Maskers gone wild

Wear a mask in public...gather a bunch of Covid in the mask...then take the mask home. :oops:
That’s the dumbest post in the thread. Not even worth the easy debunk. Grow up
If the COVID isn’t in the mask where did it go? I can’t wait for your stupid reply. Either the mask trapped it, or you breathed it. So which is it?
If virus particles are on your mask then it’s also on your shirt and on your pants. Pretending like the mask is a carrier is just retarded. First and foremost the mask reduces people who have it from projecting it as much as they would with no mask. That the primary function. It also reduces the amount you would be breathing in. The best thing to do is distance and wash hands. Masks compliment those things. But again, they are the only thing that need to be done to prevent transmission

Keep going, you have almost caught up with science proving how ineffective masks are. Clothing is not covered. Your eyes a major entry point for viruses not covered. Hands not covered.
Wear a mask in public...gather a bunch of Covid in the mask...then take the mask home. :oops:
That’s the dumbest post in the thread. Not even worth the easy debunk. Grow up
If the COVID isn’t in the mask where did it go? I can’t wait for your stupid reply. Either the mask trapped it, or you breathed it. So which is it?
If virus particles are on your mask then it’s also on your shirt and on your pants. Pretending like the mask is a carrier is just retarded. First and foremost the mask reduces people who have it from projecting it as much as they would with no mask. That the primary function. It also reduces the amount you would be breathing in. The best thing to do is distance and wash hands. Masks compliment those things. But again, they are the only thing that need to be done to prevent transmission

Your shirt and pants are not sucking in or blowing out, so will NOT collect virus spores unless you actually touch them with contaminated hands.
Masks will greatly collect them due to the high volume of airflow directed through the mask.

Masks most definitely are carriers, and medical personnel are trained to be very careful when removing them.

There can be benefits from masks, but ONLY in the case of sneezing and coughing that would project much further if not for a mask. But one can prevent cough and sneeze projection without a mask.
In fact, when I see masked people sneeze or cough, I see them raise their masks.

A filthy Covid infected liberal coughs Covid into the air, it hits you in the eye, you become infected in spite of wearing a mask.
Wear a mask in public...gather a bunch of Covid in the mask...then take the mask home. :oops:
That’s the dumbest post in the thread. Not even worth the easy debunk. Grow up
If the COVID isn’t in the mask where did it go? I can’t wait for your stupid reply. Either the mask trapped it, or you breathed it. So which is it?

That moron thinks hospital workers takes their Covid infected masks home at night.
Quote where I said that genius
Wear a mask in public...gather a bunch of Covid in the mask...then take the mask home. :oops:
That’s the dumbest post in the thread. Not even worth the easy debunk. Grow up
If the COVID isn’t in the mask where did it go? I can’t wait for your stupid reply. Either the mask trapped it, or you breathed it. So which is it?
If virus particles are on your mask then it’s also on your shirt and on your pants. Pretending like the mask is a carrier is just retarded. First and foremost the mask reduces people who have it from projecting it as much as they would with no mask. That the primary function. It also reduces the amount you would be breathing in. The best thing to do is distance and wash hands. Masks compliment those things. But again, they are the only thing that need to be done to prevent transmission

Keep going, you have almost caught up with science proving how ineffective masks are. Clothing is not covered. Your eyes a major entry point for viruses not covered. Hands not covered.
I never said any of those places were covered. You’re just making up all kinds of arguments for me aren’t you? Do you think this tactic is effective cause you’re just sounding like a fool
Wear a mask in public...gather a bunch of Covid in the mask...then take the mask home. :oops:
That’s the dumbest post in the thread. Not even worth the easy debunk. Grow up
If the COVID isn’t in the mask where did it go? I can’t wait for your stupid reply. Either the mask trapped it, or you breathed it. So which is it?
If virus particles are on your mask then it’s also on your shirt and on your pants. Pretending like the mask is a carrier is just retarded. First and foremost the mask reduces people who have it from projecting it as much as they would with no mask. That the primary function. It also reduces the amount you would be breathing in. The best thing to do is distance and wash hands. Masks compliment those things. But again, they are the only thing that need to be done to prevent transmission

Keep going, you have almost caught up with science proving how ineffective masks are. Clothing is not covered. Your eyes a major entry point for viruses not covered. Hands not covered.
I never said any of those places were covered. You’re just making up all kinds of arguments for me aren’t you? Do you think this tactic is effective cause you’re just sounding like a fool

Science says you are a dummy. :talk2hand:
Wear a mask in public...gather a bunch of Covid in the mask...then take the mask home. :oops:
That’s the dumbest post in the thread. Not even worth the easy debunk. Grow up
If the COVID isn’t in the mask where did it go? I can’t wait for your stupid reply. Either the mask trapped it, or you breathed it. So which is it?
If virus particles are on your mask then it’s also on your shirt and on your pants. Pretending like the mask is a carrier is just retarded. First and foremost the mask reduces people who have it from projecting it as much as they would with no mask. That the primary function. It also reduces the amount you would be breathing in. The best thing to do is distance and wash hands. Masks compliment those things. But again, they are the only thing that need to be done to prevent transmission

Keep going, you have almost caught up with science proving how ineffective masks are. Clothing is not covered. Your eyes a major entry point for viruses not covered. Hands not covered.
I never said any of those places were covered. You’re just making up all kinds of arguments for me aren’t you? Do you think this tactic is effective cause you’re just sounding like a fool

Science says you are a dummy. :talk2hand:
Yet all serious doctors and scientists that specialize in the field are pleading and recommending people to distance and wear masks. But you say that’s fake so.... you’re an idiot
Mask make people sick.

Mask are like wearing germ incubators on your face.

Covid spikes and high mask compliance are related.
You are crazier than I thought.

GreatSatan is truly an idiot. If COVID spikes and high mask compliance are related, then every fucking doctor, nurse and hospital worker would be dead now instead of just overworked and exhausted.
Doctors and nurses use ppe correctly.

99% of people don't.

The hospitals are empty and their is a vaccine.
Hospitals are not empty. The national guard is literally in LA to help with the corpses because they are almost of of capacity and ICUS are full.

also if people aren’t using masks correctly then we should better educate on how to use them. Instead we have a bunch of tards fighting over their effectiveness. A completely counter productive thing to fight about

Emblematic of Trump's failure on a monumental scale.
Wear a mask in public...gather a bunch of Covid in the mask...then take the mask home. :oops:
That’s the dumbest post in the thread. Not even worth the easy debunk. Grow up
If the COVID isn’t in the mask where did it go? I can’t wait for your stupid reply. Either the mask trapped it, or you breathed it. So which is it?
If virus particles are on your mask then it’s also on your shirt and on your pants. Pretending like the mask is a carrier is just retarded. First and foremost the mask reduces people who have it from projecting it as much as they would with no mask. That the primary function. It also reduces the amount you would be breathing in. The best thing to do is distance and wash hands. Masks compliment those things. But again, they are the only thing that need to be done to prevent transmission

Keep going, you have almost caught up with science proving how ineffective masks are. Clothing is not covered. Your eyes a major entry point for viruses not covered. Hands not covered.
I never said any of those places were covered. You’re just making up all kinds of arguments for me aren’t you? Do you think this tactic is effective cause you’re just sounding like a fool

Science says you are a dummy. :talk2hand:
Yet all serious doctors and scientists that specialize in the field are pleading and recommending people to distance and wear masks. But you say that’s fake so.... you’re an idiot
Only doctors that you consider serious. There are just as many that don't drink the koolaid.
What if, even after most of the vaccines have been administered, the Western world sets aside its former snobbery against Asia’s widespread mask usage, and adopts the practice in its public health strategy for mitigating the adverse effects of air pollution, which causes the premature deaths of about 4.2 million people in smog-choked cities every year? Opinion: When the pandemic is over we should continue wearing masks - The Globe and Mail
A/ our cities arent smog choked. B/ masks havent stopped any spread of covid. Leave us alone and work on some real problems like the budget and Govt bloat
It would all depending on medical care capacity. If any one cause threatens our capacity to care for the sick then mitigating actions will be taken
Notice no mitigating has happened in masker states
What do you mean no mitigating has happened in masker states? Masks are mitigation
WA state has been locked down for a month and a half. Case spiking. How's that mitigation working for you moron. Same in CA and NY. FL--no lockdown and no great difference in spikes. Nope, the emperor is naked.
Had my first frank verbal exchanges with a mask maniac who was about 20’ away from me and became aggressively hysterical because I was putting mail in a mailbox with no mask on and “contaminating everyone”
You children of fear just need to go and hide and stay hidden until adults with courage get us back on track
Resisting the Air and hiding from it is not a solution nor even warranted.
Mask make people sick.

Mask are like wearing germ incubators on your face.

Covid spikes and high mask compliance are related.
Oh shut up you stupid bastard.

Anything that gets on the inside of that mask was already IN you ya fucking dunce
Do you eat your own turds? That was inside you too moron.
Mask make people sick.

Mask are like wearing germ incubators on your face.

Covid spikes and high mask compliance are related.
Oh shut up you stupid bastard.

Anything that gets on the inside of that mask was already IN you ya fucking dunce
Do you eat your own turds? That was inside you too moron.
In answer to your question (I know it was rhetorical), he's a democrat--they all eat shit.
Yea..fuck yourself Dead Ender...and put your friggin mask on so you don't kill Granny
Mask make people sick.

Mask are like wearing germ incubators on your face.

Covid spikes and high mask compliance are related.
Oh shut up you stupid bastard.

Anything that gets on the inside of that mask was already IN you ya fucking dunce
Do you eat your own turds? That was inside you too moron.
In answer to your question (I know it was rhetorical), he's a democrat--they all eat shit.
Yea..fuck yourself Dead Ender...and put your friggin mask on so you don't kill Granny
HaHaHa, that's the best you got. I sleep with her every night and she doesn't wear one either. BTW, she said she wishes I was that well endowed.

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