Married couple evicted from Mississippi RV park for being an interracial family

" I want equality! I want to end discrimination, so lets legislate conformity!"
Statist dumbfucks..
So you must think that left to your own devices you inbred racists will suddenly see the light and stop discriminating?
The RV park owner did the right thing.

Your cracka souf' is going away

Black and White and Married in the Deep South: A Shifting Image

In North Carolina, the mixed-race population doubled. In Georgia, it expanded by more than 80 percent, and by nearly as much in Kentucky and Tennessee. In Indiana, Iowa and South Dakota, the multiracial population increased by about 70 percent.
I see it here in Ga all the time, and not just around Atlanta. It's not only the common negro male + fat white chick either. Now you are seeing a lot of white dudes with black chicks. It used to be that when you saw this latter example the black chick married to whitey would be light skinned herself, would be educated and talk like a white chick. Not anymore. I am seeing white dudes marrying black women that sound like they just got out of the ghetto. It's fucking crazy.
These type crackas are becoming more embolden , no surprise it always was under the surface in jesusland , now it is bursting out

According to the article, she was shocked because they have never had this kind of problem before, never even gotten "dirty looks," in Mississippi. It appears even the interracial couple feels this is an isolated incident. She has taken appropriate steps so that this isolated bigot cannot continue to discriminate. Isolated bigot has taken the RV off the market and will make no money off of it. Problem solved. Some people are willing to pay the price for their bigoted views. At least hes not on some crowdfunding site begging others to pay for his views. Yet.
What are appropriate steps to limit freedom, exactly?

She contacted an agency who is investigating. If laws were broken, I assume owner/manager will be fined. Meanwhile, owner/manager has taken the rental off the market and will not make money off it until a decision is made. Interracial couple has moved on and found a spot where they are welcome. No one has become violent or threatening as far as I can tell and both sides appear to have moved on until the decision is made. Neither side seems interested in forcing the other side to do anything. One side feels wronged and reported it. The other side feels justified but will not rent to anyone until the law (if any) is clarified. No one has been forced to go against their beliefs and no one is allowing their rights to be trampled. Now, they wait for the mods to rule. Seems everyone is being civil, although one side is wrong, IMO. My opinion doesnt mean much, though, which is why neither side came to me to resolve the dispute.

What is shocking about this whole story, is that the owner was surprised to see a black man? The south is nothing but a interracial haven. I mean niga's sho love them so white women in the south and visa versa, so ol dude best get with the times, cause they have indeed changed.

Exactly. We are about 40/40/20 white/black/other here. No one bats an eye except 90+ year olds, and they complain about everything. Washingtonians loved to comment on the racist south when I lived there, but I would go weeks without seeing a black person there. It is easy to be conflict-free if you never associate with another culture. I would usually distract them with a question about Lummis (Indians) and roll my eyes when they went on an animated tirade about what scum Lummis are. I knew many Lummis, and they were very nice. My MIL, from Calgary Alberta, is far more racist (without realizing it) than Louisianians her own age. They have n word nursery rhymes FFS. Unheard of here.
" I want equality! I want to end discrimination, so lets legislate conformity!"
Statist dumbfucks..
So you must think that left to your own devices you inbred racists will suddenly see the light and stop discriminating?
inbred racist? really?
No, I didn't say the bigots of America reached enlightenment. Stay away from the straw men. They will make your ass hurt.
White boy sound bites and quotes typically are meaningless to me.
Yea, they probably should have listened to him :lol:
Evidently he lacked credibility since he was a senator.
Same reason the blacks didn't listen to MLK?
BTW, Tacitus is considered one of the brightest Roman historians of all times.
Lots of Blacks did listen to MLK. Thats why they originally wanted Black only affirmative action Unfortunately they settled for AA that primarily benefits white women and brings more wealth to whites.

He must not have been considered all that bright. Like you said yourself. No one listened to him.
Rome fell around 300 years after his death.. Evidently, like a lot of people today, they forgot history and wisdom.
They were white and were new to civilization. The tripped up and almost reverted back to cave men days. They had to be retaught their own history by the Moors. Give them a break.
" I want equality! I want to end discrimination, so lets legislate conformity!"
Statist dumbfucks..
So you must think that left to your own devices you inbred racists will suddenly see the light and stop discriminating?
inbred racist? really?
No, I didn't say the bigots of America reached enlightenment. Stay away from the straw men. They will make your ass hurt.
So whats your problem with legislating conformity for inbreds that caint get right? Dont stick straw up your ass. I'm almost certain that would hurt.
From the heart of jesusland , the white christian party's base

Stanley Hoskins spent 13 years in Army, serving as a sergeant in the National Guard. His wife, Erica Flores Dunahoo, put down the first month’s rent at a Mississippi RV park, something she says they were doing to get out of financial difficulty. Stanley and Erica moved in with their children and Erica bragged how friendly everyone had been.

Unfortunately, once the whole family arrived, the situation and attitude of RV park owner Gene Baker quickly changed. From the Clarion-Ledger:

The next day, she said, Baker telephoned her and said, “Hey, you didn’t tell me you was married to no black man.”

She said she replied that she didn’t realize it was a problem.

“Oh, it’s a big problem with the members of my church, my community and my mother-in-law,” she quoted him as saying. “They don’t allow that black and white shacking.”

Married couple evicted from Mississippi RV park for being an interracial family
The Right is taking the country backwards.
From the heart of jesusland , the white christian party's base

Stanley Hoskins spent 13 years in Army, serving as a sergeant in the National Guard. His wife, Erica Flores Dunahoo, put down the first month’s rent at a Mississippi RV park, something she says they were doing to get out of financial difficulty. Stanley and Erica moved in with their children and Erica bragged how friendly everyone had been.

Unfortunately, once the whole family arrived, the situation and attitude of RV park owner Gene Baker quickly changed. From the Clarion-Ledger:

The next day, she said, Baker telephoned her and said, “Hey, you didn’t tell me you was married to no black man.”

She said she replied that she didn’t realize it was a problem.

“Oh, it’s a big problem with the members of my church, my community and my mother-in-law,” she quoted him as saying. “They don’t allow that black and white shacking.”

Married couple evicted from Mississippi RV park for being an interracial family
The Right is taking the country backwards.
No, we're taking it back when it was at its finest.
Perhaps one of you fine people can explain why when a Black person or a Muslim does something we are all reminded that the actions of one person do not count against the whole group, BUT this is somehow indicative of a whole group?

The OP didn't say it was indicative of a whole group.

Assuming the quote is correct though, the person said that it was indicative of the attitude of their church.

Personally I think that this type of discrimination is wrong.

What about you?
From the heart of jesusland , the white christian party's base

Stanley Hoskins spent 13 years in Army, serving as a sergeant in the National Guard. His wife, Erica Flores Dunahoo, put down the first month’s rent at a Mississippi RV park, something she says they were doing to get out of financial difficulty. Stanley and Erica moved in with their children and Erica bragged how friendly everyone had been.

Unfortunately, once the whole family arrived, the situation and attitude of RV park owner Gene Baker quickly changed. From the Clarion-Ledger:

The next day, she said, Baker telephoned her and said, “Hey, you didn’t tell me you was married to no black man.”

She said she replied that she didn’t realize it was a problem.

“Oh, it’s a big problem with the members of my church, my community and my mother-in-law,” she quoted him as saying. “They don’t allow that black and white shacking.”

Married couple evicted from Mississippi RV park for being an interracial family
How many Asians and whites at your black church, bigot?
People who make a big deal about race are the problem.

That would be the Democrats mostly.
Perhaps one of you fine people can explain why when a Black person or a Muslim does something we are all reminded that the actions of one person do not count against the whole group, BUT this is somehow indicative of a whole group?
I could have sworn we were reminded that all Black people were thugs no matter what the topic.
Be specific, remind us how YOU insist when ever someone points out the per capita fact that blacks commit more crime then any other group that it A) is not true and B) that one should not blame all backs for the actions of a few. BUT here you are claiming the actions OF ONE MAN represent every white person in an entire section of the US.
Perhaps one of you fine people can explain why when a Black person or a Muslim does something we are all reminded that the actions of one person do not count against the whole group, BUT this is somehow indicative of a whole group?
Perhaps you can explain to us that when a black or a muslim does something, you put the blame on the entire group.
BE VERY specific and quote where I did that. I mean you claim I did so you should have no problem actually providing a link. BUT back to the point YOU and your buddies all say that the actions of one person do not represent the actions of a whole group EXCEPT when that one person happens to be white.
Perhaps one of you fine people can explain why when a Black person or a Muslim does something we are all reminded that the actions of one person do not count against the whole group, BUT this is somehow indicative of a whole group?

you have no moral authority on this matter belonging to a religious outfit that didn't accept black people until 1978

From 1849 to 1978, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) had a policy against ordaining black men to the priesthood, and forbidding black men and women from taking part in ceremonies in LDS temples. Associated with this policy were various statements by church leaders tying the policy to their view of scripture, and opining that black men and women had inherited the curse of Ham.
HEY retard I joined the Church in 1979. But then reality and facts seldom enter your mind do they?
So unless you like everything TNHarley thinks that everyone is intolerant.

You dont like sleeping on your side? Why that means you're intolerant because TN doesnt know what words mean! Weeee
CC, you are a real dick, you know that? You ramble incoherently, and wrongly and frantically accuse others of being liars, among other tacky shit. Do you know what trailer parks are? They are nesting places for white trash rejects like yourself. I fucking guarantee that 90% of those trailer park fuck-ups vote Democrat, just like you. That is because they are entitlement addled freebie whores, just like you.

Go fuck your self, Close Captioned. At least then somebody will be doing it. Faggot!

Well that was some intellectual feedback if I ever seen it. Seems like someones feelings go hurt.

Show me on the doll where it hurts.

*Zack turns the doll around and points at its butt*
Well, you think mighty highly of yourself, eh CC? No hurt feelings here, just tired of reading your asinine bullshit. You strike me as a parasite, a social parasite.

Its ok to lash out, I'm here for you, ok champ?
From the heart of jesusland , the white christian party's base

Stanley Hoskins spent 13 years in Army, serving as a sergeant in the National Guard. His wife, Erica Flores Dunahoo, put down the first month’s rent at a Mississippi RV park, something she says they were doing to get out of financial difficulty. Stanley and Erica moved in with their children and Erica bragged how friendly everyone had been.

Unfortunately, once the whole family arrived, the situation and attitude of RV park owner Gene Baker quickly changed. From the Clarion-Ledger:

The next day, she said, Baker telephoned her and said, “Hey, you didn’t tell me you was married to no black man.”

She said she replied that she didn’t realize it was a problem.

“Oh, it’s a big problem with the members of my church, my community and my mother-in-law,” she quoted him as saying. “They don’t allow that black and white shacking.”

Married couple evicted from Mississippi RV park for being an interracial family
no conviction
no court case
no nothing

but he done it b/c someone said so

OJ is guilty b/c someone said so, so put his ass on deathrow.
Wow. At least they actually got married. How would the land lord like it if the couple wasn't married at all?

God bless you and the couple always!!!


P.S. People have to reside somewhere, no matter how they choose to live their lives.
Georgia is no better. When transferred to Georgia, I found that an aunt and uncle had moved there and they contacted us to visit. After some time, they went on vacation and we asked if we could use the pool in their back yard and bring a friend.
We were given the go ahead. We took our friend and enjoyed the pool. After they returned, the family called me and told me to go around their neighborhood and apologize to the neighbors for bringing a n***** to their neighborhood.
I told them what they could do with their demand for an apology and haven't had contact with relatives for years since.
The old saying is true, "your family is who you choose, not who you are saddled with by birth." Have great friends who I consider family and don't miss the crackers at all.
" I want equality! I want to end discrimination, so lets legislate conformity!"
Statist dumbfucks..
"Let bigots be." From old timers who grew up in the South, I can see that position. Even if the person isn't prejudiced, when so many of the folks around you had those views, it seems "normal," no big deal. Just don't invite them to your bbq; they're not hurting anyone. Is that right?
But you aren't an old timer, TN, and I'm surprised you are taking this position. I hear what you're saying, but you aren't taking into consideration that this IS America, where ALL are supposed to be free. Discrimination interferes with the rights of the group being discriminated against. If there is legislation, it is to protect the rights given to all citizens under the Constitution, etc.
Those who would infringe the rights of an entire group of Americans are violating the Constitution and need to be curbed.
" I want equality! I want to end discrimination, so lets legislate conformity!"
Statist dumbfucks..
"Let bigots be." From old timers who grew up in the South, I can see that position. Even if the person isn't prejudiced, when so many of the folks around you had those views, it seems "normal," no big deal. Just don't invite them to your bbq; they're not hurting anyone. Is that right?
But you aren't an old timer, TN, and I'm surprised you are taking this position. I hear what you're saying, but you aren't taking into consideration that this IS America, where ALL are supposed to be free. Discrimination interferes with the rights of the group being discriminated against. If there is legislation, it is to protect the rights given to all citizens under the Constitution, etc.
Those who would infringe the rights of an entire group of Americans are violating the Constitution and need to be curbed.
Conformity and force are NOPT freedom. Being a bigot is the very DEFINITION of freedom. People have their own minds and their own lives. Who are YOU to control that?
Forcing a business to seel you a product against their will isn't a right. That's ridiculous.
Your post is nothing more than emotion.
Thanks for implying old people are the only ones that believe in liberty and the young people are all statists :thup:

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