Mask mandate return? HHS report wants to ‘encourage or mandate’ masking

long COVID

intermediate covid

negative Covid

seems a one night stand covid is in order....

just in time for the presidential election

whoda thunk it?

It's 2020 all over again...

Get back, all you Trump voters.. YOU'RE GOING TO INFECT EVERYONE... can't stay here in this counting area.. Back 6 feet..

But you lovely democrats, Come on in

Masks and Muzzles are used in China to suppress individuality. This has nothing to do at all with health. It is nothing but exertion of illegitimate tyrannical control over people's lives in an attempt to pacify them and get them to submit to violations of their Civil Rights.

Lastly, Homosexuals and Cross Dressers should be barred from serving in governments as they are mentally ill and unfit for office.

No one should take orders from hair sniffers and cross dressers.
camera on every corner, digital id, cashless, total state sureveillence. slaves.
camera on every corner, digital id, cashless, total state sureveillence. slaves.
And with digital currency coming, 87,000 IRS agents, and Biden now legally able to monitor anything you spend over $600 good luck with trying to have any sort of actual privacy in your day to day dealings.
When did US citizens vote for health people to become carte Blanche order givers and take over citizens freedom and lives?

The problem that Libs have always had with imposing Totalitarianism is the fact that the people don't want it.

The idea of "Long Covid" is the same as the "Climate Change" and "Global Warming" tactics. Get the people to DEMAND totalitarianism to "prevent us all from dying".

I remember the heyday of the Corona Panic in 2020- liberal rank and file getting upset at people not wearing masks properly at Walmart or at Sturgis- while their leaders partied at the French Laundry without a face covering.
The idea of "Long Covid" is the same as the "Climate Change" and "Global Warming" tactics. Get the people to DEMAND totalitarianism to "prevent us all from dying".
The gist is using fear to control peeps

Usually for some agenda....


Not that Mike Levin shouldn't be wearing a mask anyway. I don't plan on participating with this continued nonsense.

Assistant Health Secretary Rachel Levine supports a new HHS report that says mask mandates would help people avoid long COVID.

Assistant Health Secretary Rachel Levine supports a new HHS report that says mask mandates would help people avoid long COVID

I won't do it.

I refuse to breathe in the plastics, chemicals and God only knows what the Chinese put in those masks to make some people feel "safer".

No. I refuse.

Not that Mike Levin shouldn't be wearing a mask anyway. I don't plan on participating with this continued nonsense.

Assistant Health Secretary Rachel Levine supports a new HHS report that says mask mandates would help people avoid long COVID.

Assistant Health Secretary Rachel Levine supports a new HHS report that says mask mandates would help people avoid long COVID
Wow these twits sure are nutters. Let's address Mike Levine shall we?

[1] There is no such thing as "long covid". That is just a meaningless buzzword meant to fear monger.

[2] If masks didn't work for "covid", then why should any rational adult believe that they would work for "long covid"?

I didn't participate in this nonsense the first time, and I sure as hell won't participate in it the 2nd time around either.

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