Maryland trio set free after being wrongfully jailed for 36 years

No president has helped me. A tax cut here or there...barely noticeable, through the years did nothing for me. My hard work only got me to retirement. I did that despite what Trump, Obama, Clinton, bush, and especially Reagan did. I've been collecting social security for 20 years now. That has helped me. So has Medicare.
Falsely convicted US trio freed after 36 years

That's a long, long time.

The article lists several miscarriages of justice like this, mainly against black men, and I think is a strong
argument against the death penalty.

Basically, the police lie and the evidence put before the courts cannot be trusted. How many innocent folk have been executed on the whim of dishonest policemen ?
We have the tool of DNA now that did not exist then

One thing needed is a law that every person convicted of a felony should be made to give a DNA sample

Then when the graduate from shop lifting or car theft to murder they will be more easily identified
Well, there are way's around a law to get DNA. Some get themselves convicted on their own.

DNA profiles from ancestry websites helped identify the Golden State Killer suspect
That could help

But it would be better if we had the DNA directly

Federal DNA Database — FBI
Thats a good start toward what I am calling for down to the local level
Falsely convicted US trio freed after 36 years

That's a long, long time.

The article lists several miscarriages of justice like this, mainly against black men, and I think is a strong
argument against the death penalty.

Basically, the police lie and the evidence put before the courts cannot be trusted. How many innocent folk have been executed on the whim of dishonest policemen ?

Doesnt matter what you think. You are a foreigner whose country is ruled from overseas.
Falsely convicted US trio freed after 36 years

That's a long, long time.

The article lists several miscarriages of justice like this, mainly against black men, and I think is a strong
argument against the death penalty.

Basically, the police lie and the evidence put before the courts cannot be trusted. How many innocent folk have been executed on the whim of dishonest policemen ?
We have the tool of DNA now that did not exist then

One thing needed is a law that every person convicted of a felony should be made to give a DNA sample

Then when the graduate from shop lifting or car theft to murder they will be more easily identified
You know what the problem with DNA is? Permanently in the government's files. Along with the massive surveillance system that both private and public entities are amassing and the prying of information and our views by use of modern day devices we are pretty much known to any future usurper of rights. People like Hitler and Mao and Stalin would be orgasming with what is known about us today. And it is easy to pick the people to blame when bad times arrive. Despots always pick people to blame. And the general population falls for it.
Falsely convicted US trio freed after 36 years

That's a long, long time.

The article lists several miscarriages of justice like this, mainly against black men, and I think is a strong
argument against the death penalty.

Basically, the police lie and the evidence put before the courts cannot be trusted. How many innocent folk have been executed on the whim of dishonest policemen ?
Thanks for posting this Tommy T.
Here's more;
Doesnt matter what you think. You are a foreigner whose country is ruled from overseas.

Monumental brain-deadness..smh
Last edited:
Doesnt matter what you think. You are a foreigner whose country is ruled from overseas.
What the fuck's wrong with you shit for brains ?
We're all ants on a speck of dust and you thing we should all fight each other off?
Monumental brain-deadness..smh

Just specks of dust...nothing to get worked up over

Falsely convicted US trio freed after 36 years

That's a long, long time.

The article lists several miscarriages of justice like this, mainly against black men, and I think is a strong
argument against the death penalty.

Basically, the police lie and the evidence put before the courts cannot be trusted. How many innocent folk have been executed on the whim of dishonest policemen ?
We have the tool of DNA now that did not exist then

One thing needed is a law that every person convicted of a felony should be made to give a DNA sample

Then when the graduate from shop lifting or car theft to murder they will be more easily identified
You know what the problem with DNA is? Permanently in the government's files. Along with the massive surveillance system that both private and public entities are amassing and the prying of information and our views by use of modern day devices we are pretty much known to any future usurper of rights. People like Hitler and Mao and Stalin would be orgasming with what is known about us today. And it is easy to pick the people to blame when bad times arrive. Despots always pick people to blame. And the general population falls for it.

Think about how many men could get nailed as baby daddies who are unknown today

How many rapists who might get caught?
Innocent men being executed:

The political Left has been trying for decades to find examples of innocent men who were legally executed. And certainly, it happened a long, long time ago, but in modern history, not so much. There are innocent men who have been picked off Death Row, and convicted men who have been released due to faulty evidence collection (not determinative of whether they actually committed the crime), but examples of men who were actually executed, and were proven to have been innocent...I don't think there have been any. There have also been men under L-WOP sentences who confessed to other murders for which other have been convicted, but...consider the source.

I can't make a categorical statement, but I have never heard of anyone since, say 1930, who has been conclusively proven to be factually innocent, and was executed by the State. And again, Lefties would LOVE to find such an example, in order to bolster their case for the elimination of capital punishment. But they can't, without fudging.
I can't make a categorical statement, but I have never heard of anyone since, say 1930, who has been conclusively proven to be factually innocent, and was executed by the State. And again, Lefties would LOVE to find such an example, in order to bolster their case for the elimination of capital punishment. But they can't, without fudging.

There have been arguments made that Hauptmann was innocent- that he really didn't kidnap and kill the Lindbergh baby. But his innocence was never proven, and Hauptmann was as guilty as sin of, at the very minimum, extortion. The ransom money was found at his house.

I've heard that libs say that the Rosenbergs were innocent, or at least Ethel was. But these people didn't help themselves. Maybe they weren't guilty of actually giving the Communists the atomic bomb, but they certainly knew who did it, and kept silent to protect the actual perps. So tough shit, they still weren't really innocent.
Falsely convicted US trio freed after 36 years

That's a long, long time.

The article lists several miscarriages of justice like this, mainly against black men, and I think is a strong
argument against the death penalty.

Basically, the police lie and the evidence put before the courts cannot be trusted. How many innocent folk have been executed on the whim of dishonest policemen ?
You have no idea what real racism is so shut the fuck up you fat sack of shit
A big payment to all 3 is a small token of what was taken from them. I'd be making some big time noise if I were them.
Falsely convicted US trio freed after 36 years

That's a long, long time.

The article lists several miscarriages of justice like this, mainly against black men, and I think is a strong
argument against the death penalty.

Basically, the police lie and the evidence put before the courts cannot be trusted. How many innocent folk have been executed on the whim of dishonest policemen ?
We have the tool of DNA now that did not exist then

One thing needed is a law that every person convicted of a felony should be made to give a DNA sample

Then when the graduate from shop lifting or car theft to murder they will be more easily identified
Well, there are way's around a law to get DNA. Some get themselves convicted on their own.

DNA profiles from ancestry websites helped identify the Golden State Killer suspect
That could help

But it would be better if we had the DNA directly

Federal DNA Database — FBI
Thats a good start toward what I am calling for down to the local level

It is at the local level. Convicted felons have a sample of their DNA taken and kept on file.
It's unfortunate that sometimes an innocent person gets executed. But the vast majority are guilty of horrible murders and need to pay the ultimate penalty. ... :cool:

So it is just unfortunate if an innocent person is executed, smfh.

Share with us all, specifically who has been executed, in modern times, and after the execution was proven innocent.
Falsely convicted US trio freed after 36 years

That's a long, long time.

The article lists several miscarriages of justice like this, mainly against black men, and I think is a strong
argument against the death penalty.

Basically, the police lie and the evidence put before the courts cannot be trusted. How many innocent folk have been executed on the whim of dishonest policemen ?

Mistakes are sometimes made.

I don't know if these 3 characters were "falsely convicted" or not, just that a liberal DA in Baltimore says they were.

But to attribute it to "dishonest police" without naming the supposed lying detectives is bullshit as it doesn't give the men an opportunity to defend themselves. There is a real good chance that the detectives involved in this case are (1) deceased (2) senile or (3) retired and playing bocce in The Villages.

"detectives targeted the three men, all 16-year-old black boys, using coaching and coercion of other teenage witnesses to make their case".

And what do the detectives say about this? Do they see their actions as "dishonest"? Have they been fired or had their pensions lifted"

Just making an allegation isn't the same as actually proving the "Dishonesty" that was mentioned in the OP.
That long ago, I expect the detectives in question are dead.

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