Married lesbian trio from Massachusetts expecting first child together

So weird:


Ummm..the big one in the middle doesn't look like "she" originated as a female. Actually, the blond on the left looks a little questionable, also.

Three people of any gender can't be legally married in the United States.

Poor kid, that's all I can say.

Anyone who thinks that should be accepted in a society has a screw loose.

Or maybe a lot of screws loose.
I have not read all the thread. With that said....I think three lesbian women being together and then wanting kids is not a family setting. Its more likst plain ol lust to me.
Mormons with multiple wives is the same thing. One old man, marrying many women/girls and it being called a family. No. It is one old man that wants his pecker in my holes and lots of kids.

So three women can turn into 4. Four can turn in to 5. Artificial insemination occurs and they have a family of kids and just women...all sleeping in the same bed or connecting rooms, being intimate, with impressionable young children knowing Mommy Mommy and Mommy are "doing it" once they get old enough to know what "doing it" means. To say this will not have an impact on them is ludicrous. Some might be able to deal with the differences of their 3 mommies compared to a heterosexual couple...and some will not. Point it is 3. When will it turn in to more than 3 and calling it a "marriage" when in reality, it is just flat out sexual desires overriding the well being of children they decide to bring forth from their wombs compliments of some male stranger?

Give them an inch and they'll take a mile. Now that they're being allowed to marry they want another battle to fight. They're all into drama, that's why they're doing something that will stir up controversy. I just like to ignore them. There are so many more interesting things going on in the world than people of the same sex rutting with each other. Too bad they have to involve helpless children in their goings-on.
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The one in the middle is a man. It's quite obvious. But he had his pecker removed and now is a he/she.
The one in the middle is a man. It's quite obvious. But he had his pecker removed and now is a he/she.

Yeah, it makes sense that their latest edition, the one on the right is the one having the baby. She's the only one with a uterus! :lol:
The one in the middle is a man. It's quite obvious. But he had his pecker removed and now is a he/she.

Gracie, they don't have to go so far as to have their male appendage removed in order to demand being referred to as a woman. There are a lot of transvestite women out there who still have their penis.

If she still has it, it may not work very well though, being a despised body part and all.
I find it all disturbing, to be frank.

They have the right to do this it seems, but they don't have the right to be free from criticism.
I guess this just goes to show that when gays derogatorily refer to heterosexuals as "breeders," it's actually a sign of jealousy. LOL So now, they're showing us they can do it too!
Well, like Wake, I find it quite disturbing too. I don't mind woman with woman, man with man. Or them adopting a child or two. But 3? I can't get past the supposed "we love each other" bullshit. Just be upfront and say "a threesome rocks in the sex department" and be done with it? Because that is exactly what it boils down to. Sex.
It is just lust. Plain and simple...LUST. Love is woman woman or man man or woman man. When it becomes more than is lust.

Many people are capable of loving more than one person. Polyamory is not new. But to say it is only lust, without knowing the people, is a bit of a stretch. You have no way of knowing whether or not they love each other.

Hogwash. People may love more than one person yes, but that does not mean wanting to have sex with them. This particular triplet set are just lusting. You know, to "perk up their sexlife". They love all right. They love the sex of 3 all piled together. To say otherwise is tunnel vision.

I would question how you "know" what someone you have never met feels, but I think that is a ridiculous argument.

People can love more than one person. having sex with them is simply a physical extension of the emotional bond. Of course not all sex is an extension of their love. There is plenty of sex just for the physical pleasure. But to assume you know which it is, based on your experiences and not on their feelings, is simply nonsense.
It is optimal for a child to have a mother and father. The reality is, among heterosexual marriages, millions of children in this country are raised by a single parent, male or female, and the other parent is not in the picture. So, being rasied without either a father or mother in this country is already being done, big time, by hetersexuals.

Is that your logic for expanding the playing field?
Just curious.

You have missed the point. The point is that we should not require something of homosexual couples we don't require of heterosexual couples. Why, oh why do conservatives think in such literal, simplistic terms. Why do I have to spell every little thing out to you? It is not okay to require something of lesbian couples we don't require of hetero couples. Millions upon millions of hetero people are single parents, either male or female, raising children on their own, with kids who either don't have a father or a mother. Yet you say it's wrong for gay couples to have children because the kids won't have either a father or a mother. Your reasoning is just stupid. It has nothing to do with kids having single sex parenting and all to do with your bigotry against gays.

Did I spell it out clearly enough for you?
I said no such thing.
But thank you for clearly spelling out your incorrect assessment of my opinion.
'Throuple' Brynn, Doll and Kitten Young tied the knot in Aug. 2013 and have decided expand their family through in vitro fertilization.

Lee Moran
Wednesday, April 23, 2014, 9:20 AM

Three women and a baby!

A married lesbian trio from Mass. is expecting its first child.

Brynn, Doll and Kitten Young - who claim to the only "throuple" in the world - are expecting their newborn in just 3 months time.

Doll, 30, and Brynn, 32, had been together for 2-and-a-half years when they decided to spice up their relationship with an additional partner.

Smitten after meeting Kitten, 27, through a threesomes' website, they decided to tie the knot to each other last August.

And, after undergoing IVF with an unknown sperm donor, the youngest of the group is now with child.

"The three of us have always wanted kids and wanted to grow our family," Kitten, who like Doll took IT expert Brynn's surname because she is the main breadwinner, told The Sun.

Read more: Married lesbian trio from Massachusetts expecting first child together - NY Daily News

Good for them.

They can call themselves anything they want, but there is no Tax Form for Throuple.

But Hey, that's how they did it in "bible times", you know, TRADITIONAL marriage. A man could take as many wives and sex slaves as he could afford.

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