Martial Law...Would you support Trump taking such measure?

I wonder if Mollie Tibbetts would agree with you.

1 of her vs. Everybody losing freedom? Fuck off with that.

You freedom nuts are losing freedom everyday...Weird that you don’t see it.
What freedoms were lost when martial law was applied in the past? I’ll stand by while you google that shit.
For starters, the Constitution would be suspended. The Bill of Rights would be suspended, There would be a curfew and free movement and travel would be forbidden. You could be arrested for any reason or no reason at all. That's what the Jade Helm 2015 exercise was all about - practicing for the military taking control of everything in the country. Things are getting bad in the country but at the present time a military takeover wouldn't be pleasant.

I get it, this scares the shit out of of dooms day thinkers and conspiracy theory whacks.
Under martial law specific directives can be utilized...I really don’t see martial law being levied against the people like that..there is really no motive for it.....I see it being used to stop and identify wetbacks and to put deportations on the fast track.

View attachment 270742

Look, you old timers have sat on your fucking hands, stood on the sidelines reading your Bibles and making empty threats with your guns for sucked Reagans dick for opening the flood gates for’ve done nothing and nobody takes you’ve got your asses handed to you by the Left.
What makes you think you should be considered an authority on matters such as this?
Last edited:
No need for it. I would be hard pressed to support it even if there were.


I wonder if Mollie Tibbetts would agree with you.

1 of her vs. Everybody losing freedom? Fuck off with that.

You freedom nuts are losing freedom everyday...Weird that you don’t see it.
What freedoms were lost when martial law was applied in the past? I’ll stand by while you google that shit.
For starters, the Constitution would be suspended. The Bill of Rights would be suspended, There would be a curfew and free movement and travel would be forbidden. You could be arrested for any reason or no reason at all. That's what the Jade Helm 2015 exercise was all about - practicing for the military taking control of everything in the country. Things are getting bad in the country but at the present time a military takeover wouldn't be pleasant.

I get it, this scares the shit out of of dooms day thinkers and conspiracy theory whacks.
Under martial law specific directives can be utilized...I really don’t see martial law being levied against the people like that..there is really no motive for it.....I see it being used to stop and identify wetbacks and to put deportations on the fast track.

Why just wetbacks, are you aware we have illegals here form virtually every country on earth? They caught 1100 Africans form 19 different countries coming across the southern border in the last few months. About 40% of illegals come in legally and never leave as agreed.

I wonder if Mollie Tibbetts would agree with you.

1 of her vs. Everybody losing freedom? Fuck off with that.

You freedom nuts are losing freedom everyday...Weird that you don’t see it.
What freedoms were lost when martial law was applied in the past? I’ll stand by while you google that shit.
For starters, the Constitution would be suspended. The Bill of Rights would be suspended, There would be a curfew and free movement and travel would be forbidden. You could be arrested for any reason or no reason at all. That's what the Jade Helm 2015 exercise was all about - practicing for the military taking control of everything in the country. Things are getting bad in the country but at the present time a military takeover wouldn't be pleasant.

I get it, this scares the shit out of of dooms day thinkers and conspiracy theory whacks.
Under martial law specific directives can be utilized...I really don’t see martial law being levied against the people like that..there is really no motive for it.....I see it being used to stop and identify wetbacks and to put deportations on the fast track.

So you think declaring Martial Law is the answer to the immigration problems????

Overreact much?

Break it down for are you going to eradicate 29-40 million any other way?
I’m standing by.
1 of her vs. Everybody losing freedom? Fuck off with that.

You freedom nuts are losing freedom everyday...Weird that you don’t see it.
What freedoms were lost when martial law was applied in the past? I’ll stand by while you google that shit.
For starters, the Constitution would be suspended. The Bill of Rights would be suspended, There would be a curfew and free movement and travel would be forbidden. You could be arrested for any reason or no reason at all. That's what the Jade Helm 2015 exercise was all about - practicing for the military taking control of everything in the country. Things are getting bad in the country but at the present time a military takeover wouldn't be pleasant.

I get it, this scares the shit out of of dooms day thinkers and conspiracy theory whacks.
Under martial law specific directives can be utilized...I really don’t see martial law being levied against the people like that..there is really no motive for it.....I see it being used to stop and identify wetbacks and to put deportations on the fast track.

View attachment 270742

Look, you old timers have sat on your fucking hands, stood on the sidelines reading your Bibles and making empty threats with your guns for sucked Reagans dick for opening the flood gates for’ve done nothing and nobody takes you’ve got your asses handed to you by the Left.
What makes you think you should be considered an authority on matters like this?

Trump's president isn't he? STFU then. We had Congress, too. Things are getting better, you're just impatient and throwing a hissyfit.

Sounds like you're calling for a final solution type scenario. Not gonna happen, at least not to beaners. Somalians..ehh...ya never know.

Obama's communities he seeded may need to be dealt with.
I wonder if Mollie Tibbetts would agree with you.

1 of her vs. Everybody losing freedom? Fuck off with that.

You freedom nuts are losing freedom everyday...Weird that you don’t see it.
What freedoms were lost when martial law was applied in the past? I’ll stand by while you google that shit.
For starters, the Constitution would be suspended. The Bill of Rights would be suspended, There would be a curfew and free movement and travel would be forbidden. You could be arrested for any reason or no reason at all. That's what the Jade Helm 2015 exercise was all about - practicing for the military taking control of everything in the country. Things are getting bad in the country but at the present time a military takeover wouldn't be pleasant.

I get it, this scares the shit out of of dooms day thinkers and conspiracy theory whacks.
Under martial law specific directives can be utilized...I really don’t see martial law being levied against the people like that..there is really no motive for it.....I see it being used to stop and identify wetbacks and to put deportations on the fast track.

Why just wetbacks, are you aware we have illegals here form virtually every country on earth? They caught 1100 Africans form 19 different countries coming across the southern border in the last few months. About 40% of illegals come in legally and never leave as agreed.


Oh I hate them all...but I prefer to discuss the greater percentile.
Is there really any other way to regain control of federal law and restore order?
Do you really see Americans taking their country back by way of standard operating procedures through the bureaucracy?

I know the notion of such aggressive action scares the piss out of you “give me liberty or give me death” types...but stop and think for a are losing you liberties to the AOC’s and the commie-lites one day at a time anyhoo.

P.S.- Don’t let this thread scare the piss out of you...there is no topic on this board that is more POLITICAL than this.
Taking the country back starts at the state level
Right...and I’m sure we can expect Mexifornia to take its state back from Mexico any day now.

We could sanction CA into straightening up, I think.

Is there really any other way to regain control of federal law and restore order?
Do you really see Americans taking their country back by way of standard operating procedures through the bureaucracy?

I know the notion of such aggressive action scares the piss out of you “give me liberty or give me death” types...but stop and think for a are losing you liberties to the AOC’s and the commie-lites one day at a time anyhoo.

P.S.- Don’t let this thread scare the piss out of you...there is no topic on this board that is more POLITICAL than this.
Taking the country back starts at the state level
Right...and I’m sure we can expect Mexifornia to take its state back from Mexico any day now.
And the 30 or so States treat California as an enemy State

Haha...right. I’m sure Mexifornia is pissing their pants over the thought of that.
Gunconfornia should be
No need for it. I would be hard pressed to support it even if there were.


I wonder if Mollie Tibbetts would agree with you.

1 of her vs. Everybody losing freedom? Fuck off with that.

You freedom nuts are losing freedom everyday...Weird that you don’t see it.
What freedoms were lost when martial law was applied in the past? I’ll stand by while you google that shit.
For starters, the Constitution would be suspended. The Bill of Rights would be suspended, There would be a curfew and free movement and travel would be forbidden. You could be arrested for any reason or no reason at all. That's what the Jade Helm 2015 exercise was all about - practicing for the military taking control of everything in the country. Things are getting bad in the country but at the present time a military takeover wouldn't be pleasant.

I get it, this scares the shit out of of dooms day thinkers and conspiracy theory whacks.
Under martial law specific directives can be utilized...I really don’t see martial law being levied against the people like that..there is really no motive for it.....I see it being used to stop and identify wetbacks and to put deportations on the fast track.

The illegal immigration problem would be solved if Congress would get off their ass and pass the laws and build the wall. Martial law is not the solution. Also I hate illegal immigrants too.
1 of her vs. Everybody losing freedom? Fuck off with that.

You freedom nuts are losing freedom everyday...Weird that you don’t see it.
What freedoms were lost when martial law was applied in the past? I’ll stand by while you google that shit.
For starters, the Constitution would be suspended. The Bill of Rights would be suspended, There would be a curfew and free movement and travel would be forbidden. You could be arrested for any reason or no reason at all. That's what the Jade Helm 2015 exercise was all about - practicing for the military taking control of everything in the country. Things are getting bad in the country but at the present time a military takeover wouldn't be pleasant.

I get it, this scares the shit out of of dooms day thinkers and conspiracy theory whacks.
Under martial law specific directives can be utilized...I really don’t see martial law being levied against the people like that..there is really no motive for it.....I see it being used to stop and identify wetbacks and to put deportations on the fast track.

Why just wetbacks, are you aware we have illegals here form virtually every country on earth? They caught 1100 Africans form 19 different countries coming across the southern border in the last few months. About 40% of illegals come in legally and never leave as agreed.


Oh I hate them all...but I prefer to discuss the greater percentile.

Wow, great out of date data. Now would you like to address post #140?

You freedom nuts are losing freedom everyday...Weird that you don’t see it.
What freedoms were lost when martial law was applied in the past? I’ll stand by while you google that shit.
For starters, the Constitution would be suspended. The Bill of Rights would be suspended, There would be a curfew and free movement and travel would be forbidden. You could be arrested for any reason or no reason at all. That's what the Jade Helm 2015 exercise was all about - practicing for the military taking control of everything in the country. Things are getting bad in the country but at the present time a military takeover wouldn't be pleasant.

I get it, this scares the shit out of of dooms day thinkers and conspiracy theory whacks.
Under martial law specific directives can be utilized...I really don’t see martial law being levied against the people like that..there is really no motive for it.....I see it being used to stop and identify wetbacks and to put deportations on the fast track.

Why just wetbacks, are you aware we have illegals here form virtually every country on earth? They caught 1100 Africans form 19 different countries coming across the southern border in the last few months. About 40% of illegals come in legally and never leave as agreed.


Oh I hate them all...but I prefer to discuss the greater percentile.

Wow, great out of date data. Now would you like to address post #140?

. you have something more you honestly think the data has changed since 2012? They have been telling us we have 11 million illegals for decades.

Martial Law, like any other action available to the executive branch is part of the constitution so I’m not sure where to go with your post #140.
You really gotta look at Martial Law, how it’s intended to be used and our current situation in all its simplicity.
Martial Law should be used by the executive branch when lawlessness is out of hand and law and order can not be restored following normal procedures and protocols.
We have a neighboring nation invading our country in epic, never before seen numbers...they are taking over entire states and deciding our elections....WTF are we waiting for?
How else do you really see the bullshit coming to an end? It’s time to take extreme measures...doing what we’ve always done isn’t fucking working.
1 of her vs. Everybody losing freedom? Fuck off with that.

You freedom nuts are losing freedom everyday...Weird that you don’t see it.
What freedoms were lost when martial law was applied in the past? I’ll stand by while you google that shit.
For starters, the Constitution would be suspended. The Bill of Rights would be suspended, There would be a curfew and free movement and travel would be forbidden. You could be arrested for any reason or no reason at all. That's what the Jade Helm 2015 exercise was all about - practicing for the military taking control of everything in the country. Things are getting bad in the country but at the present time a military takeover wouldn't be pleasant.

I get it, this scares the shit out of of dooms day thinkers and conspiracy theory whacks.
Under martial law specific directives can be utilized...I really don’t see martial law being levied against the people like that..there is really no motive for it.....I see it being used to stop and identify wetbacks and to put deportations on the fast track.

So you think declaring Martial Law is the answer to the immigration problems????

Overreact much?

Break it down for are you going to eradicate 29-40 million any other way?
I’m standing by.
It took the nazis nearly 10 years to build their gas chambers. Can Trump build his gas chambers faster?
You freedom nuts are losing freedom everyday...Weird that you don’t see it.
What freedoms were lost when martial law was applied in the past? I’ll stand by while you google that shit.
For starters, the Constitution would be suspended. The Bill of Rights would be suspended, There would be a curfew and free movement and travel would be forbidden. You could be arrested for any reason or no reason at all. That's what the Jade Helm 2015 exercise was all about - practicing for the military taking control of everything in the country. Things are getting bad in the country but at the present time a military takeover wouldn't be pleasant.

I get it, this scares the shit out of of dooms day thinkers and conspiracy theory whacks.
Under martial law specific directives can be utilized...I really don’t see martial law being levied against the people like that..there is really no motive for it.....I see it being used to stop and identify wetbacks and to put deportations on the fast track.

So you think declaring Martial Law is the answer to the immigration problems????

Overreact much?

Break it down for are you going to eradicate 29-40 million any other way?
I’m standing by.
It took the nazis nearly 10 years to build their gas chambers. Can Trump build his gas chambers faster?

Nah, just send the brown roaches home...gas LefTies maybe.
For starters, the Constitution would be suspended. The Bill of Rights would be suspended, There would be a curfew and free movement and travel would be forbidden. You could be arrested for any reason or no reason at all. That's what the Jade Helm 2015 exercise was all about - practicing for the military taking control of everything in the country. Things are getting bad in the country but at the present time a military takeover wouldn't be pleasant.

I get it, this scares the shit out of of dooms day thinkers and conspiracy theory whacks.
Under martial law specific directives can be utilized...I really don’t see martial law being levied against the people like that..there is really no motive for it.....I see it being used to stop and identify wetbacks and to put deportations on the fast track.

Why just wetbacks, are you aware we have illegals here form virtually every country on earth? They caught 1100 Africans form 19 different countries coming across the southern border in the last few months. About 40% of illegals come in legally and never leave as agreed.


Oh I hate them all...but I prefer to discuss the greater percentile.

Wow, great out of date data. Now would you like to address post #140?

. you have something more you honestly think the data has changed since 2012? They have been telling us we have 11 million illegals for decades.

Martial Law, like any other action available to the executive branch is part of the constitution so I’m not sure where to go with your post #140.
You really gotta look at Martial Law, how it’s intended to be used and our current situation in all its simplicity.
Martial Law should be used by the executive branch when lawlessness is out of hand and law and order can not be restored following normal procedures and protocols.
We have a neighboring nation invading our country in epic, never before seen numbers...they are taking over entire states and deciding our elections....WTF are we waiting for?
How else do you really see the bullshit coming to an end? It’s time to take extreme measures...doing what we’ve always done isn’t fucking working.

Yes it has changed drastically since 2012, and you might want to read the Constitution again, marshall law is not mentioned and only one right can be constitutionally suspended in extreme circumstances. Habeas corpus and only when the public safety demands it.

In Boston families were frog marched out of their homes at gunpoint with no warrant or probable cause. The 4th, 5th and 14th Amendments were unconstitutionally suspended. Is that what you want again?

Is there really any other way to regain control of federal law and restore order?
Do you really see Americans taking their country back by way of standard operating procedures through the bureaucracy?

I know the notion of such aggressive action scares the piss out of you “give me liberty or give me death” types...but stop and think for a are losing you liberties to the AOC’s and the commie-lites one day at a time anyhoo.

If it's clear that Democrats cheated to win the 2020 election then Trump has no choice but to use tools like martial law to make things right.


That is the only way to save the nation
I get it, this scares the shit out of of dooms day thinkers and conspiracy theory whacks.
Under martial law specific directives can be utilized...I really don’t see martial law being levied against the people like that..there is really no motive for it.....I see it being used to stop and identify wetbacks and to put deportations on the fast track.

Why just wetbacks, are you aware we have illegals here form virtually every country on earth? They caught 1100 Africans form 19 different countries coming across the southern border in the last few months. About 40% of illegals come in legally and never leave as agreed.


Oh I hate them all...but I prefer to discuss the greater percentile.

Wow, great out of date data. Now would you like to address post #140?

. you have something more you honestly think the data has changed since 2012? They have been telling us we have 11 million illegals for decades.

Martial Law, like any other action available to the executive branch is part of the constitution so I’m not sure where to go with your post #140.
You really gotta look at Martial Law, how it’s intended to be used and our current situation in all its simplicity.
Martial Law should be used by the executive branch when lawlessness is out of hand and law and order can not be restored following normal procedures and protocols.
We have a neighboring nation invading our country in epic, never before seen numbers...they are taking over entire states and deciding our elections....WTF are we waiting for?
How else do you really see the bullshit coming to an end? It’s time to take extreme measures...doing what we’ve always done isn’t fucking working.

Yes it has changed drastically since 2012, and you might want to read the Constitution again, marshall law is not mentioned and only one right can be constitutionally suspended in extreme circumstances. Habeas corpus and only when the public safety demands it.

In Boston families were frog marched out of their homes at gunpoint with no warrant or probable cause. The 4th, 5th and 14th Amendments were unconstitutionally suspended. Is that what you want again?


Provide the accurate data then.
How many Boston families were frog marched out of their homes?
Why were they marched out of their find the killers?
Didn’t you say earlier...fuck Mollie Tibbetts and her ‘isolated’ incident?
Don’t you care about the safety of the citizenry by and large?
Is there really any other way to regain control of federal law and restore order?
Do you really see Americans taking their country back by way of standard operating procedures through the bureaucracy?

I know the notion of such aggressive action scares the piss out of you “give me liberty or give me death” types...but stop and think for a are losing you liberties to the AOC’s and the commie-lites one day at a time anyhoo.

P.S.- Don’t let this thread scare the piss out of you...there is no topic on this board that is more POLITICAL than this.
Fuck no. For Christ’s sake WTF!???

Why not?
1. There is no emergency that would require such an extreme action as martial law.
2. I wouldn't trust Trump to run a one man picnic, let alone run the USA by decree. This is a republic, not a kingdom.
Is there really any other way to regain control of federal law and restore order?
Do you really see Americans taking their country back by way of standard operating procedures through the bureaucracy?

I know the notion of such aggressive action scares the piss out of you “give me liberty or give me death” types...but stop and think for a are losing you liberties to the AOC’s and the commie-lites one day at a time anyhoo.

P.S.- Don’t let this thread scare the piss out of you...there is no topic on this board that is more POLITICAL than this.
Fuck no. For Christ’s sake WTF!???

Why not?
1. There is no emergency that would require such an extreme action as martial law.
2. I wouldn't trust Trump to run a one man picnic, let alone run the USA by decree. This is a republic, not a kingdom.

haha...of course not.
The emergency has kept the Party Of Filth And Foreigners relevant in American politics.
Why just wetbacks, are you aware we have illegals here form virtually every country on earth? They caught 1100 Africans form 19 different countries coming across the southern border in the last few months. About 40% of illegals come in legally and never leave as agreed.


Oh I hate them all...but I prefer to discuss the greater percentile.

Wow, great out of date data. Now would you like to address post #140?

. you have something more you honestly think the data has changed since 2012? They have been telling us we have 11 million illegals for decades.

Martial Law, like any other action available to the executive branch is part of the constitution so I’m not sure where to go with your post #140.
You really gotta look at Martial Law, how it’s intended to be used and our current situation in all its simplicity.
Martial Law should be used by the executive branch when lawlessness is out of hand and law and order can not be restored following normal procedures and protocols.
We have a neighboring nation invading our country in epic, never before seen numbers...they are taking over entire states and deciding our elections....WTF are we waiting for?
How else do you really see the bullshit coming to an end? It’s time to take extreme measures...doing what we’ve always done isn’t fucking working.

Yes it has changed drastically since 2012, and you might want to read the Constitution again, marshall law is not mentioned and only one right can be constitutionally suspended in extreme circumstances. Habeas corpus and only when the public safety demands it.

In Boston families were frog marched out of their homes at gunpoint with no warrant or probable cause. The 4th, 5th and 14th Amendments were unconstitutionally suspended. Is that what you want again?


Provide the accurate data then.
How many Boston families were frog marched out of their homes?
Why were they marched out of their find the killers?
Didn’t you say earlier...fuck Mollie Tibbetts and her ‘isolated’ incident?
Don’t you care about the safety of the citizenry by and large?

The fact is, no one has accurate data, only about 50-60% of border crossers are caught by the CBP. No one is tracking visas, when the person enters or exits.

In Boston people were taken from their home, their home searched with no warrant and no probable cause. If the cops had a witness that said they saw one of the brothers enter a house, they would cause to search THAT HOUSE, not the whole damn neighborhood.

Here's a source you'll likely trust. Check it out. 1500 police going door to door.

Is there really any other way to regain control of federal law and restore order?
Do you really see Americans taking their country back by way of standard operating procedures through the bureaucracy?

I know the notion of such aggressive action scares the piss out of you “give me liberty or give me death” types...but stop and think for a are losing you liberties to the AOC’s and the commie-lites one day at a time anyhoo.

P.S.- Don’t let this thread scare the piss out of you...there is no topic on this board that is more POLITICAL than this.
Fuck no. For Christ’s sake WTF!???

Why not?
1. There is no emergency that would require such an extreme action as martial law.
2. I wouldn't trust Trump to run a one man picnic, let alone run the USA by decree. This is a republic, not a kingdom.

The majority of American men agrees with trump and not you
Is there really any other way to regain control of federal law and restore order?
Do you really see Americans taking their country back by way of standard operating procedures through the bureaucracy?

I know the notion of such aggressive action scares the piss out of you “give me liberty or give me death” types...but stop and think for a are losing you liberties to the AOC’s and the commie-lites one day at a time anyhoo.

P.S.- Don’t let this thread scare the piss out of you...there is no topic on this board that is more POLITICAL than this.

Marshall is the appointed position of a law enforcement official. Like in a cowboy Western.
Martial law is what you are grasping for.
What are you correcting? I fail to see either "marshal" or "martial" in the OP. (Note the spelling of "marshal".)
Is there really any other way to regain control of federal law and restore order?
Do you really see Americans taking their country back by way of standard operating procedures through the bureaucracy?

I know the notion of such aggressive action scares the piss out of you “give me liberty or give me death” types...but stop and think for a are losing you liberties to the AOC’s and the commie-lites one day at a time anyhoo.

P.S.- Don’t let this thread scare the piss out of you...there is no topic on this board that is more POLITICAL than this.
When idiots learn to use computers.
I'll be looking for your response to post #5. Lots of idiots out there, on both sides of the fence. Let's see you nail that one.

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