Married couple evicted from Mississippi RV park for being an interracial family

From the heart of jesusland , the white christian party's base

Stanley Hoskins spent 13 years in Army, serving as a sergeant in the National Guard. His wife, Erica Flores Dunahoo, put down the first month’s rent at a Mississippi RV park, something she says they were doing to get out of financial difficulty. Stanley and Erica moved in with their children and Erica bragged how friendly everyone had been.

Unfortunately, once the whole family arrived, the situation and attitude of RV park owner Gene Baker quickly changed. From the Clarion-Ledger:

The next day, she said, Baker telephoned her and said, “Hey, you didn’t tell me you was married to no black man.”

She said she replied that she didn’t realize it was a problem.

“Oh, it’s a big problem with the members of my church, my community and my mother-in-law,” she quoted him as saying. “They don’t allow that black and white shacking.”

Married couple evicted from Mississippi RV park for being an interracial family

13 Years in the military and a trailer park is the best this niga can do for his family?
Thats exactly what i was thinking. However, a lot of the NCO's in the army arent really the brightest. :laugh:
here dumbfucks. If this doesn't work, maybe I can find a school house rock video on it to take it to your levels
  1. not tolerant of views, beliefs, or behavior that differ from one's own

  1. tol·er·ant
    1. showing willingness to allow the existence of opinions or behavior that one does not necessarily agree with
Nice deflection. Are you still claiming Closed said it was just intolerance? :lame2:
These type crackas are becoming more embolden , no surprise it always was under the surface in jesusland , now it is bursting out

According to the article, she was shocked because they have never had this kind of problem before, never even gotten "dirty looks," in Mississippi. It appears even the interracial couple feels this is an isolated incident. She has taken appropriate steps so that this isolated bigot cannot continue to discriminate. Isolated bigot has taken the RV off the market and will make no money off of it. Problem solved. Some people are willing to pay the price for their bigoted views. At least hes not on some crowdfunding site begging others to pay for his views. Yet.
These type crackas are becoming more embolden , no surprise it always was under the surface in jesusland , now it is bursting out

According to the article, she was shocked because they have never had this kind of problem before, never even gotten "dirty looks," in Mississippi. It appears even the interracial couple feels this is an isolated incident. She has taken appropriate steps so that this isolated bigot cannot continue to discriminate. Isolated bigot has taken the RV off the market and will make no money off of it. Problem solved. Some people are willing to pay the price for their bigoted views. At least hes not on some crowdfunding site begging others to pay for his views. Yet.
What are appropriate steps to limit freedom, exactly?
These type crackas are becoming more embolden , no surprise it always was under the surface in jesusland , now it is bursting out

According to the article, she was shocked because they have never had this kind of problem before, never even gotten "dirty looks," in Mississippi. It appears even the interracial couple feels this is an isolated incident. She has taken appropriate steps so that this isolated bigot cannot continue to discriminate. Isolated bigot has taken the RV off the market and will make no money off of it. Problem solved. Some people are willing to pay the price for their bigoted views. At least hes not on some crowdfunding site begging others to pay for his views. Yet.
What are appropriate steps to limit freedom, exactly?

No ones freedom is limitless
From the heart of jesusland , the white christian party's base

Stanley Hoskins spent 13 years in Army, serving as a sergeant in the National Guard. His wife, Erica Flores Dunahoo, put down the first month’s rent at a Mississippi RV park, something she says they were doing to get out of financial difficulty. Stanley and Erica moved in with their children and Erica bragged how friendly everyone had been.

Unfortunately, once the whole family arrived, the situation and attitude of RV park owner Gene Baker quickly changed. From the Clarion-Ledger:

The next day, she said, Baker telephoned her and said, “Hey, you didn’t tell me you was married to no black man.”

She said she replied that she didn’t realize it was a problem.

“Oh, it’s a big problem with the members of my church, my community and my mother-in-law,” she quoted him as saying. “They don’t allow that black and white shacking.”

Married couple evicted from Mississippi RV park for being an interracial family

13 Years in the military and a trailer park is the best this niga can do for his family?
Thats exactly what i was thinking. However, a lot of the NCO's in the army arent really the brightest. :laugh:

Just two words...Mississippi and negro's......nuf said!!
These type crackas are becoming more embolden , no surprise it always was under the surface in jesusland , now it is bursting out

According to the article, she was shocked because they have never had this kind of problem before, never even gotten "dirty looks," in Mississippi. It appears even the interracial couple feels this is an isolated incident. She has taken appropriate steps so that this isolated bigot cannot continue to discriminate. Isolated bigot has taken the RV off the market and will make no money off of it. Problem solved. Some people are willing to pay the price for their bigoted views. At least hes not on some crowdfunding site begging others to pay for his views. Yet.
What are appropriate steps to limit freedom, exactly?

No ones freedom is limitless
I agree. I don't support anarchy, CC lol. I just support the individuals right to discrimination. If they want to be a bigot, let them. Go to another campground, ya know?
These type crackas are becoming more embolden , no surprise it always was under the surface in jesusland , now it is bursting out

According to the article, she was shocked because they have never had this kind of problem before, never even gotten "dirty looks," in Mississippi. It appears even the interracial couple feels this is an isolated incident. She has taken appropriate steps so that this isolated bigot cannot continue to discriminate. Isolated bigot has taken the RV off the market and will make no money off of it. Problem solved. Some people are willing to pay the price for their bigoted views. At least hes not on some crowdfunding site begging others to pay for his views. Yet.
What are appropriate steps to limit freedom, exactly?

No ones freedom is limitless
I agree. I don't support anarchy, CC lol. I just support the individuals right to discrimination. If they want to be a bigot, let them. Go to another campground, ya know?

No, my father told me stories about how they had to go from place to place to place just to be able to find a meal that he was more than willing to pay money for. But because they didnt like to serve negros they had to keep walking from place to place. This was back in the day so there wasnt a strip mall or a Food Court with options. So no, I dont understand letting people discriminate.
These type crackas are becoming more embolden , no surprise it always was under the surface in jesusland , now it is bursting out

According to the article, she was shocked because they have never had this kind of problem before, never even gotten "dirty looks," in Mississippi. It appears even the interracial couple feels this is an isolated incident. She has taken appropriate steps so that this isolated bigot cannot continue to discriminate. Isolated bigot has taken the RV off the market and will make no money off of it. Problem solved. Some people are willing to pay the price for their bigoted views. At least hes not on some crowdfunding site begging others to pay for his views. Yet.
What are appropriate steps to limit freedom, exactly?

No ones freedom is limitless
I agree. I don't support anarchy, CC lol. I just support the individuals right to discrimination. If they want to be a bigot, let them. Go to another campground, ya know?

No, my father told me stories about how they had to go from place to place to place just to be able to find a meal that he was more than willing to pay money for. But because they didnt like to serve negros they had to keep walking from place to place. This was back in the day so there wasnt a strip mall or a Food Court with options. So no, I dont understand letting people discriminate.
Fair enough.
I understand your emotion, but emotion cant run a country properly. Liberty can.
These type crackas are becoming more embolden , no surprise it always was under the surface in jesusland , now it is bursting out

According to the article, she was shocked because they have never had this kind of problem before, never even gotten "dirty looks," in Mississippi. It appears even the interracial couple feels this is an isolated incident. She has taken appropriate steps so that this isolated bigot cannot continue to discriminate. Isolated bigot has taken the RV off the market and will make no money off of it. Problem solved. Some people are willing to pay the price for their bigoted views. At least hes not on some crowdfunding site begging others to pay for his views. Yet.
What are appropriate steps to limit freedom, exactly?
Make laws.
From the heart of jesusland , the white christian party's base

Stanley Hoskins spent 13 years in Army, serving as a sergeant in the National Guard. His wife, Erica Flores Dunahoo, put down the first month’s rent at a Mississippi RV park, something she says they were doing to get out of financial difficulty. Stanley and Erica moved in with their children and Erica bragged how friendly everyone had been.

Unfortunately, once the whole family arrived, the situation and attitude of RV park owner Gene Baker quickly changed. From the Clarion-Ledger:

The next day, she said, Baker telephoned her and said, “Hey, you didn’t tell me you was married to no black man.”

She said she replied that she didn’t realize it was a problem.

“Oh, it’s a big problem with the members of my church, my community and my mother-in-law,” she quoted him as saying. “They don’t allow that black and white shacking.”

Married couple evicted from Mississippi RV park for being an interracial family

13 Years in the military and a trailer park is the best this niga can do for his family?
Thats exactly what i was thinking. However, a lot of the NCO's in the army arent really the brightest. :laugh:

Just two words...Mississippi and negro's......nuf said!!
Hey my people are from that fucked up state.
These type crackas are becoming more embolden , no surprise it always was under the surface in jesusland , now it is bursting out

According to the article, she was shocked because they have never had this kind of problem before, never even gotten "dirty looks," in Mississippi. It appears even the interracial couple feels this is an isolated incident. She has taken appropriate steps so that this isolated bigot cannot continue to discriminate. Isolated bigot has taken the RV off the market and will make no money off of it. Problem solved. Some people are willing to pay the price for their bigoted views. At least hes not on some crowdfunding site begging others to pay for his views. Yet.
What are appropriate steps to limit freedom, exactly?
Make laws.
The more corrupt the state, the more it legislates ~ Tacitus
These type crackas are becoming more embolden , no surprise it always was under the surface in jesusland , now it is bursting out

According to the article, she was shocked because they have never had this kind of problem before, never even gotten "dirty looks," in Mississippi. It appears even the interracial couple feels this is an isolated incident. She has taken appropriate steps so that this isolated bigot cannot continue to discriminate. Isolated bigot has taken the RV off the market and will make no money off of it. Problem solved. Some people are willing to pay the price for their bigoted views. At least hes not on some crowdfunding site begging others to pay for his views. Yet.
What are appropriate steps to limit freedom, exactly?

She contacted an agency who is investigating. If laws were broken, I assume owner/manager will be fined. Meanwhile, owner/manager has taken the rental off the market and will not make money off it until a decision is made. Interracial couple has moved on and found a spot where they are welcome. No one has become violent or threatening as far as I can tell and both sides appear to have moved on until the decision is made. Neither side seems interested in forcing the other side to do anything. One side feels wronged and reported it. The other side feels justified but will not rent to anyone until the law (if any) is clarified. No one has been forced to go against their beliefs and no one is allowing their rights to be trampled. Now, they wait for the mods to rule. Seems everyone is being civil, although one side is wrong, IMO. My opinion doesnt mean much, though, which is why neither side came to me to resolve the dispute.
These type crackas are becoming more embolden , no surprise it always was under the surface in jesusland , now it is bursting out

According to the article, she was shocked because they have never had this kind of problem before, never even gotten "dirty looks," in Mississippi. It appears even the interracial couple feels this is an isolated incident. She has taken appropriate steps so that this isolated bigot cannot continue to discriminate. Isolated bigot has taken the RV off the market and will make no money off of it. Problem solved. Some people are willing to pay the price for their bigoted views. At least hes not on some crowdfunding site begging others to pay for his views. Yet.
What are appropriate steps to limit freedom, exactly?

No ones freedom is limitless
I agree. I don't support anarchy, CC lol. I just support the individuals right to discrimination. If they want to be a bigot, let them. Go to another campground, ya know?
As long as their bigotry effects no one I dont care if they are a bigot either. Once they let it out in public the will be dealt with.
These type crackas are becoming more embolden , no surprise it always was under the surface in jesusland , now it is bursting out

According to the article, she was shocked because they have never had this kind of problem before, never even gotten "dirty looks," in Mississippi. It appears even the interracial couple feels this is an isolated incident. She has taken appropriate steps so that this isolated bigot cannot continue to discriminate. Isolated bigot has taken the RV off the market and will make no money off of it. Problem solved. Some people are willing to pay the price for their bigoted views. At least hes not on some crowdfunding site begging others to pay for his views. Yet.
What are appropriate steps to limit freedom, exactly?
Make laws.
The more corrupt the state, the more it legislates ~ Tacitus
White boy sound bites and quotes typically are meaningless to me.
According to the article, she was shocked because they have never had this kind of problem before, never even gotten "dirty looks," in Mississippi. It appears even the interracial couple feels this is an isolated incident. She has taken appropriate steps so that this isolated bigot cannot continue to discriminate. Isolated bigot has taken the RV off the market and will make no money off of it. Problem solved. Some people are willing to pay the price for their bigoted views. At least hes not on some crowdfunding site begging others to pay for his views. Yet.
What are appropriate steps to limit freedom, exactly?

No ones freedom is limitless
I agree. I don't support anarchy, CC lol. I just support the individuals right to discrimination. If they want to be a bigot, let them. Go to another campground, ya know?

No, my father told me stories about how they had to go from place to place to place just to be able to find a meal that he was more than willing to pay money for. But because they didnt like to serve negros they had to keep walking from place to place. This was back in the day so there wasnt a strip mall or a Food Court with options. So no, I dont understand letting people discriminate.
Fair enough.
I understand your emotion, but emotion cant run a country properly. Liberty can.

But laws can and do. If discrimination affected you you would have more interest in it. But since it most likely will not affect you you see it as no big deal
From the heart of jesusland , the white christian party's base

Stanley Hoskins spent 13 years in Army, serving as a sergeant in the National Guard. His wife, Erica Flores Dunahoo, put down the first month’s rent at a Mississippi RV park, something she says they were doing to get out of financial difficulty. Stanley and Erica moved in with their children and Erica bragged how friendly everyone had been.

Unfortunately, once the whole family arrived, the situation and attitude of RV park owner Gene Baker quickly changed. From the Clarion-Ledger:

The next day, she said, Baker telephoned her and said, “Hey, you didn’t tell me you was married to no black man.”

She said she replied that she didn’t realize it was a problem.

“Oh, it’s a big problem with the members of my church, my community and my mother-in-law,” she quoted him as saying. “They don’t allow that black and white shacking.”

Married couple evicted from Mississippi RV park for being an interracial family

13 Years in the military and a trailer park is the best this niga can do for his family?
Thats exactly what i was thinking. However, a lot of the NCO's in the army arent really the brightest. :laugh:

Just two words...Mississippi and negro's......nuf said!!
Hey my people are from that fucked up state.

Everybody got a family member out of Mississippi, son:cuckoo:
These type crackas are becoming more embolden , no surprise it always was under the surface in jesusland , now it is bursting out

According to the article, she was shocked because they have never had this kind of problem before, never even gotten "dirty looks," in Mississippi. It appears even the interracial couple feels this is an isolated incident. She has taken appropriate steps so that this isolated bigot cannot continue to discriminate. Isolated bigot has taken the RV off the market and will make no money off of it. Problem solved. Some people are willing to pay the price for their bigoted views. At least hes not on some crowdfunding site begging others to pay for his views. Yet.
What are appropriate steps to limit freedom, exactly?

She contacted an agency who is investigating. If laws were broken, I assume owner/manager will be fined. Meanwhile, owner/manager has taken the rental off the market and will not make money off it until a decision is made. Interracial couple has moved on and found a spot where they are welcome. No one has become violent or threatening as far as I can tell and both sides appear to have moved on until the decision is made. Neither side seems interested in forcing the other side to do anything. One side feels wronged and reported it. The other side feels justified but will not rent to anyone until the law (if any) is clarified. No one has been forced to go against their beliefs and no one is allowing their rights to be trampled. Now, they wait for the mods to rule. Seems everyone is being civil, although one side is wrong, IMO. My opinion doesnt mean much, though, which is why neither side came to me to resolve the dispute.
MS doesn't have public accommodation laws. Individuals are allowed to discriminate. That couple and the owner sound like morons.
What are appropriate steps to limit freedom, exactly?

No ones freedom is limitless
I agree. I don't support anarchy, CC lol. I just support the individuals right to discrimination. If they want to be a bigot, let them. Go to another campground, ya know?

No, my father told me stories about how they had to go from place to place to place just to be able to find a meal that he was more than willing to pay money for. But because they didnt like to serve negros they had to keep walking from place to place. This was back in the day so there wasnt a strip mall or a Food Court with options. So no, I dont understand letting people discriminate.
Fair enough.
I understand your emotion, but emotion cant run a country properly. Liberty can.

But laws can and do. If discrimination affected you you would have more interest in it. But since it most likely will not affect you you see it as no big deal
Laws based on emotion are bullshit. And usually limit liberty, which is something I hold dear. I don't support totalitarianism and such.. But that's just me, I guess..
These type crackas are becoming more embolden , no surprise it always was under the surface in jesusland , now it is bursting out

According to the article, she was shocked because they have never had this kind of problem before, never even gotten "dirty looks," in Mississippi. It appears even the interracial couple feels this is an isolated incident. She has taken appropriate steps so that this isolated bigot cannot continue to discriminate. Isolated bigot has taken the RV off the market and will make no money off of it. Problem solved. Some people are willing to pay the price for their bigoted views. At least hes not on some crowdfunding site begging others to pay for his views. Yet.
What are appropriate steps to limit freedom, exactly?

She contacted an agency who is investigating. If laws were broken, I assume owner/manager will be fined. Meanwhile, owner/manager has taken the rental off the market and will not make money off it until a decision is made. Interracial couple has moved on and found a spot where they are welcome. No one has become violent or threatening as far as I can tell and both sides appear to have moved on until the decision is made. Neither side seems interested in forcing the other side to do anything. One side feels wronged and reported it. The other side feels justified but will not rent to anyone until the law (if any) is clarified. No one has been forced to go against their beliefs and no one is allowing their rights to be trampled. Now, they wait for the mods to rule. Seems everyone is being civil, although one side is wrong, IMO. My opinion doesnt mean much, though, which is why neither side came to me to resolve the dispute.

What is shocking about this whole story, is that the owner was surprised to see a black man? The south is nothing but a interracial haven. I mean niga's sho love them so white women in the south and visa versa, so ol dude best get with the times, cause they have indeed changed.

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