Mark Of The Beast. 666

So...without the mark, you cannot buy food, travel, get on a plane, get medical care, etc. In short, you are bannished to dead land Doesn't this mandatory vaccine smack of this, with just a different name?

Since nobody has said any of this, what in the hell are you talking about?
Read it again.

Did your words shuffle from the first time?
Now what the hell are YOU talking about? Shuffle what words? Yer a mod. You can see whatever I do. Nothing was edited. Its a subject about religious documents in the christian bible. I asked a legit question. You have a barb up your butt for some reason so don't take it out on me. But...since you are a mod, you can. Hence..rubber room as if my question is stupid or assinine.
Its both.
It is to you because you are an atheist. I humbly ask you to avoid reading threads such as this if all you are going to do it ridicule and snark someone's beliefs or concerns. Thanks in advance.
Its a debate board, and when someone says something batshit crazy, I'll challenge it. Block me.
So...without the mark, you cannot buy food, travel, get on a plane, get medical care, etc. In short, you are bannished to dead land Doesn't this mandatory vaccine smack of this, with just a different name?

Yes, yes it does. A few weeks back a family member and I were discussing masks as a mark of the beast; one can hardly purchase services of any kind—in person—without the mask in place. But masks are not a permanent fixture of the body, so the coming vaccine seems a bit more MOTB like. On a different note, I am beginning to believe there will be no Mark, as the globalists want to kill billions of us outright, instead. Americans, unlike any other people of the Earth, will need to be broken and broken very hard, to get us in the proper frame of mind for their agenda. Just killing most of us could be their easiest path to achieving that goal.
The mark of the beast is a number on or in your right hand or forehead, it's not a mask on your face... the number is 666.
But it could be a different mark meaning the same thing. Like for example a regular flu shot. Everyone thinks that shot will help protect them from that years flu. But according to the people who give those shots, its for LAST years flu since they have no idea which flu is for the current flu season. So what if 666 is still the mark, but in todays age/time/era, it comes in another form but is still 666?

Found this with a quick search:

In the Bible, such a mark is not an actual mark; it's allegiance. It was allegiance to God for those fleeing Egypt, for example (Ex 13:9.16). In Revelation, the mark signified allegiance to the Jewish rebels.

COVID-19 is not the end of the world.
So...without the mark, you cannot buy food, travel, get on a plane, get medical care, etc. In short, you are bannished to dead land Doesn't this mandatory vaccine smack of this, with just a different name?
Which mandatory vaccine?
The COVID vaccine, you either take it, or you don't eat, shop, or associate with other humans.

I don't live in Canada...
Did you know that in D.C. they are passing a law to allow 11 year olds to have informed consent to get vaccines to circumvent parental authority?
Yup. They've got to get checked for warts by Herr Doktor ("Mister Doctor" in English). The girls are allowed go in for an abortion without a parent's permission, too, because the gentlemen of the social district are fucking girls as young as they want and getting away with it, while the madams and prosecutors of the district are pressing heavy sex charges against investigators and innocent passersby without any due process of law in a court of prostitution-friendly judges.
So...without the mark, you cannot buy food, travel, get on a plane, get medical care, etc. In short, you are bannished to dead land Doesn't this mandatory vaccine smack of this, with just a different name?
Which mandatory vaccine?
The COVID vaccine, you either take it, or you don't eat, shop, or associate with other humans.

I don't live in Canada...

Yeah. . . I skim articles and miss important things in them sometimes too.

" That it wont just be Canada but in fact all nations will have similar roadmaps and agendas. That we need to take advantage of the situations before us to promote change on a grander scale for the betterment of everyone. The members who were opposed and ones who brought up key issues that would arise from such a thing were completely ignored. Our opinions and concerns were ignored. We were simply told to just do it. "
Fauci works for Gates:
As director of NCI, Klausner led one of the world's largest research and health agencies, creating programs aimed at applying science and technology to improve global public health problems and, with Dr. Anthony Fauci, overseeing the creation and development of the Vaccine Research Center.

He was director of the NIH which siphoned millions to a lab in Wuhan for some reason.
He was just honored by Bill Gates and Obama with a star studded party:
Dr. Anthony Fauci Receives Hero's Tribute From Bill Gates, Matthew McConaughey, Sharon Stone

Gates is giving polio to India and Africa through his polio vaccines:
A new polio outbreak in Sudan has been linked to the oral polio vaccine that uses a weakened form of the virus
Use of the oral polio vaccine was discontinued in the UK in 2004 and the US in 2000, and the UN agency advises that the use of the oral vaccine should be discontinued after polio is judged to be eradicated because of the risk of vaccine-derived outbreaks.

Gates is developing a chip that can be given in a vaccine that will record everything about you:
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has donated more than $21 million towards developing a vaccine technology that uses a tattoo-like mechanism which injects invisible nanoparticles under the skin that is now being tested in a vaccine against the virus that causes COVID-19.
The microneedle technology is also being wed to injectable technology, funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which embeds under the skin a vaccination record visible by near infrared light that can be read by smartphone technology.
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is funding the technologies with aims to enable “house-to-house” vaccine campaigns undertaken by people with “minimal training".

Revelation is alive and well, and is being implemented...
Luke 21:28
And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.
If it were mandatory it would go to the Scotus and they wouldn't mandate it. You are worried for nothing.

More than a third of Americans, 35%, said they wouldn’t get a free U.S. government-approved vaccine if it were ready today, according to a recent Gallup survey.

Previous polls found many people who were reluctant to get immunized worried about the safety of a vaccine that’s being developed with unprecedented speed.

But lots of people opting out would delay herd immunity, so some officials support compulsory immunizations. Australia’s prime minister last month suggested the vaccine would be mandatory in his country, but later backtracked on those comments.
A key member of the White House coronavirus task force assured it won’t happen. Dr. Anthony Fauci said he would “definitely not” support a nationwide mandate of the COVID-19 vaccine.

As in too often in your case -- I don't think you thought this out.. No one has to make the vaccine MANDATORY.. They just have to issue "Covid Clean" cards..

So if you refuse -- and DON'T have a "marked card" -- then you won't be able to board public transit, go to sporting events, book a wedding hall, visit Grammy in a nursing home and 87 other restrictions on your life. Possibly extend to kids and family as well.

Not ALL of these are govt restrictions. Private biz and companies may mark you as well. Like if you need a plumber..

So -- there's an issue here. We don't know the magnitude of it yet -- but it's coming.. AND it aint gonna be a "surprise"... Read these links...

I'm quite certain that Penelope SAW ALL THESE OTHER LINKS and just fished out the few that fit her narrative..
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People don't want to wear a mask and some of the governors haven't issued it mandatory, and some are fine with it. We mask up,
and Me and my husband are going to get vaccinated, can't wait for it to come out, and most people I know will get vaccinated.

We both were in the Army and they give the gun there, who knows what is in it, and I'm sure it will be covid in the gun, if its good enough for the military it's good enough for us.

Mark of the beast is hilarious in my opinion, and I don't care if I have a mark of the beast.
So...without the mark, you cannot buy food, travel, get on a plane, get medical care, etc. In short, you are bannished to dead land Doesn't this mandatory vaccine smack of this, with just a different name?

Since nobody has said any of this, what in the hell are you talking about?
Read it again.

Did your words shuffle from the first time?
Now what the hell are YOU talking about? Shuffle what words? Yer a mod. You can see whatever I do. Nothing was edited. Its a subject about religious documents in the christian bible. I asked a legit question. You have a barb up your butt for some reason so don't take it out on me. But...since you are a mod, you can. Hence..rubber room as if my question is stupid or assinine.
Its both.
It is to you because you are an atheist. I humbly ask you to avoid reading threads such as this if all you are going to do it ridicule and snark someone's beliefs or concerns. Thanks in advance.
Its a debate board, and when someone says something batshit crazy, I'll challenge it. Block me.
I don't have issue with you enough to block you. I am saying YOU think I am batshit crazy. Doesn't mean anyone else does and if they do....that's on them. Challenge all you want. Like you feel towards me, your opinion about my opinion means diddly squat. But you go ahead and do your thang and I'll do mine.
The issue is....atheist or spiritual/ not if its 666 or just a mandate. The issue is FORCING freedom loving Americans they MUST get something injected into them in order to survive AS Americans.
We both were in the Army and they give the gun there, who knows what is in it, and I'm sure it will be covid in the gun, if its good enough for the military it's good enough for us.
Even Agent Orange?
People don't want to wear a mask and some of the governors haven't issued it mandatory, and some are fine with it. We mask up,

Some governors HAVE done this.. But the smart, less tyrannical governors leave that decision up to city/county level control. "Some being fine with it" doesn't fulfill any meaningful objective. Because wearing a mask doesn't really protect YOU -- it protects others if YOU are a carrier/spreader. Recent study outta (IIRC) Stanford showed that 85% of Covid patients wore a mask in accordance to CDC guidelines. While you can't prove it does NOT reduce PEAKs or transmission rates, many states and counties now spiking have had "mask mandates" in place MONTHS prior to the latest wave..
People don't want to wear a mask and some of the governors haven't issued it mandatory, and some are fine with it. We mask up,

Some governors HAVE done this.. But the smart, less tyrannical governors leave that decision up to city/county level control. "Some being fine with it" doesn't fulfill any meaningful objective. Because wearing a mask doesn't really protect YOU -- it protects others if YOU are a carrier/spreader. Recent study outta (IIRC) Stanford showed that 85% of Covid patients wore a mask in accordance to CDC guidelines. While you can't prove it does NOT reduce PEAKs or transmission rates, many states and counties now spiking have had "mask mandates" in place MONTHS prior to the latest wave..
Yeah. . . in all likelihood, masking is more than likely statistically meaningless, (as far as transmission rates are concerned,) but a good symbolic exercise of state control.

It is a good dry run to see how well they can roll out voluntary compliance with vaccines as a function of interacting with work and commerce.

I'd say, for the folks running the show, it is going pretty well.

0.666- Number of the microbeast
666i- Number of the imaginary beast
6...,6..., uh 6?- Number of the blonde beast
DCLXVI- Number of the Roman beast
999- Number of the Australian beast

The only other time the number 666 is associated with a man is when describing Solomons yearly stipend of 666 talents of gold, taken from the temple treasury which amounts to about 25 tons of gold yearly, (not to mention taxes tolls, tributes, etc., fleeced from the people daily).

This system of religious tyranny inculcated by indoctrinating children, demonizing unbelievers, ceremonial chanting, celebrating holidays, maudlin songs, etc., to perpetuate the delusion by what the ancients called "the magical arts" or "sorcery", (what we call brainwashing or mind control), was was copied by Solomon from Egypt and again by the roman papacy and every other religious scam and perverse governing ideology that persists to this day.

Still works like a charm.

Not funny
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People don't want to wear a mask and some of the governors haven't issued it mandatory, and some are fine with it. We mask up,

Some governors HAVE done this.. But the smart, less tyrannical governors leave that decision up to city/county level control. "Some being fine with it" doesn't fulfill any meaningful objective. Because wearing a mask doesn't really protect YOU -- it protects others if YOU are a carrier/spreader. Recent study outta (IIRC) Stanford showed that 85% of Covid patients wore a mask in accordance to CDC guidelines. While you can't prove it does NOT reduce PEAKs or transmission rates, many states and counties now spiking have had "mask mandates" in place MONTHS prior to the latest wave..

People don't want to wear a mask and some of the governors haven't issued it mandatory, and some are fine with it. We mask up,

Some governors HAVE done this.. But the smart, less tyrannical governors leave that decision up to city/county level control. "Some being fine with it" doesn't fulfill any meaningful objective. Because wearing a mask doesn't really protect YOU -- it protects others if YOU are a carrier/spreader. Recent study outta (IIRC) Stanford showed that 85% of Covid patients wore a mask in accordance to CDC guidelines. While you can't prove it does NOT reduce PEAKs or transmission rates, many states and counties now spiking have had "mask mandates" in place MONTHS prior to the latest wave..

Fact-checkers are spinners.. They don't JUSTIFY their conclusions.. After accusing everybody of lying in that POS analysis -- they concluded "NOT EXACTLY"... Which is TRUE.. And I covered that when I said ----

While you can't prove it does NOT reduce PEAKs or transmission rates, many states and counties now spiking have had "mask mandates" in place MONTHS prior to the latest wave..

Point is -- like I said in earlier posts -- masks are to PROTECT OTHERS MORE -- than are to protect you.. Masks are EFFECTIVE in REDUCING transmission -- but MOSTLY when worn by folks that are symptomatic.. Not so much by folks trying to protect themselves.

So more mask wearing WILL reduce cases. But you're never gonna get knuckle draggers to mask up.. So you end up with the same result as gun abuse.. Where 0.05% of gun owners EVER POSE A THREAT.. So it is with the "unmasked",..

That 85% of religiously mask wearers is a data point. Your brain shuts down and runs to "fact checkers" instead of burning the 39 calories to ANALYZE THIS FOR YOURSELF.. And ALL you're looking for is a "quick score".. Most things are too complex to ever win the game looking for "quick scores".,..
So...without the mark, you cannot buy food, travel, get on a plane, get medical care, etc. In short, you are bannished to dead land Doesn't this mandatory vaccine smack of this, with just a different name?
The word mark means, badge of loyalty
I think the 666 thingy will be fairly obvious when it happens

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