Mass shooting: At Least 11 Shot At Gilroy Garlic Festival

Why do you want to make law abiding people out to be the bad guys here?
Because the latest shooter was law abiding until he wasn't. How come you can't grasp that?
-------------------------------------------- most gun people like me don't really Care , why can't YOU grasp that ?? And as the old saying goes , --- zhit happens plus its the price we pay for the FREEDOM to own guns CNM .
Ok... Then to sell a gun it must be determined if the purchaser is a felon and/or mentally competent. Is that right? How would that be done?

No, I'm not a dealer. If I was I would have a Fed. license.
The burden is on the buyer.
The law says those are not to possess firearms. So the law is they shouldn't be buying.
So you don’t support felons or mental people from getting gun but you want no measures in place to prevent them from getting guns? So your basically just making a legal play where if one commits a crime with a gun they get a harsher sentence... that’s your deterrent?

And what constitutions somebody mentally ineligible to own a gun? How do they know?

I'm a proponent of the 3 strike rule.
3 strikes, life in prison.

Commit a crime - Strike 1
Have a gun while committing a crime - Strike 2
Use the gun while committing a crime, firing the weapon, assaulting with the weapon - Strike 3
Ok thanks for explaining that but you didn’t answer any of my questions

Only in a court of law can anyone's rights be removed.
If a person is adjudicated guilty of a felony, their right to possess a weapon and to vote, removed.
Same if they are adjudicated mentally incompetent.
That’s interesting... would you apply the same standard to the first amendment and remove all censorship regulations? Allow Max Strength Penis Enlargement LLC to toss up a billboard next to the local elementary school with their world famous Mandingo modeling his 13 inch python?
For militias to protect country. No longer needed with worlds strongest military.

The PEOPLE are the militia. That has been proven to you many, many times. But, because it doesn't comport to your warped thought processes, you don't care about facts.
We have the strongest military in the world.

Yeah, but the 2nd Amendment isn't about that. You have been told what the 2nd is for, and still you try and deflect away from its original purpose.
Do support any regulations of firearms such as.... Auto ban, Carry permits, no guns allowed in schools?

Auto Ban.....what do you mean by this? If you mean full automatic, no.

Carry, they are unConstitutional.....a fee or test to exercise a Right is UnConstitutional....

No guns allowed to be carried by law abiding citizens with lawful business in

Gun free school zones are targeted by some mass public shooters. We know from actual mass public shooters either captured or from their notes that they target gun free zones. If a parent is legally allowed to carry a gun, they should be able to take it with them into the school. As long as they don't draw the weapon without cause, what is the problem? If they take the weapon out they can already be arrested for disturbing the police.

We already have every law we need to deal with gun criminals...the problem is that once we catch them, democrats like you keep letting them out of jail and prison. There were 12 mass public shootings in 2018. 93 people, total, killed in those shootings.

The vast majority of gun murder, the other 10,899 are criminals who are already banned from buying, owning and carrying a gun...we can already arrest them with all the laws we already have.........again, it is people like you letting them out of prison that causes the gun crime and gun murder...

you are the problem.
Why am I the problem? I’m just asking questions. And these laws we have in place wouldn’t exist if we did things your way, is that right? Everybody would be legally allowed to have a gun because that is their right. There would be now restrictions to purchase, we could go buy a machine gun with a slurpy at the local 7-11, is that right?
The PEOPLE are the militia. That has been proven to you many, many times. But, because it doesn't comport to your warped thought processes, you don't care about facts.
We have the strongest military in the world.

Yeah, but the 2nd Amendment isn't about that. You have been told what the 2nd is for, and still you try and deflect away from its original purpose.
Do support any regulations of firearms such as.... Auto ban, Carry permits, no guns allowed in schools?

Auto Ban.....what do you mean by this? If you mean full automatic, no.

Carry, they are unConstitutional.....a fee or test to exercise a Right is UnConstitutional....

No guns allowed to be carried by law abiding citizens with lawful business in

Gun free school zones are targeted by some mass public shooters. We know from actual mass public shooters either captured or from their notes that they target gun free zones. If a parent is legally allowed to carry a gun, they should be able to take it with them into the school. As long as they don't draw the weapon without cause, what is the problem? If they take the weapon out they can already be arrested for disturbing the police.

We already have every law we need to deal with gun criminals...the problem is that once we catch them, democrats like you keep letting them out of jail and prison. There were 12 mass public shootings in 2018. 93 people, total, killed in those shootings.

The vast majority of gun murder, the other 10,899 are criminals who are already banned from buying, owning and carrying a gun...we can already arrest them with all the laws we already have.........again, it is people like you letting them out of prison that causes the gun crime and gun murder...

you are the problem.
Why am I the problem? I’m just asking questions. And these laws we have in place wouldn’t exist if we did things your way, is that right? Everybody would be legally allowed to have a gun because that is their right. There would be now restrictions to purchase, we could go buy a machine gun with a slurpy at the local 7-11, is that right?

711 doesn't carry firearms for sale, and the libs can't force them to do it.

The real issue isn't the 2nd Amendment, but instead people's God Given right to keep and bear arms. Nothing more basic than the right to defend yourself. Not who should or shouldn't carry firearms for sale.

Right now, there is a good system. Legitimate stores show discretion and sell weapons to responsible people. Do you have a problem with this system we have now?

Or would you prefer to force citizens into the backroom of cocktail lounges for cash sales of firearms and zero discretion or background checking?
The PEOPLE are the militia. That has been proven to you many, many times. But, because it doesn't comport to your warped thought processes, you don't care about facts.
We have the strongest military in the world.

Yeah, but the 2nd Amendment isn't about that. You have been told what the 2nd is for, and still you try and deflect away from its original purpose.
Do support any regulations of firearms such as.... Auto ban, Carry permits, no guns allowed in schools?

Auto Ban.....what do you mean by this? If you mean full automatic, no.

Carry, they are unConstitutional.....a fee or test to exercise a Right is UnConstitutional....

No guns allowed to be carried by law abiding citizens with lawful business in

Gun free school zones are targeted by some mass public shooters. We know from actual mass public shooters either captured or from their notes that they target gun free zones. If a parent is legally allowed to carry a gun, they should be able to take it with them into the school. As long as they don't draw the weapon without cause, what is the problem? If they take the weapon out they can already be arrested for disturbing the police.

We already have every law we need to deal with gun criminals...the problem is that once we catch them, democrats like you keep letting them out of jail and prison. There were 12 mass public shootings in 2018. 93 people, total, killed in those shootings.

The vast majority of gun murder, the other 10,899 are criminals who are already banned from buying, owning and carrying a gun...we can already arrest them with all the laws we already have.........again, it is people like you letting them out of prison that causes the gun crime and gun murder...

you are the problem.
Why am I the problem? I’m just asking questions. And these laws we have in place wouldn’t exist if we did things your way, is that right? Everybody would be legally allowed to have a gun because that is their right. There would be now restrictions to purchase, we could go buy a machine gun with a slurpy at the local 7-11, is that right?
---------------------------------------------- I would NOT mind seeing the return of unregulated gun purchase and use like it was prior to the mid 60s Slade .
I remember my DAD buying 2 guns in the mid 60s , cash sale and walk out with the guns in WOLFS hardware store and it was about the mid 60s Slade .
The PEOPLE are the militia. That has been proven to you many, many times. But, because it doesn't comport to your warped thought processes, you don't care about facts.
We have the strongest military in the world.

Yeah, but the 2nd Amendment isn't about that. You have been told what the 2nd is for, and still you try and deflect away from its original purpose.
Do support any regulations of firearms such as.... Auto ban, Carry permits, no guns allowed in schools?

Auto Ban.....what do you mean by this? If you mean full automatic, no.

Carry, they are unConstitutional.....a fee or test to exercise a Right is UnConstitutional....

No guns allowed to be carried by law abiding citizens with lawful business in

Gun free school zones are targeted by some mass public shooters. We know from actual mass public shooters either captured or from their notes that they target gun free zones. If a parent is legally allowed to carry a gun, they should be able to take it with them into the school. As long as they don't draw the weapon without cause, what is the problem? If they take the weapon out they can already be arrested for disturbing the police.

We already have every law we need to deal with gun criminals...the problem is that once we catch them, democrats like you keep letting them out of jail and prison. There were 12 mass public shootings in 2018. 93 people, total, killed in those shootings.

The vast majority of gun murder, the other 10,899 are criminals who are already banned from buying, owning and carrying a gun...we can already arrest them with all the laws we already have.........again, it is people like you letting them out of prison that causes the gun crime and gun murder...

you are the problem.
Why am I the problem? I’m just asking questions. And these laws we have in place wouldn’t exist if we did things your way, is that right? Everybody would be legally allowed to have a gun because that is their right. There would be now restrictions to purchase, we could go buy a machine gun with a slurpy at the local 7-11, is that right?
-------------------------------------------- and that's how it should be Slade .
and does anyone remember Mail Order guns which were probably stopped in the mid to late 60s ??
I remember seeing AD's in the back of Hunting magazines selling war surplus USA Garands and Colt .45 for 10 or 15 Dollars , mail order , delivered to your door Slade .
and how did Sears and Monkey Wards sell their mail order guns shown in their catalogs .
I remember seeing AD's in the back of Hunting magazines selling war surplus USA Garands and Colt .45 for 10 or 15 Dollars , mail order , delivered to your door Slade .

And no mass shootings. Ofc Mental Hospitals were still open then, kids could pray in school, and people went to church more often.
I remember seeing AD's in the back of Hunting magazines selling war surplus USA Garands and Colt .45 for 10 or 15 Dollars , mail order , delivered to your door Slade .
------------------------------------------------------ so , perhaps you remember what I am talking about eh Marion ??
-------------------------------------------- for some stupid WOMEN according to You Brian .
For many men and women. Hundreds killed each year.
------------------------------------------------ there are over 320 million people in the USA so your number of hundreds per year is NEGLIGABLE Brian .
It’s hundreds more than countries with strong gun control.
-------------------------------- the America is the only Nation that matters to a Real American Brian .
And a real American wants to save lives.

The you should be for 0 gun control so you don't disarm the innocent law abiding citizens.
You are mistaking me for one of your snowflake MAGA females. I'm safe here on the border. I don't need a gun to make me feel less afraid because I am not afraid.

The border patrol carries weapons and they are 'on the border' I suspect you are insulated. Your not an illegal alien are you?
I remember seeing AD's in the back of Hunting magazines selling war surplus USA Garands and Colt .45 for 10 or 15 Dollars , mail order , delivered to your door Slade .

And no mass shootings. Ofc Mental Hospitals were still open then, kids could pray in school, and people went to church more often.

Of course we prayed in school in Catholic school back in the day. We did not have any shootings.

And the religious brothers who ran the school were well versed in brutality to keep the young men in line and avoid the shootings
I remember seeing AD's in the back of Hunting magazines selling war surplus USA Garands and Colt .45 for 10 or 15 Dollars , mail order , delivered to your door Slade .
------------------------------------------------------ so , perhaps you remember what I am talking about eh Marion ??

No, that was before my time. I remember you could walk into the store with cash and walk out with any gun you could afford immediately, though.'re thinking of me......
So, is it true you're so scared you carry a sidearm while grocery shopping?

I actually rarely carry. I have my CCW, and carry when I think I should....fear has nothing to do with it. I am not afraid of a car crash, but I wear a seat belt, I watch both ways before I cross the street and manage to do so without a hint of fear...... Fear really has nothing to do with carrying a gun. It is merely a tool in case a specific situation happens. When those situations do happen, and they do all across the country, rape, robbery and murder....someone who has a legal gun on their hip can handle it.......someone without is at the mercy of the criminal.

Having the option is great. I have had times where people knock on the door late at night, and knowing I have a weapon in case they are criminals is as reasuring as having a fire extingquisher in case the dryer starts on fire.

Americans use their legal guns at home and in public 1.1 million times a year....according to the Centers for Disease Control research. That means those people would have been victims...of rape, robbery or murder...but are alive, safe, and not scared for life...because they had a gun to stop the attack. would prefer that those women be raped, those people are brutally beaten and robbed....and they are murdered, and their families should lose them to a criminal..

That is your choice...I prefer the other choice..that the criminal is stopped.
That’s a good question. I’d say by definition classic liberals and conservatives both of whom support individual freedoms support less gun control while big government progressives fight for more gun control. You will find people all over the “Left” that supports gun rights, but Ideologically speaking progressives would be the group pushing for government regulation. Although I’d argue that most people fall all over the spectrum depending on the issue
then in this case i'm speaking to the liberals i have seen that when you try to tell them functionally there is no difference between the AR-15 and a browning longtrac semi-automatic, they refuse to go "wow, i misunderstood that weapon" and instead say "then semi-automatics needs to go also".

i have *never* heard someone go "wow, i was wrong about that rifle" and to a man/woman/child i've discussed this with, the more they learn the less they want to know and the more they want to control. i don't doubt there are those on the left who are NOT like this, i've just not met one in conversation yet.
I think a lot of people are scared, frustrated, and heartbroken from the horrendous gun violence that happens in this country and they just want to do something to try and limit the carnage. Regulating guns is something g that makes sense to them so that’s what they push because guns scare them. Others feel protected by them and want to defend their rights to carry. It’s a very heated and emotional debate which needs more understanding and compassion like most political issues
A disgruntled employee just killed two people in a Walmart in Mississippi. What happened to the days of going on FaceBook and saying filthy things about your ex-supervisor who just fired you? Now they have to take a gun and kill people?

24/7 news cycle and glorification of the killers...
Not so sure about that. I really doubt if this guy wanted fame as much as payback, for whatever slight he had gotten at work. Now see, the way I look at this is, if the guy did not have a gun or did not know someone who would gladly let him borrow theirs, he would not have taken lives today. He would not have marched into that Walmart and stabbed those people or hit them with a brick or anything else. He might have put sugar in their gas tanks or started an ugly rumor about their sisters, but that would have been about it.
It is the easy, 24/7 access to guns that allows this to happen over and over and over. Does an incident like this inspire some other assholes? Sure, sometimes, but not for fame. Just as a great idea.

I see you failed to mention the devaluation of a human being's life.

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