Masks DO NOT WORK says CNN reporting on a NEW YORK TIMES article about a bunch of medical studies. None of them work. It was all politics.

Tater has killed even more, Simp.
Don't know what Tater is but I do know there's many conservative incels, like you, called by the name.
In any case, 2.5 years after taking over from the killer of MAGATS Biden has death and infection rates down...
That is, except among MAGATS who continue their Jim Jones like dedication to the cult and continue to kill themselves at high rates.
Thus guaranteeing massive wins for Democrats in November 24.
Trump may be the best thing that ever happened to Democrats.
Don't know what Tater is but I do know there's many conservative incels, like you, called by the name.
In any case, 2.5 years after taking over from the killer of MAGATS Biden has death and infection rates down...
That is, except among MAGATS who continue their Jim Jones like dedication to the cult and continue to kill themselves at high rates.
Thus guaranteeing massive wins for Democrats in November 24.
Trump may be the best thing that ever happened to Democrats.
Says who? Ever hear of a link?

“ masks don’t work “ You dufus. It was in English. Stupid, but in English.

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Nobody nobody ever said they did stop transmission totally, just 25 to 90% which is pretty damn good.
There are a million of them, Super Duper.

A retrospective case-control study from Thailand documented that, among more than 1,000 persons interviewed as part of contact tracing investigations, those who reported having always worn a mask during high-risk exposures experienced a greater than 70% reduced risk of acquiring infection compared with persons who did not wear masks under these circumstances. 41

Science Brief: Community Use of Masks to Control the Spread of SARS
There are a million of them, Super Duper.

A retrospective case-control study from Thailand documented that, among more than 1,000 persons interviewed as part of contact tracing investigations, those who reported having always worn a mask during high-risk exposures experienced a greater than 70% reduced risk of acquiring infection compared with persons who did not wear masks under these circumstances. 41

Science Brief: Community Use of Masks to Control the Spread of SARS

View attachment 827260

Now show us something current showing that any mask is 25-90% effective.

Why do you demand to back yourself into a corner and then allow your ego to take over and you try to defend lies? Why?

As you know, this cartoon is far truer than funny!

“ masks don’t work “ You dufus. It was in English. Stupid, but in English.

Thanks for fetching all those links proving masks don’t work, Dagomer.
Now show us something current showing that any mask is 25-90% effective.

Why do you demand to back yourself into a corner and then allow your ego to take over and you try to defend lies? Why?

As you know, this cartoon is far truer than funny!

No lie, Conspiracy nut job. Funny how Republicans are dying 4 to one over Democrats, same ratio as those not vaccinated isn't it dumb bunny?
The masks didn't work and the jabs didn't work either, and the democrats lied their asses off about it for purely political purposes. When is America going to wake up and realize that those bastards don't give a fuck about anybody outside the beltway. And yet they get re-elected anyway.

Go to about the 4:30 mark.

It is what we have been saying all along….and then Fauci disagrees somehow, saying some unintelligible nonsense about “It will protect the individual, but not the whole….”

Fauci disagrees WITH THE SCIENCE.




Masks are a perfect analog for ALL democrat's policies. They weren't well thought out, they don't work, and democrats didn't care, all they wanted was submission. Men can have babies, untested RNMA inoculations don't do squat, Biden's "Inflation reduction act" that was silly as it was irrelevant. I end this here.
The masks didn't work and the jabs didn't work either, and the democrats lied their asses off about it for purely political purposes. When is America going to wake up and realize that those bastards don't give a fuck about anybody outside the beltway. And yet they get re-elected anyway.
This is why the world believes the G O P is absolutely insane...

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