Martial Law...Would you support Trump taking such measure? said it...Come on, surely you have proof that freedoms are lost after martial law is

Do you not understand what Martial Law is, dumbass? Have you ever experienced Martial Law?

Break it down for us badass

It's where the military rules the streets, kids can't play outside, there's a curfew at dark, only necessary travel is permitted.

AKA: Loss of freedom.

Haha...You’ve watched a few too many movies bud.

Motherfucker I've lived through it, you little POS troll.

And for that you are a fucking badass.
Is there really any other way to regain control of federal law and restore order?
Do you really see Americans taking their country back by way of standard operating procedures through the bureaucracy?

I know the notion of such aggressive action scares the piss out of you “give me liberty or give me death” types...but stop and think for a are losing you liberties to the AOC’s and the commie-lites one day at a time anyhoo.

P.S.- Don’t let this thread scare the piss out of you...there is no topic on this board that is more POLITICAL than this.
Taking the country back starts at the state level

I support Martial Law


freaking hell I do!
Do you not understand what Martial Law is, dumbass? Have you ever experienced Martial Law?

Break it down for us badass

It's where the military rules the streets, kids can't play outside, there's a curfew at dark, only necessary travel is permitted.

AKA: Loss of freedom.

Haha...You’ve watched a few too many movies bud.

Motherfucker I've lived through it, you little POS troll.

And for that you are a fucking badass.

The badasses were The National Guard out there shooting rioters in the head n shit.
They shot about 1/2 dozen of them.
Is there really any other way to regain control of federal law and restore order?
Do you really see Americans taking their country back by way of standard operating procedures through the bureaucracy?

I know the notion of such aggressive action scares the piss out of you “give me liberty or give me death” types...but stop and think for a are losing you liberties to the AOC’s and the commie-lites one day at a time anyhoo.

P.S.- Don’t let this thread scare the piss out of you...there is no topic on this board that is more POLITICAL than this.
Taking the country back starts at the state level
Right...and I’m sure we can expect Mexifornia to take its state back from Mexico any day now.
Break it down for us badass

It's where the military rules the streets, kids can't play outside, there's a curfew at dark, only necessary travel is permitted.

AKA: Loss of freedom.

Haha...You’ve watched a few too many movies bud.

Motherfucker I've lived through it, you little POS troll.

And for that you are a fucking badass.

The badasses were The National Guard out there shooting rioters in the head n shit.
They shot about 1/2 dozen of them.

Cause and effect huh?
Is there really any other way to regain control of federal law and restore order?
Do you really see Americans taking their country back by way of standard operating procedures through the bureaucracy?

I know the notion of such aggressive action scares the piss out of you “give me liberty or give me death” types...but stop and think for a are losing you liberties to the AOC’s and the commie-lites one day at a time anyhoo.

P.S.- Don’t let this thread scare the piss out of you...there is no topic on this board that is more POLITICAL than this.
Taking the country back starts at the state level
Right...and I’m sure we can expect Mexifornia to take its state back from Mexico any day now.

We could sanction CA into straightening up, I think.
Is there really any other way to regain control of federal law and restore order?
Do you really see Americans taking their country back by way of standard operating procedures through the bureaucracy?

I know the notion of such aggressive action scares the piss out of you “give me liberty or give me death” types...but stop and think for a are losing you liberties to the AOC’s and the commie-lites one day at a time anyhoo.

P.S.- Don’t let this thread scare the piss out of you...there is no topic on this board that is more POLITICAL than this.
Taking the country back starts at the state level
Right...and I’m sure we can expect Mexifornia to take its state back from Mexico any day now.
And the 30 or so States treat California as an enemy State

I don't want to have to be walking past this guy, he looks like he just had to shoot somebody anyway.
Look....I’ll just stand by and wait for the yellow Don’t Tread On Me Flags to start flying and guns to start popping. I’m sure that will happen real soon...haha
Look....I’ll just stand by and wait for the yellow Don’t Tread On Me Flags to start flying and guns to start popping. I’m sure that will happen real soon...haha

I get it, you're surrounded by beaners with no way out. If you hear guns popping, it's probably Mexican gang members with full-auto weapons.
Is there really any other way to regain control of federal law and restore order?
Do you really see Americans taking their country back by way of standard operating procedures through the bureaucracy?

I know the notion of such aggressive action scares the piss out of you “give me liberty or give me death” types...but stop and think for a are losing you liberties to the AOC’s and the commie-lites one day at a time anyhoo.

P.S.- Don’t let this thread scare the piss out of you...there is no topic on this board that is more POLITICAL than this.
Taking the country back starts at the state level
Right...and I’m sure we can expect Mexifornia to take its state back from Mexico any day now.

We could sanction CA into straightening up, I think.

Is there really any other way to regain control of federal law and restore order?
Do you really see Americans taking their country back by way of standard operating procedures through the bureaucracy?

I know the notion of such aggressive action scares the piss out of you “give me liberty or give me death” types...but stop and think for a are losing you liberties to the AOC’s and the commie-lites one day at a time anyhoo.

P.S.- Don’t let this thread scare the piss out of you...there is no topic on this board that is more POLITICAL than this.
Taking the country back starts at the state level
Right...and I’m sure we can expect Mexifornia to take its state back from Mexico any day now.
And the 30 or so States treat California as an enemy State

Haha...right. I’m sure Mexifornia is pissing their pants over the thought of that.
Simple answer, HELL NO!!!!!!!!!!!!



No need for it. I would be hard pressed to support it even if there were.


I wonder if Mollie Tibbetts would agree with you.

1 of her vs. Everybody losing freedom? Fuck off with that.

You freedom nuts are losing freedom everyday...Weird that you don’t see it.
What freedoms were lost when martial law was applied in the past? I’ll stand by while you google that shit.
For starters, the Constitution would be suspended. The Bill of Rights would be suspended, There would be a curfew and free movement and travel would be forbidden. You could be arrested for any reason or no reason at all. That's what the Jade Helm 2015 exercise was all about - practicing for the military taking control of everything in the country. Things are getting bad in the country but at the present time a military takeover wouldn't be pleasant.
Look....I’ll just stand by and wait for the yellow Don’t Tread On Me Flags to start flying and guns to start popping. I’m sure that will happen real soon...haha

I get it, you're surrounded by beaners with no way out. If you hear guns popping, it's probably Mexican gang members with full-auto weapons.

The funny thing is; I’m really not. My wife, while she hates wetbacks as well, always asks me why I care so much...she says; “We don’t have to live with them.”....I say, it’s my duty to care as a good American....this nation was not intended to be run and or inhabited by Mexico...PERIOD!
Look....I’ll just stand by and wait for the yellow Don’t Tread On Me Flags to start flying and guns to start popping. I’m sure that will happen real soon...haha

I get it, you're surrounded by beaners with no way out. If you hear guns popping, it's probably Mexican gang members with full-auto weapons.

The funny thing is; I’m really not. My wife, while she hates wetbacks as well, always asks me why I care so much...she says; “We don’t have to live with them.”....I say, it’s my duty to care as a good American....this nation was not intended to be run and or inhabited by Mexico...PERIOD!

Personally, I think you're a wee bit too obsessed.
Martial law is the imposition of direct military control of normal civilian functions by a government, especially in response to a temporary emergency such as invasion or major disaster, or in an occupied territory.[1][2]

Martial law can be used by governments to enforce their rule over the public,...…

The people of this country may be crazier than a pack of loons......but we're not that bad...…..yet.

If/when martial law is declared, you can bet your boots there will be no more freedoms whatsoever as long as it's imposed. goodbye Bill of Rights and Constitution.

IOW, we're f*cked.

No need for it. I would be hard pressed to support it even if there were.


I wonder if Mollie Tibbetts would agree with you.

1 of her vs. Everybody losing freedom? Fuck off with that.

You freedom nuts are losing freedom everyday...Weird that you don’t see it.
What freedoms were lost when martial law was applied in the past? I’ll stand by while you google that shit.
For starters, the Constitution would be suspended. The Bill of Rights would be suspended, There would be a curfew and free movement and travel would be forbidden. You could be arrested for any reason or no reason at all. That's what the Jade Helm 2015 exercise was all about - practicing for the military taking control of everything in the country. Things are getting bad in the country but at the present time a military takeover wouldn't be pleasant.

I get it, this scares the shit out of of dooms day thinkers and conspiracy theory whacks.
Under martial law specific directives can be utilized...I really don’t see martial law being levied against the people like that..there is really no motive for it.....I see it being used to stop and identify wetbacks and to put deportations on the fast track.
Look....I’ll just stand by and wait for the yellow Don’t Tread On Me Flags to start flying and guns to start popping. I’m sure that will happen real soon...haha

I get it, you're surrounded by beaners with no way out. If you hear guns popping, it's probably Mexican gang members with full-auto weapons.

The funny thing is; I’m really not. My wife, while she hates wetbacks as well, always asks me why I care so much...she says; “We don’t have to live with them.”....I say, it’s my duty to care as a good American....this nation was not intended to be run and or inhabited by Mexico...PERIOD!

Personally, I think you're a wee bit too obsessed.

Thank you...I feel complimented.
No offense, but that’s exactly how and why wetbacks have taken your country from you...You don’t really care all that much.
No need for it. I would be hard pressed to support it even if there were.


I wonder if Mollie Tibbetts would agree with you.

1 of her vs. Everybody losing freedom? Fuck off with that.

You freedom nuts are losing freedom everyday...Weird that you don’t see it.
What freedoms were lost when martial law was applied in the past? I’ll stand by while you google that shit.
For starters, the Constitution would be suspended. The Bill of Rights would be suspended, There would be a curfew and free movement and travel would be forbidden. You could be arrested for any reason or no reason at all. That's what the Jade Helm 2015 exercise was all about - practicing for the military taking control of everything in the country. Things are getting bad in the country but at the present time a military takeover wouldn't be pleasant.

I get it, this scares the shit out of of dooms day thinkers and conspiracy theory whacks.
Under martial law specific directives can be utilized...I really don’t see martial law being levied against the people like that..there is really no motive for it.....I see it being used to stop and identify wetbacks and to put deportations on the fast track.

No need for it. I would be hard pressed to support it even if there were.


I wonder if Mollie Tibbetts would agree with you.

1 of her vs. Everybody losing freedom? Fuck off with that.

You freedom nuts are losing freedom everyday...Weird that you don’t see it.
What freedoms were lost when martial law was applied in the past? I’ll stand by while you google that shit.
For starters, the Constitution would be suspended. The Bill of Rights would be suspended, There would be a curfew and free movement and travel would be forbidden. You could be arrested for any reason or no reason at all. That's what the Jade Helm 2015 exercise was all about - practicing for the military taking control of everything in the country. Things are getting bad in the country but at the present time a military takeover wouldn't be pleasant.

I get it, this scares the shit out of of dooms day thinkers and conspiracy theory whacks.
Under martial law specific directives can be utilized...I really don’t see martial law being levied against the people like that..there is really no motive for it.....I see it being used to stop and identify wetbacks and to put deportations on the fast track.

So you think declaring Martial Law is the answer to the immigration problems????

Overreact much?

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