big deal. It doesn't harm me? I don't give a fuck.

OTH? When we are talking about experimental RnA vaccines? FUCK THAT SHIT.

" This is the future as some experts see it: a world in which you’ll need to show you’ve been inoculated against the novel coronavirus to attend a sports game, get a manicure, go to work, or hop on a train. "

You were being an asshole for putting Gracie's post in the RR. It clearly belonged in Religion and Ethics. I too refuse to get a vaccination for ethical reasons. I will maintain my bodily automy that the creator gave me.

You atheists will never understand, and as such, you have no business moderating the religion and ethics sub-forum.

So you never got vaccinated?
With an RnA vaccine? No.

And I sure as hell am not going to get one with out some serious, and I do me SERIOUS longitudinal studies, like three or four years down the line.

Otherwise? Yeah, I know there is an agenda.

" . . .Although mRNA vaccines have entered clinical studies (anti-cancer vaccines) in the late 90s for (dendritic cells) DC-based vaccines ( and in the early 00s for the direct injection of mRNA (Results of the first phase I/II clinical vaccination trial with direct injection of mRNA - PubMed), currently, there are no RNA vaccines approved for human use. RNA vaccines offer multiple advantages over DNA vaccines in terms of production, administration, and safety,[3][4] and have been shown to be promising in clinical trials involving humans.[4] RNA vaccines are also thought to have the potential to be used for cancer in addition to infectious diseases.[5] A number of RNA vaccines are under development to combat the COVID-19 pandemic.[6]"
Meanwhile.....I would be afraid to have a new vaccine. They are already finding probs with the ones they invented with serious side effects. No, I don't have a link. Read it somewhere on the net. Either twitter or parler or hell maybe even yahoo news. But that is besides the point. I never want to try NEW meds. I want them to cook for a few years to make sure they truly are safe. way will I get a vaccine. Maybe its from Gates. Maybe some other nefarious person. Who knows? I trust nobody much any more when it comes to this stuff.

They can't force me to do it, either. I might not be able to buy food, get gas, travel, see a doc, etc but I'd rather find other means to do those things than let them stick a needle in my arm at this point in time. Pretty sure I'm not alone in that decision either.

It just smacks of 666 to me, but with a nice cover name to hide what it REALLY is. Mark of the beast.
So...without the mark, you cannot buy food, travel, get on a plane, get medical care, etc. In short, you are bannished to dead land Doesn't this mandatory vaccine smack of this, with just a different name?

Since nobody has said any of this, what in the hell are you talking about?

So...without the mark, you cannot buy food, travel, get on a plane, get medical care, etc. In short, you are bannished to dead land Doesn't this mandatory vaccine smack of this, with just a different name?

Since nobody has said any of this, what in the hell are you talking about?
Moved to the rubber room, eh? Mark of the Beast is in the bible, Mr Moderator. Religion. But..whatever floats yer boat.

Just to be clear -- it would have been good if you had provided a link to REALITIES of a "Covid Clean" identity card or "mandatory vaccinations".. SO -- I'll post this below and clean the thread below if necessary and move it back to Religion.. Doesn't really matter if they make it universally or partially mandatory for certain workers. The "mark of the beast" would be NOT HAVING a "Covid Clean" card..

Fauci: Coronavirus immunity cards for Americans are ‘being discussed’
The proposal, already being implemented by German researchers, is under consideration in the United Kingdom and Italy.
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If it were mandatory it would go to the Scotus and they wouldn't mandate it. You are worried for nothing.

More than a third of Americans, 35%, said they wouldn’t get a free U.S. government-approved vaccine if it were ready today, according to a recent Gallup survey.

Previous polls found many people who were reluctant to get immunized worried about the safety of a vaccine that’s being developed with unprecedented speed.

But lots of people opting out would delay herd immunity, so some officials support compulsory immunizations. Australia’s prime minister last month suggested the vaccine would be mandatory in his country, but later backtracked on those comments.
A key member of the White House coronavirus task force assured it won’t happen. Dr. Anthony Fauci said he would “definitely not” support a nationwide mandate of the COVID-19 vaccine.

So...without the mark, you cannot buy food, travel, get on a plane, get medical care, etc. In short, you are bannished to dead land Doesn't this mandatory vaccine smack of this, with just a different name?

Since nobody has said any of this, what in the hell are you talking about?
Read it again.

Did your words shuffle from the first time?
Now what the hell are YOU talking about? Shuffle what words? Yer a mod. You can see whatever I do. Nothing was edited. Its a subject about religious documents in the christian bible. I asked a legit question. You have a barb up your butt for some reason so don't take it out on me. But...since you are a mod, you can. Hence..rubber room as if my question is stupid or assinine.
Its both.
So...without the mark, you cannot buy food, travel, get on a plane, get medical care, etc. In short, you are bannished to dead land Doesn't this mandatory vaccine smack of this, with just a different name?

Yes, yes it does. A few weeks back a family member and I were discussing masks as a mark of the beast; one can hardly purchase services of any kind—in person—without the mask in place. But masks are not a permanent fixture of the body, so the coming vaccine seems a bit more MOTB like. On a different note, I am beginning to believe there will be no Mark, as the globalists want to kill billions of us outright, instead. Americans, unlike any other people of the Earth, will need to be broken and broken very hard, to get us in the proper frame of mind for their agenda. Just killing most of us could be their easiest path to achieving that goal.
The mark of the beast is a number on or in your right hand or forehead, it's not a mask on your face... the number is 666.
So...without the mark, you cannot buy food, travel, get on a plane, get medical care, etc. In short, you are bannished to dead land Doesn't this mandatory vaccine smack of this, with just a different name?

Since nobody has said any of this, what in the hell are you talking about?

WTF?! Are you living in a bubble?

That is all they have been talking about.

This whole forcing folks to wear masks is the dry run. Do you really think folks are this dumb? I don't, for an instant, think masks do a damn thing.

. . . but, I will tolerate the state's infantile demands, for now. I am just not someone who will put up a fuss if it is no big deal. It doesn't harm me? I don't give a fuck.

OTH? When we are talking about experimental RnA vaccines? FUCK THAT SHIT.

" This is the future as some experts see it: a world in which you’ll need to show you’ve been inoculated against the novel coronavirus to attend a sports game, get a manicure, go to work, or hop on a train. "

You were being an asshole for putting Gracie's post in the RR. It clearly belonged in Religion and Ethics. I too refuse to get a vaccination for ethical reasons. I will maintain my bodily automy that the creator gave me.

You atheists will never understand, and as such, you have no business moderating the religion and ethics sub-forum.

So you never got vaccinated?
We are slowly indoctrinated. Today is not back then. But there were people back then who were warning. They will deny for not getting the virus shot this time around at places as of now.
So...without the mark, you cannot buy food, travel, get on a plane, get medical care, etc. In short, you are bannished to dead land Doesn't this mandatory vaccine smack of this, with just a different name?

Yes, yes it does. A few weeks back a family member and I were discussing masks as a mark of the beast; one can hardly purchase services of any kind—in person—without the mask in place. But masks are not a permanent fixture of the body, so the coming vaccine seems a bit more MOTB like. On a different note, I am beginning to believe there will be no Mark, as the globalists want to kill billions of us outright, instead. Americans, unlike any other people of the Earth, will need to be broken and broken very hard, to get us in the proper frame of mind for their agenda. Just killing most of us could be their easiest path to achieving that goal.
The mark of the beast is a number on or in your right hand or forehead, it's not a mask on your face... the number is 666.
Just to be clear -- it would have been good if you had provided a link to REALITIES of a "Covid Clean" identity card or "mandatory vaccinations"
Religion is mostly opinions by those who believe it this one or that one, so 1) I didn't believe a link to someone elses opinion would be necessary since it was my opinion and 2) I'm not even sure relious opinions need links to prove ones opinion. Its just faith...and a personal opinion on what something could or could not be, proven or not.

I'm sometimes not sure where to put threads I start but since Mark of the Beast is in the bible, for me, the Bible is religion, so I thought that forum would be the correct one. In agreeing with DTMB, it COULD have been in conspiracy forum since most religions, in my opinion, tickles individual ears and that's the path they chose that fits what they want to believe it truth in their faith. My gripe was it being moved to Rubber Room and the comment he made about my belief. Heck, may as well put all religious topics in conspiracy theories since nobody can really prove their religion is THE ONE.

Anyway...I appreciate you moving it from the RR and automatically knowing what my "blabbering" was about. Thank you.

If it were mandatory it would go to the Scotus and they wouldn't mandate it. You are worried for nothing.
I tend to worry. All these reports it will be mandatory bothers me. And to explore WHY it bothers me, I posted the reason. 666 and the same warnings spoken in Revelations. However, your post did make me feel less worried, so thank you for that.
So...without the mark, you cannot buy food, travel, get on a plane, get medical care, etc. In short, you are bannished to dead land Doesn't this mandatory vaccine smack of this, with just a different name?

Since nobody has said any of this, what in the hell are you talking about?
Read it again.

Did your words shuffle from the first time?
Now what the hell are YOU talking about? Shuffle what words? Yer a mod. You can see whatever I do. Nothing was edited. Its a subject about religious documents in the christian bible. I asked a legit question. You have a barb up your butt for some reason so don't take it out on me. But...since you are a mod, you can. Hence..rubber room as if my question is stupid or assinine.
Its both.
It is to you because you are an atheist. I humbly ask you to avoid reading threads such as this if all you are going to do it ridicule and snark someone's beliefs or concerns. Thanks in advance.
So...without the mark, you cannot buy food, travel, get on a plane, get medical care, etc. In short, you are bannished to dead land Doesn't this mandatory vaccine smack of this, with just a different name?
Which mandatory vaccine?
So...without the mark, you cannot buy food, travel, get on a plane, get medical care, etc. In short, you are bannished to dead land Doesn't this mandatory vaccine smack of this, with just a different name?

Yes, yes it does. A few weeks back a family member and I were discussing masks as a mark of the beast; one can hardly purchase services of any kind—in person—without the mask in place. But masks are not a permanent fixture of the body, so the coming vaccine seems a bit more MOTB like. On a different note, I am beginning to believe there will be no Mark, as the globalists want to kill billions of us outright, instead. Americans, unlike any other people of the Earth, will need to be broken and broken very hard, to get us in the proper frame of mind for their agenda. Just killing most of us could be their easiest path to achieving that goal.
The mark of the beast is a number on or in your right hand or forehead, it's not a mask on your face... the number is 666.
But it could be a different mark meaning the same thing. Like for example a regular flu shot. Everyone thinks that shot will help protect them from that years flu. But according to the people who give those shots, its for LAST years flu since they have no idea which flu is for the current flu season. So what if 666 is still the mark, but in todays age/time/era, it comes in another form but is still 666?

Found this with a quick search:

So...without the mark, you cannot buy food, travel, get on a plane, get medical care, etc. In short, you are bannished to dead land Doesn't this mandatory vaccine smack of this, with just a different name?

Since nobody has said any of this, what in the hell are you talking about?
Read it again.

Did your words shuffle from the first time?
Now what the hell are YOU talking about? Shuffle what words? Yer a mod. You can see whatever I do. Nothing was edited. Its a subject about religious documents in the christian bible. I asked a legit question. You have a barb up your butt for some reason so don't take it out on me. But...since you are a mod, you can. Hence..rubber room as if my question is stupid or assinine.

It's in the RR because you're babbling nonsense.
Don't blame her, blame John the Revelator.
So...without the mark, you cannot buy food, travel, get on a plane, get medical care, etc. In short, you are bannished to dead land Doesn't this mandatory vaccine smack of this, with just a different name?
Which mandatory vaccine?
The COVID vaccine, you either take it, or you don't eat, shop, or associate with other humans.


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