Marxist/Communist/Fascist/Liberal/Progressive all starts with Socialism(A history lesson)


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
Most far left liberals blame conservatives for the actions of SOCIALIST who go after people of color, like the KKK, yet these degenerates are not conservative but FASCISTS(EXTREME FAR RIGHT SOCIALISTS). I am going to provide a history of the SOCIALIST movement and how it keeps morphing into different names. Both parties have socialism in it, progessive/liberal republicans(RINOs) and progressive/marxist/liberal/communist/fascist democrats.

Fabian Society - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
The Fabian Society is a British socialist organisation whose purpose is to advance the principles of socialism via gradualist and reformist means.
george bernard shaw fabian socialist - Bing Videos
Fabian Socialist George Bernard Shaw Praises Mussolini ...
Mussolini was a FASCIST. Eugenics was praised by the Fabians. Hitler exercised eugenics. Hitler was a FASCIST.
Hitler was a National Socialist, Mussolini was a Fascist.

From the outside looking in, they may seem similar but there are distinct differences.
Fascism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
One common definition of fascism focuses on three concepts: the fascist negations of anti-liberalism, anti-communism and anti-conservatism; nationalist authoritarian goals of creating a regulated economic structure to transform social relations within a modern, self-determined culture; and a political aesthetic of romantic symbolism, mass mobilization, a positive view of violence, and promotion of masculinity, youth and charismatic leadership
A liberal Republican(RINO) is distictly diffferent from a liberal Democrat, but the common core of both is liberalism(control of the masses through the government). But they are more similiar than different.
Most far left liberals blame conservatives for the actions of SOCIALIST who go after people of color, like the KKK, yet these degenerates are not conservative but FASCISTS(EXTREME FAR RIGHT SOCIALISTS). I am going to provide a history of the SOCIALIST movement and how it keeps morphing into different names. Both parties have socialism in it, progessive/liberal republicans(RINOs) and progressive/marxist/liberal/communist/fascist democrats.

Fabian Society - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
The Fabian Society is a British socialist organisation whose purpose is to advance the principles of socialism via gradualist and reformist means.
george bernard shaw fabian socialist - Bing Videos
Fabian Socialist George Bernard Shaw Praises Mussolini ...
Mussolini was a FASCIST. Eugenics was praised by the Fabians. Hitler exercised eugenics. Hitler was a FASCIST.
Good points. Limited govt proponents have nothing in common with the nazis, as the progressive left likes to portray them. The American constitution is based in self rule, limited govt, & individual freedom & responsibility. All of the euro socialist movements are based on big govt.. nanny state control, more govt power, micromanaging regulations, & a massive central govt.

Racism is based in the eugenics view of humanity, which is the roots of the progressive movement. The concept that man is an accident of nature, & has been evolving with no purpose.. another animal on the planet in various stages of evolution.. this is the worldview of progressives. The American tradition is that of recognizing God. 'We are endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights'.. 'we hold these truths to be self evident: All men are CREATED equal.' That view has a view of man as dignified, equal, & deserving respect from his fellow man, as a NATURAL RIGHT from his Creator. That view drove the abolitionist movement, not the 'evolving animal' view.

It is not surprising that the core values of a person can be traced to the simplest views on origins. Those views are the logical foundations.. the springs from which all other values & perceptions flow.
President Andrew Jackson The Cherokees Perspective
Most polls, studies, historians, authors and writers rank Andrew Jackson in or near the top 10 best presidents. However, to many Cherokees, Andrew Jackson is without a doubt the worst U.S. President.
Andrew Jackson(Progressive Democrat) When the supreme court heard the outcry of native Americans who were being told they had to move to reservations, the supreme court went in favor for the Cherokees, but Andrew Jackson said that he had the power of the US army to enforce his decision to put the indians in their place. FORCE is a major factor of liberalism and its agenda. The "TRAIL OF TEARS" is a byproduct of the Manifest Destiny(or Declaration of War against Native Americans).
Theodore Roosevelt - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Theodore Roosevelt - A leader of the Republican Party, he was the spokesman for the Progressive Era.
He was a Progressive Republican who said
"the great movement of our day, the progressive nationalist movement against special privilege, and in favor of an honest and efficient political and industrial democracy".

I don't go so far as to think that the only good Indians are dead Indians, but I believe nine out of ten are, and I shouldn't like to inquire too closely into the case of the tenth.
"PROGRESSIVE" Republican, Bull Moose Party, government control. Liberals love big government.
Fascism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
One common definition of fascism focuses on three concepts: the fascist negations of anti-liberalism, anti-communism and anti-conservatism; nationalist authoritarian goals of creating a regulated economic structure to transform social relations within a modern, self-determined culture; and a political aesthetic of romantic symbolism, mass mobilization, a positive view of violence, and promotion of masculinity, youth and charismatic leadership
A liberal Republican(RINO) is distictly diffferent from a liberal Democrat, but the common core of both is liberalism(control of the masses through the government). But they are more similiar than different.

First things first -- Don't EVER use Wiki for anything more complicated than a cornbread recipe.

That article couldn't be more wrong if it tried -- Which I suspect the authors did

Second, if you really are curious about past, present and future political movements, start at the beginning of the Modern Era and go from there.

Study the French Revolution. That's where all this nonsense started.

Here's a good start -- The Great French Revolution 1789 1793 The Anarchist Library

Once you finish that, if you need some help going further, let me know.

Here's your second reading -- Hal Draper The Two Souls of Socialism 1966

Those two should keep you occupied for a LONG time

Third, and most important, admit to yourself that you don't know shit because (and I mean this nicely) you don't.

If you don't want to go through all this bullshit (I wouldn't blame you for declining) I can certainly understand that decision. Just understand that most of what you here and read about past and present political philosophies from our esteemed educational system and Academia in general is just simply bullshit condensed into bite-sized bullshit tablets easy to swallow for the unwashed masses and mostly stoopid
Woodrow Wilson - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Thomas Woodrow Wilson (December 28, 1856 – February 3, 1924) was the 28th President of the United States from 1913 to 1921 and leader of the Progressive Movement.
The Rise and Fall of Jim Crow . Jim Crow Stories . Segregation in the U. S. Government PBS
"There are no government positions for Negros in the South. A Negros place in the corn field"
After 50 years of civil rights from the Republican Party to have equality in the federal government, Woodrow Wilson came and and not only segregated the government, but bathrooms and drinking fountains, putting people of color in a 2nd class citizenship. Progressives dont believe in equality, and RULES FOR RADICALS must attack the messenger not the message, just like Edgetho just did to me. Liberals hate US when we bring up the TRUTH about the REAL history of the progressive movement.
Fascism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
One common definition of fascism focuses on three concepts: the fascist negations of anti-liberalism, anti-communism and anti-conservatism; nationalist authoritarian goals of creating a regulated economic structure to transform social relations within a modern, self-determined culture; and a political aesthetic of romantic symbolism, mass mobilization, a positive view of violence, and promotion of masculinity, youth and charismatic leadership
A liberal Republican(RINO) is distictly diffferent from a liberal Democrat, but the common core of both is liberalism(control of the masses through the government). But they are more similiar than different.

First things first -- Don't EVER use Wiki for anything more complicated than a cornbread recipe.

That article couldn't be more wrong if it tried -- Which I suspect the authors did

Second, if you really are curious about past, present and future political movements, start at the beginning of the Modern Era and go from there.

Study the French Revolution. That's where all this nonsense started.

Here's a good start -- The Great French Revolution 1789 1793 The Anarchist Library

Once you finish that, if you need some help going further, let me know.

Here's your second reading -- Hal Draper The Two Souls of Socialism 1966

Those two should keep you occupied for a LONG time

Third, and most important, admit to yourself that you don't know shit because (and I mean this nicely) you don't.

If you don't want to go through all this bullshit (I wouldn't blame you for declining) I can certainly understand that decision. Just understand that most of what you here and read about past and present political philosophies from our esteemed educational system and Academia in general is just simply bullshit condensed into bite-sized bullshit tablets easy to swallow for the unwashed masses and mostly stoopid
The french revolution? Seriously? You think that is where all 'this nonsense' started? You don't even define 'nonsense', so it is hard to take you seriously. ..and posting long, rambling propaganda treatises is a lame way to 'debate'. If you have a point, make it. If you want to back it up with a quote or source, fine, but merely ridiculing another who posts something specific & thoughtful is not a rebuttal.

What makes your 'bullshit tablets' easier to swallow than the OPs? No, eye rolling is for teenagers, not thoughtful debaters. Prove with logic & facts your premises, & make a real rebuttal.

Fascism, like communism & other forms of socialism REQUIRE a large, central, powerful state. They are merely flavors of totalitarianism, & have little to nothing in common with limited govt, American constitutionalism, which is a system of self rule, rotating CITIZEN representatives, & individual liberty. That is in sharp contrast to the ruling elite of socialism, where the 'enlightened' & wise leaders hand down mandates for the good of the unwashed masses. It is no different, functionally, than a monarchy, or a military dictatorship, which is what the french found out, after a period of anarchy.
Margaret Sanger - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Margaret Higgins Sanger (September 14, 1879 – September 6, 1966) was an American birth control activist, sex educator, and nurse. The Negro Project
The aim of the program was to restrict–many believe exterminate–the black population. Under the pretense of "better health" and "family planning," Sanger cleverly implemented her plan. What’s more shocking is Sanger’s beguilement of black America’s créme de la créme–those prominent, well educated and well-to-do–into executing her scheme. Some within the black elite saw birth control as a means to attain economic empowerment, elevate the race and garner the respect of whites.
Remember When Hillary Clinton Got Planned Parenthood s Sanger Award
Remember When Hillary Clinton Got Planned Parenthood’s Sanger Award?
Liberals will use people to get to the ultimate goal(POWER). True racists are the very liberals who have people of color voter for them , want them to use planned parenthood to exterminate those not deemed worthy to live.
Herbert Hoover - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Hoover entered office with a plan to reform the nation's regulatory system, believing that a federal bureaucracy should have limited regulation over a country's economic system.[91] A self-described progressive and reformer, Hoover saw the presidency as a vehicle for improving the conditions of all Americans by encouraging public-private cooperation—what he termed "volunteerism".

Coolidge had been reluctant to choose Hoover as his successor; on one occasion he remarked that "for six years that man has given me unsolicited advice—all of it bad. I was particularly offended by his comment to 'shit or get off the pot'."
Obama s day Volunteers and The Star-Spangled Banner
President Obama pays tribute Friday to the spirit of volunteerism and 'The Star-Spangled Banner.'
Progressives love to have all of US volunteer our time and money, while they go out and golf or have vacations at tax payer expense. Hebert Hoover was the reason why the stock market crashed in 1929. Whenever a progressive gets in office, a crash will soon follow...
Richard Nixon progressive - The Washington Post
Nixon’s enduring domestic legislation, which created the Environmental Protection Agency, the Clean Air and Water Acts, the earned income tax credit, Equal Employment Opportunity Act, Endangered Species Act and the Occupation Safety and Health Administration, among other progressive legislation.
Richard Nixon created the department of Education, where the government would control what was being taught in public schools. In this fashion, the progressive/liberal agenda could subtly alter history by omitting events that would make liberals/progressives look bad. How many people of color drive across the Woodrow Wilson bridge, not knowing that, that bridge was dedicated to a RACIST who hated black people?
JFK s teen mistress addresses relationship in memoir New York Post
Camelot is what the liberals love about JFK. But wasnt John married to Jackie? Isnt what John did along with his diddling with Marylyn Monroe a war on women? Oh yeah if he did it, then all the president must of done it also.(Typical Liberal response).

JFK and RFK Were Right to Wiretap MLK Human Events
The Kennedy Administration engaged in an unforgivable act of government intrusion when it wired tapped Dr. Martin Luther King.
Sen. Dianne Feinstein Slams NSA Spying
Saying that she is "totally opposed" to eavesdropping on the leaders of friendly governments
Liberals are paranoid about what is going on around them. The SS for Hitler, KGB for Stalin, and FBI for Kennedy. No secrets will be kept from them.
Lyndon B. Johnson - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Kennedy did realize he could not be elected without support of traditional Southern Democrats, most of whom had backed Johnson; nevertheless, labor leaders were unanimous in their opposition to Johnson.
Southern Democrats is code word for KKK.
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Democrat Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia, personally filibustered the Civil
Rights Act of 1964 for 14 straight hours to keep it from passage.
This was not the first time civil rights acts were shot down, back in 1957 the civil rights act was shot down by the same Robert Byrd and the Senate Majority Leader..... Lyndon Baines Johnson. Lyndon Johnson opposed every civil rights proposal considered in his first 20 years as lawmaker PolitiFact Texas
"During his first 20 years in Congress," Obama said, "he opposed every civil rights bill that came up for a vote, once calling the push for federal legislation a farce and a shame."
LBJ knew that if the Democrats were ever going to get back in power, they would need to change history so the people of color would "THINK" the liberals were for the people. So LBJ in the Great Society, created welfare to put black people dependent on liberals for food, and put the people of color into their own inner city reservations called "THE PROJECTS". How Projects Rose To Failure - tribunedigital-chicagotribune
They rise up from Chicago`s poor, inner-city black communities like giant medieval fortresses.
They have been called warehouses and concentration camps for the poor. Their very names--Cabrini-Green, Robert Taylor--have come to evoke loathing, fear or feelings of hopelessness.
When the people have no HOPE and CHANGE, then they will need the government to take care of them. When people have personal satisfaction, responsibility and respect for others, then they are CONSERVATIVE.
Andaron and edge, what does your DearLeaderAlinksy say, concerning how to deal with the counterrevolutionaries who oppose your people's movement? Which thug tactics does DearLeader direct you to use?

Go on. Take some time to find out. Open that LittleRedBook you carry with you at all times, _Quotations from Chairman Alinsky_. The words of your master will tell you what to do.
Contract with America - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
The Contract with America was introduced six weeks before the 1994 Congressional election, the first mid-term election of President Bill Clinton's Administration, and was signed by all but two of the Republican members of the House and all of the Party's non-incumbent Republican Congressional candidates
Because Bill Clinton agreed with the contract with America, he got credit for the economy that he was presiding over up to the MCI/WorldCom, Enron and tech bubble stock market burst. George Bush 43 inherited a recession upon taking office. Also, Bill Clinton was performing his WAR ON WOMEN by having his DNA put on a certain BLUE DRESS, that wasnt owned by his wife, Hillary Clinton, who was awarded the Margaret Sanger Award for eugenics.
George W. Bush - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
George Walker Bush (born July 6, 1946) is an American politician and businessman who served as the 43rd President of the United States from 2001 to 2009
Beck calls Bush a progressive says Obama is doing exactly the same thing. ThinkProgress
BECK: What has [Obama] done that is different? I think he’s done exactly what George Bush was doing, except to the times of a thousand. I mean we’re talking about a progressive. And George Bush was a progressive. It’s the difference between a steam train and the space shuttle.
Progressives whether republican or democrat are for big government, and could care less for the masses. George Bush and Ted Kennedy created the No Child Left Behind. Also the FREE prescription drug act which gave millionaires free drugs, and viagra. He George just like the progressives Wilson, FDR, LBJ, Truman and Bush 41 and Bill Clinton get us in wars, now Obama has taken US to war with Islam.

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