Masks DO NOT WORK says CNN reporting on a NEW YORK TIMES article about a bunch of medical studies. None of them work. It was all politics.

Found a mask yet that claims to prevent the Fauci Flu, Dagomer?
No mask prevents Fauci flu if you’re a science illiterate . You won’t use it and if you did, you wouldn’t know how to wear it listening to the Tucker’s of this clan.
No mask prevents Fauci flu if you’re a science illiterate . You won’t use it and if you did, you wouldn’t know how to wear it listening to the Tucker’s of this clan.
Only a moron walks around in a face diaper that doesn’t work, Moron.
Oh now that you’ve been proven totally wrong it’s now about your mental health of having to consider something your totally ignorant if. Has to be strain on your pointed head
You haven't proven a goddamn thing, you lying shit for brains libtard.

You're dumb as a stump. You already admitted to your ignorance.

Muzzle it, Edith.
You haven't proven a goddamn thing, you lying shit for brains libtard.

You're dumb as a stump. You already admitted to your ignorance.

Muzzle it, Edith.
Whaaaa, must have hit a nerve illiterate.
Let’s see, you quote Tuckerisms and I quote the Mayo Clinic. Nope, you’re the idiot hands downI

I have no idea WTF a “Tuckerism” is, Simp.

I quoted the mask box, Dagoober.

It says they don’t work.
They work depending on how good they are. You are a brainwashed functional moron...
Surgical masks are designed for very short term use and are unhealthy when used for the undesigned and incorrect purpose of day after day use
Gee, another Humper who doesn't get virus propagate inside the body. Now, if repugs would wash out your mouths……Someone Should tell you that jokes are funny only if there’s truth behind it.
Why did the cdc ask everyone to wash their hands so often? Bring out the shit of bacterial pumps?
No mask prevents Fauci flu if you’re a science illiterate . You won’t use it and if you did, you wouldn’t know how to wear it listening to the Tucker’s of this clan.
No such material exists

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