Mary says her uncle was happy Capitol was sacked

The Dems need to subpoena some of these aides to the Senate trial. Intent is s big fan tor here. In order to prove intent...state of mind is imperative. The scum trump was ecstatic that his mob had attacked the Capitol.

If the Dems can prove his intent was to sack the Capitol...not only will he be convicted in the Senate...criminal charge could be in store.
Mary is a proven liar . Good luck.
This is why the media have no credibility.

They run a story by a person that has no insight whatsoever because it has shock value. Who cares if the content is nothing but conjecture.
Of course he is happy. Why else would he sit watching it like some macabre reality show, for hours, without doing or saying anything to stop it?
Since it agrees with your priors, of course!

The Dems need to subpoena some of these aides to the Senate trial. Intent is s big fan tor here. In order to prove intent...state of mind is imperative. The scum trump was ecstatic that his mob had attacked the Capitol.

If the Dems can prove his intent was to sack the Capitol...not only will he be convicted in the Senate...criminal charge could be in store.

As much as I dislike Trump, I did Congress far more.
Congress is full of liars and criminals.
They should all be in jail.
They murdered half a million innocent Iraqis on WMD lies, the War on Drugs is totally illegal, they illegally mandate sentences, cause asset forfeitures, etc.
This is the same Mary that hasn't talked to Trump since 1998!!

She's 'Fool's Gold'.
Any thoughts on why he did then?
Not really. Once again, none of us read minds. Certainly nothing this particular person has to say on the subject is informative though. They are as informed as you or I. That he is 'happy' the capitol was 'sacked' (another indication of exactly how much this was partisan clap-trap) is certainly not in evidence with anything whatsoever but blind hate of Trump himself.

The Dems need to subpoena some of these aides to the Senate trial. Intent is s big fan tor here. In order to prove intent...state of mind is imperative. The scum trump was ecstatic that his mob had attacked the Capitol.

If the Dems can prove his intent was to sack the Capitol...not only will he be convicted in the Senate...criminal charge could be in store.
Your daily dose of TDS, from the forum's leading loon.


The Dems need to subpoena some of these aides to the Senate trial. Intent is s big fan tor here. In order to prove intent...state of mind is imperative. The scum trump was ecstatic that his mob had attacked the Capitol.

If the Dems can prove his intent was to sack the Capitol...not only will he be convicted in the Senate...criminal charge could be in store.
I'm sure he got off on it.

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