Married couple evicted from Mississippi RV park for being an interracial family

These type crackas are becoming more embolden , no surprise it always was under the surface in jesusland , now it is bursting out

According to the article, she was shocked because they have never had this kind of problem before, never even gotten "dirty looks," in Mississippi. It appears even the interracial couple feels this is an isolated incident. She has taken appropriate steps so that this isolated bigot cannot continue to discriminate. Isolated bigot has taken the RV off the market and will make no money off of it. Problem solved. Some people are willing to pay the price for their bigoted views. At least hes not on some crowdfunding site begging others to pay for his views. Yet.
What are appropriate steps to limit freedom, exactly?
Make laws.
The more corrupt the state, the more it legislates ~ Tacitus
White boy sound bites and quotes typically are meaningless to me.
Yea, they probably should have listened to him :lol:
According to the article, she was shocked because they have never had this kind of problem before, never even gotten "dirty looks," in Mississippi. It appears even the interracial couple feels this is an isolated incident. She has taken appropriate steps so that this isolated bigot cannot continue to discriminate. Isolated bigot has taken the RV off the market and will make no money off of it. Problem solved. Some people are willing to pay the price for their bigoted views. At least hes not on some crowdfunding site begging others to pay for his views. Yet.
What are appropriate steps to limit freedom, exactly?
Make laws.
The more corrupt the state, the more it legislates ~ Tacitus
White boy sound bites and quotes typically are meaningless to me.
Yea, they probably should have listened to him :lol:
Evidently he lacked credibility since he was a senator.
No ones freedom is limitless
I agree. I don't support anarchy, CC lol. I just support the individuals right to discrimination. If they want to be a bigot, let them. Go to another campground, ya know?

No, my father told me stories about how they had to go from place to place to place just to be able to find a meal that he was more than willing to pay money for. But because they didnt like to serve negros they had to keep walking from place to place. This was back in the day so there wasnt a strip mall or a Food Court with options. So no, I dont understand letting people discriminate.
Fair enough.
I understand your emotion, but emotion cant run a country properly. Liberty can.

But laws can and do. If discrimination affected you you would have more interest in it. But since it most likely will not affect you you see it as no big deal
Laws based on emotion are bullshit. And usually limit liberty, which is something I hold dear. I don't support totalitarianism and such.. But that's just me, I guess..

You keep saying its emotion and not human rights. Yes, I guess, not being treated like a human being creates emotions but that doesnt make the law a bad law.

You have no defense of discrimination so thats how I know its a good law.
What are appropriate steps to limit freedom, exactly?
Make laws.
The more corrupt the state, the more it legislates ~ Tacitus
White boy sound bites and quotes typically are meaningless to me.
Yea, they probably should have listened to him :lol:
Evidently he lacked credibility since he was a senator.
Same reason the blacks didn't listen to MLK?
BTW, Tacitus is considered one of the brightest Roman historians of all times.
I agree. I don't support anarchy, CC lol. I just support the individuals right to discrimination. If they want to be a bigot, let them. Go to another campground, ya know?

No, my father told me stories about how they had to go from place to place to place just to be able to find a meal that he was more than willing to pay money for. But because they didnt like to serve negros they had to keep walking from place to place. This was back in the day so there wasnt a strip mall or a Food Court with options. So no, I dont understand letting people discriminate.
Fair enough.
I understand your emotion, but emotion cant run a country properly. Liberty can.

But laws can and do. If discrimination affected you you would have more interest in it. But since it most likely will not affect you you see it as no big deal
Laws based on emotion are bullshit. And usually limit liberty, which is something I hold dear. I don't support totalitarianism and such.. But that's just me, I guess..

You keep saying its emotion and not human rights. Yes, I guess, not being treated like a human being creates emotions but that doesnt make the law a bad law.

You have no defense of discrimination so thats how I know its a good law.
My defense is AMERICA. If you cant find liberty in America, what was the fuckin point?
If you want to be accepted by force, you must be one insecure person..
No, my father told me stories about how they had to go from place to place to place just to be able to find a meal that he was more than willing to pay money for. But because they didnt like to serve negros they had to keep walking from place to place. This was back in the day so there wasnt a strip mall or a Food Court with options. So no, I dont understand letting people discriminate.
Fair enough.
I understand your emotion, but emotion cant run a country properly. Liberty can.

But laws can and do. If discrimination affected you you would have more interest in it. But since it most likely will not affect you you see it as no big deal
Laws based on emotion are bullshit. And usually limit liberty, which is something I hold dear. I don't support totalitarianism and such.. But that's just me, I guess..

You keep saying its emotion and not human rights. Yes, I guess, not being treated like a human being creates emotions but that doesnt make the law a bad law.

You have no defense of discrimination so thats how I know its a good law.
My defense is AMERICA. If you cant find liberty in America, what was the fuckin point?
If you want to be accepted by force, you must be one insecure person..

Like I said, when you dont even have a defense for discrimination you prove that its indefensible
So unless you like everything TNHarley thinks that everyone is intolerant.

You dont like sleeping on your side? Why that means you're intolerant because TN doesnt know what words mean! Weeee
CC, you are a real dick, you know that? You ramble incoherently, and wrongly and frantically accuse others of being liars, among other tacky shit. Do you know what trailer parks are? They are nesting places for white trash rejects like yourself. I fucking guarantee that 90% of those trailer park fuck-ups vote Democrat, just like you. That is because they are entitlement addled freebie whores, just like you.

Go fuck your self, Close Captioned. At least then somebody will be doing it. Faggot!
The RV park owner did the right thing.

Your cracka souf' is going away

Black and White and Married in the Deep South: A Shifting Image

In North Carolina, the mixed-race population doubled. In Georgia, it expanded by more than 80 percent, and by nearly as much in Kentucky and Tennessee. In Indiana, Iowa and South Dakota, the multiracial population increased by about 70 percent.
These type crackas are becoming more embolden , no surprise it always was under the surface in jesusland , now it is bursting out

According to the article, she was shocked because they have never had this kind of problem before, never even gotten "dirty looks," in Mississippi. It appears even the interracial couple feels this is an isolated incident. She has taken appropriate steps so that this isolated bigot cannot continue to discriminate. Isolated bigot has taken the RV off the market and will make no money off of it. Problem solved. Some people are willing to pay the price for their bigoted views. At least hes not on some crowdfunding site begging others to pay for his views. Yet.
What are appropriate steps to limit freedom, exactly?

She contacted an agency who is investigating. If laws were broken, I assume owner/manager will be fined. Meanwhile, owner/manager has taken the rental off the market and will not make money off it until a decision is made. Interracial couple has moved on and found a spot where they are welcome. No one has become violent or threatening as far as I can tell and both sides appear to have moved on until the decision is made. Neither side seems interested in forcing the other side to do anything. One side feels wronged and reported it. The other side feels justified but will not rent to anyone until the law (if any) is clarified. No one has been forced to go against their beliefs and no one is allowing their rights to be trampled. Now, they wait for the mods to rule. Seems everyone is being civil, although one side is wrong, IMO. My opinion doesnt mean much, though, which is why neither side came to me to resolve the dispute.
MS doesn't have public accommodation laws. Individuals are allowed to discriminate. That couple and the owner sound like morons.

Then owner/manager will be able to rerent the RV. He can likely get a like-minded church member by advertising it as "Fundie Approved" or something. Personally, a 13 year vet is a plus when I screen tenants, but if he'd rather pass on that, his loss. Hes going to get stuck with an alcoholic white trash single male IMO, since all he has to offer is an RV in a fundie park.
The story did not say the couple was evicted. So that part is a lie.

What the story ACTUALLY said is the landlord is getting out of the business of renting this RV park. That means the decision is no longer his to make.

I will remember this lie, and take the OP's future postings with a grain of salt.
The story did not say the couple was evicted. So that part is a lie.

What the story ACTUALLY said is the landlord is getting out of the business of renting this RV park. That means the decision is no longer his to make.

I will remember this lie, and take the OP's future postings with a grain of salt.
what a dumb cracka, he is getting out after the incident , cletus
So unless you like everything TNHarley thinks that everyone is intolerant.

You dont like sleeping on your side? Why that means you're intolerant because TN doesnt know what words mean! Weeee
CC, you are a real dick, you know that? You ramble incoherently, and wrongly and frantically accuse others of being liars, among other tacky shit. Do you know what trailer parks are? They are nesting places for white trash rejects like yourself. I fucking guarantee that 90% of those trailer park fuck-ups vote Democrat, just like you. That is because they are entitlement addled freebie whores, just like you.

Go fuck your self, Close Captioned. At least then somebody will be doing it. Faggot!

Well that was some intellectual feedback if I ever seen it. Seems like someones feelings go hurt.

Show me on the doll where it hurts.

*Zack turns the doll around and points at its butt*
Fair enough.
I understand your emotion, but emotion cant run a country properly. Liberty can.

But laws can and do. If discrimination affected you you would have more interest in it. But since it most likely will not affect you you see it as no big deal
Laws based on emotion are bullshit. And usually limit liberty, which is something I hold dear. I don't support totalitarianism and such.. But that's just me, I guess..

You keep saying its emotion and not human rights. Yes, I guess, not being treated like a human being creates emotions but that doesnt make the law a bad law.

You have no defense of discrimination so thats how I know its a good law.
My defense is AMERICA. If you cant find liberty in America, what was the fuckin point?
If you want to be accepted by force, you must be one insecure person..

Like I said, when you dont even have a defense for discrimination you prove that its indefensible
LOL ok
Make laws.
The more corrupt the state, the more it legislates ~ Tacitus
White boy sound bites and quotes typically are meaningless to me.
Yea, they probably should have listened to him :lol:
Evidently he lacked credibility since he was a senator.
Same reason the blacks didn't listen to MLK?
BTW, Tacitus is considered one of the brightest Roman historians of all times.
Lots of Blacks did listen to MLK. Thats why they originally wanted Black only affirmative action Unfortunately they settled for AA that primarily benefits white women and brings more wealth to whites.

He must not have been considered all that bright. Like you said yourself. No one listened to him.
So unless you like everything TNHarley thinks that everyone is intolerant.

You dont like sleeping on your side? Why that means you're intolerant because TN doesnt know what words mean! Weeee
CC, you are a real dick, you know that? You ramble incoherently, and wrongly and frantically accuse others of being liars, among other tacky shit. Do you know what trailer parks are? They are nesting places for white trash rejects like yourself. I fucking guarantee that 90% of those trailer park fuck-ups vote Democrat, just like you. That is because they are entitlement addled freebie whores, just like you.

Go fuck your self, Close Captioned. At least then somebody will be doing it. Faggot!

Well that was some intellectual feedback if I ever seen it. Seems like someones feelings go hurt.

Show me on the doll where it hurts.

*Zack turns the doll around and points at its butt*
Well, you think mighty highly of yourself, eh CC? No hurt feelings here, just tired of reading your asinine bullshit. You strike me as a parasite, a social parasite.
" I want equality! I want to end discrimination, so lets legislate conformity!"
Statist dumbfucks..
The more corrupt the state, the more it legislates ~ Tacitus
White boy sound bites and quotes typically are meaningless to me.
Yea, they probably should have listened to him :lol:
Evidently he lacked credibility since he was a senator.
Same reason the blacks didn't listen to MLK?
BTW, Tacitus is considered one of the brightest Roman historians of all times.
Lots of Blacks did listen to MLK. Thats why they originally wanted Black only affirmative action Unfortunately they settled for AA that primarily benefits white women and brings more wealth to whites.

He must not have been considered all that bright. Like you said yourself. No one listened to him.
Rome fell around 300 years after his death.. Evidently, like a lot of people today, they forgot history and wisdom.

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