Mass shooting in France at magazine that published Mohammed cartoons

Maybe not, but their government is taking obvious side, and it's the wrong one. Multiple terror attacks in France, but they still dig their hands in the sand, calling those doing it "disturbed" and "crazy" instead of realizing they are in war, and on the losing side.

Again, trying to blame 1 billion people for the actions of a few nuts is, well, nutty.

I don't blame billion people people. If we're more reasonable, We should blame about 15-20% present of them, as they are the real radicals. that makes them about 200 million people who are danger to western society. ISIS is astimated to be no more than 100,000, give or take. so you do the math, if there is a danger here or not.
There are 1.6 billion Muslims in the world. A very, very tiny percentage are radicals or extremists, far far less than 15-20%.

That same tiny, tiny part killed 3,000 Americans in one day.

And they're still too many millions for the like of the free world. Digging your hand in the sand doesn't mean the danger doesn't exist.

That same thinking is what encourage those kind of attacks.
Maybe not, but their government is taking obvious side, and it's the wrong one. Multiple terror attacks in France, but they still dig their hands in the sand, calling those doing it "disturbed" and "crazy" instead of realizing they are in war, and on the losing side.

Again, trying to blame 1 billion people for the actions of a few nuts is, well, nutty.

I don't blame billion people people. If we're more reasonable, We should blame about 15-20% present of them, as they are the real radicals. that makes them about 200 million people who are danger to western society. ISIS is astimated to be no more than 100,000, give or take. so you do the math, if there is a danger here or not.
There are 1.6 billion Muslims in the world. A very, very tiny percentage are radicals or extremists, far far less than 15-20%.

On that matter:

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Sticking their dicks in the hornest's nest?

It was a MAGAZINE with every RIGHT to express itself, even if they don't like it. And it was an antisemitic, not at all funny cartoons mocking Muslims and Jews. Yet only the likes of you, radical-Jihadists-lovers, think it's natural that people come shooting dozen people because of a f****ng CARTOON.

So a bunch of racists got shot up by a bunch of religious fanatics? I'm supposed to be upset about this, why?

The right to express yourself means that the GOVERNMENT can't stop you.

It doesn't mean you won't face the consequences of saying really stupid things.

Really? Then please explain why we give you a pass. :badgrin:

Maybe not, but their government is taking obvious side, and it's the wrong one. Multiple terror attacks in France, but they still dig their hands in the sand, calling those doing it "disturbed" and "crazy" instead of realizing they are in war, and on the losing side.

Again, trying to blame 1 billion people for the actions of a few nuts is, well, nutty.

I don't blame billion people people. If we're more reasonable, We should blame about 15-20% present of them, as they are the real radicals. that makes them about 200 million people who are danger to western society. ISIS is astimated to be no more than 100,000, give or take. so you do the math, if there is a danger here or not.
There are 1.6 billion Muslims in the world. A very, very tiny percentage are radicals or extremists, far far less than 15-20%.

Wow, debating over whether its 15-20, 10 whatever percent........

Thanks for reminding me how insignificant the slim majority was that tipped the scales at the ballot booth and elected Obama

The shootings in Paris should give us pause

Another good example of what can happen when government disarms its citizens.

You're unable to defend yourself 24/7

The shootings in Paris should give us pause

Another good example of what can happen when government disarms its citizens.

You're unable to defend yourself 24/7


The "no-go zones" also have to be considered, areas where a certain group has virtually complete control and where French law enforcement and other services will not visit.

But that's okay, because we have to be respectful 'n stuff. To certain people.

Can't expect anything else.

The French have allowed those shitbags in their country for decades now.

Before you know it the Muslims will outnumber the French at the polls and you'll have the Islamist Republic of France.

Way to go you dumbass french. You reap what you sow.

"During the 19th and 20th centuries, the French colonial empire was one of the largest in the world, behind the British Empire, the Russian Empire, and the Spanish Empire..." Wiki.

Those countries which France
invaded and controled included Tunisia, Algeria, and Morroco. Muslim countries. So, it is okay for France to oppress these people for centuries, but if they come to France and disrupt things a bit for a few decades, that's just épouvantable.

I think this attack, the subject of the OP, is absolutely horrible and wrong, but it defies logic to blame the entire Muslim population for it.
The shootings in Paris should give us pause

Another good example of what can happen when government disarms its citizens.

You're unable to defend yourself 24/7


The "no-go zones" also have to be considered, areas where a certain group has virtually complete control and where French law enforcement and other services will not visit.

But that's okay, because we have to be respectful 'n stuff. To certain people.


Indeed. I see shades of that in NYC

The shootings in Paris should give us pause

Another good example of what can happen when government disarms its citizens.

You're unable to defend yourself 24/7


The "no-go zones" also have to be considered, areas where a certain group has virtually complete control and where French law enforcement and other services will not visit.

But that's okay, because we have to be respectful 'n stuff. To certain people.


Indeed. I see shades of that in NYC


Well, you'd better not saying anything, because, you know.

After all, this is America.

Maybe not, but their government is taking obvious side, and it's the wrong one. Multiple terror attacks in France, but they still dig their hands in the sand, calling those doing it "disturbed" and "crazy" instead of realizing they are in war, and on the losing side.

Again, trying to blame 1 billion people for the actions of a few nuts is, well, nutty.

I don't blame billion people people. If we're more reasonable, We should blame about 15-20% present of them, as they are the real radicals. that makes them about 200 million people who are danger to western society. ISIS is astimated to be no more than 100,000, give or take. so you do the math, if there is a danger here or not.
There are 1.6 billion Muslims in the world. A very, very tiny percentage are radicals or extremists, far far less than 15-20%.

That same tiny, tiny part killed 3,000 Americans in one day.

And they're still too many millions for the like of the free world. Digging your hand in the sand doesn't mean the danger doesn't exist.

That same thinking is what encourage those kind of attacks.
Well, it was not all Americans who were killed that day, but, yes it was a horrific thing, beyond words. However, do you have any idea how many innocent Muslim people the US has killed? It's far, far more than 3,000.
The main reason why UK/Europe won't stop immigration in their country's is that if they did they would face the same crisis that Japan is facing a lack of new parents and without new parents soon the Country will cease to be in the coming generations

That's the root of the problem, Europeans stopped having kids, and it's probably too late to do much about the situation now.
If it were me though, I would try. Not only would I begin an aggressive government program to encourage the growth of the birth rate amongst the native populations, but at the same time I would look for labor from non-Muslim populations around the world.
They could set up strong incentives to encourage immigration of non-Muslims.
Maybe not, but their government is taking obvious side, and it's the wrong one. Multiple terror attacks in France, but they still dig their hands in the sand, calling those doing it "disturbed" and "crazy" instead of realizing they are in war, and on the losing side.

Again, trying to blame 1 billion people for the actions of a few nuts is, well, nutty.

I don't blame billion people people. If we're more reasonable, We should blame about 15-20% present of them, as they are the real radicals. that makes them about 200 million people who are danger to western society. ISIS is astimated to be no more than 100,000, give or take. so you do the math, if there is a danger here or not.
There are 1.6 billion Muslims in the world. A very, very tiny percentage are radicals or extremists, far far less than 15-20%.

That same tiny, tiny part killed 3,000 Americans in one day.

And they're still too many millions for the like of the free world. Digging your hand in the sand doesn't mean the danger doesn't exist.

That same thinking is what encourage those kind of attacks.
Well, it was not all Americans who were killed that day, but, yes it was a horrific thing, beyond words. However, do you have any idea how many innocent Muslim people the US has killed? It's far, far more than 3,000.
We killed a hell of a lot more in Hiroshima, Nagasaki and Dresden, so in your ding bat mind the Japanese and Germans waging terror would be understandable.

That's disgusting!
Maybe not, but their government is taking obvious side, and it's the wrong one. Multiple terror attacks in France, but they still dig their hands in the sand, calling those doing it "disturbed" and "crazy" instead of realizing they are in war, and on the losing side.

Again, trying to blame 1 billion people for the actions of a few nuts is, well, nutty.

I don't blame billion people people. If we're more reasonable, We should blame about 15-20% present of them, as they are the real radicals. that makes them about 200 million people who are danger to western society. ISIS is astimated to be no more than 100,000, give or take. so you do the math, if there is a danger here or not.
There are 1.6 billion Muslims in the world. A very, very tiny percentage are radicals or extremists, far far less than 15-20%.

That same tiny, tiny part killed 3,000 Americans in one day.

And they're still too many millions for the like of the free world. Digging your hand in the sand doesn't mean the danger doesn't exist.

That same thinking is what encourage those kind of attacks.
Well, it was not all Americans who were killed that day, but, yes it was a horrific thing, beyond words. However, do you have any idea how many innocent Muslim people the US has killed? It's far, far more than 3,000.

True. And Muslims killed more Muslims than all western countries have put together (including Israel). Still, that's not the argument here. I don't hear even the most radical rightists saying Arab/Muslim culture should be destroyed, just because.
Maybe not, but their government is taking obvious side, and it's the wrong one. Multiple terror attacks in France, but they still dig their hands in the sand, calling those doing it "disturbed" and "crazy" instead of realizing they are in war, and on the losing side.

Again, trying to blame 1 billion people for the actions of a few nuts is, well, nutty.
Just like you do with Mormons and conservatives?

I blame Mormons for the false beliefs all of them hold.

I blame conservatives for supporting policies that have screwed up the country.

Not quite the same thing as blaming all Muslims for a thing three guys did.
Sensitive other people's feelings? Since when do you give a shit about people's feelings?

I understand being sensitive about cultural differences, but when you slaughter 12 people because of a fucking cartoon, you need to be hung by your balls.

I agree, they should.

And you shouldn't be horribly surprised when you publish something meant to be provocative, that someone might go off the deep end.
Nice usage of the "most". A couple of wackos is all you needs to destroy families.

again, the West keeps sticking their dicks in the hornet's nest and then expressing absolute surprise when they get stung.

You have got to be kidding. You libs are all for freedom of the press and expression when it fits the narrative. Maybe we need to open a dialogue and change the narrative with Isis, i am sure you libs can change their way of thinking

Again, that wasn't the point I was making. Our problems with the Islamic world is not because of some cartoons.

It's about 200 years of invading their countries, killing their people, exploiting their resources and interferring in their politics.
And blame over 310 million people for a few nuts.....on the gun issue......

No, I just think it's dumb to let people have guns to start with. Becuase they don't need them.

But you see, it is kind of fun to watch the very same people who minimize the mass shootings we have in this country go into histrionics about a shooting in France because the shooters were Muslims.
One cannot appeal to atheists or agnostics, but to those who are certain God reigns, then they need to understand there are also spiritual demonic forces working towards the ruin of mankind and the ruin of souls.

Evil of this nature is monstrously malevolent. It is the work of Satan upon the corrupt hearts of man. Extremist Islamic hatred is the antithesis of the love of God.

We do not need Bush or Obama reminding us the Islam is a religion of peace. We need our leaders to tell us extremist Islam is a religion of evil and we need to take bold action to destroy it.

The problem with you religionists is that you see the atrocities you commit in the name of YOUR Sky Pixie as acceptable, but the atrocities they commit in the name of THEIR Sky Pixie is just horrible.

The Zionists just killed 2000 people in Gaza, most of them women and children. We killed anywhere from 150,000 to 1,000,000 Iraqis trying to bring them "Freedom" because George W. Stupid listened to a higher father rather than his own who had the good sense not to invade Iraq.

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