Marvelous Bill Maher doubles down: President Trump ain't leaving if he loses 2020 election

The problem is, they will accuse Hannity and conservatives of fear mongering. They actually have some crazed, pink hat wearing, play doh Safe Space, Rachel Maddow worshiping, SJW who will eat up his words as gospel.

It's so clearly Red State propaganda, but some will never see it. At least when I watch Hannity I know what corner he is in, and thus I take some of what he says with a grain of salt and apply my own objectivity. Maybe there are a few knuckle draggers who don't, but I am guessing most understand the bias.

Does the alt-left appreciate this, or are they so blind with hatred and outrage, they scream "Orange Man Bad" and look for any opinion that reconfirms their outrage and fear.

At least when Hannity makes accusations, he has some doing investigative work. These guys just throw out "my gut feeling is he will never leave, just watch!". They say the same about Trumps "being mean" or whatever. It's unethical and dangerous.
This is chilling!

Let me start by saying Maher has the greatest gig on the planet...let me finish by saying since the feud between them started when trump had the same kinda gig, trump has gotten a new gig and maher a new stage for telling "vintage" orange stories.
Maher and Trump and Schiff are all excessively theatrical. politics is like WWE Wrestling. too bad!
Trump will be arrested after his presidency ends and he will cry out like a little lamb: "me? what for?"
This is chilling!

Just remember one thing: In 2016, THEY were afraid how Trump would lose, and then THEY lost and look who has been crying ever since! Even calling him an "illegitimate" president! 2020 is shaping up to be one of the best years of my life!


Has Maher yet accepted the defeat of Hillary Clinton in 2016, and the fact that president Trump is our legitimate president?
Maher is an establishmentarian. He does what the establishment tells him to do via his many writers. This way he can keep making his millions while deceiving his viewers.

Standard procedure by many, throughout the MSM.
They learned NOTHING from the 2016 election.

except we have a dictator now and the republicans did it.

If only fantasy was reality.

And accusation was admission of guilt...

This is why leftists are dangerous people. They actually believe so.

You apparently are a member of the cult , the tramp cult. I feel sorry for you, being so brainwashed.

You are a member of the class of people with a severe condition called Trump derangement syndrome. I feel sorry for you, for being mentally too weak.
They learned NOTHING from the 2016 election.

except we have a dictator now and the republicans did it.
The real issues are closer to home. More and more people will not lift a finger to help others in distress. Death, maiming, raping, destruction and mayhem with so much more. And that is vengeance and vendetta. It will only expand as we continue to screw each other over. Your globalist masters can tank the economies of the world anytime they want.
I don't trust runts. Especially coked up runts. DJT is the most powerful man on the planet. Maher isn't even the most important person in the room when he's bedding a $1500/night stripper.

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