Maryland Governor says there is "no question" signs of Authoritarianism in the MAGA repub party

He is right. But he also points out that due to the extreme candidates that trump has endorsed and have won their primary, the repub party...which should have had a red wave in November, is not doing well in national polling. MAGA is moving the repub party in an extreme direction.
Col. Klink is smarter than that Hogan.

He is right. But he also points out that due to the extreme candidates that trump has endorsed and have won their primary, the repub party...which should have had a red wave in November, is not doing well in national polling. MAGA is moving the repub party in an extreme direction.
Authoritarian? Okay but you forgot to mention the D Party is also authoritarian. You know after demanding vaccine mandates, masking, and demonizing the unvaxxed. What about their partners in big tech silencing and deplatforming anyone who opposed the establishment?
If Republicans fail to win the Senate there will have been no ‘red wave.’
If they do fail, they can thank their allegiance to trump. They have allowed him to pervert the old GOP into the MAGA repub party. The candidates that he pushed through the primaries are do extreme...many members in the GOP find them to be abhorrent and distasteful.

There is a quiet battle being waged for the heart of the GOP. The MAGA repub party is winning right now and if they do, they may spell the end of the GOP as we know it. It will be the trumpian, MAGA repub party with their semi-fascist policies.

trump is done, whether the MAGA repubs want to admit it or not. Who is going to trust him with top secret material again? But Desantis is in the wings with his authoritarian heavy hand. But do you think trump will let him become the 2024 nominee? He will trash him and the repub party if that happens.
They are ready to kill, as I've said all along. Even the GOP bed wetter Rhinos are saying nothing now. Their silence says it all.
The "RINOS" know that if they speak out against the fascist MAGA repubs, they too will be threatened, just like the judge and the FBI members that had serve a search warrant to get classified material away from the Liar in Chief. He reused to hand it over for months. Then he cried foul when the FBI came to the conclusion the only way to get it back was to search his brothel.
LOL says the party that just kicked down Trump's doors when he was cooperating.
He cooperated? When his attorney signed a certification that all classified information had been turned over...WHICH WAS A LIE. He should have been jailed months ago. He actually hid the documents....that is a felony.

He is right. But he also points out that due to the extreme candidates that trump has endorsed and have won their primary, the repub party...which should have had a red wave in November, is not doing well in national polling. MAGA is moving the repub party in an extreme direction.
The leader of your party is a pedophile, that also committed incest. You really should shut the fuck up. Also it's your party that sexulizes 5 year olds.


So yes, shut the fuck up.

He is right. But he also points out that due to the extreme candidates that trump has endorsed and have won their primary, the repub party...which should have had a red wave in November, is not doing well in national polling. MAGA is moving the repub party in an extreme direction.
Folks, behold above sub-moron, it is a testament to the absolute total intellectual ruin wrecked upon legions of defenseless kids via public school performed intellectual abortions, complete & total imbecility, they are literally dead from the neck up! :omg:
As a Marylander, he’s done a phenomenal job winning two consecutive elections as Governor in a heavily Blue State. He’s going to run the same playbook for a shot at President by leaning left of center. It won’t work. Should he be the Republican nominee the Democrats will destroy him. They will paint him as an extremist no matter how much he distances himself from Trump. I hope I am wrong.
The only reason Hogan was elected was because the democrat was so over-the-top neo-segregationist, anti-white black bigot that even democrats were wary. The only reason hogan was re-elected was because he strategically ragged on trump in addition to kissing the asses of the Maryland demmunist legislature. The only thing hogan ever did that was not democrat ass-kissing was to stop the fed Covid Monopoly money because he saw how it was screwing the economy. He was sued into allowing the continuation of that gravy train anyway.
Nothing has changed here in gov-fed Maryland.
I agree with the OP. The "expected" red wave is now in big trouble.

The invasion by illegal aliens is the main reason I'd like repubs to win. Dems are allowing our home to be overrun by these cockroaches. It's time to fight back.

So, as an Indie I've looked forward to voting for GOP candidates.

But - the GOP candidates who won the primaries are all Trump ass-kissers who seem totally unable to think for themselves. I won't vote for a bunch of extremist, maggot shitheads.

Too many of the extreme maggot types seem to crave a " strong" man to push them around and tell them what to do, and what to think. If Trump wasn't around they'd probably have to hire some crazy, hairy, S&M bitch who dresses in black and carries a whip, to push their sorry asses around. Lol...

So now I'm checking out all my options, still hoping to find a few intelligent, non-trumpers I can vote for.

And if Trump runs for president in '24, he is certain to lose, imo. He has more negative baggage than a garbage scow could carry.
Hate to tell you but your MAGA is headed for Nazi-ism which is an extreme right wing failure. It's a form of Fascism. And Fascism has failed every time. But don't let the long line of failure get in your way of a good rant.
NAZI: National "SOCIALIST" German Workers Party. A Socialist Egghead seeing what horrors a Socialist government brought upon the world, coined the definition of Nazis as "Right Wing," and passed his definition along to fellow academics who approved his definition and got it put into the dictionary as such. The truth, however, was that it was in actuality, a Socialist government. Big government with control of all major aspects of the economy. Italy's Fascist government was similar. It was a Socialist government, but it allowed private ownership of large companies, but with government control over them.
Unlike the current pro-Marxist Democrat Party, that is continually trying to undermine our Constitution and its Bill of Rights, the Republican Party stands by the Constitution and its freedoms.
If you try to counter that the Republican Party is trying to take away women's right to choose, pregnancy "isn't" in the Constitution and that baby growing in the womb is a human baby and has a right to life. The woman doesn't have to keep the baby after birth, she can just refuse to keep it.

He is right. But he also points out that due to the extreme candidates that trump has endorsed and have won their primary, the repub party...which should have had a red wave in November, is not doing well in national polling. MAGA is moving the repub party in an extreme direction.
he also pooh ted out that the dems have been failures and the xiden admin raid of trump and the “investigation” could very well be just another witch hunt but their authoritarian regime. lacks transparency and he certainly understands why people feel that way

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