Maskers gone wild

Well you stupid fuck you better be suiting up in a goddamn hazmat suit and installing a fucking airlock on your house because the rest of the world is wearing a cloth mask they got at Walmart for $1.50 and yanking that fucker off and on 59 times a day and using it for a week before they wash it. Some are even using those stupid ass neck ring things yanking them up and down all day like that’s accomplishing a fucking thing. The entire mask thing is nothing but you pricks feeling “useful” and acting like you’re solving some imaginary problem that only exists in your damn head. You’re all a bunch of retarded sheep.
YOU stupid fuck. I have to avoid people except when absolutely necessary because people like YOU do shit like that.

Like the Karens I ran into at Dunkin Donuts just today. Bitch mom had her mask below hr nose and her two bitch daughters were pulling their masks down to eat donuts while waiting for their friggin coffee. I turned around and left...cause I don't wanna die so those stupid fucks can act like assholes.

Wear your fucking mask and wear it correctly
Mask make people sick.

Mask are like wearing germ incubators on your face.

Covid spikes and high mask compliance are related.

Good observation, but you've come to the wrong conclusion.

High mask compliance indicates a populace that is freaking out- and freaked out populations get tested more often and that yields more positive tests.
Masks and social distancing really work well.
Well you stupid fuck you better be suiting up in a goddamn hazmat suit and installing a fucking airlock on your house because the rest of the world is wearing a cloth mask they got at Walmart for $1.50 and yanking that fucker off and on 59 times a day and using it for a week before they wash it. Some are even using those stupid ass neck ring things yanking them up and down all day like that’s accomplishing a fucking thing. The entire mask thing is nothing but you pricks feeling “useful” and acting like you’re solving some imaginary problem that only exists in your damn head. You’re all a bunch of retarded sheep.
YOU stupid fuck. I have to avoid people except when absolutely necessary because people like YOU do shit like that.

Like the Karens I ran into at Dunkin Donuts just today. Bitch mom had her mask below hr nose and her two bitch daughters were pulling their masks down to eat donuts while waiting for their friggin coffee. I turned around and left...cause I don't wanna die so those stupid fucks can act like assholes.

Wear your fucking mask and wear it correctly
So you’re saying your trip to dunkin was absolutely necessary? LMAO! Shove your mask up your ass and stay home you fucking nut bag!

And inadvertently you proved our entire point of masks and restaurants. Thanks for that. How fucking stupid is it to wear a mask until you sit down, eat, talk, pay? Then put the same fucking mask that’s been sitting on the table back on your face to walk out. None of that shit makes sense.
High mask compliance indicates a populace that is freaking out- and freaked out populations get tested more often and that yields more positive tests.

Oddly it seems to cause hospitalizations and deaths to spike...funny that huh stupid. Damn that testing
So you’re saying your trip to dunkin was absolutely necessary?

Yea imagine that. Going to Dunkin Donuts! What a breakout...after nearly a year...and what happens? I run into covidiots like you trying to kill me.

Ands i agree...sit down dining indoors during a panademic is absolutely stupid and that along with a lot of other stupid behavior is the reason THREE THOUSAND PEOPLE A DAY ARE DYING

You moronic jerk off
Masks cause reduced Oxygen intake

Reduced Oxygen intake causes gradual brain damage

Brain damage means Morons can't think for themselves

Mission accomplished !

This has literally been disproven countless times, Congratulations for trying to skiing bullshit I guess.
Trumpers love their zombie lies
Says the brain dead Karen maskhole.

Says basic fucking science
High mask compliance indicates a populace that is freaking out- and freaked out populations get tested more often and that yields more positive tests.

Oddly it seems to cause hospitalizations and deaths to spike...funny that huh stupid. Damn that testing
So you’re saying your trip to dunkin was absolutely necessary?

Yea imagine that. Going to Dunkin Donuts! What a breakout...after nearly a year...and what happens? I run into covidiots like you trying to kill me.

Ands i agree...sit down dining indoors during a panademic is absolutely stupid and that along with a lot of other stupid behavior is the reason THREE THOUSAND PEOPLE A DAY ARE DYING

You moronic jerk off
You’re the idiot causing the lock downs. No dunkin for you asshole. Go home.
Coming to you soon courtesy of these democrat jack offs and their unhinged fear of something with a 99.8% survival rate.
a quarter million dead folks would disagree with that assessment
The majority of which were sick and vulnerable to begin with but let’s do your math. What’s is the percentage of 250k out of 350m? Go ahead and add that up for us.
Wear a mask in public...gather a bunch of Covid in the mask...then take the mask home. :oops:
That’s the dumbest post in the thread. Not even worth the easy debunk. Grow up
If the COVID isn’t in the mask where did it go? I can’t wait for your stupid reply. Either the mask trapped it, or you breathed it. So which is it?
If virus particles are on your mask then it’s also on your shirt and on your pants. Pretending like the mask is a carrier is just retarded. First and foremost the mask reduces people who have it from projecting it as much as they would with no mask. That the primary function. It also reduces the amount you would be breathing in. The best thing to do is distance and wash hands. Masks compliment those things. But again, they are the only thing that need to be done to prevent transmission

Keep going, you have almost caught up with science proving how ineffective masks are. Clothing is not covered. Your eyes a major entry point for viruses not covered. Hands not covered.
I never said any of those places were covered. You’re just making up all kinds of arguments for me aren’t you? Do you think this tactic is effective cause you’re just sounding like a fool

Science says you are a dummy. :talk2hand:
Yet all serious doctors and scientists that specialize in the field are pleading and recommending people to distance and wear masks. But you say that’s fake so.... you’re an idiot
Only doctors that you consider serious. There are just as many that don't drink the koolaid.
Name a few
IMO. . . if the government mandated that the population take vitamin supplements, especially vitamin D, it would do a whole lot more good than masks.

But I honestly don't think the government wants to slow the spread of this menace.

I really, and truly don't.

When there are higher case counts, and higher death rates, it gives the government and global corporations an excuse to impose more undemocratic control.

So everyone should focus more on taking care of themselves.

I have always taken supplements, my doctors have always recommended them, and I have always taught them to my kid. We live in the north, they are essential in the winter time.

It's either that, or you expect a cold or a flu ever year.
IMO. . . if the government mandated that the population take vitamin supplements, especially vitamin D, it would do a whole lot more good than masks.

But I honestly don't think the government wants to slow the spread of this menace.

I really, and truly don't.

When there are higher case counts, and higher death rates, it gives the government and global corporations an excuse to impose more undemocratic control.

So everyone should focus more on taking care of themselves.

I have always taken supplements, my doctors have always recommended them, and I have always taught them to my kid. We live in the north, they are essential in the winter time.

It's either that, or you expect a cold or a flu ever year.

Same thing here and I teach that to my daughter. I think that you're correct also about the magic virus bonanza. Money is just raining down to hospitals and clinics when they label something covid. Covid 21,22, 23 would be more manna from heaven. They don't want this gravy train to stop plus big pharma is gushing over the idea to booster pump everyone every 3-6 months. And then you have the authoritarian tyranny running rampant with the lockdowns.
Well you stupid fuck you better be suiting up in a goddamn hazmat suit and installing a fucking airlock on your house because the rest of the world is wearing a cloth mask they got at Walmart for $1.50 and yanking that fucker off and on 59 times a day and using it for a week before they wash it. Some are even using those stupid ass neck ring things yanking them up and down all day like that’s accomplishing a fucking thing. The entire mask thing is nothing but you pricks feeling “useful” and acting like you’re solving some imaginary problem that only exists in your damn head. You’re all a bunch of retarded sheep.
YOU stupid fuck. I have to avoid people except when absolutely necessary because people like YOU do shit like that.

Like the Karens I ran into at Dunkin Donuts just today. Bitch mom had her mask below hr nose and her two bitch daughters were pulling their masks down to eat donuts while waiting for their friggin coffee. I turned around and left...cause I don't wanna die so those stupid fucks can act like assholes.

Wear your fucking mask and wear it correctly

I've stood in line at DD at least 20 times under the same conditions and haven't been infected. The coffee and do its were delicious! Sucks to be you!
I would no be surprised if many people continue wearing masks in public for years to come.

They probably will. I never did start wearing one. No one says anything down here.
Mask are how Democrats cause covid outbreaks. People wear the mask then touch infected surfaces, then touch their mask. Then breath in virus all day along with other germs.
Haha, yeah man great thinking. Amazing how doctors haven’t figured that out yet. You should go on tour and spread your findings to the world!!
You're an idiot. Doctors do know. They said as much when this all began. Nobody is using mask correctly. i hope you reuse your mask everyday and touch it all the time.
you hope I misuse my mask and get infected because I disagree with you?? Wow, that’s some evil shit. Something wrong with you. And why are you quoting what doctors said at the beginning of this thing when they didn’t know what was what? Why not listen to what they are saying now which is overwhelmingly advocating for masking and social distancing
Even Fauci said in the beginning, that mask don't work.
Do you eat your own turds? That was inside you too moron.
Christ you're a fucking lunatic. You're worried about the virus being "collected" on the inside of a mask...ignoring the fact that to get there it's already in your lungs.

Fuck off
If the mask works like you think it does that shit is all over it, inside and out. And you stupid fucks come home and throw it on your kitchen counter top.

The left hate it when you throw science in their face.
IMO. . . if the government mandated that the population take vitamin supplements, especially vitamin D, it would do a whole lot more good than masks.

But I honestly don't think the government wants to slow the spread of this menace.

I really, and truly don't.

When there are higher case counts, and higher death rates, it gives the government and global corporations an excuse to impose more undemocratic control.

So everyone should focus more on taking care of themselves.

I have always taken supplements, my doctors have always recommended them, and I have always taught them to my kid. We live in the north, they are essential in the winter time.

It's either that, or you expect a cold or a flu ever year.

Same thing here and I teach that to my daughter. I think that you're correct also about the magic virus bonanza. Money is just raining down to hospitals and clinics when they label something covid. Covid 21,22, 23 would be more manna from heaven. They don't want this gravy train to stop plus big pharma is gushing over the idea to booster pump everyone every 3-6 months. And then you have the authoritarian tyranny running rampant with the lockdowns.
Found it interesting that Pfizer got the go ahead to raise prices this year. Big surprise. But they are going to hold increases to only 10%. Did you get a 10% raise this year?
IMO. . . if the government mandated that the population take vitamin supplements, especially vitamin D, it would do a whole lot more good than masks.

But I honestly don't think the government wants to slow the spread of this menace.

I really, and truly don't.

When there are higher case counts, and higher death rates, it gives the government and global corporations an excuse to impose more undemocratic control.

So everyone should focus more on taking care of themselves.

I have always taken supplements, my doctors have always recommended them, and I have always taught them to my kid. We live in the north, they are essential in the winter time.

It's either that, or you expect a cold or a flu ever year.

Same thing here and I teach that to my daughter. I think that you're correct also about the magic virus bonanza. Money is just raining down to hospitals and clinics when they label something covid. Covid 21,22, 23 would be more manna from heaven. They don't want this gravy train to stop plus big pharma is gushing over the idea to booster pump everyone every 3-6 months. And then you have the authoritarian tyranny running rampant with the lockdowns.
Found it interesting that Pfizer got the go ahead to raise prices this year. Big surprise. But they are going to hold increases to only 10%. Did you get a 10% raise this year?

Nope. I'm fortunate and thankful to have a job.

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