Martin Luther King was not the only black leader

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And those of us that see a homogeneous nation as having multiplied faults without the various attributes that make us great are SOL I gather. I will not wear a uniform, and be with only those like me! One never learns, never sees the differences that create wonder in the world.

Yeah, continue to appease White haters.... What clowns White ANTIFA are.

This is not about white haters. Whites are not hated. Racist whites are. What ye sows, ye shall also reap.

Get it white racist? You and those like you sowed hate. This is your reward.

Then you Blacks deserve to be hated, you're the most violent, and stupid demographic in America.

Whites are now and have been clearly the most violent group and certainly whites such as you are the most stupid demographic.

Certainly not now.

Now Blacks are the most violent group.

A part from sky high civilian murder rates.

The biggest war, and the biggest genocide movements in the past 30 years both stem from Black Africa.

The Rwanda Genocide the fastest genocide, killing 1 million in a few months.
the Congo Civil Wars, killing 5 million.

The fact of the matter is Whites haven't done anything like this since WW2.

Yeah, Hitler killed a lot of people, but he also had African E1b1b haplogroup, as did Napoleon.

It seems a lot of the more violent of Europe are more like your Africans genetically.
Yes it makes sense. You give aid to places you have ruined and want a pat on your backs
Very true. Guys like SobieskiSavedEurope kill me with that "Giving aid" nonsense

Yeah a bag of rice for a bag of diamonds. Great trade off.

And he knows that white supremacist acts of aggression are always followed by white supremacist acts of compassion. When USA nuked Hirsoshima. The first people over there were whites (Red Cross etc) to confuse their victims.

White supremacist love a starving black African child. That's why they always blast their pics on every media outlet (always ignoring the African countries like Botswana that happen to have a good standard of living) and ignoring the people in the starving child's own country who r tryna sort the mess that was systematically created by the very people who claim that want to help them.
Some blacks are racist among themselves depending on how dark you are. Even YOU know that.
Yup. The same way whites are racist among themselves. Whites are always beefing about who is and is not white. N.Euro and Southern Euros.
Plus, most blacks hate whites. Like you do.
Even if I do hate whites. How does that affect your life ? You still get the job white man, the loan white man. Besides I've said many times that I don't hate white people, in the same way that I don't hate Tigers, but I understand a Tigers nature.

So, if I hate Blacks, how does that affect your life?

Pretty simple. whites due tp their numerical majority have the ability to elect like minded individuals to make law and policy at every level of our government. Also since you are the majority, many like minded whites if your ilk own and control businesses thereby they can decide not to hire blacks or they hire whatever hey think the law says they must hire then never promote or pay them equally. In addition whites like you control the financial and real estate industries, health care and education and can make life miserable for non whites.

You see idiot whites like you always want to try thinking you can turn something around on people. As we see here, you guys exist, you own businesses, you can decide not to hire blacks only because of race and do so. Yet you do this then try telling us how racism doesn't exist.
You don’t know shit about how this country works.

White people are not allowed to have any agency ANYWHERE concerning race.

Idiot Republicans insist on white people not having a group identity and quietly accept the legitimacy of a group identity for every other group in order to supposedly keep from pissing them off further, while Democrats use the group identity of minorities to form voting blocks to conquer swathes of the country, all the while seeking to prevent whites from enjoying the same privileges.
So, if I hate Blacks, how does that affect your life?
Because who think like you, run the world, make policy, make laws, are chielfs of police, allocate funding, people who think like me, don't. afterall we live in a world of racism-white supremacy
Baseless theories that you are allowed to use throughout your life because YOU are the privileged one.
Lyndon Johnson signed Civil Rights into action, not Martin Luther King.

Oh okay, I knew I was wrong... About?

Not only are you kind of wrong for blaming Whites of today, for the crimes of Whites of the past.

You're point blank bonkers, for thinking a person of Polish heritage, somehow is behind it, and owes you.

Exactly why I've never really liked Blacks, among various other reasons.

The "You're White card"
King also warned the nation of whites that if they thought they would get to continue business as usual, hard times were coming. This along with Malcolm X's popularity scared Johnson.

Hard times were coming for "Whites", huh?

So, MLK was a racist, right?

I thought you said the Polish participated in Racism.

Your Blacks are the biggest racists.

Look at Black Racist Farrakhan n 1995 getting a million Blacks to march in Washington DC.

If Racist White Racist D. Duke were to get a million Whites to march in Washington DC, it would be racist.

But, somehow when you, and your ilk do it, it's "Cool"

So what things have whites been denied for David Duke to call for a million white man match?

What have Blacks been denied recently, exactly?
The key word is "Recently"

Whites have increasingly been denied college, or jobs due to Affirmative Action.

Whites have also been increasingly denied any kind of positive history of theirs, the fact that Martin Luther King Jr is discussed more than the White Lyndon Johnson the actual signer of Civil Rights is just more evidence of this.

Whites have also been increasingly been denied their rights to exist, apparently it's okay for Blacks to care about their concerns like Farrakhan, but God Forbid if David Duke does similar.

Yes, it would appear there's a strong double standard, if you even dare to say Whites should have the right to exist, you might be ridiculed as "A White supremacist, or "Racist"
But, Blacks can more, or less do what the heck they please.

Whites haven't been denied shit. Whites are the prime benefactor of Affirmative Action. Whites have not been denied their history. Whites have not been denied the right to exist. All of these are lies. There is no double standard. People just aren't accepting he right for whites to be racists. So stop crying.
Stop posting stupid, ignorant shit.
White people are not allowed to have any agency ANYWHERE concerning race.
Name me an area of human activity that is not dominated by racism-white supremacy ?
Idiot Republicans insist on white people not having a group identity
Racism-White supremacy IS you're identity. That's what you have. That's the only thing that keeps white together and bonded to each other. You did it yourselves. Race is more important than money to many whites.

You have it good white man. Whites have eleven times the average net worth of blacks, have an unemployment rates half that of blacks, poverty rates one-third as high

White men with only a high school diploma are more likely to have a job than black men with college degrees and even when they have a criminal record,

White men are more likely than black men without one to receive a call back for a job interview, even when all their credentials are the same.

White students are only half to one-third as likely as blacks youth to be suspended or expelled and despite higher rates of drug use, white youth are far less likely to be arrested, prosecuted or incarcerated for a drug offense than are black youth and whites run virtually every major institution in the USA

And you still bitch and moan ? You still claim victim-hood ?
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White people are not allowed to have any agency ANYWHERE concerning race.
Name me an area of human activity that is not dominated by racism-white supremacy ?
Idiot Republicans insist on white people not having a group identity
Racism-White supremacy IS you're identity. That's what you have. That's the only thing that keeps white together and bonded to each other. You did it yourselves. Race is more important than money to many whites.

You have it good white man. Whites have eleven times the average net worth of blacks, have an unemployment rates half that of blacks, poverty rates one-third as high

White men with only a high school diploma are more likely to have a job than black men with college degrees and even when they have a criminal record,

White men are more likely than black men without one to receive a call back for a job interview, even when all their credentials are the same.

White students are only half to one-third as likely as blacks youth to be suspended or expelled and despite higher rates of drug use, white youth are far less likely to be arrested, prosecuted or incarcerated for a drug offense than are black youth and whites run virtually every major institution in the USA

And you still bitch and moan ? You still claim victim-hood ?
Name an institution that doesn’t use bullshit terms like “racism-white supremacy” regularly.

The alt-right literally exists because white people have no agency in any area of society concerning race. Nothing that happened at Charlottesville was any different than what happens every day all around the country for every other racial group.

White people don’t even have the most basic ability to declare they have rights as an indigenous people concerning Europe. If you can’t declare the indigenous rights of your people, you literally have no ability to form a group identity.

You couldn’t handle a fraction of what racially aware white people go through every day. The collective based guilt and the outright treason combined with the efforts to suppress collective based pride would absolutely destroy you.
Was MLK the "only black leader"? No

Was he the acknowledged leader of the Civil Rights movement? Yes
The collective based guilt and the outright treason combined with the efforts to suppress collective based pride would absolutely destroy you.
Many Whites feel no guilt about the past and how they benefit from it. They'd be more than happy if we were back in chains.

Most would never admit it.

But deep down they know it’s true. White man’s burden is a myth.The white man feels no burden to anyone but himself.

Secondly almost everything in America already celebrates being white so they have no reason to go out of their way to find “white pride”..
Name an institution that doesn’t use bullshit terms like “racism-white supremacy” regularly.
Does racism exist ?

It’s like you desire everything even the experience of being oppressed.

You crave victim-hood and unlike real victims, you often have the power to achieve redress for your imagined oppression.

That is the actual prize - The justification to act; they already have the power as whites are not real victims.
The alt-right literally exists because white people have no agency in any area of society concerning race.
OK. Well. The floor is yours. Name me an area of society where white people have it so hard ? Because all I’m hearing is this


The entire mythology of white supremacists basically places them as the unwitting victim of a vast racial conspiracy : The Jews secretly running the world, dark-skinned people overtaking their land, walking off with their jobs, etc.

And you can’t help but think : This is the so-called master race?

So basically you're belief system makes whites the only people in history so mind-numbingly incompetent that they were conquered and didn’t even notice ?
Nothing that happened at Charlottesville was any different than what happens every day all around the country for every other racial group.
Why was Trump was slow to condemn the riot ? Even though the press had asked him about it several times the next day. How come the police were not heavy-handed like they are when blacks protest ?

But with the Charlottesville riot I just sat back with my popcorn and let the Normal Racist White People fight the Extremely Racist White People.

Let them duke it out.

If they really don’t like Racism, let them eradicate it.

It's white people put their skin color above GOD’S Kingdom & in return GOD is going to destroy the US by giving white people everything they ask for.

Christopher Cantrell, who was real gangster on TV bragging about their terror attack was crying a few days later about an arrest warrant

What you crying for ? You're a bad ass ain't ya ?

He was talking all that good shit on VICE. Now he wanna cry like the bitch he is. This is the same man who said he was “ready for violence” This is same man who said all niggas and Jews must die..

And then a Jew and brother cop was beating on his door next day with an arrest warrant


White people don’t even have the most basic ability to declare they have rights as an indigenous people concerning Europe.
What rights should white Europeans have ?
If you can’t declare the indigenous rights of your people, you literally have no ability to form a group identity.
What rights should white Europeans have ?
You couldn’t handle a fraction of what racially aware white people go through every day.
Don’t get it twisted - Everyone has challenges in life and few people are born with massive wealth. But for white people, in spite of any personal problem in life (which of course black people have too), dealing with race is not an issue.

You can be born white with the misfortune of having abusive, irresponsible, drug-addicted parents. However, it’s extremely unlikely that your difficulties in life are due to social constructs engineered by black people.
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White people are not allowed to have any agency ANYWHERE concerning race.
Name me an area of human activity that is not dominated by racism-white supremacy ?
Idiot Republicans insist on white people not having a group identity
Race is more important than money to many whites.

I wish that were true, but it's very far from the truth.

If it were true, Whites wouldn't be engulfed by often hostile Brown, and Black invaders in their countries... Many whom are here for money to benefit the elites who employ third-World peoples for extra profits due to cheap labor.
White people are not allowed to have any agency ANYWHERE concerning race.
Name me an area of human activity that is not dominated by racism-white supremacy ?
Idiot Republicans insist on white people not having a group identity

White students are only half to one-third as likely as blacks youth to be suspended or expelled and despite higher rates of drug use, white youth are far less likely to be arrested, prosecuted or incarcerated for a drug offense than are black youth and whites run virtually every major institution in the USA

So are White students some how less likely to be obnoxious, aggressive, and violent in class?

So are Black drug users more likely to use drugs in urban centers outdoors where they're more likely to be caught?
The collective based guilt and the outright treason combined with the efforts to suppress collective based pride would absolutely destroy you.
Many Whites feel no guilt about the past and how they benefit from it. They'd be more than happy if we were back in chains.

Most would never admit it.

But deep down they know it’s true. White man’s burden is a myth.The white man feels no burden to anyone but himself.

Secondly almost everything in America already celebrates being white so they have no reason to go out of their way to find “white pride”..
Name an institution that doesn’t use bullshit terms like “racism-white supremacy” regularly.
The entire mythology of white supremacists basically places them as the unwitting victim of a vast racial conspiracy : The Jews secretly running the world, dark-skinned people overtaking their land, walking off with their jobs, etc.

And you can’t help but think : This is the so-called master race?

So basically you're belief system makes whites the only people in history so mind-numbingly incompetent that they were conquered and didn’t even notice ?

This is one of a few reasons why I look down on Western Europeans as inferior.

But, the whole "Jews did it all" thing gets tired.

I see how illegal Hispanics would hang out in Brewster, NY waiting for work to get picked up as day laborers, and how contractors like landscapers, masons, construction, or just general handy man would pick them up.

That couldn't possibly be all Jewish.

While it is true Jews have played a huge role in brainwashing the masses, they couldn't do it without all the willing accomplices many whom are Brits.

The Brits in this country have not only tolerated Jews, but appeased them at every turn. (Collectively speaking at least)
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The collective based guilt and the outright treason combined with the efforts to suppress collective based pride would absolutely destroy you.
Many Whites feel no guilt about the past and how they benefit from it. They'd be more than happy if we were back in chains.

Most would never admit it.

But deep down they know it’s true. White man’s burden is a myth.The white man feels no burden to anyone but himself.

Secondly almost everything in America already celebrates being white so they have no reason to go out of their way to find “white pride”..
Name an institution that doesn’t use bullshit terms like “racism-white supremacy” regularly.
Does racism exist ?

It’s like you desire everything even the experience of being oppressed.

You crave victim-hood and unlike real victims, you often have the power to achieve redress for your imagined oppression.

That is the actual prize - The justification to act; they already have the power as whites are not real victims.
The alt-right literally exists because white people have no agency in any area of society concerning race.

You can be born white with the misfortune of having abusive, irresponsible, drug-addicted parents. However, it’s extremely unlikely that your difficulties in life are due to social constructs engineered by black people.

Actually, Blacks do indirectly engineer horrible neighborhoods.

My Polish American family came from Portchester, New York which isn't even so bad.
it was bad enough that Blacks jumped, beat up, and robbed by Polish American uncle, and that my Polish American grandmother was afraid to sleep at night because of Blacks shooting off their guns.
The collective based guilt and the outright treason combined with the efforts to suppress collective based pride would absolutely destroy you.
Many Whites feel no guilt about the past and how they benefit from it. They'd be more than happy if we were back in chains.

Most would never admit it.

But deep down they know it’s true. White man’s burden is a myth.The white man feels no burden to anyone but himself.

Secondly almost everything in America already celebrates being white so they have no reason to go out of their way to find “white pride”..
Name an institution that doesn’t use bullshit terms like “racism-white supremacy” regularly.
Does racism exist ?

It’s like you desire everything even the experience of being oppressed.

You crave victim-hood and unlike real victims, you often have the power to achieve redress for your imagined oppression.

That is the actual prize - The justification to act; they already have the power as whites are not real victims.
The alt-right literally exists because white people have no agency in any area of society concerning race.
OK. Well. The floor is yours. Name me an area of society where white people have it so hard ? Because all I’m hearing is this


The entire mythology of white supremacists basically places them as the unwitting victim of a vast racial conspiracy : The Jews secretly running the world, dark-skinned people overtaking their land, walking off with their jobs, etc.

And you can’t help but think : This is the so-called master race?

So basically you're belief system makes whites the only people in history so mind-numbingly incompetent that they were conquered and didn’t even notice ?
Nothing that happened at Charlottesville was any different than what happens every day all around the country for every other racial group.

But with the Charlottesville riot I just sat back with my popcorn and let the Normal Racist White People fight the Extremely Racist White People.

Let them duke it out.

If they really don’t like Racism, let them eradicate it.

It's white people put their skin color above GOD’S Kingdom & in return GOD is going to destroy the US by giving white people everything they ask for.

Normal people are racist, ANTIFA are outliers such kinds hardly existed until there was a massive brainwashing event.

So, what?
You a Black person put your Black skin color above GOD's Kingdom... Hypocrite.
Yes it makes sense. You give aid to places you have ruined and want a pat on your backs
Very true. Guys like SobieskiSavedEurope kill me with that "Giving aid" nonsense

Yeah a bag of rice for a bag of diamonds. Great trade off.

And he knows that white supremacist acts of aggression are always followed by white supremacist acts of compassion. When USA nuked Hirsoshima. The first people over there were whites (Red Cross etc) to confuse their victims.

White supremacist love a starving black African child. That's why they always blast their pics on every media outlet (always ignoring the African countries like Botswana that happen to have a good standard of living) and ignoring the people in the starving child's own country who r tryna sort the mess that was systematically created by the very people who claim that want to help them.

Africa's so corrupt that a lot of the aid just helps lowlife tyrants.

Even the aid that does reach Africans, just helps 'em overpopulate more to make the situation worse.

But, plenty of countries have moved on after being conquered, or destroyed.

Such examples include Japan, Germany, now Poland, China, Estonia, and Slovakia are moving up nicely.

It seems Africa's just stuck in neutral, even countries not truly colonized like Ethiopia, or Liberia are struggling by Africa's low standards.
It must be Whitey's fault that Rhodesia was White, and the most advanced of countries in Africa, let Blacks run it like Mugabe, and it ends up as the least advanced of countries in the whole World.

Leftists have a very warped view of reality.

Blacks colonized for a longer period of time, tend to be richer, like Trinidad vs Haiti
South Africa vs Ethiopia.

It seems Leftists have pulled the wool over our eyes... Telling us that Colonialism is the culprit behind the African condition.
You've touted before of Black racist opinions not harming anyone, you're not going to do a 180 and spin on that, now are you?
There is no such thing as black racism.

Ridiculous lies.
It's totally racist to have Black History Month, Black Music Awards, Black only magazines... If whites had White Music Awards or something like that, all the snowflakes, white and brown, would go apeshit. And there would be a massive run on bananas.
It's totally racist to have Black History Month, Black Music Awards, Black only magazines... If whites had White Music Awards or something like that, all the snowflakes, white and brown, would go apeshit. And there would be a massive run on bananas.
You have Vogue and Cosmopolitan they cater to mainly white people. You have white channels like CBS, NBC and ABC and you have Fortune 500, U.S. Congress and Fraternal Orders of Police. You have the Oscatr, Emmy's. etc

They're are all doing a pretty good job holding it down for u white folks.

White history has been made the normal history and when your history is taken as the norm the need to give it a name because pointless.

That's why you have the para-olympics....but you don't have the able-bodied olympics. It's just called the Olympics

White folks’ contributions have never been ignored.

So for you to demand special time to teach about the people everyone has already learned about from the start because insane

And as for black history ? So are you saying that the normal American history is good ?

The kind of history that ignores the contributions and struggles of black people ? The history that paints an image of Africa suggesting there were no signs of civilization there before whites arrived ? And that black history doesn’t begin until slavery ? The kind of history that's basically about black people getting there asses kicked until Ab Lincoln saves the day ?
It's totally racist to have Black History Month, Black Music Awards, Black only magazines... If whites had White Music Awards or something like that, all the snowflakes, white and brown, would go apeshit. And there would be a massive run on bananas.
You have Vogue and Cosmopolitan they cater to mainly white people. You have white channels like CBS, NBC and ABC and you have Fortune 500, U.S. Congress and Fraternal Orders of Police. You have the Oscatr, Emmy's. etc

They're are all doing a pretty good job holding it down for u white folks.

White history has been made the normal history and when your history is taken as the norm the need to give it a name because pointless.

That's why you have the para-olympics....but you don't have the able-bodied olympics. It's just called the Olympics

White folks’ contributions have never been ignored.

So for you to demand special time to teach about the people everyone has already learned about from the start because insane

And as for black history ? So are you saying that the normal American history is good ?

The kind of history that ignores the contributions and struggles of black people ? The history that paints an image of Africa suggesting there were no signs of civilization there before whites arrived ? And that black history doesn’t begin until slavery ? The kind of history that's basically about black people getting there asses kicked until Ab Lincoln saves the day ?
All false questions. And yes, it is racist to have Black Awards... They're excluding people based on race, which is what you accuse whites of doing in the past. So now it's ok for blacks to do it? EPIC LOAD OF CRAP!
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