Mass Killings: The Blame

So strict gun control in Chi town doesn't work? (Now think about it, the shoot out at the OK Corral was about gun control, Earp & Co were just trying to enforce gun bans in Tombstone). It speaks more for WHY we need to ban guns altogether.

"The right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed":

I like guns, but I like people even more, even people that like guns are people, I like you too. You deserve a long life, your kids needn't fear someone with a blunderbus or a MG 42 walking in their school, shame on the NRA for making us chose. Children or guns, do you really want to push the issue?

How did the NRA do that?
God bless the NRA, they are untouchable. Funding guns in whatever form despite whats good for humanity or common sense hmm, I like guns and history, but I am not deluded. The NRA is like the IRA, deluded and pandering to whomever. I saw that sign a few days ago, "Save the kids, not guns" Couldn't agree more.

What you have to understand is the NRA is the voice of their supporters. They are no different than unions, environmentalist, animal rights people. They are speaking out on behalf of their members.

Why would I join a club and pay membership dues if they are not fighting for what I believe in? If they are caving in to liberal and anti-gun demands, then I'll find somewhere else to spend my money.
NRA is complicit in these mass gun murders in that they are funding everything that feeds into this madness. Guns are an anachronism we don't need, and obviously firearms are feeding into self destructive nature we don't need anymore. Like any PAC, they wield way to much power. That has got to end.
NRA is complicit in these mass gun murders in that they are funding everything that feeds into this madness. Guns are an anachronism we don't need, and obviously firearms are feeding into self destructive nature we don't need anymore. Like any PAC, they wield way to much power. That has got to end.

The only way they will end is if we turn communist or supporters leave the organization.

If you want to get mad at anybody, get upset with the millions of people that are the NRA. The NRA is only a gathering place. The people are actually the NRA.
As a side issue all PAC's have got to be scrutinized and regulated, no one interest should hold so much sway over american culture. It's antithetical, nobody, should determine this much power, what would Teddy Roosevelt think?
The NRA only have the power that are afforded to them by the people. If they weren't supported, they would not be around. And anyone that chooses to agree with them, has that right, just as those that choose not to agree with them.
People really need to stop and think of how they are trying to infringe on the rights of ones that do agree with them.
No one is going to shut the other up.
What's rather funny is that all of the whining and complaining is only drawing attention to, and making the NRA MORE popular.
NRA is complicit in these mass gun murders in that they are funding everything that feeds into this madness. Guns are an anachronism we don't need, and obviously firearms are feeding into self destructive nature we don't need anymore. Like any PAC, they wield way to much power. That has got to end.

The only way they will end is if we turn communist or supporters leave the organization.

If you want to get mad at anybody, get upset with the millions of people that are the NRA. The NRA is only a gathering place. The people are actually the NRA.
It's a confused issue. America loves violence. Might makes right mentality I kick your ass that makes me right. NRA is a bygone institution, and they help school shooters. They do, let's don't kid ourselves here. As a American, I don't wan't any more school shootings. You want WANT more school shootings?
NRA is complicit in these mass gun murders in that they are funding everything that feeds into this madness. Guns are an anachronism we don't need, and obviously firearms are feeding into self destructive nature we don't need anymore. Like any PAC, they wield way to much power. That has got to end.

The only way they will end is if we turn communist or supporters leave the organization.

If you want to get mad at anybody, get upset with the millions of people that are the NRA. The NRA is only a gathering place. The people are actually the NRA.
It's a confused issue. America loves violence. Might makes right mentality I kick your ass that makes me right. NRA is a bygone institution, and they help school shooters. They do, let's don't kid ourselves here. As a American, I don't wan't any more school shootings. You want WANT more school shootings?

The NRA did NOT do the shootings. Sheesh.
Oh, and maybe some are, but I am not confused.
As a side issue all PAC's have got to be scrutinized and regulated, no one interest should hold so much sway over american culture. It's antithetical, nobody, should determine this much power, what would Teddy Roosevelt think?

I'm not that old so I never met him.

If organizations are oppressed by our government, then we couldn't have organizations stand up for what we believe, and that would be a dangerous road to take.

How would you like if we had the power to stop or stifle anti-gun groups? Would you approve of that?

I happen to think unions destroyed this country. But I would never go as far as to say they should be scrutinized or regulated. That would be a violation of their constitutional rights. Free speech is still the law of the land.
NRA is complicit in these mass gun murders in that they are funding everything that feeds into this madness. Guns are an anachronism we don't need, and obviously firearms are feeding into self destructive nature we don't need anymore. Like any PAC, they wield way to much power. That has got to end.

The only way they will end is if we turn communist or supporters leave the organization.

If you want to get mad at anybody, get upset with the millions of people that are the NRA. The NRA is only a gathering place. The people are actually the NRA.
It's a confused issue. America loves violence. Might makes right mentality I kick your ass that makes me right. NRA is a bygone institution, and they help school shooters. They do, let's don't kid ourselves here. As a American, I don't wan't any more school shootings. You want WANT more school shootings?

No I don't. But I will ask you a question I've asked others here:

If you and I ran this country with the school shootings we had, and I made a bet with you, would you accept it? Here is the bet:

You can institute any gun regulation you want, and we will live under that regulation for three years. If there is not another mass shooting during those three years, you can make any additional regulations you desire. If there is a mass shooting, you never bring up the subject again. Would you make that bet with me?
I am wondering about Australian gun control acts, including controlling Bump stocks in 2009. What the hell is wrong with the NRA? What does it take? How many little kids have to die?
I am opposed to giving guns to morons that shoot up schools. Anyone else think we NEED to give special treatment to school shooters like the NRA? I bet ( the NRA) doesn't either, but that is EXACTLY what they are doing in actuality.
So strict gun control in Chi town doesn't work? (Now think about it, the shoot out at the OK Corral was about gun control, Earp & Co were just trying to enforce gun bans in Tombstone). It speaks more for WHY we need to ban guns altogether.

"It speaks more for WHY we need to ban guns altogether."

Our American brothers and sisters be like:




As a side issue all PAC's have got to be scrutinized and regulated, no one interest should hold so much sway over american culture. It's antithetical, nobody, should determine this much power, what would Teddy Roosevelt think?

So now you're saying institutions like the ACLU, La Raza, Planned Parenthood, LGBT, etc, etc, etc,... are unethical and shouldn't hold any power either or does your little quest only pertain to the NRA?



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