Mass Killings: The Blame

So Ray are you willing to pay for a few full time armed guards in every school funded by taxpayers? I am. It's time. You would agree for sure.


Sure. We can start by cutting all government employees salaries by 30% to pay for it. While we're at it we'll be looking to cut at least 20%-30% of all government jobs that don't need to exist also.


Damaged Eagle

My point is every right has some restrictions. So should the right to bear arms. Why do people need military grade weapons, armor piercing ammo and bump stocks to create fully automatic weapons for home defense or hunting? Why is the NRA pushing to make silencers legal? Why would you want people to be able to carry guns in a bar? Why should a state with a strict vetting system for concealed carry be forced to accept concealed carry from a state with no vetting?

My point is not wholesale gun bans and is some reasonable measures to try and reduce gun violence along with increased resources and parity for mental health.

View attachment 177553

Why do the civil law enforcement agencies require military grade equipment?



Q. Why do the civil law enforcement agencies require military grade equipment?



So now you're saying that having more gun laws won't prevent people from obtaining the type of firearms that require more fire power on my part to protect myself.

Thank you for making my point.


What is the explanation….seems to be more and more mass killings….

1. Guns???

If guns kill people, I guess pencils misspell words, cars drive drunk, and spoons make people fat.
No….it’s not inanimate objects that are the ultimate cause.

….there were lots of guns in earlier times….the .45 cal handgun was available….it’s called the 1911 because it was developed in 1911…and it has been ubiquitous since World War I.

In the 1990s with a handgun ban in effect, Wash DC had the highest murder rate in Western Civilization, ….and now you can own guns legally, and the homicide rate has declined.

2. Well, there was the St Valentine’s Day Massacre….and the Texas Tower…but, today we have incidents like the school shooting, and I heard on the news that Chicago sends police to funerals, where people are shooting others who they claim caused the the death they were memorializing.

And this….
“6 dead in 'calculated' shooting at backyard party in Pa.”
6 dead in 'calculated' shooting at backyard party in Pa.

It’s practically commonplace today.

But, no… not the availability of guns….it’s the degradation of the culture.

It's something else.....something that didn't begin with the start of this nation.
as always the fault is with the Pander to the rich, full of s*** and hate propaganda bought off GOP.
According to this guy it makes a big difference:

A .22 hardly makes much noise to begin with. But it still shows that it doesn't totally silence a gun--just makes it a little bit quieter.

And you can guarantee that folks in a bar carrying aren't going to drink? Most folks in a bar drink.

See, that is EXACTLY what I mean with the far right. You can't even acknowledge come sense safety measures - guns and alcohol do not belong together. That is one law that is common sense but you can't even acknowledge that one.

No, I can't guarantee that somebody with a gun will not drink. However even if illegal, I can't guarantee somebody will not bring a gun in a bar anyway. Yes, we do have bar shootings from time to time, but they are by thugs and not licensed carriers.

We have strict rules we have to abide by if we don't want to lose our license or end up in jail. If you are drinking and use your firearm even for self-defense, it's like not having a license at all. You broke the law.
So Ray are you willing to pay for a few full time armed guards in every school funded by taxpayers? I am. It's time. You would agree for sure.

It's up to the people of each community. If they want armed security, then it goes to the vote of the people and they decide. It's not a federal issue, but a local one.
According to this guy it makes a big difference:

A .22 hardly makes much noise to begin with. But it still shows that it doesn't totally silence a gun--just makes it a little bit quieter.

And you can guarantee that folks in a bar carrying aren't going to drink? Most folks in a bar drink.

See, that is EXACTLY what I mean with the far right. You can't even acknowledge come sense safety measures - guns and alcohol do not belong together. That is one law that is common sense but you can't even acknowledge that one.

No, I can't guarantee that somebody with a gun will not drink. However even if illegal, I can't guarantee somebody will not bring a gun in a bar anyway. Yes, we do have bar shootings from time to time, but they are by thugs and not licensed carriers.

We have strict rules we have to abide by if we don't want to lose our license or end up in jail. If you are drinking and use your firearm even for self-defense, it's like not having a license at all. You broke the law.

Frankly - bars are one place I think guns should be illegal without hesitation. Of course criminals aren't going to care. Nothing is ever 100%. You just make sane laws to lower the odds and making guns in bars illegal is one of those sane laws.
So then the question stands...lets say you had to help hire 2 armed full time guards for every school....let's say at 70 thousand plus full benefits. Surely you aren't cheap enjoy to vote no...
Damaged Eagle

My point is every right has some restrictions. So should the right to bear arms. Why do people need military grade weapons, armor piercing ammo and bump stocks to create fully automatic weapons for home defense or hunting? Why is the NRA pushing to make silencers legal? Why would you want people to be able to carry guns in a bar? Why should a state with a strict vetting system for concealed carry be forced to accept concealed carry from a state with no vetting?

My point is not wholesale gun bans and is some reasonable measures to try and reduce gun violence along with increased resources and parity for mental health.

View attachment 177553

Why do the civil law enforcement agencies require military grade equipment?



Q. Why do the civil law enforcement agencies require military grade equipment?



So now you're saying that having more gun laws won't prevent people from obtaining the type of firearms that require more fire power on my part to protect myself.

Thank you for making my point.



You made a point? I responded to your question. I must conclude you are a liar, illiterate or both.
Damaged Eagle

My point is every right has some restrictions. So should the right to bear arms. Why do people need military grade weapons, armor piercing ammo and bump stocks to create fully automatic weapons for home defense or hunting? Why is the NRA pushing to make silencers legal? Why would you want people to be able to carry guns in a bar? Why should a state with a strict vetting system for concealed carry be forced to accept concealed carry from a state with no vetting?

My point is not wholesale gun bans and is some reasonable measures to try and reduce gun violence along with increased resources and parity for mental health.

View attachment 177553

Why do the civil law enforcement agencies require military grade equipment?



Q. Why do the civil law enforcement agencies require military grade equipment?



So now you're saying that having more gun laws won't prevent people from obtaining the type of firearms that require more fire power on my part to protect myself.

Thank you for making my point.



You made a point? I responded to your question. I must conclude you are a liar, illiterate or both.


Says the troll...

My point was obvious and you swallowed it hook, line, and sinker.

Why don't you crawl back to the PDF where you came from.


So then the question stands...lets say you had to help hire 2 armed full time guards for every school....let's say at 70 thousand plus full benefits. Surely you aren't cheap enjoy to vote no...

No, 70K is way too much for armed security. I know what kind of money they make and it's not 70K. We only have two schools in my suburb so the cost would hardly be noticeable between all the taxpayers.
You expect them to put their lives on the line without paying them....figured about right. I would expect you respect life....well apparently not. You consider money a huge amount more important than human life. Got it.
According to this guy it makes a big difference:

A .22 hardly makes much noise to begin with. But it still shows that it doesn't totally silence a gun--just makes it a little bit quieter.

And you can guarantee that folks in a bar carrying aren't going to drink? Most folks in a bar drink.

See, that is EXACTLY what I mean with the far right. You can't even acknowledge come sense safety measures - guns and alcohol do not belong together. That is one law that is common sense but you can't even acknowledge that one.

No, I can't guarantee that somebody with a gun will not drink. However even if illegal, I can't guarantee somebody will not bring a gun in a bar anyway. Yes, we do have bar shootings from time to time, but they are by thugs and not licensed carriers.

We have strict rules we have to abide by if we don't want to lose our license or end up in jail. If you are drinking and use your firearm even for self-defense, it's like not having a license at all. You broke the law.

Frankly - bars are one place I think guns should be illegal without hesitation. Of course criminals aren't going to care. Nothing is ever 100%. You just make sane laws to lower the odds and making guns in bars illegal is one of those sane laws.

If a licensed carrier is in a bar and not drinking, what's the difference if he is there or at the bowling alley not drinking?

Half of our dart games were at home and the other half at other bars, sometimes up to 20 miles away. When those teams came to our bar, most of them had designated drivers who of course were not drinking. It wouldn't have bothered me if those ladies were carrying a firearm. In fact I would have felt safer.
So Ray are you willing to pay for a few full time armed guards in every school funded by taxpayers? I am. It's time. You would agree for sure.

It's up to the people of each community. If they want armed security, then it goes to the vote of the people and they decide. It's not a federal issue, but a local one.

Republicans oppose taxes, who will pay for armed guards, or, how many more social needs will go unfunded?
What is it with you people and this obsession on type of weapon used? If we ban one weapon (which we've done in the past with no success) they just get a different weapon. You solve nothing.......absolutely nothing.
What is it with you people who can't be told the obvious? The weapons of public massacre are large capacity handguns and military style semi automatics. Just how dense do you have to be to not accept that? Severely controlling those weapons will lower the rate of public massacre.

No, it won't The school shooter only killed 18 and injured 15. It took police six minutes to get there from the time they got the call. Do you know how many rounds he could have fired in six minutes with any weapon?

But even if your theory held any truth to it, and a guy like this killed 12 kids instead, would you be satisfied with that?

"The school shooter only killed 18 and injured" (maimed for life) "15".

You callous bastard!
No, that's stupidity. What's the difference between a semi-automatic rifle and a semi-automatic hand gun? One looks scarier than the other, but they both do the same thing.
I've said to severely control them both you unbelievably dense rightard. What is it with you people?

Maybe we know how to write and you don't. You said high capacity handguns. Handguns don't have high capacity--only magazines do. And that wouldn't do squat because a magazine can be changed in less than three seconds; one second with some practice. So again, nothing solved.

another poster when asked what he wanted banned the poster said

nearly the same thing

" high capacity handgun" and "military style semi autos" must be leftard talking point today

i didnt even bother to respond


A distinction without a difference. You may believe knowledge of what a gun is called makes a difference, better to mock those who claim guns don't kill people as some guns are made for that express purpose.
Damaged Eagle

My point is every right has some restrictions. So should the right to bear arms. Why do people need military grade weapons, armor piercing ammo and bump stocks to create fully automatic weapons for home defense or hunting? Why is the NRA pushing to make silencers legal? Why would you want people to be able to carry guns in a bar? Why should a state with a strict vetting system for concealed carry be forced to accept concealed carry from a state with no vetting?

My point is not wholesale gun bans and is some reasonable measures to try and reduce gun violence along with increased resources and parity for mental health.

View attachment 177553

Why do the civil law enforcement agencies require military grade equipment?



Q. Why do the civil law enforcement agencies require military grade equipment?



So now you're saying that having more gun laws won't prevent people from obtaining the type of firearms that require more fire power on my part to protect myself.

Thank you for making my point.



You made a point? I responded to your question. I must conclude you are a liar, illiterate or both.

View attachment 177589

Says the troll...

My point was obvious and you swallowed it hook, line, and sinker.

Why don't you crawl back to the PDF where you came from.



Posting a straw man wasn't making a point. You asked a stupid question, and I responded with an answer pointing graphically how stupid it was.

Like most barely literates, you accuse others of what your are and what you do, a result of a limited education, your biases and fear of being known as a fool.
Also save a bunch of people very fast.

Doesn't seem to work that way very often...

NRA/Gun Proponent's answer to every mass shooting: more guns, less restriction. We've seen decades of deregulation to what result? Increased mass shootings.

The latest shooting could have been avoided if the ball wasn't dropped. He SAID he was going to do it. Law enforcement were at his residence 39 times! HE killed the people, and yes, some others dropped the ball on him too. What some do not seem to get it that if he didn't have guns, he would have done this with something else if he was going to do it.
Nonsense. for that to be true we would see school slaughters in every country in the civilised world. Access to machine guns is the difference.

"Access to machine guns is the difference."

You need to get educated on this, in America they cannot just go and buy a machine gun, you not knowing anything about guns in general probably do not even know the difference between an AR-15 and an M&P380.

What to know about machine gun laws in the US
But they can legally and easily purchase bump stocks that can make a gun fully automatic.



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