Mass shooting 16+ shot 10 killed in Monterey park, Ca

And the next crime scene could be your home...sweet home or next door to yours. So...when life gives you lemons, just make lemonade( before it's too late ).
Yeah, I live as if I were to die tomorrow! :)
Without even knowing any details, you jump to conclusions to explain it.

This is my shocked face --> :icon_rolleyes:

Moron.....I jumped to no conclusions but he had.....I was pointing out that there could be other reasons for the shooting.........simce it was a dance hall of some sort you gang shooting was actually possible....I also pointed out that the last Asian mass shooting involved an Asian man who wqs a chinese communist who targeted Taiwanese Americans. You clod.
The Sheriff said in the news conference this afternoon that it was not an "assault weapon".

That is going to piss off all these Moon Bats.

I bet that fact won't stop from Ole Potatohead from once again calling for an AWB.

Do you have a link to that?
Do you have a link to that?
We were watching it on Fox News during the press conference.


The later press conference the Sheriff said it was an "assault pistol". What ever the fuck that is. Maybe a Mac-10?
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Moron.....I jumped to no conclusions but he had.....I was pointing out that there could be other reasons for the shooting.........simce it was a dance hall of some sort you gang shooting was actually possible....I also pointed out that the last Asian mass shooting involved an Asian man who wqs a chinese communist who targeted Taiwanese Americans. You clod.
Hell, with what Biden and company has done with the border, I wouldn't doubt it if he recently came here through that slung wide open opening or should I say open invitation he gave to everyone.
And why would it do that ?
What has been the most active of all dramas, in particular the USA?
Then, what has been one of the most hotly contested arguments between 'woke' groups and the government?
What else has been under fire for those years when all these mass shootings have occurred? The 2nd amendment, the
right to bear arms.
In what way do you get a reaction from the public and the government to tighten gun laws? Create a PRS (Problem, Reaction, Solution) scenario. The CIA is great for that.
Why remove guns from the people? So they (the population) are easier to control when the boot heel gets driven down on society. What are the civilians going to do when
the police, armed forces and criminals are the only ones who are armed? Up shit creek is what.
Nam Flashbacks
I wonder what side he served on?

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The shooter was 72 years old. SMH
He was obviously someone who should never had had access to a firearm.

So the elephant in the room is....what are we going to do as a society to keep firearms out of the hands of people who shouldn't have them?

Just shrugging our collective shoulders and saying "shit happens....nothing can be done without inconveniencing "legal" gun owners" isn't working.

It obviously never has.

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