Mask Decree

MN just made em mandatory. Now, why does a state with a death rate in the low to mid single digits for last couple weeks need such a decree? If deaths go up will that mean it didnt work or will they just say it would have been worse?
Germany proved 80 years ago that the general population actually has a bent for fascism. They like being controlled and controlling others. Relieves them of responsibility.
Describes tRumpkins to a "T".
Oh shut up......nothing has been forced on you by us
Is that a deliberate misinterpretation or do you not understand what's being said here?
MN just made em mandatory. Now, why does a state with a death rate in the low to mid single digits for last couple weeks need such a decree? If deaths go up will that mean it didnt work or will they just say it would have been worse?
You don’t know why they would make them mandatory? It’s the that obvious? They want people to be safe and prevent a spread and to wear masks when in public. It’s not complicated. You do see what’s happening in Florida right?
For third time I quoted our states stats without the arent going to get lower than it is unless its gone. This just seems to be piling on.
Did you see Florida’s stats when DeSantis was was taking his victory lap?
Is that the state lying their ass off that all covid tests are positive,,,,,,,
No it’s hospitals reaching ICU capacity And Trump canceling his convention. It’s all really happening in reality my friend. Wake up please
Not happening here dumbass....try again
Your governor is trying to prevent it. It's always better to be proactive than reactive.
Seems we were doing great without the decree,,,have ya been reading at all.........any excuse to go full commie
Florida, Texas, Arizona and California were all doing great too... do you get it yet?
DO you get we arent them ....dumbass. Texas is illegals......CA probably same BTW why didnt CA mask mandate save them
CA got screwed from reopening too soon and tourist traveling here. If your state is wanting to mandate masks its probably because they want to be safe and prevent potential spread. Masks are NOT a big deal at all. I don’t get all the pussys complaining about them. The big deal is business shutdowns. That’s what’s screwing people. We need to work together to stop the spread and squash this virus before winter

I don't care about masks.
If people want masks, I will wear a mask.
BUT, the claim slowing down the infection rate can ever save a single life, is a total lie.
Actually, slowing down an infection rate not only can never possibly end an infection, but can greatly increase the death total by causing the infection to become virtually perpetual.

With an epidemic, time is of the essence.
One should NEVER try to slow them down.
The goal should be to instead isolate the vulnerable.
And you can't do that very long.
If you accelerate herd immunity with the healthy, they you only need to isolate the vulerable for 3 weeks or so.
And the death rate for the healthy is something like 0.001%.
So by sacrificing about 30,000 back in March, we could have ended it then.
All population start out with between 50 and 70% immunity to most viruses, so then you only need to acquire about 10% more.
And the losses from doing that would be much less than we have already allowed to die in vain.
There is zero science involved with masks.
Well that's a a lie.

There is a point to masks to isolate the healthy and infected, from the vulnerable.
But it is only the vulnerable that need to be isolated.
If you mix everyone together, the vulnerable, the healthy, and the infected, like we are doing with the lock down, that maximizes the death total.
The vulnerable need to be taken out of the food lines and kept safe for 3 weeks.
MN just made em mandatory. Now, why does a state with a death rate in the low to mid single digits for last couple weeks need such a decree? If deaths go up will that mean it didnt work or will they just say it would have been worse?
Germany proved 80 years ago that the general population actually has a bent for fascism. They like being controlled and controlling others. Relieves them of responsibility.
Describes tRumpkins to a "T".
Oh shut up......nothing has been forced on you by us
Is that a deliberate misinterpretation or do you not understand what's being said here?
MN just made em mandatory. Now, why does a state with a death rate in the low to mid single digits for last couple weeks need such a decree? If deaths go up will that mean it didnt work or will they just say it would have been worse?
You don’t know why they would make them mandatory? It’s the that obvious? They want people to be safe and prevent a spread and to wear masks when in public. It’s not complicated. You do see what’s happening in Florida right?
For third time I quoted our states stats without the arent going to get lower than it is unless its gone. This just seems to be piling on.
Did you see Florida’s stats when DeSantis was was taking his victory lap?
Is that the state lying their ass off that all covid tests are positive,,,,,,,
No it’s hospitals reaching ICU capacity And Trump canceling his convention. It’s all really happening in reality my friend. Wake up please
Not happening here dumbass....try again
Your governor is trying to prevent it. It's always better to be proactive than reactive.
Seems we were doing great without the decree,,,have ya been reading at all.........any excuse to go full commie
Florida, Texas, Arizona and California were all doing great too... do you get it yet?
DO you get we arent them ....dumbass. Texas is illegals......CA probably same BTW why didnt CA mask mandate save them
CA got screwed from reopening too soon and tourist traveling here. If your state is wanting to mandate masks its probably because they want to be safe and prevent potential spread. Masks are NOT a big deal at all. I don’t get all the pussys complaining about them. The big deal is business shutdowns. That’s what’s screwing people. We need to work together to stop the spread and squash this virus before winter

I don't care about masks.
If people want masks, I will wear a mask.
BUT, the claim slowing down the infection rate can ever save a single life, is a total lie.
Actually, slowing down an infection rate not only can never possibly end an infection, but can greatly increase the death total by causing the infection to become virtually perpetual.

With an epidemic, time is of the essence.
One should NEVER try to slow them down.
The goal should be to instead isolate the vulnerable.
And you can't do that very long.
If you accelerate herd immunity with the healthy, they you only need to isolate the vulerable for 3 weeks or so.
And the death rate for the healthy is something like 0.001%.
So by sacrificing about 30,000 back in March, we could have ended it then.
All population start out with between 50 and 70% immunity to most viruses, so then you only need to acquire about 10% more.
And the losses from doing that would be much less than we have already allowed to die in vain.
I disagree. Look what’s happening in other countries who have gotten their death count down to near zero compared to what’s happening here. Also the fact that treatment, prevention and care all get better with time.
Masks are like pacifiers. Putting on a mask is the same as shoving a rubber nipple in a democrat's mouth. It's useless but it shuts them up. I was at the store and a man had a little paper mask on his doggie. Cutest thing. Useless but cute.

I compromise. I wear the mask. They have insulting messages on them.
the claim slowing down the infection rate can ever save a single life, is a total lie.
That is absolutely, completely, 100% wrong.

Would you like to know why, or would I just be wasting my breath?
There is zero science involved with masks.
Well that's a a lie.

There is a point to masks to isolate the healthy and infected, from the vulnerable.
But it is only the vulnerable that need to be isolated.
If you mix everyone together, the vulnerable, the healthy, and the infected, like we are doing with the lock down, that maximizes the death total.
The vulnerable need to be taken out of the food lines and kept safe for 3 weeks.
That is wrong as well.
the claim slowing down the infection rate can ever save a single life, is a total lie.
That is absolutely, completely, 100% wrong.

Would you like to know why, or would I just be wasting my breath?

Do explain, but also add why Faucci said don't bother with masks, then said we need them?
First, most of the fatalities will occur when/if the hospitals get overwhelmed. Lack of equipment and medicine, lack of or exhausted personnel, all those things will lead to more deaths.
Keeping the infection rate low is the best thing we can do to stay within the hospital's capacity to deal with the very sick, and undoubtedly will save many lives.

Dr Fauci has explained the original guidance not to wear masks came for two reasons.

First they were in limited supply and they didn't want the public snatching up things the front line workers desperately needed,.and second there hadn't been any studies on the effectiveness.

Both of those things have changed. Studies show that something as simple as a t-shirt tied around your mouth and nose and greatly reduced chances of transmission, and supplies have increased.

Hope this helps.
the claim slowing down the infection rate can ever save a single life, is a total lie.
That is absolutely, completely, 100% wrong.

Would you like to know why, or would I just be wasting my breath?

Do explain, but also add why Faucci said don't bother with masks, then said we need them?
First, most of the fatalities will occur when/if the hospitals get overwhelmed. Lack of equipment and medicine, lack of or exhausted personnel, all those things will lead to more deaths.
Keeping the infection rate low is the best thing we can do to stay within the hospital's capacity to deal with the very sick, and undoubtedly will save many lives.

Dr Fauci has explained the original guidance not to wear masks came for two reasons.

First they were in limited supply and they didn't want the public snatching up things the front line workers desperately needed,.and second there hadn't been any studies on the effectiveness.

Both of those things have changed. Studies show that something as simple as a t-shirt tied around your mouth and nose and greatly reduced chances of transmission, and supplies have increased.

Hope this helps.

I agree. But the scientists also said that washing our hands religiously and not touching our faces along with social distancing is 99.9% better then just using a mask. I say if it makes you feel better, do it. It's also the new drama for the USA, but for how long? And what about my body my choice? And the medical pros, they are suffering at this time from the back lot of surgeries, chemo treatments and such. All that happens with covid is you go to the ER, they tell you you have it, admit you, charge you a ton of money, then send you home to self isolate.
The only way to undo what's been going on is to take back these local offices.

It's not hard.
A recall of the GOV is underway. We had 2 deaths today, both in long term care facilities.....Everyone mask up now???? Cant wait to sign the recall
MN just made em mandatory. Now, why does a state with a death rate in the low to mid single digits for last couple weeks need such a decree? If deaths go up will that mean it didnt work or will they just say it would have been worse?
Germany proved 80 years ago that the general population actually has a bent for fascism. They like being controlled and controlling others. Relieves them of responsibility.
Describes tRumpkins to a "T".
Oh shut up......nothing has been forced on you by us
Is that a deliberate misinterpretation or do you not understand what's being said here?
MN just made em mandatory. Now, why does a state with a death rate in the low to mid single digits for last couple weeks need such a decree? If deaths go up will that mean it didnt work or will they just say it would have been worse?
You don’t know why they would make them mandatory? It’s the that obvious? They want people to be safe and prevent a spread and to wear masks when in public. It’s not complicated. You do see what’s happening in Florida right?
For third time I quoted our states stats without the arent going to get lower than it is unless its gone. This just seems to be piling on.
Did you see Florida’s stats when DeSantis was was taking his victory lap?
Is that the state lying their ass off that all covid tests are positive,,,,,,,
No it’s hospitals reaching ICU capacity And Trump canceling his convention. It’s all really happening in reality my friend. Wake up please
Not happening here dumbass....try again
Your governor is trying to prevent it. It's always better to be proactive than reactive.
Seems we were doing great without the decree,,,have ya been reading at all.........any excuse to go full commie
Florida, Texas, Arizona and California were all doing great too... do you get it yet?
DO you get we arent them ....dumbass. Texas is illegals......CA probably same BTW why didnt CA mask mandate save them
CA got screwed from reopening too soon and tourist traveling here. If your state is wanting to mandate masks its probably because they want to be safe and prevent potential spread. Masks are NOT a big deal at all. I don’t get all the pussys complaining about them. The big deal is business shutdowns. That’s what’s screwing people. We need to work together to stop the spread and squash this virus before winter
There is zero science involved with masks...feel good totalitarianism ....we had 5 deaths today....4 of which were in nursing homes. everyone panic
You’re wrong about the science part. The top scientists in our nations government are all pushing masks. And now Trump is. Why would Trump make that change if there wasn’t legit science behind it?

LOL theres your answer sheep.
Masks are like pacifiers. Putting on a mask is the same as shoving a rubber nipple in a democrat's mouth. It's useless but it shuts them up. I was at the store and a man had a little paper mask on his doggie. Cutest thing. Useless but cute.

I compromise. I wear the mask. They have insulting messages on them.

biden cant stand the mask; cant like kids necks and smell them.

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