Married couple evicted from Mississippi RV park for being an interracial family

The south is like a tumor that is removed in surgery and then keeps growing back. These people spend nights awake trying to figure out how to bring back Jim Crow.

As it was in the 1960s these people's civil rights have been violated and one would guess a lawsuit is to follow and the RV Park owner will find out the hard way why he/she isn't exempt from the Constitution.
Split the country. It needs to break up anyway.
Flores? Is she white or hispanic? This is why crackas should be banned from owning anything.
Does it matter? A friend of mine from PR is always getting called black or colored in this honky state.
The South is collectively losing its mind.
I find it funny that the racist said white people shouldn't own anything, but the south are losing their minds lol..
I said crackas. Not all whites are crackas.
Sorry im not up-to-date on racist innuendo..
Youre not up to date on a lot of things but that never stopped you from playing the clown before.
The south is like a tumor that is removed in surgery and then keeps growing back. These people spend nights awake trying to figure out how to bring back Jim Crow.

As it was in the 1960s these people's civil rights have been violated and one would guess a lawsuit is to follow and the RV Park owner will find out the hard way why he/she isn't exempt from the Constitution.
The Constitution restricts RV parks from decision making? Dumbass
PA laws are STATE laws. MS has no PA laws. Again, I will call you a dumbfuck.
The good thing is that these bible thumping crackers are being more and more marginalized and driven into the back woods . when a light is shone upon them in the national news they scatter like roaches
Who cares? Its just some intolerant asswipes. Like you fucks aint.. I mean, just look ^^ :thup:

You call being against racism.....intolerant? Thats a new spin
Being intolerant against intolerance isn't tolerance, dumbfuck. Get your head out of your collective ass

Then what the hell were you talking about?
I was calling the intolerant, intolerant. Care to follow along? TIA
The south is like a tumor that is removed in surgery and then keeps growing back. These people spend nights awake trying to figure out how to bring back Jim Crow.

As it was in the 1960s these people's civil rights have been violated and one would guess a lawsuit is to follow and the RV Park owner will find out the hard way why he/she isn't exempt from the Constitution.
Split the country. It needs to break up anyway.
You inbreds tried that before and lost. Do you really want another ass kicking?
It looks more like the big complaint was that Hoskins and Dunahoo weren't married. The way black men beat their white women, i don't know that the landlord is entirely to blame.
I'm sorry you were beaten but not all Black guys act like drunk white guys when their teams lose.
Who cares? Its just some intolerant asswipes. Like you fucks aint.. I mean, just look ^^ :thup:

You call being against racism.....intolerant? Thats a new spin
Being intolerant against intolerance isn't tolerance, dumbfuck. Get your head out of your collective ass
Who said it was? Its called correcting you inbred, slow to thought, crackas.
The person I replied to. Are you fucking illiterate, too?
It looks more like the big complaint was that Hoskins and Dunahoo weren't married. The way black men beat their white women, i don't know that the landlord is entirely to blame.
I'm sorry you were beaten but not all Black guys act like drunk white guys when their teams lose.
I was never beaten but any shelter for abused women will be loaded with women who have black boyfriends and husbands. It makes sense. It's the powerless black way of paying back da man. Then of course, it's unfair to put them in prison. Doesn't beating up women give street cred?
So unless you like everything TNHarley thinks that everyone is intolerant.

You dont like sleeping on your side? Why that means you're intolerant because TN doesnt know what words mean! Weeee
Who cares? Its just some intolerant asswipes. Like you fucks aint.. I mean, just look ^^ :thup:

You call being against racism.....intolerant? Thats a new spin
Being intolerant against intolerance isn't tolerance, dumbfuck. Get your head out of your collective ass
Who said it was? Its called correcting you inbred, slow to thought, crackas.
The person I replied to. Are you fucking illiterate, too?
He didnt say it was intolerant. He questioned why you were dumb enough to call it intolerant. Did you always have such a hard time with reading comprehension? Youre a fucking idiot! :laugh:
It looks more like the big complaint was that Hoskins and Dunahoo weren't married. The way black men beat their white women, i don't know that the landlord is entirely to blame.
I'm sorry you were beaten but not all Black guys act like drunk white guys when their teams lose.
I was never beaten but any shelter for abused women will be loaded with women who have black boyfriends and husbands. It makes sense. It's the powerless black way of paying back da man. Then of course, it's unfair to put them in prison. Doesn't beating up women give street cred?
I'm pretty sure you were beaten and trying to use a cover story. White women typically stay out of shelters and deal with the abuse. You forget. I have dated a lot of white women and they told me a lot about your white men that feel powerless and take it out on you since they are afraid of Black men.
From the heart of jesusland , the white christian party's base

Stanley Hoskins spent 13 years in Army, serving as a sergeant in the National Guard. His wife, Erica Flores Dunahoo, put down the first month’s rent at a Mississippi RV park, something she says they were doing to get out of financial difficulty. Stanley and Erica moved in with their children and Erica bragged how friendly everyone had been.

Unfortunately, once the whole family arrived, the situation and attitude of RV park owner Gene Baker quickly changed. From the Clarion-Ledger:

The next day, she said, Baker telephoned her and said, “Hey, you didn’t tell me you was married to no black man.”

She said she replied that she didn’t realize it was a problem.

“Oh, it’s a big problem with the members of my church, my community and my mother-in-law,” she quoted him as saying. “They don’t allow that black and white shacking.”

Married couple evicted from Mississippi RV park for being an interracial family

13 Years in the military and a trailer park is the best this niga can do for his family?
here dumbfucks. If this doesn't work, maybe I can find a school house rock video on it to take it to your levels
  1. not tolerant of views, beliefs, or behavior that differ from one's own

  1. tol·er·ant
    1. showing willingness to allow the existence of opinions or behavior that one does not necessarily agree with
Who cares? Its just some intolerant asswipes. Like you fucks aint.. I mean, just look ^^ :thup:

You call being against racism.....intolerant? Thats a new spin
Being intolerant against intolerance isn't tolerance, dumbfuck. Get your head out of your collective ass
Damned hard to be tolerant of intolerance, but I wouldn't kick someone out of my trailer park for being a racist. As long as he/she wasn't burning crosses on my tenant's lawn or such like.

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