Maryland trio set free after being wrongfully jailed for 36 years

I figures 36 million dollar payment to each one would be sufficient.

How did you "figure" that?

Working in a prison only pays $20 an hour today, and a whole lot less back in the 80's.

What makes them entitled to become millionaires?

If Baltimore wants to pay them, that's their business. But I certainly wouldn't.

They will be paid and paid a lot but whatever it is will not be worth what they have lost.

Probably lost getting shot in the back of the head when they were 19. Remember , these people were living in Baltimore- the kind of place that you take your life into your own hands just going out into the streets.

Which is not helped by setting up and arresting the wrong people.

True enough. So what is the City of Baltimore doing to find and prosecute the right people. Apparently they have an unsolved murder if these fellows are innocent of this particular crime
I figures 36 million dollar payment to each one would be sufficient.

How did you "figure" that?

Working in a prison only pays $20 an hour today, and a whole lot less back in the 80's.

What makes them entitled to become millionaires?

If Baltimore wants to pay them, that's their business. But I certainly wouldn't.

They will be paid and paid a lot but whatever it is will not be worth what they have lost.

Probably lost getting shot in the back of the head when they were 19. Remember , these people were living in Baltimore- the kind of place that you take your life into your own hands just going out into the streets.

Which is not helped by setting up and arresting the wrong people.

True enough. So what is the City of Baltimore doing to find and prosecute the right people. Apparently they have an unsolved murder if these fellows are innocent of this particular crime

It is said that it is believed that the person who did do it died in 2002.
I figures 36 million dollar payment to each one would be sufficient.

How did you "figure" that?

Working in a prison only pays $20 an hour today, and a whole lot less back in the 80's.

What makes them entitled to become millionaires?

If Baltimore wants to pay them, that's their business. But I certainly wouldn't.

They lost time, they lost freedom, they lost the ability to earn a living, they lost the most productive years of their lives, they lost time with friends and family, they lost their reputation, they now will be hard pressed to find jobs, they are starting from scratch at the age of 50.

They lost a lot and lost it wrongly. They need to be compensated for their loss of life and time.
I figures 36 million dollar payment to each one would be sufficient.

How did you "figure" that?

Working in a prison only pays $20 an hour today, and a whole lot less back in the 80's.

What makes them entitled to become millionaires?

If Baltimore wants to pay them, that's their business. But I certainly wouldn't.

They lost time, they lost freedom, they lost the ability to earn a living, they lost the most productive years of their lives, they lost time with friends and family, they lost their reputation, they now will be hard pressed to find jobs, they are starting from scratch at the age of 50.

They lost a lot and lost it wrongly. They need to be compensated for their loss of life and time.

Giving them a couple of thousand dollars so they can get started is one thing, millions is something else altogether. Why should they live on easy street.

Further, I'm not totally convinced they didn't do it. The only evidence that they didn't was that the witnesses at trial recanted their testimony. I just am not that convinced that they are actually innocent. People recant their testimony all the time, but aren't always believed.
Falsely convicted US trio freed after 36 years

That's a long, long time.

The article lists several miscarriages of justice like this, mainly against black men, and I think is a strong
argument against the death penalty.

Basically, the police lie and the evidence put before the courts cannot be trusted. How many innocent folk have been executed on the whim of dishonest policemen ?
..why are you so racist and hateful??
....there are a lot more dishonest/murdering/criminal/etc blacks than police
...this doesn't mean they didn't do it

Marilyn Mosby!!!!!! hahahahahaha RIGHT THERE makes the whole article etc CRAP....she is the one who FALSELY accused cops in the FGray case!!
..a lot of these blacks are cop haters--criminal lovers--like you--for some reason no one can explain
I figures 36 million dollar payment to each one would be sufficient.

How did you "figure" that?

Working in a prison only pays $20 an hour today, and a whole lot less back in the 80's.

What makes them entitled to become millionaires?

If Baltimore wants to pay them, that's their business. But I certainly wouldn't.

They lost time, they lost freedom, they lost the ability to earn a living, they lost the most productive years of their lives, they lost time with friends and family, they lost their reputation, they now will be hard pressed to find jobs, they are starting from scratch at the age of 50.

They lost a lot and lost it wrongly. They need to be compensated for their loss of life and time.

Giving them a couple of thousand dollars so they can get started is one thing, millions is something else altogether. Why should they live on easy street.

Further, I'm not totally convinced they didn't do it. The only evidence that they didn't was that the witnesses at trial recanted their testimony. I just am not that convinced that they are actually innocent. People recant their testimony all the time, but aren't always believed.

Living on "easy street"? They lived in prison for 36 years, they lost 36 years of earning potential, they lost 36 years of time with friends and family, they lost 36 years of their lives. The DA seems convinced they were innocent, they seem convinced that the three were railroaded.

They should be compensated for their time at more than $20 an hour. Meanwhile $20 an hour for 36 years comes to $6,307,200.
Marilyn Mosby!!!!!! hahahahahaha RIGHT THERE makes the whole article etc CRAP....she is the one who FALSELY accused cops in the FGray case!!
..a lot of these blacks are cop haters--criminal lovers--like you--for some reason no one can explain

Good point. Ms. Mosby lied about the Baltimore Police and their alleged ill treatment of Freddie Gay.

The half dozen officers were thoroughly exonerated.

Letting these 3 middle aged men go, and blaming the police, could be a way she is getting back at the cops for their victory against her.

These 3 are presumedly a lot less of a problem than they were as youths, so there probably isn't that much chance of recidivism.
So terrible what happened to those men. These god damned prosecutors are probably all dead. We should dig them up and put them on trial.
I wonder what kind of compensation will be given to them after so many years that they can never get back.

God bless you and them always!!!

They've been up taxpayers's the only moral road existing. Pay them 60 grand for each year they were wrongly serving time. 60 grand is low class in today's america.
They've been up taxpayers's the only moral road existing. Pay them 60 grand for each year they were wrongly serving time. 60 grand is low class in today's america.
..most probably, they would've ended up being criminals/shot/on welfare/etc
A million blacks are rightfully jailed and he zooms on on three who weren't. :afro:
I knew that your type would have no problem with it.

Yep, stuff happens. That was thirty-six years ago. How many million criminals have been justifiably convicted since then? What percentage are wrongfully convicted? 0.0000000001%? Maybe?

What is your solution? Not prosecute anyone for fear of a minuscule number of people being wrongfully convicted?
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