Mass Killings: The Blame

In our political environment, a constitutional "amendment" would be impossible.
Because the people who control American politicians accept the recurring massacres of other people's school kids as an acceptable price for easy access to large capacity handguns and military style semi automatics. Yes. I know this. They don't give a damn. I keep saying it. Sandy Hook demonstrated it. Haven't you noticed? After all, you're one of them.

What is it with you people and this obsession on type of weapon used? If we ban one weapon (which we've done in the past with no success) they just get a different weapon. You solve nothing.......absolutely nothing.
Only 3% of murders by gun are with rifles.
Actually, guns are NOT the problem. Its the free and open access to anyone and everyone that is the problem. We give ANYONE free access to firearms with little or no inspection. Anybody gets a gun! Mentally ill dingbats that then shoot up schools? They can get a gun! See the problem there?

So how do we decide what mentally ill is? Should every citizen see a liberal shrink in hopes he won't determine us unfit to own a gun?
Damaged Eagle

My point is every right has some restrictions. So should the right to bear arms. Why do people need military grade weapons, armor piercing ammo and bump stocks to create fully automatic weapons for home defense or hunting? Why is the NRA pushing to make silencers legal? Why would you want people to be able to carry guns in a bar? Why should a state with a strict vetting system for concealed carry be forced to accept concealed carry from a state with no vetting?

My point is not wholesale gun bans and is some reasonable measures to try and reduce gun violence along with increased resources and parity for mental health.

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Why do the civil law enforcement agencies require military grade equipment?



Q. Why do the civil law enforcement agencies require military grade equipment?

What is it with you people and this obsession on type of weapon used? If we ban one weapon (which we've done in the past with no success) they just get a different weapon. You solve nothing.......absolutely nothing.
What is it with you people who can't be told the obvious? The weapons of public massacre are large capacity handguns and military style semi automatics. Just how dense do you have to be to not accept that? Severely controlling those weapons will lower the rate of public massacre.
No, that's stupidity. What's the difference between a semi-automatic rifle and a semi-automatic hand gun? One looks scarier than the other, but they both do the same thing.
I've said to severely control them both you unbelievably dense rightard. What is it with you people?
No, that's stupidity. What's the difference between a semi-automatic rifle and a semi-automatic hand gun? One looks scarier than the other, but they both do the same thing.
I've said to severely control them both you unbelievably dense rightard. What is it with you people?

Maybe we know how to write and you don't. You said high capacity handguns. Handguns don't have high capacity--only magazines do. And that wouldn't do squat because a magazine can be changed in less than three seconds; one second with some practice. So again, nothing solved.
:lalala: Common sense solution, one in tune with the way this country was founded. :tongue-44:
When this country was founded there were no weapons like we hav e today. Should we legalize nukes?

One of the reasons it's so difficult to have a reasonable discussion with the left is that they always go to the extremes.

If you want to end affirmative action, you must want to bring back slavery.
If you want to preserve traditional marriage, you must hate all gays.
If you don't support unions, you must want sweat shops where people work 16 hour days with no breaks.
If you believe in the right to bear arms, you must also believe citizens should have nukes.

Yet you don’t see the same from the right? They start screaming about confiscating and banning all guns if you want to ban bump stocks or keep guns out of bars. You guys are just the same.

I can’t even talk about something in between the extremes without you reflexively circling the wagons.

No, the right doesn't do what the left does. And do you think for one minute if the Democrats could ban guns, they wouldn't?

What the left does is set an ultimate goal, and take baby steps to achieve that goal. The left are very patient people just like the terrorists. They have all the time in the world.

I remember when I was a kid. They said the gays just wanted to come out of the closet. That's all. Just leave them be and they'll be happy.

Fast forward to today, states are forced to accept gay marriages. They adopt children and have parades downtown. They kiss and make out in public. They are openly in our military. They have become a protected class.

When I was a kid, people smoked cigarettes everywhere. In the grocery store, in the hospital rooms, on airplanes. But the left complained about movie theaters. That's all the want to be happy, just no smoking in the movie theaters.

Fast forward to today, you can't smoke a cigarette in most places......even outside. You can't smoke at work, at the bar, at the bowling alley, in certain apartment buildings, and even talk about a ban in government housing.

I remember when the left wanted a ban on lead in gasoline. That's all they wanted. That would make them happy.

Today we have over 60 blends of gasoline because of pollution regulations. Cars cost thousands of dollars more because of pollution gadgets. It's now penetrating the transportation industry and these trucks have constant problems because of pollution. We can't even buy real light bulbs anymore in this country.

The point is that the left doesn't stop at point A. Oh, they said it would make them happy, but they never are. So they advance to point B, then C, then D, and eventually a defenseless society. That's my concern about it.

You are exactly the same. And your statement just made my point. I could simply say "If Republicans wanted to remove all arms restrictions for civilians they would". Make a nuke part of your home defense system right? But that wouldn't be true. Just like it's not true that Dems would ban all guns if they could.
What is it with you people and this obsession on type of weapon used? If we ban one weapon (which we've done in the past with no success) they just get a different weapon. You solve nothing.......absolutely nothing.
What is it with you people who can't be told the obvious? The weapons of public massacre are large capacity handguns and military style semi automatics. Just how dense do you have to be to not accept that? Severely controlling those weapons will lower the rate of public massacre.

No, it won't The school shooter only killed 18 and injured 15. It took police six minutes to get there from the time they got the call. Do you know how many rounds he could have fired in six minutes with any weapon?

But even if your theory held any truth to it, and a guy like this killed 12 kids instead, would you be satisfied with that?
No, that's stupidity. What's the difference between a semi-automatic rifle and a semi-automatic hand gun? One looks scarier than the other, but they both do the same thing.
I've said to severely control them both you unbelievably dense rightard. What is it with you people?

Maybe we know how to write and you don't. You said high capacity handguns. Handguns don't have high capacity--only magazines do. And that wouldn't do squat because a magazine can be changed in less than three seconds; one second with some practice. So again, nothing solved.

another poster when asked what he wanted banned the poster said

nearly the same thing

" high capacity handgun" and "military style semi autos" must be leftard talking point today

i didnt even bother to respond

Why make fully automatic weapons hard to get but bumpstocks available to anyone?

Why make silencers legal?

Why allow guns in BARS?
:lalala: Common sense solution, one in tune with the way this country was founded. :tongue-44:
When this country was founded there were no weapons like we hav e today. Should we legalize nukes?

One of the reasons it's so difficult to have a reasonable discussion with the left is that they always go to the extremes.

If you want to end affirmative action, you must want to bring back slavery.
If you want to preserve traditional marriage, you must hate all gays.
If you don't support unions, you must want sweat shops where people work 16 hour days with no breaks.
If you believe in the right to bear arms, you must also believe citizens should have nukes.

Yet you don’t see the same from the right? They start screaming about confiscating and banning all guns if you want to ban bump stocks or keep guns out of bars. You guys are just the same.

I can’t even talk about something in between the extremes without you reflexively circling the wagons.

No, the right doesn't do what the left does. And do you think for one minute if the Democrats could ban guns, they wouldn't?

What the left does is set an ultimate goal, and take baby steps to achieve that goal. The left are very patient people just like the terrorists. They have all the time in the world.

I remember when I was a kid. They said the gays just wanted to come out of the closet. That's all. Just leave them be and they'll be happy.

Fast forward to today, states are forced to accept gay marriages. They adopt children and have parades downtown. They kiss and make out in public. They are openly in our military. They have become a protected class.

When I was a kid, people smoked cigarettes everywhere. In the grocery store, in the hospital rooms, on airplanes. But the left complained about movie theaters. That's all the want to be happy, just no smoking in the movie theaters.

Fast forward to today, you can't smoke a cigarette in most places......even outside. You can't smoke at work, at the bar, at the bowling alley, in certain apartment buildings, and even talk about a ban in government housing.

I remember when the left wanted a ban on lead in gasoline. That's all they wanted. That would make them happy.

Today we have over 60 blends of gasoline because of pollution regulations. Cars cost thousands of dollars more because of pollution gadgets. It's now penetrating the transportation industry and these trucks have constant problems because of pollution. We can't even buy real light bulbs anymore in this country.

The point is that the left doesn't stop at point A. Oh, they said it would make them happy, but they never are. So they advance to point B, then C, then D, and eventually a defenseless society. That's my concern about it.

You are exactly the same. And your statement just made my point. I could simply say "If Republicans wanted to remove all arms restrictions for civilians they would". Make a nuke part of your home defense system right? But that wouldn't be true. Just like it's not true that Dems would ban all guns if they could.

I just gave you several examples of how Democrats operate. Can you give me one example of Republicans doing the same thing?

The only thing stopping Democrats from making all guns illegal is the US Constitution and the judges that protect it.

You have to understand how Democrats work. Each party tries to "expand their tent" as they say. The two largest groups of the Democrat party are government dependents and victims. The more of each they can create, the more likely voters they can get.

If they were able to disarm us, we would all end up victims of crime. As long as we can take care of ourselves, then who would need Democrats around?

But like I said, the Constitution makes it virtually impossible for them to outlaw gun ownership, so what they want to do is make it more and more difficult, more expensive, and more of a problem buying or owning a gun. In the past they have suggested mandatory insurance for guns, huge taxes on guns and ammo, and limitations no what kind of guns we are allowed to own. Some have even tried to sue gun manufacturers which would have put them out of business. After all, if you can't buy a gun because nobody will sell you one, you won't be able to own a gun.
Why make fully automatic weapons hard to get but bumpstocks available to anyone?

Nobody really uses bump stocks--especially for murder. It happened one time.

Why make silencers legal?

Guns are very loud. Silencers are never used in murders because they really don't silence anything; they just make gunshots a little less noisy. Banning them doesn't solve anything.

Why allow guns in BARS?

Not everybody in a bar drinks alcohol. Years ago I joined a dart team at a local bar. When we played at home, I would drink because I could walk to the bar and back. When we played away, I drove so I didn't touch a drop. Some of these bars were in very shady neighborhoods, and at the time, it was illegal to have a gun in a bar, so I brought it with me and kept it in the car. About two years ago, we changed that law, and to my knowledge, no bar shootings by a licensed carrier.
No, that's stupidity. What's the difference between a semi-automatic rifle and a semi-automatic hand gun? One looks scarier than the other, but they both do the same thing.
I've said to severely control them both you unbelievably dense rightard. What is it with you people?

Maybe we know how to write and you don't. You said high capacity handguns. Handguns don't have high capacity--only magazines do. And that wouldn't do squat because a magazine can be changed in less than three seconds; one second with some practice. So again, nothing solved.

another poster when asked what he wanted banned the poster said

nearly the same thing

" high capacity handgun" and "military style semi autos" must be leftard talking point today

i didnt even bother to respond


Some just repeat the talking points, but others have suggested a total ban on guns to a ban on any any semi-automatic gun including handguns. What they don't understand is the difference between a semi-automatic handgun and a semi-automatic rifle is one looks scarier than the other, but they both do the same thing.
So Ray are you willing to pay for a few full time armed guards in every school funded by taxpayers? I am. It's time. You would agree for sure.
Why make fully automatic weapons hard to get but bumpstocks available to anyone?

Nobody really uses bump stocks--especially for murder. It happened one time.

Why make silencers legal?

Guns are very loud. Silencers are never used in murders because they really don't silence anything; they just make gunshots a little less noisy. Banning them doesn't solve anything.

According to this guy it makes a big difference:

Why allow guns in BARS?

Not everybody in a bar drinks alcohol. Years ago I joined a dart team at a local bar. When we played at home, I would drink because I could walk to the bar and back. When we played away, I drove so I didn't touch a drop. Some of these bars were in very shady neighborhoods, and at the time, it was illegal to have a gun in a bar, so I brought it with me and kept it in the car. About two years ago, we changed that law, and to my knowledge, no bar shootings by a licensed carrier.

And you can guarantee that folks in a bar carrying aren't going to drink? Most folks in a bar drink.

See, that is EXACTLY what I mean with the far right. You can't even acknowledge come sense safety measures - guns and alcohol do not belong together. That is one law that is common sense but you can't even acknowledge that one.
Actually, guns are NOT the problem. Its the free and open access to anyone and everyone that is the problem. We give ANYONE free access to firearms with little or no inspection. Anybody gets a gun! Mentally ill dingbats that then shoot up schools? They can get a gun! See the problem there?

Mental illness can strike at any time and any age...

Are we going to demand that everyone be mentally evaluated every six months to a year now if they're allowed to own or operate something that could endanger the public safety?

I could make a case for the operation and ownership of motor vehicles and tools that construction workers utilize in that case.


Why make fully automatic weapons hard to get but bumpstocks available to anyone?

Why make silencers legal?

Why allow guns in BARS?
Dip shit, You know nothing about firearms. Do you know the difference between a suppressor in a silencer? Do you realize that suppressor/silencers are healthy... It’s a safety device for hearing.
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Why make fully automatic weapons hard to get but bumpstocks available to anyone?

Why make silencers legal?

Why allow guns in BARS?
Dip shit, You know nothing about firearms. Do you know the difference between a suppressor in a silencer? Do you realize or realize the suppressor/silencers are healthy... It’s a safety device for hearing.

My husband and I use hearing protectors dipshit. We find them to be perfectly adequate safety devices.
Actually, guns are NOT the problem. Its the free and open access to anyone and everyone that is the problem. We give ANYONE free access to firearms with little or no inspection. Anybody gets a gun! Mentally ill dingbats that then shoot up schools? They can get a gun! See the problem there?
View attachment 177583

Mental illness can strike at any time and any age...

Are we going to demand that everyone be mentally evaluated every six months to a year now if they're allowed to own or operate something that could endanger the public safety?

I could make a case for the operation and ownership of motor vehicles and tools that construction workers utilize in that case.



Unfortunately very true and mental illness is extremely difficult to address.

Not to mention - it's the first thing to be defunded.

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