Mass shooting: At Least 11 Shot At Gilroy Garlic Festival

I simply told YOU Why and How you are a threat as are ALL 'dems' and people like you NYBod .
I simply told YOU Why and How you are a threat as are ALL 'dems' and people like you NYBod .

Okay then. I'll pretend to be sorry I'm keeping you up at night with my dangerous self.

There there.
It'll be okay.
Bless your precious heart.
as expected don't ask for an explanation
I was hoping for a translation of your gibberish.
sorry dude it was pretty much self explanatory
Learn grammar....
Yet another mass shooting and yet another thread filled with rightwing demagoguery, fallacies, and lies.

Indeed, yet another mass shooting and again no viable, constructive solutions from the reprehensible right as to how to address mass shootings – instead conservatives do nothing but deflect and spew the same tired, moronic sophistry.
My solution is no more compromise work with the laws already on the book or continue to keep your thumb up your ass.
I simply told YOU Why and How you are a threat as are ALL 'dems' and people like you NYBod .

Okay then. I'll pretend to be sorry I'm keeping you up at night with my dangerous self.

There there.
It'll be okay.
Bless your precious heart.
------------------------------------------------ as a 'dem' voter and supporter YOU are the Real American persons Enemy 'NYBod .
Wrong...Reagan didn't defune mental health programs that started with Carter, the ACLU and the other left wing groups that believe the mentall ill should crap outside and live under bridges instead of getting care.

^^Fake News.

The Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1980 signed by Reagan repealed President Carter’s Mental Health Systems Act, which was supposed to continue federal funding for mental health programs.

Mental Health Systems Act of 1980 - Wikipedia



Dr. Bertram S. Brown, a psychiatrist and Federal official who was instrumental in shaping the community center legislation in 1963, agreed that Presidents Eisenhower, Kennedy and Johnson were to some extent misled by the mental health community and Government bureaucrats.

''The bureaucrat-psychiatrists realized that there was political and financial overpromise,'' he said.

Dr. Brown, then an executive of the National Institute of Mental Health and now president of Hahnemann University in Philadelphia, stated candidly in an interview: ''Yes, the doctors were overpromising for the politicians. The doctors did not believe that community care would cure schizophrenia, and we did allow ourselves to be somewhat misrepresented.''

''They ended up with everything but the kitchen sink without the issue of long-term funding being settled,'' he said. ''That was the overpromising.''

Dr. Brown said he and the other architects of the community centers legislation believed that while there was a risk of homelessness, that it would not happen if Federal, state, local and private financial support ''was sufficient'' to do the job.
as expected don't ask for an explanation
I was hoping for a translation of your gibberish.
sorry dude it was pretty much self explanatory
Learn grammar....
Yet another mass shooting and yet another thread filled with rightwing demagoguery, fallacies, and lies.

Indeed, yet another mass shooting and again no viable, constructive solutions from the reprehensible right as to how to address mass shootings – instead conservatives do nothing but deflect and spew the same tired, moronic sophistry.

An your entire post is a lie.....we have solutions, you don't want them....

Lock up actual gun criminals for 30 years, do not let them out on bail...this would dry up 95% of gun crime.

End gun free zones...we know from actual mass public shooters they target these locations...and when an armed citizen has their legal gun with them, they are 94% effective against mass public shooters.....

You are the one who did not state one "common sense" gun law that you want, because you know they have nothing to do with common sense, stopping gun criminals or mass shooters. What they actually do is punish normal gun owners who did not use their legal guns for crime.
Do you think women who purchase handguns, take classes to safely use and carry a handgun, are ignorant of the classes you cited?
I think it makes them feel foolishly safe.

So what if it does. You and your ilk are always feeling foolishly oppressed, or disrespected, or eye raped, or countless other idiotic things.
You are mistaking me for one of your snowflake MAGA females. I'm safe here on the border. I don't need a gun to make me feel less afraid because I am not afraid.

Do you think women who purchase handguns, take classes to safely use and carry a handgun, are ignorant of the classes you cited?
I think it makes them feel foolishly safe.

So what if it does. You and your ilk are always feeling foolishly oppressed, or disrespected, or eye raped, or countless other idiotic things.
You are mistaking me for one of your snowflake MAGA females. I'm safe here on the border. I don't need a gun to make me feel less afraid because I am not afraid.

Nobody is insisting you need a gun.
You are free to make you own choice, respect others to make their choice.
Except your choice can kill people.

Your choice created gun free zones.....we know from actual mass public shooters, either captured or from their notes, they target gun free zones.

Also, democrat catch and release policies for violent gun criminals creates 95% of our gun crime and gun murder problem.
That's because you are a one trick pony and a robot with no desire to educate yourself. And the truck attack below is only one of many.

Nice attack: What we know about the Bastille Day killings
Dozens of people were killed, including children, when a lorry ploughed into a large crowd watching a fireworks display in Nice to mark the Bastille Day holiday.

Attack in Nice: What we know
And how long ago was that? We have regular mass shootings. You clowns have a small handful of rare examples. A few barriers will stop that from happening again.

Three years ago. And that one truck killed more than all of the mass shootings we have had since Las Vegas. NEXT!
Trucks have a purpose. An assault type rifle doesn't.
good thing a purpose is not necessary for a right.

You don't have a right to own an AR-15. The USSC said so.

No, actually they didn't....if fact, twit....Justice Scalia, the guy who wrote the opinion in D.C v Heller later stated in Friedman v Highland Park that yes, we do have the right to own the AR-15 know this, you have been shown this over and fact, he states the AR-15 by name, you twit.

This is what Scalia actually wrote about those rifles and in particular the AR-15 rifle...

That analysis misreads Heller. The question under Heller is not whether citizens have adequate alternatives available for self-defense.

Rather, Heller asks whether the law bans types of firearms commonly used for a lawful purpose—regardless of whether alternatives exist. 554 U. S., at 627–629.

And Heller draws a distinction between such firearms and weapons specially adapted to unlawful uses and not in common use, such as sawed-off shotguns. Id., at 624–625.

The City’s ban is thus highly suspect because it broadly prohibits common semiautomatic firearms used for lawful purposes.

Roughly five million Americans own AR-style semiautomatic rifles. See 784 F. 3d, at 415, n. 3. The overwhelming majority of citizens who own and use such rifles do so for lawful purposes, including self-defense and target shooting. See ibid. Under our precedents, that is all that is needed for citizens to have a right under the Second Amendment to keep such weapons. See McDonald, 561 U. S., at 767–768; Heller, supra, at 628–629.
Yeah, but the 2nd Amendment isn't about that. You have been told what the 2nd is for, and still you try and deflect away from its original purpose.
Do support any regulations of firearms such as.... Auto ban, Carry permits, no guns allowed in schools?

The only regulations I support are felons and those adjudicated mentally incompetent not being able to possess weapons.
Anything else is infringing on the inalienable right to bear arms.
Ok... Then to sell a gun it must be determined if the purchaser is a felon and/or mentally competent. Is that right? How would that be done?

No, I'm not a dealer. If I was I would have a Fed. license.
The burden is on the buyer.
The law says those are not to possess firearms. So the law is they shouldn't be buying.
So you don’t support felons or mental people from getting gun but you want no measures in place to prevent them from getting guns? So your basically just making a legal play where if one commits a crime with a gun they get a harsher sentence... that’s your deterrent?

And what constitutions somebody mentally ineligible to own a gun? How do they know?

We have a system in place already.......if you are adjudicated dangerously mentally ill, you can't own a rifle.

We already have the law that states that felons can't buy, own or carry a gun. If they are caught with a gun, they can already be arrested...oh, I guess you want them "more" arrested........

And yes....the harsher sentence will deter criminals from using guns but not effect normal gun do we know this....


Ryo Fujiwara, long-time writer on yakuza affairs and author of the book, The Three Yamaguchi-Gumi, says that the punishment for using a gun in a gang war or in a crime is now so heavy that most yakuza avoid their use at all – unless it is for an assassination.

“In a hit, whoever fires the gun, or is made to take responsibility for firing the gun, has to pretty much be willing to go to jail for the rest of their life. That’s a big decision. The repercussions are big, too. No one wants to claim responsibility for such acts – the gang office might actually get shut-down.”

The gang typically also has to support the family of the hit-man while he is in prison, which is also a financial burden for the organization.

Japan’s Firearms and Swords Control Laws make it a crime to illegally possess a gun, with a punishment of jail time of up to 10 years.

Illegal possession more than one gun, the penalty goes up to 15 years in prison. If you own a gun and matching ammunition, that’s another charge and a heavier penalty. The most severe penalty is for the act of discharging a gun in a train, on a bus, or most public spaces, which can result in a life sentence.


A low-ranking member of the Kobe-Yamaguchi-gumi put it this way: “All of the smart guys got rid of their guns a long-time ago. The penalties are way too high. You get life in prison if you just fire a gun. That’s not fun.”
------------------------------------------ read about the Purpose of the 'second amendment' RDave .
For militias to protect country. No longer needed with worlds strongest military.

The PEOPLE are the militia. That has been proven to you many, many times. But, because it doesn't comport to your warped thought processes, you don't care about facts.
We have the strongest military in the world.

Yeah, but the 2nd Amendment isn't about that. You have been told what the 2nd is for, and still you try and deflect away from its original purpose.
Do support any regulations of firearms such as.... Auto ban, Carry permits, no guns allowed in schools?

Auto Ban.....what do you mean by this? If you mean full automatic, no.

Carry, they are unConstitutional.....a fee or test to exercise a Right is UnConstitutional....

No guns allowed to be carried by law abiding citizens with lawful business in

Gun free school zones are targeted by some mass public shooters. We know from actual mass public shooters either captured or from their notes that they target gun free zones. If a parent is legally allowed to carry a gun, they should be able to take it with them into the school. As long as they don't draw the weapon without cause, what is the problem? If they take the weapon out they can already be arrested for disturbing the police.

We already have every law we need to deal with gun criminals...the problem is that once we catch them, democrats like you keep letting them out of jail and prison. There were 12 mass public shootings in 2018. 93 people, total, killed in those shootings.

The vast majority of gun murder, the other 10,899 are criminals who are already banned from buying, owning and carrying a gun...we can already arrest them with all the laws we already have.........again, it is people like you letting them out of prison that causes the gun crime and gun murder...

you are the problem.
The PEOPLE are the militia. That has been proven to you many, many times. But, because it doesn't comport to your warped thought processes, you don't care about facts.
We have the strongest military in the world.

Yeah, but the 2nd Amendment isn't about that. You have been told what the 2nd is for, and still you try and deflect away from its original purpose.
Do support any regulations of firearms such as.... Auto ban, Carry permits, no guns allowed in schools?

The only regulations I support are felons and those adjudicated mentally incompetent not being able to possess weapons.
Anything else is infringing on the inalienable right to bear arms.
Ok... Then to sell a gun it must be determined if the purchaser is a felon and/or mentally competent. Is that right? How would that be done?

We already have federally mandated background checks that do this. Then, if a felon is later caught carrying or owning an illegal gun we can already arrest them under current law.

They get past the current, federally mandated background checks by stealing the guns or getting freinds and family to buy the gun for them, or they have other straw buyers buy the gun, because all of those people can pass any background check you create.

We have everything we need to stop gun just don't care about those things because you want to ban guns for normal people...
Look, you guys are happy enough that recurring mass murders and sky high firearm homicide rates come with easy access to handguns and military style semi automatic rifles. No need to be so stridently defensive, carry your selfishness with pride.

We had 12 mass public shootings in 2018 with 93 killed. Cars killed over 38,000, pools killed over 3,500.......

Americans use their legal guns to save lives 1.1 million times a year....knowing actual facts, numbers, truth and reality, it is you who are afraid....of guns......for no rational reason.

As to gun 2017 there were 10,982 gun murders...again, cars killed over 38,000 people, drug over doses over 70,000.

Of those 10,982, 70-80% or more of the victims are criminals...murdered by other criminals...

That leaves 2,196 innocent people, murdered with guns.....again, cars...38,000. Of those 2,196, the majority of them are friends, family and associates of criminals involved in the criminal life style...

There are 600 million guns in this country, on the low count,.......and over 17.25 million people carry guns for self defense....

As more Americans own and carry guns? Over the last 26 years , gun murder...down 49%, gun crime down 75%, violent crime 72%...

Your entire premise is science...if your premise is executed and the exact opposite happens....that means your wrong....

In are wrong.
Cars transport us to work & the grocery & the school etc what do guns do?.

They provide food, sport, and according to the Centers for Disease Control, Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to stop violent rape, robbery and murder...that is what guns do....they save the lives of innocent people.......

Can you do math....?

Criminals...10,982 gun murders, 70-80% of the victims are other criminals....

Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to stop criminals....

That is what guns do.'re thinking of me......
So, is it true you're so scared you carry a sidearm while grocery shopping?

I actually rarely carry. I have my CCW, and carry when I think I should....fear has nothing to do with it. I am not afraid of a car crash, but I wear a seat belt, I watch both ways before I cross the street and manage to do so without a hint of fear...... Fear really has nothing to do with carrying a gun. It is merely a tool in case a specific situation happens. When those situations do happen, and they do all across the country, rape, robbery and murder....someone who has a legal gun on their hip can handle it.......someone without is at the mercy of the criminal.

Having the option is great. I have had times where people knock on the door late at night, and knowing I have a weapon in case they are criminals is as reasuring as having a fire extingquisher in case the dryer starts on fire.

Americans use their legal guns at home and in public 1.1 million times a year....according to the Centers for Disease Control research. That means those people would have been victims...of rape, robbery or murder...but are alive, safe, and not scared for life...because they had a gun to stop the attack. would prefer that those women be raped, those people are brutally beaten and robbed....and they are murdered, and their families should lose them to a criminal..

That is your choice...I prefer the other choice..that the criminal is stopped.
The guy who just killed two people at Walmart this morning in Mississippi becaus
I think a lot of people are scared, frustrated, and heartbroken from the horrendous gun violence that happens in this country and they just want to do something to try and limit the carnage. Regulating guns is something g that makes sense to them so that’s what they push because guns scare them. Others feel protected by them and want to defend their rights to carry. It’s a very heated and emotional debate which needs more understanding and compassion like most political issues
A disgruntled employee just killed two people in a Walmart in Mississippi. What happened to the days of going on FaceBook and saying filthy things about your ex-supervisor who just fired you? Now they have to take a gun and kill people?

24/7 news cycle and glorification of the killers...
Not so sure about that. I really doubt if this guy wanted fame as much as payback, for whatever slight he had gotten at work. Now see, the way I look at this is, if the guy did not have a gun or did not know someone who would gladly let him borrow theirs, he would not have taken lives today. He would not have marched into that Walmart and stabbed those people or hit them with a brick or anything else. He might have put sugar in their gas tanks or started an ugly rumor about their sisters, but that would have been about it.
It is the easy, 24/7 access to guns that allows this to happen over and over and over. Does an incident like this inspire some other assholes? Sure, sometimes, but not for fame. Just as a great idea.

The majority of killers in prison come from single parent homes without fathers......look up the guys involved and you will likely see that issue.....

Single parent teenage mothers, raising young males without fathers is driving our violent crime...and the violent crime in Europe.....fix that, and the violence rates will go down.
OK, People who were raised in homes without their father are no longer able to own guns.

Is that what you had in mind?

No, twit. You hate guns, so you don't want to understand the want to ban guns.

The problem is that we have young males raised without fathers...fathers to teach them self control. We also have a problem in that democrats keep letting repeat gun offenders, people caught with illegal guns over and over again, out of jail and prison, and they are the ones shooting each other.

Your kind keeps letting them out...stop f******g doing that and our gun crime problem drops 95%.
When it comes to mass shootings I’d say they are really rare when there is strong gun control. Why do you [Bluesman] support mass killers?
It's a necessary condition of easy access to handguns and military style semi automatic rifles.
Hey, 2aguy, you never answered. Are you so scared that you carry a sidearm when you go grocery shopping?
Actually, it does happen in other countries all the time. America is in the middle of the pack as far as murder rates. The homicide rates in places like Congo, Mexico, El Salvador is far higher than in America.
I love it when third world countries are used to justify US policies. You've chosen your level well.
So if a car pulls up in your driveway and 4 thugs with their pants below their asses get out, you want a bolt action rifle?
How scared can one poster be? But then I guess some will have drug deals go bad more often than others.
Actually, it does happen in other countries all the time. America is in the middle of the pack as far as murder rates. The homicide rates in places like Congo, Mexico, El Salvador is far higher than in America.
I love it when third world countries are used to justify US policies. You've chosen your level well.

Those are the nations where America gets its Illegal Aliens from.

It seems sort of silly to compare America with countries we have nothing in common with.
Hey, 2aguy, you never answered. Are you so scared that you carry a sidearm when you go grocery shopping?
--------------------------------- everyone in the USA has the FREEDOM and carries whenever they decide to carry . We are not yet 'euroland' , 'new zealand' or some other 'nanny state' CNM .

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