Mass shooting 16+ shot 10 killed in Monterey park, Ca


In the 1920s, the governments of Europe felt the same way you did and they actually took steps......they said to make people safer. They promised the government, after registering, then banning guns throughout the 20s and early 1930s would protect people.

They did nothing of the sort. In fact, the really strict gun laws in Europe didn't happen until after the war.

People in Europe had plenty of guns, and they were happy to join various partisan groups to join in the fighting and killing.
But now, people are beginning to see that these shootings can happen. They are the rarest of rare events...but now people are becoming aware of the precursors to these shootings.....we can aid that process by putting out more information to the general public so if they see these signs in a family member, they can get them help...something that people didn't understand before, but are now just beginning to see......

Okay, so if they see that Uncle Tran is starting to act a little nutty and they can go off to the cops and ask to have his guns confiscated.

Oh, no, wait, the Red Flag Laws got repealed because the National Ramage Association sent lawyers to fight them.

I guess we just need to keep out of Uncle Tran's way.
Asian gangs in CA are serious business. No ATF stops them from getting autamatic weapons at all. Usually of the Eastern Bloc variety.

They don't be gettin' them full-auto US military issue M4s with thousand dollar Trijicon optics like the Taliban did on US taxpayer's dime.

They get Chinese AKs.

Shooter was a 72 year old Vietnamese immigrant. Nothing to do with "Gangs".

Moron.....I jumped to no conclusions but he had.....I was pointing out that there could be other reasons for the shooting.........simce it was a dance hall of some sort you gang shooting was actually possible....I also pointed out that the last Asian mass shooting involved an Asian man who wqs a chinese communist who targeted Taiwanese Americans. You clod.

Point is you went to one of your defaults.

Oh, this mass shooting must be "Gang related" as though THAT makes it okay somehow. This is the shit you ALWAYS do.

A person who had no business owning a gun was able to get a gun. Period. Full Stop.
Why is it his family's fault?
You can't legally prevent him from owning a gun because he's crazy, that's the problem. You wingnuts gutted the Red Flag laws.
Its the family who didnt report his craziness.
Its the family who didnt report his craziness.
i hope nothing bad ever happens to my bros, in terms of perishing in mass shootings or whatever, you're not my bro anymore, but i feel no ill will towards you either
Moron.....I jumped to no conclusions but he had.....I was pointing out that there could be other reasons for the shooting.........simce it was a dance hall of some sort you gang shooting was actually possible....I also pointed out that the last Asian mass shooting involved an Asian man who wqs a chinese communist who targeted Taiwanese Americans. You clod.

You retard, there's no suspicion of gangland violence in this case. You're making shit up because you don't want to have to deal with mass shootings.
Oh, bullshit. More guns in this situation wouldn't have made things any better. Confused dance floor, lots of panicked people.
Bullshit! You are confused Moon bat. 2guy had previously posted several examples of how armed people have stopped would be shooters. Start paying attention.

Nobody shot up the restaurant where my wife and ate last night.

With 2.5 million CWP holders in Florida if somebody had tried to do it then there would have been at least a half dozen patrons in the establishment that would have had the means to protect their families, including myself.

I doubt any of the patrons of the establishment in Monterey Park had a CWP seeing how hard it was to get the permit prior to Bruen.. Those Democrat shitheads in LA County required that a citizen had to show a "significant need" for one, which meant they didn't issue them.

There could have been a .much different outcome had the citizens had the ability to protect themselves. Of course we will never know, will we? Thanks to the stupidity of the Democrats running the County that don't understand the value of the right to keep and bear arms. And idiots like you that vote in Democrats.
And of course dumbass dems stuck their fucking feet in their mouths. Like Chucky Schumer calling it "racial hatred" when it was a 72yo Asian dude shooting other Asians. He just HAD to say something before he actually had ANY facts about the situation.

Nothing like a good mass shooting to bring out the stupid fucking democrats.
Democrats never pass up the opportunity to spread racial hate, even if they have to lie to do it.
Apparently, he was a 72 year old Vietnamese immigrant... so... no.

Can't blame our culture for this one.
Typicality it is inner city Black and Brown ghetto culture that embraces gun violence. They are the ones that commit most of the gun crimes in this country.
Bullshit! You are confused Moon bat. 2guy had previously posted several examples of how armed people have stopped would be shooters. Start paying attention.

Nobody shot up the restaurant where my wife and ate last night.

With 2.5 million CWP holders in Florida if somebody had tried to do it then there would have been at least a half dozen patrons in the establishment that would have had the means to protect their families, including myself.

I doubt any of the patrons of the establishment in Monterey Park had a CWP seeing how hard it was to get the permit prior to Bruen.. Those Democrat shitheads in LA County required that a citizen had to show a "significant need" for one, which meant they didn't issue them.

There could have been a .much different outcome had the citizens had the ability to protect themselves. Of course we will never know, will we? Thanks to the stupidity of the Democrats running the County that don't understand the value of the right to keep and bear arms. And idiots like you that vote in Democrats.
They were all old Asian people. Out for a celebration and some old man did this.

"72-year-old Huu Can Tran."

This is why we can't have nice things.
LOL! "Assault Pistol".

Can these Moon Bats get any more stupid?


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