Married lesbian trio from Massachusetts expecting first child together

And the question that is on everybodies mind.........................

Which one will do the breastfeeding?
Already a thread on this.

And they are not married. Two are married to each other, the other is just a hanger on.

Good, that's beautiful, hopefully she can tie the not with them once these discriminatory laws against polyandry are removed.

Doggonit Steinlight. Will you PLEASE stop making so much sense. Feelings can be easily hurt around here. :lol:
Were you raised by lesbians? I see more hate from you than from many people. That, to me, is a sign of mental illness.
Being opposed to sodomites and their perverted lifestyle doesn't equate to hate.

Just saying......... :cool:

You defend Islam, and yet you call gays & lesbians raising children child abuse of the highest degree. Religious police of your faith forced 15 girls to stay in a burning building, essentially murdering them, but a loving couple or trio raising children and teaching them to love one another is abuse? No.

And being opposed to "sodomites" (which includes anyone performing oral sex) does not equate to hate. But calling them being parents "child abuse of the highest degree" certainly is hate.
And only one is a parent. Who is the dad?
How arrogant can people be to intentionally deny a human being the opportunity to be raised by his two actual parents.
Neocon homofascists.

RM you don't even understand the terms.

How arrogant you are to deny intentionally the happiness of other people.
This is child abuse of the highest degree.

The poor kid will grow up mentally scared if not mentally ill.

And need psychiatric treatment for the rest of its life. . :doubt:

Sharia law is abuse of the highest degree.

Step along, Sunni. You have been counseled on your lack of humanity before.
Already a thread on this.

And they are not married. Two are married to each other, the other is just a hanger on.

Apparently they had a second marriage ceremony to join the three of them. Whether it is recognized by the gov't or not, they have their asset equally divided & shared.

I seem to recall some of the neocons saying gays could marry all they want, the state just wasn't going to recognize it. These women seem to be working within that framework.

Doesn't matter who does or doesn't recognize it. They were born with a special "gene" -- a gay threesome gene -- that makes their actions perfectly Constitutional. Now all will be perfect if they get their token child a sex change operation at age 3.
What matters to a child is that there is care and guidance in the home. If that home of three women provide that, then the child will have a good life. There are a great many apperantly hetereosexual couples out there that have one or the other partner that is bi or homo in private. And many of them manage to have good homes for their children. Just as there are hetereo's tht provide a terrible home life for their children. I have not observed that the sexual orientation is an indicator of the quality of parenting abilities.

What would matter to me if I were a child is that my parents are normal. I can picture myself running away from home at age 5 in this case. I'd rather live with a pack of hyenas.

i would have prefered you do this as well. Because the hyenas would have ate you.
What matters to a child is that there is care and guidance in the home. If that home of three women provide that, then the child will have a good life. There are a great many apperantly hetereosexual couples out there that have one or the other partner that is bi or homo in private. And many of them manage to have good homes for their children. Just as there are hetereo's tht provide a terrible home life for their children. I have not observed that the sexual orientation is an indicator of the quality of parenting abilities.

What would matter to me if I were a child is that my parents are normal. I can picture myself running away from home at age 5 in this case. I'd rather live with a pack of hyenas.

i would have prefered you do this as well. Because the hyenas would have ate you.

Eaten ... not ate. But that may be preferable to living in such a sick atmosphere.
What would matter to me if I were a child is that my parents are normal. I can picture myself running away from home at age 5 in this case. I'd rather live with a pack of hyenas.

i would have prefered you do this as well. Because the hyenas would have ate you.

Eaten ... not ate. But that may be preferable to living in such a sick atmosphere.

What is sick about it? Do you imagine lesbians lying around naked and having sex in front of the children?
DriftingSand simply wants to tell others how to live their lives.

No, not going to happen.
This is child abuse of the highest degree.

The poor kid will grow up mentally scared if not mentally ill.

And need psychiatric treatment for the rest of its life. . :doubt:

It is amusing that you feel free to weigh in on this. But when I asked you about the 15 girls who burned to death because the islamic religious police wouldn't let them leave a burning building, your reply is that it happens in other countries so it is none of your business. lol
'Throuple' Brynn, Doll and Kitten Young tied the knot in Aug. 2013 and have decided expand their family through in vitro fertilization.

Lee Moran
Wednesday, April 23, 2014, 9:20 AM

Three women and a baby!

A married lesbian trio from Mass. is expecting its first child.

Brynn, Doll and Kitten Young - who claim to the only "throuple" in the world - are expecting their newborn in just 3 months time.

Doll, 30, and Brynn, 32, had been together for 2-and-a-half years when they decided to spice up their relationship with an additional partner.

Smitten after meeting Kitten, 27, through a threesomes' website, they decided to tie the knot to each other last August.

And, after undergoing IVF with an unknown sperm donor, the youngest of the group is now with child.

"The three of us have always wanted kids and wanted to grow our family," Kitten, who like Doll took IT expert Brynn's surname because she is the main breadwinner, told The Sun.

Read more: Married lesbian trio from Massachusetts expecting first child together - NY Daily News

First the throuple thing: I don't see much difference between that and the polygamy marriages in Utah. As far as lesbian couples raising a child: old news.

This thread is a waste of space.
This thing is going to end badly

You mean like half of the straight marriages?

They seem committed. They have divided their assets evenly. Many straight couples get married with a pre-nup, so they can keep their stuff when it ends.
I think homosexual marriages will have a much higher rate of divorce
And the question that is on everybodies mind.........................

Which one will do the breastfeeding?

Are you serious? OMG, dim, dim, dim. One of them was inseminated. One of them will give birth. She is the one who will breast feed. Got it now? :cuckoo:

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