Mark Shields, PBS Commentator, Claims GOP, Not Democrats, Are Committing Voter Fraud

To keep the multiple voting down and ballot box stuffing to a minimum.
There is no multiple voting. 10 cases since 2000, with hundreds of millions of votes cast, is negligible.

In-person voter fraud a very rare phenomenon PolitiFact Georgia

So you're wrong again.
And you are extremely naive or of the two.
OK - find a study that has found more than 10 documented cases of in-person voting fraud since 2000.

Should be easy for you.
I guess you haven't been paying attention.
Somebody has to call it to someone's attention.....and if you own the polling places and have selected the poll-watchers they aren't going to report it. One that was nailed for it in the 2012 election was a poll-watcher herself......and when she got out on probation, Al Sharpton threw a party for her. Al Sharpton Democrats honor woman convicted of voter fraud - Spokane Conservative

Besides......most of the voting fraud is through absentee voting.


While appearing at a rally to kick-off the campaign for an Ohio state constitutional amendment dealing with voters' rights, MSNBC host Al Sharpton and some Democrats honored Melowese Richardson, a former poll worker who was convicted in 2013 of voter fraud, reported Friday.

Richardson admitted voting twice for Obama in 2012, and was indicted for voting at least six times. She was also charged last year of illegal voting in the 2008 and 2011 elections.

She was sentenced to five years in prison, but was released and placed on probation after Democratic activists demanded a "fairer" term, said.

Apparently, upon noticing Richardson at the rally, held at the Word of Deliverance Church in Forest Park, Cincinnati National Action Network President Bobby Hilton called Richardson on stage for a "welcome home," where Sharpton hugged her.

The incident sparked outrage from Republicans on Twitter.​
Keeping in line with Hillary's bullshit claims that the GOP is trying to keep people from voting in elections, Mark Shields on PBS, made a claim that it's the GOP who is committing fraud, not Democrats. He based it on the false assumption the GOP wants to keep some people from voting because of their insistence on I.D. cards when voting:

The liberal commentator touted how Clinton was “right on the issue” and accused the GOP of committing “fraud” over the issue of voter fraud:

And one of the great frauds that Republicans have perpetrated over the past generation has been this idea of voter fraud, that people are showing up, 31 cases in 14 years, Judy, of people stealing identity or voting improperly. So, I think she’s absolutely right. It is our responsibility to make voting available to as many people as possible who want to vote.
Mark Shields Voter Fraud is a Great GOP Fraud
What Mark and Hillary mean is it doesn't matter if they're citizens or convicted felons.....everyone who wants to vote should have the right to vote....early and just possibly as many times as possible.

Obama has his media stooges.....and so does Hillary.
You forgot about millions of illegals committing a felony by voting, like Obama wanted to do..... Fortunately, the federal courts apparently don't agree with the plan.

Assumes facts NOT in evidence.
Then try this....

Poll 70 percent support voter ID laws TheHill
The 70 percent who support voter ID laws remains largely unchanged in the past few years. Another 27 percent believe the laws are unnecessary.

The issue has resurfaced recently as Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) said Republicans should not go too crazy over the law because they are offending people, African-Americans in particular.

He later clarified he believes the laws should not be a defining issue for Republicans, and they should be left up to the states to decide. A total of 31 states have active voter identification laws, while a handful of others have recently been struck down in state courts.

The survey found majorities of every demographic support the law. Ninety-one percent of Republicans offer support, and 66 percent of independents feel the same.

Fifty-five percent of Democrats support the laws, while 43 percent oppose them.

Or this....
Black voter turnout exceeds white voter turnout even in states with strict ID laws pundit claims PunditFact

Riley told us he got the statistic from the U.S. Census Bureau. The federal data agency indicated in a 2013 report that the black voting rate (66.2 percent) indeed surpassed the white voting rate (64.1 percent) by 2.1 percentage points in the 2012 elections.


According to experts, the strictest voter ID laws are when voters are required to present a photo ID when casting a ballot, and if they don't, are required to take additional steps before their vote can be counted. If a voter can’t present an ID, he or she is issued a provisional ballot and must submit an ID within a certain amount of time (usually 2 to 6 days). The Census reports that in these states, black voter rates in the 2012 elections were just as high if not higher than white voter rates:

  • Missouri: Black voter turnout higher by more than 6.0 percent*

  • Tennessee: Black voter turnout higher by more than 6.0 percent

  • Georgia: Black voter turnout higher by 0 to 5.9 percent

  • Indiana: Black voter turnout higher by 0 to 5.9 percent

  • Virginia: Black voter turnout higher by 0 to 5.9 percent*

  • Arkansas: Voter turnout not statistically different*

  • Kansas: Voter turnout not statistically different

  • Texas: Voter turnout not statistically different*
(* indicates that voter ID laws were not in effect in 2012)
bet ya those 70% DRIVE, thus no need for themselves to have to go out of their way and lifestyle that they choose to live, (without GVT ISSUED ID'S), just to supply you with a gvt issued photo id at the polling booth, that a worker's id with their recent electric bill or water bill or their SSAN card with water bill showing name and address would have been simply identify yourself to the poll clerk checking you off as voted.

ALL For supposed voter fraud at the polling booth, that supposedly only a gvt issued photo id could stop this supposed fraud, which statistically never takes place....

YOU DAMN RIGHT IT'S VOTER FRAUD via DISENFRANCHISEMENT of a citizen's right to vote....perpetrated by the GOP....they SAID SO themselves, the purpose of government issued photo ids was to limit citizens from voting (that do not drive)because those citizens without id/as in a driver's license, were normally poor, democratic voters....

Same with cutting the hours of the early voting limits citizens from being able to vote.....same with having polling places in democratic areas limited and causing long long long lines with having 2 to 3 times the amount of voting spots in republican regional areas....

this is all to disenfranchise citizens of their vote...and yes, THAT'S VOTER FRAUD in the multitudes....
and if you own the polling places and have selected the poll-watchers they aren't going to report it.
Most polling places are in churches or libraries. FAIL. now all of the sudden religious folks are beyond reproach??

And I've never voted in a library.

Sounds like a college campus.....where they allowed students to vote as many as 10 times during the 2000 election at the University of Michigan.

Besides......most of the voting fraud is through absentee voting.
Then that makes photo ID a non-issue. FAIL.

Thanks for playing!
They're beginning to go through the absentee voter rolls and eliminate the dead and the unqualified, but Democrats raise hell every time it happens. This last election proved that when you keep Democrats from cheating they don't win all that much.

I think this election thousands of new Americans with driver's licenses given to them by Democrats will be registering and voting.

And you'll cheer it.
Keeping in line with Hillary's bullshit claims that the GOP is trying to keep people from voting in elections, Mark Shields on PBS, made a claim that it's the GOP who is committing fraud, not Democrats. He based it on the false assumption the GOP wants to keep some people from voting because of their insistence on I.D. cards when voting:

The liberal commentator touted how Clinton was “right on the issue” and accused the GOP of committing “fraud” over the issue of voter fraud:

And one of the great frauds that Republicans have perpetrated over the past generation has been this idea of voter fraud, that people are showing up, 31 cases in 14 years, Judy, of people stealing identity or voting improperly. So, I think she’s absolutely right. It is our responsibility to make voting available to as many people as possible who want to vote.
Mark Shields Voter Fraud is a Great GOP Fraud
What Mark and Hillary mean is it doesn't matter if they're citizens or convicted felons.....everyone who wants to vote should have the right to vote....early and just possibly as many times as possible.

Obama has his media stooges.....and so does Hillary.
You forgot about millions of illegals committing a felony by voting, like Obama wanted to do..... Fortunately, the federal courts apparently don't agree with the plan.

Assumes facts NOT in evidence.
Then try this....

Poll 70 percent support voter ID laws TheHill
The 70 percent who support voter ID laws remains largely unchanged in the past few years. Another 27 percent believe the laws are unnecessary.

The issue has resurfaced recently as Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) said Republicans should not go too crazy over the law because they are offending people, African-Americans in particular.

He later clarified he believes the laws should not be a defining issue for Republicans, and they should be left up to the states to decide. A total of 31 states have active voter identification laws, while a handful of others have recently been struck down in state courts.

The survey found majorities of every demographic support the law. Ninety-one percent of Republicans offer support, and 66 percent of independents feel the same.

Fifty-five percent of Democrats support the laws, while 43 percent oppose them.

Or this....
Black voter turnout exceeds white voter turnout even in states with strict ID laws pundit claims PunditFact

Riley told us he got the statistic from the U.S. Census Bureau. The federal data agency indicated in a 2013 report that the black voting rate (66.2 percent) indeed surpassed the white voting rate (64.1 percent) by 2.1 percentage points in the 2012 elections.


According to experts, the strictest voter ID laws are when voters are required to present a photo ID when casting a ballot, and if they don't, are required to take additional steps before their vote can be counted. If a voter can’t present an ID, he or she is issued a provisional ballot and must submit an ID within a certain amount of time (usually 2 to 6 days). The Census reports that in these states, black voter rates in the 2012 elections were just as high if not higher than white voter rates:

  • Missouri: Black voter turnout higher by more than 6.0 percent*

  • Tennessee: Black voter turnout higher by more than 6.0 percent

  • Georgia: Black voter turnout higher by 0 to 5.9 percent

  • Indiana: Black voter turnout higher by 0 to 5.9 percent

  • Virginia: Black voter turnout higher by 0 to 5.9 percent*

  • Arkansas: Voter turnout not statistically different*

  • Kansas: Voter turnout not statistically different

  • Texas: Voter turnout not statistically different*
(* indicates that voter ID laws were not in effect in 2012)
bet ya those 70% DRIVE, thus no need for themselves to have to go out of their way and lifestyle that they choose to live, (without GVT ISSUED ID'S), just to supply you with a gvt issued photo id at the polling booth, that a worker's id with their recent electric bill or water bill or their SSAN card with water bill showing name and address would have been simply identify yourself to the poll clerk checking you off as voted.

ALL For supposed voter fraud at the polling booth, that supposedly only a gvt issued photo id could stop this supposed fraud, which statistically never takes place....

YOU DAMN RIGHT IT'S VOTER FRAUD via DISENFRANCHISEMENT of a citizen's right to vote....perpetrated by the GOP....they SAID SO themselves, the purpose of government issued photo ids was to limit citizens from voting (that do not drive)because those citizens without id/as in a driver's license, were normally poor, democratic voters....

Same with cutting the hours of the early voting limits citizens from being able to vote.....same with having polling places in democratic areas limited and causing long long long lines with having 2 to 3 times the amount of voting spots in republican regional areas....

this is all to disenfranchise citizens of their vote...and yes, THAT'S VOTER FRAUD in the multitudes....

A Personal Testimony

J. Christian Adams is a former DOJ election lawyer who worked on the Philadelphia Black Panther voter intimidation case. He resigned in protest of Eric Holder’s race-based application of the law. According to Adams’ new book,Injustice, Eric Holder became directly involved in the Black Panther case. Mr. Adams agreed to be interviewed for this report. Some highlights:

  • DOJ is engaged in a massive campaign to force states to… become aggressive voter registration offices…
  • DOJ announced they would not enforce Section 8 because it won’t increase turnout.
  • States are infested with dead voters on the rolls.
  • Investigations into eight states with widespread voter roll problems… were spiked
  • Because of Motor Voter, voter rolls in many states seeing influx of illegal aliens.
  • Data show that illegal aliens are participating in American elections.
  • DOJ is using [VRA] Sec. 5 to stop voter integrity initiatives.
  • Every one of Holder’s 113 new attorney hires is a far-left radical.
The Left s National Vote Fraud Strategy Exposed
To keep the multiple voting down and ballot box stuffing to a minimum.
There is no multiple voting. 10 cases since 2000, with hundreds of millions of votes cast, is negligible.

In-person voter fraud a very rare phenomenon PolitiFact Georgia

So you're wrong again.
A Textbook Case: Houston Votes

In July 2010, a newly-formed voter registration group named Houston Votes (HV) announced it intended to register 100,000 Houston, Texas area voters in a few months. Catherine Engelbrecht, Leader of True the Vote (TTV) and King Street Patriots (KSP), was skeptical. Her group checked about 1,000 HV registrations. The number of erroneous registrations submitted by HV andDemocracia—a group targeting unregistered Hispanics—was, she said, “off the charts.”

They brought their results to Harris County Registrar, Leo Vasquez, who reviewed HV registrations. He found that of 25,640 submitted, only 7,193 were “apparently new voters.” On August 24, Vasquez held an unprecedented press conference,announcing:

Evidence shows that the Houston Votes and Texans Together organization is conspiring in a pattern of falsification of government documents, suborning of perjury and a deliberate effort to over-burden our processing system with thousands of duplicate and incomplete voter registration applications.

He raised concerns that HV was, like ACORN, paying employees based on the number of applications they turned in, and cited specific examples of problematic registrations:

3,531 No match for SSN or driver’s license number

1,597 Multiple apps for the same person

1,014 Pre-existing voters

1,030 Incomplete apps

25 Non-citizens

325 Minors

129 Ineligible felons

1,133 No ID

1,323 Filed past deadline

The Left s National Vote Fraud Strategy Exposed
The thing both of you have been ignoring is Hillary knows what is in the works.

They're going to see if they can snooker the public into going along with letting all of these Guatemalan refugees getting work cards, paying taxes, and being allowed to vote for Democrats.
Assumes facts NOT in evidence.
Actually the evidence is everywhere in their rhetoric.

But no actual fraudulent votes by "millions of illegals" anywhere to be found in reality.
Actually, people aren't looking for it for some strange reason. I think if the media wasn't supporting this the truth about it would become very public. Democrats already have openly called illegals "Undocumented Americans". As a matter of fact, they want to remove "Illegal Immigration" from the debate entirely....including the phrase.

So, are you really this gullible?

Your semantics can't obscure the fact there are NOT "millions of illegals" voting in elections.

That you can't prove your FauxNoise disinformation says volumes
There will be millions if Democrats get their way. Right now, it's only thousands. Obama has made provisions for as many as 30 million new immigrants to enter the country in the next 10 years.

Repeating your baseless canards doesn't alter the fact that they are still just blatant lies.
Amnesty judge gets tough with defiant Obama

Hanen’s ordered the government to “explain” the details of a brief from government attorney Kyle Freeny that disclosed the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services had approved tens of thousands of three-year exemptions between Nov. 24, 2014, and Hanen’s injunction.

Hanen’s order, Feb. 16, did not block a 2012 plan that offers amnesty to those who were brought to the U.S. illegally as children.

But that program doesn’t provide for three-year exemptions. The exemptions are part of the administration’s November order.

The case was brought by Texas and 25 other states, and joined by Arizona’s Sheriff Joe Arpaio, who has a similar case pending before a federal appeals court in Washington, D.C..

Upon discovering the ongoing grants of amnesty, the states filed a motion demanding to know who was providing the benefits.

WND reported Arpaio also asked for a hearing for the government to explain why it apparently is refusing to abide by Hanen’s order.

A notice and recommendation was filed by attorney Larry Klayman of Freedom Watch on behalf of Arpaio.

“Several reports indicate that the executive branch under the Obama administration has not complied with this court’s temporary injunction, but continues full-speed to implement a grant of amnesty and related benefits to approximately 5 million citizens of foreign countries who are illegally in the United States under the defendants’ November 20, 2014, executive action programs implemented by several memoranda issued by Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson,” the filing explains.

The brief is accompanied by a motion seeking “further leave” of the court to file the request.

It explains: “If the defendants have in fact halted implementation of the programs in compliance with the court’s temporary injunction, the opportunity to assure the court and other observers of this may be afforded by the court asking for a response on whether the reports of continued implementation are accurate and whether the injunction is being complied with.”

Read more at Amnesty judge gets tough with defiant Obama

So now the OP is derailing his own thread since he cannot substantiate that "millions of illegals" are committing voting fraud.


Nope. No derailing exists. Illegals were mentioned in the op.

We can establish that Democrats are making it possible and are currently trying to make what they've been doing illegally for

So the fraud is what the Democrats are doing, not the Republicans.

Your OP is about alleged voter fraud by "millions of illegals" that is clearly not happening.

Your deflection towards your GOP obstruction of how the Executive branch is prioritizing the issue of illegal aliens is a derailing of your own OP premise.
Right now Obama has thousands of legal immigrants that are not citizens voting in battleground states. Soon, he will have millions of new legal immigrants voting once he can gain permanent amnesty for them. Give them a driver's license and a Social Security card and they can register to vote.

Repeating your baseless canards doesn't alter the fact that they are still just blatant lies.
Should States Allow Non-Citizens to Vote - Page 9

Published October 24, 2010 | Associated Press

PORTLAND, Maine -- Like his neighbors,
Claude Rwaganje pays taxes on his income and taxes on his cars. His
children have gone to Portland's public schools. He's interested in the
workings of Maine's largest city, which he has called home for 13 years.

There's one vital difference, though:
Rwaganje isn't a U.S. citizen and isn't allowed to vote on those taxes
or on school issues. That may soon change.

Portland residents will vote Nov. 2 on a
proposal to give legal residents who are not U.S. citizens the right to
vote in local elections, joining places like San Francisco and Chicago
that have already loosened the rules or are considering it.

Noncitizens hold down jobs, pay taxes, own
businesses, volunteer in the community and serve in the military, and
it's only fair they be allowed to vote, Rwaganje said.

"We have immigrants who are playing key
roles in different issues of this country, but they don't get the right
to vote," said Rwaganje, 40, who moved to the U.S. because of political
strife in his native Congo and runs a nonprofit that offers financial
advice to immigrants.

Opponents of the measure say immigrants
already have an avenue to cast ballots -- by becoming citizens. Allowing
non-citizens to vote dilutes the meaning of citizenship, they say,
adding that it could lead to fraud and unfairly sway elections.

"My primary objection is I don't think it is
right, I don't think it is just, I don't think it is fair," Portland
resident Barbara Campbell Harvey said.

In San Francisco, a ballot question Nov. 2
will ask voters whether they want to allow non-citizens to vote in school
board elections if they are the parents, legal guardians or caregivers
of children in the school system.

Non-citizens are allowed to vote in school
board elections in Chicago and in municipal elections in half a dozen
towns in Maryland, said Ron Hayduk, a professor at the City University
of New York and author of "Democracy for All: Restoring Immigrant Voting
Rights in the United States."

States can choose to allow green card holders to vote in local elections.

That has NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do with Obama or Federal Immigration policies or Federal elections for that matter.
Should non-citizens in the U.S. vote - LA Times

As of Jan. 1, 2012, an estimated 13.3 million lawful permanent residents lived in the United States, and 8.8 million of them were eligible to apply for U.S. citizenship but had not done so. In California, 2.48 million out of 3.4 million green-card holders were eligible to apply but chose not to. And, of course, not all non-citizens residing in this country are “lawful.” An estimated 11 million people live here without permission, though President Obama recently took action to defer the deportation of as many as half of them.

EDITORIAL SERIES: Exploring the meaning of citizenship in the 21st Century

America obviously would benefit if more non-citizens living here — including, eventually, undocumented immigrants — took on the responsibilities and privileges of citizenship. But what if they don't? Non-citizens are still members of their communities. They pay taxes and in many cases send their children to public schools. Should they be given some greater say in the decisions of the local governments, school boards and judicial systems that make decisions for themselves and their children?

Many Americans consider it unthinkable that non-citizens — even lawful permanent residents — would be allowed to vote in elections. Gov. Jerry Brown agrees with them. Last year, in vetoing a bill that would have allowed non-citizen permanent residents to serve on juries, Brown said, “Jury service, like voting, is quintessentially a prerogative and responsibility of citizenship.”

Brown was accurately describing current practice. At present, it's a crime, punishable by a year in prison, for a non-citizen to vote in a federal election. U.S. citizenship is also a near-universal requirement for voting in state and local elections.

But it wasn't always thus. Far from considering voting “quintessentially” an attribute of citizenship, as many as 40 states and U.S. territories once allowed non-citizens to vote in state and sometimes in federal elections. Non-citizen white men in some places enjoyed the franchise even as it was denied to women and African Americans. Ron Hayduk, a political science professor at Queens College and advocate for non-citizen voting, has called it “as American as apple pie.”

Allowing non-citizens to vote was not motivated by 21st century notions of globalism or diversity. Rather, according to a study by Jamin B. Raskin, “the practice was seen as conducive to a desired immigration (and assimilation) of foreigners and consistent with basic principles of democratic government.” Some states extended the franchise only to non-citizens who declared an intention to seek citizenship.

America obviously would benefit if more non-citizens living here ... took on the responsibilities and privileges of citizenship. But what if they don't?-
So-called alien suffrage began to be restricted at the turn of the 20th century, partly in response to nativist fear that immigrants from eastern and southern Europe (many of them Roman Catholic) couldn't be “real Americans.” In 1926 Arkansas became the last state to abandon alien suffrage.

But in recent years there have been efforts to extend the franchise to non-citizens, at least in local elections. Six towns in Maryland now allow non-citizens — including undocumented immigrants — to vote in municipal elections. The city of Takoma Park, Md., allowed non-citizens to vote after a 1990 city census found significant numbers of residents who weren't citizens. Such proposals aren't always successful: In 2010, San Francisco voters turned down a proposal to let non-citizen parents of children in public schools vote in school board elections.​

Local electoral boards can choose for themselves who qualifies as voters. If you are a resident taxpayer in a school district that might be all that is needed. Many immigrants participate in volunteer positions in their communities.

Let me repeat for the slow witted, local elections have nothing whatsoever to do with FEDERAL ELECTIONS.

Are all extremist rightwingers this appallingly ignorant?
So the fraud is what the Democrats are doing, not the Republicans.
What's the reasoning behind cutting early voting?
To keep the multiple voting down and ballot box stuffing to a minimum. If we didn't have early voting I don't think Democrats would win many elections.
Democrats are constantly registering "new" voters through same-day registration. Many of them cannot be verified in time before the election.


The Left s National Vote Fraud Strategy Exposed
This strategy has been under development for decades. They have constructed an entire industry devoted to this task and pursue a multifaceted strategy to accomplish it:

1. Swamp election officials with overwhelming numbers of registrations at the last possible minute, a huge proportion of which are deliberately fraudulent, in order to create systematic chaos. This accomplishes numerous goals:

  • Makes verification of registrations difficult, given the small size and limited budgets of state and local election offices.
  • Provides multiple opportunities for vote fraud.
  • Throws the entire voting process into question, providing pretext for lawsuits where concessions may be obtained from election officials.
  • When election officials challenge registrations, they are accused of “voter suppression.” This in turn serves complementary goals:
    • Charge of “voter suppression” reinforces the Left’s narrative about America as an oppressive, “racist” country.
    • Publicity and lawsuits intimidate election officials, who settle on terms favorable to the Left.
2. Activists sue state authorities for “voter suppression,” creating further chaos and pressuring them to become de facto taxpayer-funded voter registration operations;

3. Eric Holder’s Justice Department tacitly supports voter intimidation tactics, sues states and backs private lawsuits, and resists reform as “voter suppression.”

4. Leftist echo chamber discredits allegations of vote fraud, supports “suppression” theme, and promotes advantageous legislation.

The ultimate goal is a systematized, taxpayer-funded voting machinery that will guarantee maximum participation from the Left’s voting demographic while undermining the ability to manage elections and prevent fraud.

The ACORN Swamping Method

Key to understanding the Left’s vote-fraud strategy is the community organizing group ACORN. ACORN has become synonymous with corruption, complicity in the subprime mortgage crisis and especially vote fraud.

ACORN and its voter registration arm, Project Vote, hire marginal and unskilled workers at very low rates and use incentive bonuses or quotas to encourage them to collect as many voter registrations as possible. The resulting flood of registrations are fraught with duplicates, errors and omissions, and a large number are overtly fraudulent, including names like “Donald Duck,” “Mickey Mouse,” “Tony Romo” of the Dallas Cowboys, etc.[2] According to MatthewVadum, the senior editor at Capital Research Center, a total of 400,000 bogus ACORN registrations were thrown out in 2008 alone.

ACORN was supposedly disbanded in 2010 but resurrected itself under a slew of new names. Former ACORN President Bertha Lewis bragged that they created “…18 bulletproof community-organizing Frankensteins…” These are reproduced in the table below. Most of these groups occupy former ACORN offices, many with the same staff.

ACORN is directly connected to Obama and the Democratic Party. Counsel to The Advance Group, a strategic planning company, is Michael Gaspard, Patrick Gaspard’s brother. Patrick is currently the DNC’s executive director and President Obama’s former political director. He has worked for ACORN, the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) and the Working Families Party, a descendant of the ACORN-founded New Party which Barack Obama joined in 1996. Obama has bragged of “fighting alongside ACORN on issues you care about my entire career.”​

Repeating your baseless canards doesn't alter the fact that they are still just blatant lies.
Besides......most of the voting fraud is through absentee voting.
Then that makes photo ID a non-issue. FAIL.

Thanks for playing!
They're beginning to go through the absentee voter rolls and eliminate the dead and the unqualified, but Democrats raise hell every time it happens. This last election proved that when you keep Democrats from cheating they don't win all that much.

I think this election thousands of new Americans with driver's licenses given to them by Democrats will be registering and voting.

And you'll cheer it.

Repeating your baseless canards doesn't alter the fact that they are still just blatant lies.
we need to demand our tax dollars NOT BE funding this BIASED stuff put out by PBS.

they take our monies and then turn around and USE IT against us
To keep the multiple voting down and ballot box stuffing to a minimum.
There is no multiple voting. 10 cases since 2000, with hundreds of millions of votes cast, is negligible.

In-person voter fraud a very rare phenomenon PolitiFact Georgia

So you're wrong again.
A Textbook Case: Houston Votes

In July 2010, a newly-formed voter registration group named Houston Votes (HV) announced it intended to register 100,000 Houston, Texas area voters in a few months. Catherine Engelbrecht, Leader of True the Vote (TTV) and King Street Patriots (KSP), was skeptical. Her group checked about 1,000 HV registrations. The number of erroneous registrations submitted by HV andDemocracia—a group targeting unregistered Hispanics—was, she said, “off the charts.”

They brought their results to Harris County Registrar, Leo Vasquez, who reviewed HV registrations. He found that of 25,640 submitted, only 7,193 were “apparently new voters.” On August 24, Vasquez held an unprecedented press conference,announcing:

Evidence shows that the Houston Votes and Texans Together organization is conspiring in a pattern of falsification of government documents, suborning of perjury and a deliberate effort to over-burden our processing system with thousands of duplicate and incomplete voter registration applications.

He raised concerns that HV was, like ACORN, paying employees based on the number of applications they turned in, and cited specific examples of problematic registrations:

3,531 No match for SSN or driver’s license number

1,597 Multiple apps for the same person

1,014 Pre-existing voters

1,030 Incomplete apps

25 Non-citizens

325 Minors

129 Ineligible felons

1,133 No ID

1,323 Filed past deadline

The Left s National Vote Fraud Strategy Exposed

Your extremist conservative disinformation website has zero credibility.

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