Maskers gone wild

Mask make people sick.

Mask are like wearing germ incubators on your face.

Covid spikes and high mask compliance are related.
I would no be surprised if many people continue wearing masks in public for years to come.

They probably will. I never did start wearing one. No one says anything down here.

My brother agreed with you. He joked about eating in every Chinese restaurant he could find, just to prove the virus was a hoax. He's in the ICU on a respirator right now.
The moral is. . . Stay out of chinese resturants
Didnt even say if thats where he got it
Mask make people sick.

Mask are like wearing germ incubators on your face.

Covid spikes and high mask compliance are related.
I would no be surprised if many people continue wearing masks in public for years to come.

They probably will. I never did start wearing one. No one says anything down here.

My brother agreed with you. He joked about eating in every Chinese restaurant he could find, just to prove the virus was a hoax. He's in the ICU on a respirator right now.
The moral is. . . Stay out of chinese resturants
I went to a Chinese restaurant a few weeks ago. It was for takeout, there were no dine in customers allowed. A table was placed in front of the pickup counter to maintain distance. There were only two Chinese ladies working the counter and the kitchen area and they were wearing masks and latex gloves. The lady that took my order used a box on the end of a broomstick handle to take my card to pay for the order and to return the card to me. When my order was lady, the Chinese lady brought it out in a bag and set it on the corner of a table while maintaining at least 6" distance from me. I picked up my order and left. There were no other customers while I was there.

I think this restaurant was least from Covid.

There is no science that says masks do not cause more harm than good.
The end of every epidemic in the past has come from the herd immunity provided by the initial spike.
By "flattening the curve" and preventing this spike, you prevent the epidemic from ending, and force it to go on essentially forever.

There are a variety of strategies that work, like quarantine, herd immunity, variolation, vaccination, etc., but they all rely on speed. Flattening the curve instead deliberately slows it down and gives it the maximum time to spread as widely as possible, making it impossible to end.
Mask make people sick.

Mask are like wearing germ incubators on your face.

Covid spikes and high mask compliance are related.
I would no be surprised if many people continue wearing masks in public for years to come.

They probably will. I never did start wearing one. No one says anything down here.

My brother agreed with you. He joked about eating in every Chinese restaurant he could find, just to prove the virus was a hoax. He's in the ICU on a respirator right now.
The moral is. . . Stay out of chinese resturants
I went to a Chinese restaurant a few weeks ago. It was for takeout, there were no dine in customers allowed. A table was placed in front of the pickup counter to maintain distance. There were only two Chinese ladies working the counter and the kitchen area and they were wearing masks and latex gloves. The lady that took my order used a box on the end of a broomstick handle to take my card to pay for the order and to return the card to me. When my order was lady, the Chinese lady brought it out in a bag and set it on the corner of a table while maintaining at least 6" distance from me. I picked up my order and left. There were no other customers while I was there.

I think this restaurant was least from Covid.

You were touching wrapper and food that had been touched by hands of others.
Spores landing on food can last for days.
There is no way any lock down procedure that is not a full quarantine, can possibly do any good at all.
And in a full quarantine, the food providers would not be allowed to go home or leave their protective quarantine until it was over.
I would no be surprised if many people continue wearing masks in public for years to come.

They probably will. I never did start wearing one. No one says anything down here.
Mask are how Democrats cause covid outbreaks. People wear the mask then touch infected surfaces, then touch their mask. Then breath in virus all day along with other germs.
Haha, yeah man great thinking. Amazing how doctors haven’t figured that out yet. You should go on tour and spread your findings to the world!!

Doctors do know.
Because of this, doctors recommend changing masks every hour or so.
After they dry out the initial saliva droplets, they actually spread virus spores instead of collecting them.
Wear a mask in public...gather a bunch of Covid in the mask...then take the mask home. :oops:
That’s the dumbest post in the thread. Not even worth the easy debunk. Grow up
If the COVID isn’t in the mask where did it go? I can’t wait for your stupid reply. Either the mask trapped it, or you breathed it. So which is it?
If virus particles are on your mask then it’s also on your shirt and on your pants. Pretending like the mask is a carrier is just retarded. First and foremost the mask reduces people who have it from projecting it as much as they would with no mask. That the primary function. It also reduces the amount you would be breathing in. The best thing to do is distance and wash hands. Masks compliment those things. But again, they are the only thing that need to be done to prevent transmission
Mask make people sick.

Mask are like wearing germ incubators on your face.

Covid spikes and high mask compliance are related.
I would no be surprised if many people continue wearing masks in public for years to come.

They probably will. I never did start wearing one. No one says anything down here.

My brother agreed with you. He joked about eating in every Chinese restaurant he could find, just to prove the virus was a hoax. He's in the ICU on a respirator right now.
The moral is. . . Stay out of chinese resturants
I went to a Chinese restaurant a few weeks ago. It was for takeout, there were no dine in customers allowed. A table was placed in front of the pickup counter to maintain distance. There were only two Chinese ladies working the counter and the kitchen area and they were wearing masks and latex gloves. The lady that took my order used a box on the end of a broomstick handle to take my card to pay for the order and to return the card to me. When my order was lady, the Chinese lady brought it out in a bag and set it on the corner of a table while maintaining at least 6" distance from me. I picked up my order and left. There were no other customers while I was there.

I think this restaurant was least from Covid.

You were touching wrapper and food that had been touched by hands of others.
Spores landing on food can last for days.
There is no way any lock down procedure that is not a full quarantine, can possibly do any good at all.
And in a full quarantine, the food providers would not be allowed to go home or leave their protective quarantine until it was over.
From what I have seen in the stores 99 percent of the people are wearing masks. A few radical groups or people shouldnt make that big a difference. If they say covid is spreading wildly and that mask use definitely curtails it at the same time. I call BS

There is no science that says masks do not cause more harm than good.
The end of every epidemic in the past has come from the herd immunity provided by the initial spike.
By "flattening the curve" and preventing this spike, you prevent the epidemic from ending, and force it to go on essentially forever.

There are a variety of strategies that work, like quarantine, herd immunity, variolation, vaccination, etc., but they all rely on speed. Flattening the curve instead deliberately slows it down and gives it the maximum time to spread as widely as possible, making it impossible to end.

Oh ok. So you’re saying you think we should have not mitigated the intial spike. Let more people get infected. Let 2 million people die, collapsed out medical system, hit herd immunity the natural way and then we would be all good. Ok that’s one possible way we could have handled it. I’d prefer a different approach, but to each their own

There is no science that says masks do not cause more harm than good.
The end of every epidemic in the past has come from the herd immunity provided by the initial spike.
By "flattening the curve" and preventing this spike, you prevent the epidemic from ending, and force it to go on essentially forever.

There are a variety of strategies that work, like quarantine, herd immunity, variolation, vaccination, etc., but they all rely on speed. Flattening the curve instead deliberately slows it down and gives it the maximum time to spread as widely as possible, making it impossible to end.

Oh ok. So you’re saying you think we should have not mitigated the intial spike. Let more people get infected. Let 2 million people die, collapsed out medical system, hit herd immunity the natural way and then we would be all good. Ok that’s one possible way we could have handled it. I’d prefer a different approach, but to each their own

Then hide in your house like a pschopathic hypochondriac and leave everyone else to die in the streets
I wear a mask because I have to but I'm not playing that shit when this is over.
You believe it's going to end...

How cute :abgg2q.jpg:
Natural law always prevails, one way or another.

These lucifarians have a lot of hubris, they really do.

Sure, China is still going strong, but it is a lot looser than it used to be by necessity.

Nazi Germany is no longer around. The USSR and the east Bloc are no longer around. Pinochet's regime has faded into the sands of time, it ended in 90, Franco's regime ended in '75 . . . .

This global fascism won't last more than a generation, folks will tire of it.

. . and these other petty tin pot dictatorships only survive b/c of the other nations that are allowed to be free.

Eventually, they will collapse, and sure, it might not be in our lifetime, it might take a century or more, but they all fade.

If the evangelicals think this is welly and truly the final conflict, even revelations says it won't last more than a millennia. :heehee:

There is a season for everything in it's time.

Ecclesiastes 3
Wear a mask in public...gather a bunch of Covid in the mask...then take the mask home. :oops:
That’s the dumbest post in the thread. Not even worth the easy debunk. Grow up
If the COVID isn’t in the mask where did it go? I can’t wait for your stupid reply. Either the mask trapped it, or you breathed it. So which is it?
If virus particles are on your mask then it’s also on your shirt and on your pants. Pretending like the mask is a carrier is just retarded. First and foremost the mask reduces people who have it from projecting it as much as they would with no mask. That the primary function. It also reduces the amount you would be breathing in. The best thing to do is distance and wash hands. Masks compliment those things. But again, they are the only thing that need to be done to prevent transmission

Your shirt and pants are not sucking in or blowing out, so will NOT collect virus spores unless you actually touch them with contaminated hands.
Masks will greatly collect them due to the high volume of airflow directed through the mask.

Masks most definitely are carriers, and medical personnel are trained to be very careful when removing them.

There can be benefits from masks, but ONLY in the case of sneezing and coughing that would project much further if not for a mask. But one can prevent cough and sneeze projection without a mask.
In fact, when I see masked people sneeze or cough, I see them raise their masks.
You were touching wrapper and food that had been touched by hands of others.
Spores landing on food can last for days.
There is no way any lock down procedure that is not a full quarantine, can possibly do any good at all.
And in a full quarantine, the food providers would not be allowed to go home or leave their protective quarantine until it was over.
How binary of you to say. So you are saying that there is nothing people can do to decrease the probability of the transmission of the covid virus other than a complete 100% quarantine. None of the mitigation measures reduces the transmission rate of the virus.
I would no be surprised if many people continue wearing masks in public for years to come.

They probably will. I never did start wearing one. No one says anything down here.
Mask are how Democrats cause covid outbreaks. People wear the mask then touch infected surfaces, then touch their mask. Then breath in virus all day along with other germs.
Haha, yeah man great thinking. Amazing how doctors haven’t figured that out yet. You should go on tour and spread your findings to the world!!
You're an idiot. Doctors do know. They said as much when this all began. Nobody is using mask correctly. i hope you reuse your mask everyday and touch it all the time.

Yep. Masks are great in the OR because they prevent sweat, hair, bacteria from dropping into an open field which could be deadly. Viruses....nope.
Really? So tell me, how do doctors and nurses treat Covid patients without getting infected?

Not.with a.paper mask they bought at a convenience store while getting gas and a fountain drink.

There is no science that says masks do not cause more harm than good.
The end of every epidemic in the past has come from the herd immunity provided by the initial spike.
By "flattening the curve" and preventing this spike, you prevent the epidemic from ending, and force it to go on essentially forever.

There are a variety of strategies that work, like quarantine, herd immunity, variolation, vaccination, etc., but they all rely on speed. Flattening the curve instead deliberately slows it down and gives it the maximum time to spread as widely as possible, making it impossible to end.

Oh ok. So you’re saying you think we should have not mitigated the intial spike. Let more people get infected. Let 2 million people die, collapsed out medical system, hit herd immunity the natural way and then we would be all good. Ok that’s one possible way we could have handled it. I’d prefer a different approach, but to each their own

Then hide in your house like a pschopathic hypochondriac and leave everyone else to die in the streets

Not so simple bucko but thanks for your input

There is no science that says masks do not cause more harm than good.
The end of every epidemic in the past has come from the herd immunity provided by the initial spike.
By "flattening the curve" and preventing this spike, you prevent the epidemic from ending, and force it to go on essentially forever.

There are a variety of strategies that work, like quarantine, herd immunity, variolation, vaccination, etc., but they all rely on speed. Flattening the curve instead deliberately slows it down and gives it the maximum time to spread as widely as possible, making it impossible to end.

Oh ok. So you’re saying you think we should have not mitigated the initial spike. Let more people get infected. Let 2 million people die, collapsed out medical system, hit herd immunity the natural way and then we would be all good. Ok that’s one possible way we could have handled it. I’d prefer a different approach, but to each their own

When Fauci estimated 4.5 million dead, he was off by over a factor of 1000.
The biggest mistakes come from no yet knowing about how most of those infected are asymptomatic and therefore not tested or counted.
This lead Fauci to use a lethality percent of those infected, of 1.5.
Now that we have better numbers, we actually know it is more like 0.18.
The second mistake was not realizing that most people already have inherent immunity to every epidemic. That is where the asymptomatic come from, and also all children seem to be inherently highly resistant, with only 100 of the 280k dead being children.
The third mistake Fauci made was not realizing the age factor can change the fatality rate by as much as 630%. If one used variolation on only the healthy under 40, you can reduce the death rate by at least a factor of 40.
And the best way to prevent hospital overflow is to end it as fast as possible. Hospital over flow is from "flattening the curve" over a greater time period, allowing hospitalized victims to accumulate. Flattening the curve has increased the number of infected by a factor of 10 over times. It has caused the largest possible death toll. The smallest possible death toll comes from the fastest possible ending.
With something growing and spreading, time is ALWAYS of the essence.
Anything slow is then very bad.

There is no science that says masks do not cause more harm than good.
The end of every epidemic in the past has come from the herd immunity provided by the initial spike.
By "flattening the curve" and preventing this spike, you prevent the epidemic from ending, and force it to go on essentially forever.

There are a variety of strategies that work, like quarantine, herd immunity, variolation, vaccination, etc., but they all rely on speed. Flattening the curve instead deliberately slows it down and gives it the maximum time to spread as widely as possible, making it impossible to end.

Oh ok. So you’re saying you think we should have not mitigated the initial spike. Let more people get infected. Let 2 million people die, collapsed out medical system, hit herd immunity the natural way and then we would be all good. Ok that’s one possible way we could have handled it. I’d prefer a different approach, but to each their own

When Fauci estimated 4.5 million dead, he was off by over a factor of 1000.
The biggest mistakes come from no yet knowing about how most of those infected are asymptomatic and therefore not tested or counted.
This lead Fauci to use a lethality percent of those infected, of 1.5.
Now that we have better numbers, we actually know it is more like 0.18.
The second mistake was not realizing that most people already have inherent immunity to every epidemic. That is where the asymptomatic come from, and also all children seem to be inherently highly resistant, with only 100 of the 280k dead being children.
The third mistake Fauci made was not realizing the age factor can change the fatality rate by as much as 630%. If one used variolation on only the healthy under 40, you can reduce the death rate by at least a factor of 40.
And the best way to prevent hospital overflow is to end it as fast as possible. Hospital over flow is from "flattening the curve" over a greater time period, allowing hospitalized victims to accumulate. Flattening the curve has increased the number of infected by a factor of 10 over times. It has caused the largest possible death toll. The smallest possible death toll comes from the fastest possible ending.
With something growing and spreading, time is ALWAYS of the essence.
Anything slow is then very bad.

Slowing the spread gave us time to find a vaccine which is how we will reach herd immunity. I don't care what numbers you try and throw out there, they are just as much of an estimate than those you are critiquing. We saw what happened in Italy and we saw what happened in NY when the virus first came over. Had we not clamped down we know the hospitals would have been overwhelmed, people would have not had beds or ventilators and people would be dying in the streets all over all our major cities. Thats what was avoided by mitigation. You seem like somewhat of a bright person, it amazes me that you don't understand this.
Wear a mask in public...gather a bunch of Covid in the mask...then take the mask home. :oops:
That’s the dumbest post in the thread. Not even worth the easy debunk. Grow up
If the COVID isn’t in the mask where did it go? I can’t wait for your stupid reply. Either the mask trapped it, or you breathed it. So which is it?

That moron thinks hospital workers takes their Covid infected masks home at night.

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