mass shooting at oakland nightclub

We need a law that simply states that the original law about not using guns to murder innocent people was serious.....and that we really meant it.....and if you are a criminal you really, really need to start obeying it..........or else....
. That's the problem, the else which was the same as a belt hanging on the wall, has been removed to make for the soft handling of hardened murderers by the left. We need that belt hung back on the wall as a warning that if you murder someone, then you won't only get the belt, but you will dam sure get the rope.
U know bout that belt too huh. Daddy had two one in his bedroom n one above the dryer in a cabinet. If u heard that cabinet shut u knew an ass whipping was about to take place.
So turning our schools into ammo dumps is the cure for mass shooters
The best way to stop a gunman from shooting people is to shoot back.
We already have people that do just that. The police.
And in the several minutes it takes for the police to arrive?
And the gunners that choose not to get involed during a mass shooting? They may as well not have a gun
I see you fully understand you have no answer to my question.

Is that you buttplug?
If you don't like my answer that's your problem. Not mine.
More guns! We need lots more guns...
More guns, and less PC bull crap that has allowed them to remain in the hands of the known criminals.

How about we just deal with criminals? Instead of trying this Forest Gump idiocy that says we can magically make a law to keep people who don't follow laws, from getting guns?

Then again, go to other first world countries and they have murder rates 1/4th that of the US, and guess what? They restrict guns.
More guns! We need lots more guns...
More guns, and less PC bull crap that has allowed them to remain in the hands of the known criminals.

How about we just deal with criminals? Instead of trying this Forest Gump idiocy that says we can magically make a law to keep people who don't follow laws, from getting guns?

Then again, go to other first world countries and they have murder rates 1/4th that of the US, and guess what? They restrict guns.
Its really not complicated is it ?
More guns! We need lots more guns...
More guns, and less PC bull crap that has allowed them to remain in the hands of the known criminals.

How about we just deal with criminals? Instead of trying this Forest Gump idiocy that says we can magically make a law to keep people who don't follow laws, from getting guns?
seriously, all we need is a law that makes it illegal to not follow a law.
that would cover more than just guns and we could have perfect society moments after it was signed.
More guns! We need lots more guns...
More guns, and less PC bull crap that has allowed them to remain in the hands of the known criminals.

How about we just deal with criminals? Instead of trying this Forest Gump idiocy that says we can magically make a law to keep people who don't follow laws, from getting guns?

Then again, go to other first world countries and they have murder rates 1/4th that of the US, and guess what? They restrict guns.
Its really not complicated is it ?

But you can see that people are desperate for it not to be the fault of the guns, so they start attacking other things. The claims are "America is different" because it has lots of ethnic minorities. But then so too do European countries. They claim that America's crime rate has dropped. But so too have European countries at about the same levels.

Then the insults might come out.
How about laws that if you shoot someone, whether you kill them or not... you go to jail for a LONG time. There are some people that will shoot others and be out of jail in just a couple years. It isn't a deterrent. And create laws that when someone gets caught illegally carrying a gun... they go away for a LONG time.
More guns! We need lots more guns...
More guns, and less PC bull crap that has allowed them to remain in the hands of the known criminals.

How about we just deal with criminals? Instead of trying this Forest Gump idiocy that says we can magically make a law to keep people who don't follow laws, from getting guns?

Then again, go to other first world countries and they have murder rates 1/4th that of the US, and guess what? They restrict guns.

They have low murder rates right now because of their culture, not because of guns...your post is stupid because you fail to make your point...

To make your point you would have to show that they had high murder rates before they enacted their gun control laws....and low murder rates can't do that...

Britain had a low gun murder rate than we did before the ban and fact our non gun murder rate is higher than the murder rate in these countries.....

After they enacted the ban and confiscation...their gun crime spiked....a lot....and then returned to where they were at before the ban and your point is stupid...they gained nothing from banning guns for law abiding people...

in fact...last year, gun crime in Britain went up 4% across the country....and 10% in their major cities.....they are also having more people shoot at their police and their streets are being flooded with illegal guns...on an island nation...with water around the borders.....with a ban on guns and after please.........think before you post....

Anti gunners are not rational human beings....
How about laws that if you shoot someone, whether you kill them or not... you go to jail for a LONG time. There are some people that will shoot others and be out of jail in just a couple years. It isn't a deterrent. And create laws that when someone gets caught illegally carrying a gun... they go away for a LONG time.

That is the only law you really need to end almost all gun violence. 90% of gun murderers are convicted felons, multiple times, who are back on the streets...who cannot buy, own or carry a gun......yet they do.....

in chicago....gun criminals get less than 2 years in jail for illegal possession as a convicted felon....and get directed to Boot Camps instead of hard time...
What the heck! I hope nobody is dying! :(
Why are there so many mass shootings in the USA? I am not sure these fact have anything to do with gun legislations because I know these legislations are different from one state to another.
The best way to stop a gunman from shooting people is to shoot back.
We already have people that do just that. The police.
And in the several minutes it takes for the police to arrive?
And the gunners that choose not to get involed during a mass shooting? They may as well not have a gun
I see you fully understand you have no answer to my question.
Is that you buttplug?
If you don't like my answer that's your problem. Not mine.
I like your answer - It means you know you have no valid response that does not destroy your "position". obviously have no idea what you are talking about......gun free zones don't keep anyone safe....allowing normal, law abiding people to carry guns on their person that they carry every where else will keep mass shooters away from schools...since mass shooters target gun free zones which people like you have created....

So turning our schools into ammo dumps is the cure for mass shooters
Hey...the clinton's have already turned it into a 3rd world their 30 years they have corrupted the Presidency, the Department of Justice, the FBI, the commerce Department and the IRS....

You guys will find the hell they are creating nothing like what you can't corrupt every aspect of government and expect it to actually serve your purposes...

The pos repub running the fbi thinks it's his duty to report to repub dog & pony shows. You'll have to thank repubs for that bullshit.

No.....ending gun free zones protects our children.....normal, law abiding people are forced to disarm if they take their kids to school or pick them up.......gun free zones attract mass shooter as we know from the journals, videos and confessions of mass shooters...they choose places where people will be unarmed, so they can kill at will until the police show up..with gun.....

Law abiding gun owner are not the ones shooting up schools ..... and making them gun free allows the actual killers to kill at will....

That's bullshit. People showed up at Pearl Harbor one day and killed 3000. And they were all heavily armed.

Oh come on....... Yeah, that's extremely comparable. A world war, verses a criminal who shoots unarmed people. Very similar indeed.

The average criminal is a coward. Most flee at the sight of an armed civilian. Survey years ago found that criminals were far more afraid of a civilian with a gun, than a police officer. You can protest police for doing their duty. All a civilian has to do is prove fear of harm.

It should be telling that the majority of mass shootings happen in gun free zones.

You claim the majority of mass shootings happen in gun free zones yet many of the mass shootings I'm familiar with were not gun free zones, and yes armed citizens even witnessed the mass shooting but chose not to get involved. So we are no safer in that regard.

Pulse Orlando nightclub
Virginia Tech
Sandy Hook Elementary
Luby's Cafeteria in Killeen
University of Texas Tower
Columbine High School
Edmond Post Office
Inland Regional Center
American Civic Association
Fort Hood
Washington Navy Yard

Every single one, was a gun free zone, including the military base where people were not allowed to be armed.

A List Of The Deadliest Mass Shootings In Modern U.S. History
And let's turn our schools into ammo dumps. Just like third world Islamic shithole people do. That'll make our children safe. According to the pro gunners on this board.
If you have legitimate concerns about school shootings, why do you want school faculty and state to not have the means to protect themselves and their students from same?
I would never choose to turn our schools into ammo dumps.
You did not address the question:
If you have legitimate concerns about school shootings, why do you want school faculty and staff to not have the means to protect themselves and their students from same?
My only concern is goofballs like you trying to turn our schools into ammo dumps. That is unacceptable.
It does not surprise me that you care not for the lives of innocent schoolkids.

Lighten up buttplug. Everybody knows you're a troll.
If you have legitimate concerns about school shootings, why do you want school faculty and state to not have the means to protect themselves and their students from same?
I would never choose to turn our schools into ammo dumps.
You did not address the question:
If you have legitimate concerns about school shootings, why do you want school faculty and staff to not have the means to protect themselves and their students from same?
My only concern is goofballs like you trying to turn our schools into ammo dumps. That is unacceptable.
It does not surprise me that you care not for the lives of innocent schoolkids.
Lighten up buttplug. Everybody knows you're a troll.
Irony so thick a continental engineer can't cut it.

So, how many kids make for a good shooting? 7? 8?
What number brings you glee? How many does it take before its worth your while?
I would never choose to turn our schools into ammo dumps.
You did not address the question:
If you have legitimate concerns about school shootings, why do you want school faculty and staff to not have the means to protect themselves and their students from same?
My only concern is goofballs like you trying to turn our schools into ammo dumps. That is unacceptable.
It does not surprise me that you care not for the lives of innocent schoolkids.
Lighten up buttplug. Everybody knows you're a troll.
Irony so thick a continental engineer can't cut it.

So, how many kids make for a good shooting? 7? 8?
What number brings you glee? How many does it take before its worth your while?

So you're back for more. You're so easily picked out of the woodwork. Half a dozen sign in names, outed, and counting. Keep up the good work. I know you can.
You did not address the question:
If you have legitimate concerns about school shootings, why do you want school faculty and staff to not have the means to protect themselves and their students from same?
My only concern is goofballs like you trying to turn our schools into ammo dumps. That is unacceptable.
It does not surprise me that you care not for the lives of innocent schoolkids.
Lighten up buttplug. Everybody knows you're a troll.
Irony so thick a continental engineer can't cut it.
So, how many kids make for a good shooting? 7? 8?
What number brings you glee? How many does it take before its worth your while?
So you're back for more. You're so easily picked out of the woodwork. Half a dozen sign in names, outed, and counting. Keep up the good work. I know you can.
The more dead kids the better, eh?
On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the most, how disappointed are you at the end of the day when there's no school shooting for you to use an excuse to push your mindless agenda?
My only concern is goofballs like you trying to turn our schools into ammo dumps. That is unacceptable.
It does not surprise me that you care not for the lives of innocent schoolkids.
Lighten up buttplug. Everybody knows you're a troll.
Irony so thick a continental engineer can't cut it.
So, how many kids make for a good shooting? 7? 8?
What number brings you glee? How many does it take before its worth your while?
So you're back for more. You're so easily picked out of the woodwork. Half a dozen sign in names, outed, and counting. Keep up the good work. I know you can.
The more dead kids the better, eh?
On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the most, how disappointed are you at the end of the day when there's no school shooting for you to use an excuse to push your mindless agenda?

I'm always pleased to note the lack of mass killings by the ten o'clock news hour.

You know, this threads getting kind of old. We should pick a more relevant new one or drudge up a suitable older one. Let me know.
It does not surprise me that you care not for the lives of innocent schoolkids.
Lighten up buttplug. Everybody knows you're a troll.
Irony so thick a continental engineer can't cut it.
So, how many kids make for a good shooting? 7? 8?
What number brings you glee? How many does it take before its worth your while?
So you're back for more. You're so easily picked out of the woodwork. Half a dozen sign in names, outed, and counting. Keep up the good work. I know you can.
The more dead kids the better, eh?
On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the most, how disappointed are you at the end of the day when there's no school shooting for you to use an excuse to push your mindless agenda?
I'm always pleased to note the lack of mass killings by the ten o'clock news hour.
That's a lie.
You know that every day we go without a mass killing of young kids, the less likely it is you can enact your mindless anti-gun agenda.
Like all the pother anti-gun loons, you pray every night to wake up to the news of blood in the cafeteria.

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