Mass shooting in France at magazine that published Mohammed cartoons

Which is what the shooters believed, exactly. That Muhammad, a dead prophet, a human being dead prophet, should never be insulted or talked of, in a bad manner. THAT fanatic religious thinking is all dandy, but Christianity and Judaism can and welcomed to be trashed.

That's hypocricy at its best.

As opposed to the Zionists who just killed 2000 people in Gaza because they believe that 3000 years ago, God gave that land to Moses, forget someone else owned it for the previous 2000 years.

YOu know, I know you Zionists just want to make a big deal about this and get others to fight your battles for you, but there has to be a certain point where you realize that frankly, the benefits aren't worth the costs. We spent 6000 lives and a trillion dollars in the last decade trying to make the Middle East safe for democracy. It doesn't work.

That post shouldn't be argued about here, but on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict board, I don't want to take the discussion that way. Personally speaking, I myself don't fight in name of any religion, but in the name of the land of my great-greatparents, who lived in the land of Israel since 1880.

If to take the argument to where it TRULY belongs, as again, I refuse to let you just brush off the subject, the question here is about freedom of speech. If you're a Liberal, you should allow all sort of speech to be discussed, not just the type that suits you. If people are afraid to speak up, just because someone might be insulted, that's when you can close up shop, and flip off the lights, your colture is doomed.

It's sad that you support such a thing, really.
Can't expect anything else.

The French have allowed those shitbags in their country for decades now.

Before you know it the Muslims will outnumber the French at the polls and you'll have the Islamist Republic of France.

Way to go you dumbass french. You reap what you sow.

"During the 19th and 20th centuries, the French colonial empire was one of the largest in the world, behind the British Empire, the Russian Empire, and the Spanish Empire..." Wiki.

Those countries which France
invaded and controled included Tunisia, Algeria, and Morroco. Muslim countries. So, it is okay for France to oppress these people for centuries, but if they come to France and disrupt things a bit for a few decades, that's just épouvantable.

I think this attack, the subject of the OP, is absolutely horrible and wrong, but it defies logic to blame the entire Muslim population for it.

This satirical newspaper has reportedly made fun of the followers of all religions, yet none of the members of those other religions have ever shown up to their offices with machine guns blazing.
We need to go beyond just the members who become violent, and start asking questions about this religion and why so many of its members want to conduct jihad.
This particular religion is showing us every day that it is different, that it is a poison, that it seeks to force itself on the rest of us through the acts of terrorism.

Any religion that requires the execution of nonbelievers for a cartoon is not worthy of my respect. Now, given that not all of Islam's followers see it that way, I am not for a ban.

But unless the vehemently condemn the actions of these freaks, they are condoning it.
I do not see threats against South Park for showing insulting images of Christ of Seth McFarlane for doing the same with Family Guy.

Yawn, guy, I think our problem with the Islamic world has a lot more to do with the 14 countries we've bombed or invaded than some cartoons....

The magazine they attacked has been printing satirical cartoons about all religions for a long time. And while our policies in the ME has been a disaster, these barbarians did what they did because of a cartoon. That is why they yelled that allah had been avenged.
That post shouldn't be argued about here, but on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict board, I don't want to take the discussion that way. Personally speaking, I myself don't fight in name of any religion, but in the name of the land of my great-greatparents, who lived in the land of Israel since 1880.

If to take the argument to where it TRULY belongs, as again, I refuse to let you just brush off the subject, the question here is about freedom of speech. If you're a Liberal, you should allow all sort of speech to be discussed, not just the type that suits you. If people are afraid to speak up, just because someone might be insulted, that's when you can close up shop, and flip off the lights, your colture is doomed.

It's sad that you support such a thing, really.

I don't support such a thing. These THREE guys should be arrested and punished.

You guys keep trying to make this an indictment of an entire religion. And it's the usual Zionist Amen Corner (as Pat Buchanan used to call them) that is making this a big deal and how we need to protect our values and our women from this evil religion.

Our problems with the Islamic world is about a lot more than some cartoons.
I do not see threats against South Park for showing insulting images of Christ of Seth McFarlane for doing the same with Family Guy.

Yawn, guy, I think our problem with the Islamic world has a lot more to do with the 14 countries we've bombed or invaded than some cartoons....

The magazine they attacked has been printing satirical cartoons about all religions for a long time. And while our policies in the ME has been a disaster, these barbarians did what they did because of a cartoon. That is why they yelled that allah had been avenged.

Okay, do you think they would have done this without the background of decades of war in the region they are from?
Any religion that requires the execution of nonbelievers for a cartoon is not worthy of my respect. Now, given that not all of Islam's followers see it that way, I am not for a ban.

But unless the vehemently condemn the actions of these freaks, they are condoning it.

Maybe you need to read the bible. It clearly calls for the execution of those who use Yahweh's name in vain.

I do find it interesting that you finally do actually see a mass shooting as a bad thing. You spend most of the time minimizing it when it's a crazy person in this country expressing his Second Amendment Rights.
I do not see threats against South Park for showing insulting images of Christ of Seth McFarlane for doing the same with Family Guy.

Yawn, guy, I think our problem with the Islamic world has a lot more to do with the 14 countries we've bombed or invaded than some cartoons....

The magazine they attacked has been printing satirical cartoons about all religions for a long time. And while our policies in the ME has been a disaster, these barbarians did what they did because of a cartoon. That is why they yelled that allah had been avenged.

Okay, do you think they would have done this without the background of decades of war in the region they are from?

Yes, I do. They have done it in other places. And for the same reason.
Any religion that requires the execution of nonbelievers for a cartoon is not worthy of my respect. Now, given that not all of Islam's followers see it that way, I am not for a ban.

But unless the vehemently condemn the actions of these freaks, they are condoning it.

Maybe you need to read the bible. It clearly calls for the execution of those who use Yahweh's name in vain.

I do find it interesting that you finally do actually see a mass shooting as a bad thing. You spend most of the time minimizing it when it's a crazy person in this country expressing his Second Amendment Rights.

I do not minimize anything. I do call you out for wanting to punish 65 million gun owners for the actions of less than 1%. And I call you out for being focused on crimes that amount to less than 1% of the murders. If you are so focused on that tiny portion, the rest will continue onward.

What passage in the bible calls for us to put someone to death for taking Yahweh's name in vain?

yes, and this imam will let you know as well. This is from last nigt someone posted on another forum

I do not see threats against South Park for showing insulting images of Christ of Seth McFarlane for doing the same with Family Guy.

Yawn, guy, I think our problem with the Islamic world has a lot more to do with the 14 countries we've bombed or invaded than some cartoons....

The magazine they attacked has been printing satirical cartoons about all religions for a long time. And while our policies in the ME has been a disaster, these barbarians did what they did because of a cartoon. That is why they yelled that allah had been avenged.

Okay, do you think they would have done this without the background of decades of war in the region they are from?
One cannot appeal to atheists or agnostics, but to those who are certain God reigns, then they need to understand there are also spiritual demonic forces working towards the ruin of mankind and the ruin of souls.

Evil of this nature is monstrously malevolent. It is the work of Satan upon the corrupt hearts of man. Extremist Islamic hatred is the antithesis of the love of God.

We do not need Bush or Obama reminding us the Islam is a religion of peace. We need our leaders to tell us extremist Islam is a religion of evil and we need to take bold action to destroy it.

The problem with you religionists is that you see the atrocities you commit in the name of YOUR Sky Pixie as acceptable, but the atrocities they commit in the name of THEIR Sky Pixie is just horrible.

The Zionists just killed 2000 people in Gaza, most of them women and children. We killed anywhere from 150,000 to 1,000,000 Iraqis trying to bring them "Freedom" because George W. Stupid listened to a higher father rather than his own who had the good sense not to invade Iraq.

Since you pointed out we "religionists" have a problem, does that imply you "non-religionists" do not have a problem? Have you come up with the solution to rid the world of evil?

I see you picked the lowest hanging fruit in pointing out the invasion of Iraq as an example of causing death to innocent civilians. Yes, quite tragic. Were you aware the pope and the Vatican pleaded with the USA not to invade Iraq back in 2002? Are you aware very few wars were ever fought because Christians wanted to take over other lands and force conversions. Even the Spanish conquests of the new Americas was state ordered for material conquests. And the Crusades I do not even want to get into since no one has it right any more.

So before you make this feeble attempt to link Christianity with the evils of extreme Islam or other mad ideologies, take a deeper look into reality. 1, God is real. 2, God's truest message is through the Judeo-Christian faith. 3, the devil is real. 4, we can see flaws in all humanity and their sins, but we can see demonic presence and true evil in false ideologies and the indiscriminate murder and torture of innocents. You need to sort these things out Joe, imo.

Don't forget the atheists....they murdered close to 100 million people in order to create their utopias......everyone forgets that.....
I do not see threats against South Park for showing insulting images of Christ of Seth McFarlane for doing the same with Family Guy.

Yawn, guy, I think our problem with the Islamic world has a lot more to do with the 14 countries we've bombed or invaded than some cartoons....

The magazine they attacked has been printing satirical cartoons about all religions for a long time. And while our policies in the ME has been a disaster, these barbarians did what they did because of a cartoon. That is why they yelled that allah had been avenged.

Okay, do you think they would have done this without the background of decades of war in the region they are from?

I do not minimize anything. I do call you out for wanting to punish 65 million gun owners for the actions of less than 1%. And I call you out for being focused on crimes that amount to less than 1% of the murders. If you are so focused on that tiny portion, the rest will continue onward.

No, I want to take your guns because I think you all are a bunch of assholes who have helped screw up the country. The fact you are responsible for 32,000 gun deaths, 78,000 gun injuries and 300,000 gun crimes EVERY YEAR because you don't limit the privilage is your own fault.

What passage in the bible calls for us to put someone to death for taking Yahweh's name in vain?

  1. And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying ... he that blasphemeth the name of the LORD, he shall surely be put to death, and all the congregation shall certainly stone him. Leviticus 24:13-16 of these guys was convicted of terrorism in 2008....and yet......he was still able to get access to military grade Russian rifles and a rocket propelled gun controlled France.....

But, on the bright side.....gun control did work for the 12 people murdered and the 15 people wounded at the news office....not one of them had a pistol on them when they were attacked.....a win for gun control...............
I do not minimize anything. I do call you out for wanting to punish 65 million gun owners for the actions of less than 1%. And I call you out for being focused on crimes that amount to less than 1% of the murders. If you are so focused on that tiny portion, the rest will continue onward.

No, I want to take your guns because I think you all are a bunch of assholes who have helped screw up the country. The fact you are responsible for 32,000 gun deaths, 78,000 gun injuries and 300,000 gun crimes EVERY YEAR because you don't limit the privilage is your own fault.

What passage in the bible calls for us to put someone to death for taking Yahweh's name in vain?

  1. And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying ... he that blasphemeth the name of the LORD, he shall surely be put to death, and all the congregation shall certainly stone him. Leviticus 24:13-16

Hows gun control working Puerto island nation with strict gun control laws.........and the highest gun murder rate in the world....they have to smuggle their guns in and they still get them...they can't just drive across a state line....and they still get them........

The criminals will always get guns if they want or need them....even in Canada, France and recent events show.....just because their people haven't decided to commit mass shootings doesn't mean they can't....we've seen that these last few weeks.......

And Joe.....for some reason you forget the 1.6 million times on average each year law abiding, good people use guns to stop violent criminal attack and save lives........kind of more than the 8-9,000 gun murders a year (from the FBI).......and gun accidental deaths are going down,as is gun crime....not up....even though more Americans are owning and carrying guns for self defense....
That post shouldn't be argued about here, but on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict board, I don't want to take the discussion that way. Personally speaking, I myself don't fight in name of any religion, but in the name of the land of my great-greatparents, who lived in the land of Israel since 1880.

If to take the argument to where it TRULY belongs, as again, I refuse to let you just brush off the subject, the question here is about freedom of speech. If you're a Liberal, you should allow all sort of speech to be discussed, not just the type that suits you. If people are afraid to speak up, just because someone might be insulted, that's when you can close up shop, and flip off the lights, your colture is doomed.

It's sad that you support such a thing, really.

I don't support such a thing. These THREE guys should be arrested and punished.

You guys keep trying to make this an indictment of an entire religion. And it's the usual Zionist Amen Corner (as Pat Buchanan used to call them) that is making this a big deal and how we need to protect our values and our women from this evil religion.

Our problems with the Islamic world is about a lot more than some cartoons.

It's not the "Zionist" who make it a religion problem, it's the fantic Muslims who made it a religious problem. After the Toulous Massacre, people tried to paint it like the Jews are the only ones they have problem with. How blind can you people be? who are you trying to fool? was the Newspaper Jewish? where the cops and civilians run over and stabbed in France in the past couple of months Jewish? I hear one of the dead was Muslim.

So how come it's a 'Zionist' problem? you've got to be joking, or extemenly stupid or naive to believe that, much more to try and make others believe it.
That post shouldn't be argued about here, but on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict board, I don't want to take the discussion that way. Personally speaking, I myself don't fight in name of any religion, but in the name of the land of my great-greatparents, who lived in the land of Israel since 1880.

If to take the argument to where it TRULY belongs, as again, I refuse to let you just brush off the subject, the question here is about freedom of speech. If you're a Liberal, you should allow all sort of speech to be discussed, not just the type that suits you. If people are afraid to speak up, just because someone might be insulted, that's when you can close up shop, and flip off the lights, your colture is doomed.

It's sad that you support such a thing, really.

I don't support such a thing. These THREE guys should be arrested and punished.

You guys keep trying to make this an indictment of an entire religion. And it's the usual Zionist Amen Corner (as Pat Buchanan used to call them) that is making this a big deal and how we need to protect our values and our women from this evil religion.

Our problems with the Islamic world is about a lot more than some cartoons.

It's not the "Zionist" who make it a religion problem, it's the fantic Muslims who made it a religious problem. After the Toulous Massacre, people tried to paint it like the Jews are the only ones they have problem with. How blind can you people be? who are you trying to fool? was the Newspaper Jewish? where the cops and civilians run over and stabbed in France in the past couple of months Jewish? I hear one of the dead was Muslim.

So how come it's a 'Zionist' problem? you've got to be joking, or extemenly stupid or naive to believe that, much more to try and make others believe it.

Go with that last are dealing with joe.....
I do not minimize anything. I do call you out for wanting to punish 65 million gun owners for the actions of less than 1%. And I call you out for being focused on crimes that amount to less than 1% of the murders. If you are so focused on that tiny portion, the rest will continue onward.

No, I want to take your guns because I think you all are a bunch of assholes who have helped screw up the country. The fact you are responsible for 32,000 gun deaths, 78,000 gun injuries and 300,000 gun crimes EVERY YEAR because you don't limit the privilage is your own fault.

What passage in the bible calls for us to put someone to death for taking Yahweh's name in vain?

  1. And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying ... he that blasphemeth the name of the LORD, he shall surely be put to death, and all the congregation shall certainly stone him. Leviticus 24:13-16

And do you see a lot of people being put to death by Christians for blaspheme? Or even threats of doing it?

You see, you want this to be a political argument. But it is about a violent sect of a particular religion.

As for your gun claims, you are still using inflated numbers. I see you used the 11,500 number for annual murders, when that has not been accurate for what, 5 years? Save it for the gun control threads and stay on topic.

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