Mass shooting in France at magazine that published Mohammed cartoons

This was France's wake up call, for letting millions of Islamic savages into their country.

Your post should be a wake up call for USMB -- they need to ban all you bigot assholes from Stormfront.
The main reason why UK/Europe won't stop immigration in their country's is that if they did they would face the same crisis that Japan is facing a lack of new parents and without new parents soon the Country will cease to be in the coming generations

More to do with their values. JEsus, you people buy into propaganda of all sorts
This was France's wake up call, for letting millions of Islamic savages into their country.

Your post should be a wake up call for USMB -- they need to ban all you bigot assholes from Stormfront.
So Islamic militants did not attack a French paper?

Roudy wrote about the French allowing Islamic savages into their country. Are you saying all Muslims are either Islamist militants Islamic savages? Be honest
anyone who post this kind of shit above is most definitely anti-America, and has no fucking sense of what it is to a patriot.., but then, don't that apply to 99.9% of libertards ?? :up:
Fake quote.

You know what Muslims do with gays, right?

No, it isn't.

The Iran-Contra Affair . Reagan . WGBH American Experience PBS

Guess what, asswipe, that was Reagan referring to the Contras. That's the first thing mentioned in your own link. Do you morons even bother reading what you post?

So, to conclude, some leftist asshole put a quote regarding the Contras, on a background picture of Reagan and the Taliban. EPIC FAIL:

"Ronald Reagan's efforts to eradicate Communism spanned the globe, but the insurgent Contras' cause in Nicaragua was particularly dear to him. Battling the Cuban-backed Sandinistas, the Contras were, according to Reagan, "the moral equivalent of our Founding Fathers." Under the so-called Reagan Doctrine, the CIA trained and assisted this and other anti-Communist insurgencies worldwide."
Sorry. He was referring to the mujadeen.

Reagan 8216 Moral equivalent of our Founding Fathers 8230 8217 Islamiology

“In 1985, President Ronald Reagan received a group of bearded men. These bearded men I was writing about in those days in The New Yorker. They were very ferocious-looking bearded men with turbans looking like they came from another century. President Reagan received them in the White House. After receiving them he spoke to the press. He pointed towards them, I’m sure some of you will recall that moment, and said, “These are the moral equivalent of America’s founding fathers”. These were the Afghan Mujahiddin. They were at the time, guns in hand, battling the Evil Empire. They were the moral equivalent of our founding fathers!”

Yep Reagan's policy was a continuation of Jimmy Carters aid to the Muj...which were a diverse group at the time....the original idea, probably British was adopted by Brzezinski, Carters National Security Advisor

In 1980, Wilson read an Associated Press dispatch on the congressional wires describing the refugees fleeing Soviet-occupied Afghanistan. The communist Democratic Republic of Afghanistan had taken over power during the Saur revolution and asked the Soviet Union to help suppress resistance from the mujahideen. According to biographer George Crile III, Wilson called the staff of the House Appropriations Committee dealing with "black appropriations" and requested a two-fold appropriation increase for Afghanistan. Because Wilson had just been named to the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense (which is responsible for funding CIA operations), his request went through.[21]Charlie Wilson Texas politician - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Below is an excerpt from Brzezinski's interview he did in 1997...yes Jimmy Carter signed the first order to aid the Muj in 1979...Brzezinski got the ball rolling in Afghanistan...

INT: Right, describe your reaction when you heard that your suspicions had been fully justified: an invasion had happened.

: We immediately launched a twofold process when we heard that the Soviets had entered Afghanistan. The first involved direct reactions and sanctions focused on the Soviet Union, and both the State Department and the National Security Council prepared long lists of sanctions to be adopted, of steps to be taken to increase the international costs to the Soviet Union of their actions. And the second course of action led to my going to Pakistan a month or so after the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, for the purpose of coordinating with the Pakistanis a joint response, the purpose of which would be to make the Soviets bleed for as much and as long as is possible; and we engaged in that effort in a collaborative sense with the Saudis, the Egyptians, the British, the Chinese, and we started providing weapons to the Mujaheddin, from various sources again - for example, some Soviet arms from the Egyptians and the Chinese.

No, this is not the magazine's responsibility. This is solely the responsibility of mad dog cowards who think a cartoon justifies murder.
The magazine published the cartoon without thinking about the consequences.

And the employees paid for it with their lives. ..... :cool:

And by murdering 12 people those religious nutjobs have spread those cartoons worldwide. The face of your prophet has been all over the news, twitter, facebook, and thousands of editorial cartoons. I wonder how that plays for them when they face judgement? I'm just hoping they face it soon.

Guess what, asswipe, that was Reagan referring to the Contras. That's the first thing mentioned in your own link. Do you morons even bother reading what you post?

So, to conclude, some leftist asshole put a quote regarding the Contras, on a background picture of Reagan and the Taliban. EPIC FAIL:

"Ronald Reagan's efforts to eradicate Communism spanned the globe, but the insurgent Contras' cause in Nicaragua was particularly dear to him. Battling the Cuban-backed Sandinistas, the Contras were, according to Reagan, "the moral equivalent of our Founding Fathers." Under the so-called Reagan Doctrine, the CIA trained and assisted this and other anti-Communist insurgencies worldwide."
Sorry. He was referring to the mujadeen.

Reagan 8216 Moral equivalent of our Founding Fathers 8230 8217 Islamiology

“In 1985, President Ronald Reagan received a group of bearded men. These bearded men I was writing about in those days in The New Yorker. They were very ferocious-looking bearded men with turbans looking like they came from another century. President Reagan received them in the White House. After receiving them he spoke to the press. He pointed towards them, I’m sure some of you will recall that moment, and said, “These are the moral equivalent of America’s founding fathers”. These were the Afghan Mujahiddin. They were at the time, guns in hand, battling the Evil Empire. They were the moral equivalent of our founding fathers!”

Wow, so you think by changing the source you originally it saves you from embarrassment? It just proves that you are a complete and utter fraud with no shame or intellectual honesty.

Here's my response to YOUR post: Mass shooting in France at magazine that published Mohammed cartoons Page 54 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Your post was, "No it isn't"
Along with the following link as YOUR BACKUP:

The Iran-Contra Affair . Reagan . WGBH American Experience PBS

An inside YOUR OWN LINK, was the following paragraph, right there on the top:

"Ronald Reagan's efforts to eradicate Communism spanned the globe, but the insurgent Contras' cause in Nicaragua was particularly dear to him. Battling the Cuban-backed Sandinistas, the Contras were, according to Reagan, "the moral equivalent of our Founding Fathers." Under the so-called Reagan Doctrine, the CIA trained and assisted this and other anti-Communist insurgencies worldwide."

Anybody ever tell you to stop digging when in a hole? Moron.
Last edited:
again, the West keeps sticking their dicks in the hornet's nest and then expressing absolute surprise when they get stung.
I agree.

Knowing some radical Muslims are suicidal fanatics, and having already been fire-bombed for publishing material which is offensive to radical Muslims, and having no way to defend themselves against an armed attack, these people went right ahead asking for exactly what they got.

So just because Muslims will threaten to kill you, Western societies and journalists should censor their speech and freedoms we have in a democracy? Appeasement will not get you anything with these animals. They look upon it as a further sign of weakness. They cannot be talked or negotiated with.

really? We've dealt with terrorists before. Just ask Ronald Reagan

Recruiting radical Muslims to fight the communists has nothing to do with the current situation.

Reagan sold weapons to our enemies.. He bargained with them. facts suck

okay, Reagan never sold weapons, he traded them. He made deals with terrorists

Yeah so? He directed the defeat of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan by arming the Taliban and other radicals. Would you rather American forces be sent there to die?

What does THAT have to do with Muslims attacking the freedoms and foundations of Western democracies? Zero. Just liberal diversion-ism.
No...YOU said it.
Your point was that the Paris shootings prove that gun control doesn't work.
You are proves nothing of the sort.

How did you come to that conclusion?

Strict gun control did not keep the terrorists from getting illegal weapons, hence gun control does not work. Gun control laws never keep the bad guys from committing the crimes.

In addition, gun control prevented the victims from being able to defend themselves, hence a double whammy.
You can prove that the shooting wouldn't have happened if France didn't have the gun control that they do?
I agree.

Knowing some radical Muslims are suicidal fanatics, and having already been fire-bombed for publishing material which is offensive to radical Muslims, and having no way to defend themselves against an armed attack, these people went right ahead asking for exactly what they got.

So just because Muslims will threaten to kill you, Western societies and journalists should censor their speech and freedoms we have in a democracy? Appeasement will not get you anything with these animals. They look upon it as a further sign of weakness. They cannot be talked or negotiated with.

really? We've dealt with terrorists before. Just ask Ronald Reagan

Recruiting radical Muslims to fight the communists has nothing to do with the current situation.

Reagan sold weapons to our enemies.. He bargained with them. facts suck

okay, Reagan never sold weapons, he traded them. He made deals with terrorists

Yeah so? He directed the defeat of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan by arming the Taliban and other radicals. Would you rather American forces be sent there to die?

What does THAT have to do with Muslims attacking the freedoms and foundations of Western democracies? Zero. Just liberal diversion-ism.

clueless and ignorant? deadly combination

Guess what, asswipe, that was Reagan referring to the Contras. That's the first thing mentioned in your own link. Do you morons even bother reading what you post?

So, to conclude, some leftist asshole put a quote regarding the Contras, on a background picture of Reagan and the Taliban. EPIC FAIL:

"Ronald Reagan's efforts to eradicate Communism spanned the globe, but the insurgent Contras' cause in Nicaragua was particularly dear to him. Battling the Cuban-backed Sandinistas, the Contras were, according to Reagan, "the moral equivalent of our Founding Fathers." Under the so-called Reagan Doctrine, the CIA trained and assisted this and other anti-Communist insurgencies worldwide."
Sorry. He was referring to the mujadeen.

Reagan 8216 Moral equivalent of our Founding Fathers 8230 8217 Islamiology

“In 1985, President Ronald Reagan received a group of bearded men. These bearded men I was writing about in those days in The New Yorker. They were very ferocious-looking bearded men with turbans looking like they came from another century. President Reagan received them in the White House. After receiving them he spoke to the press. He pointed towards them, I’m sure some of you will recall that moment, and said, “These are the moral equivalent of America’s founding fathers”. These were the Afghan Mujahiddin. They were at the time, guns in hand, battling the Evil Empire. They were the moral equivalent of our founding fathers!”

Yep Reagan's policy was a continuation of Jimmy Carters aid to the Muj...which were a diverse group at the time....the original idea, probably British was adopted by Brzezinski, Carters National Security Advisor

In 1980, Wilson read an Associated Press dispatch on the congressional wires describing the refugees fleeing Soviet-occupied Afghanistan. The communist Democratic Republic of Afghanistan had taken over power during the Saur revolution and asked the Soviet Union to help suppress resistance from the mujahideen. According to biographer George Crile III, Wilson called the staff of the House Appropriations Committee dealing with "black appropriations" and requested a two-fold appropriation increase for Afghanistan. Because Wilson had just been named to the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense (which is responsible for funding CIA operations), his request went through.[21]Charlie Wilson Texas politician - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Below is an excerpt from Brzezinski's interview he did in 1997...yes Jimmy Carter signed the first order to aid the Muj in 1979...Brzezinski got the ball rolling in Afghanistan...

INT: Right, describe your reaction when you heard that your suspicions had been fully justified: an invasion had happened.

: We immediately launched a twofold process when we heard that the Soviets had entered Afghanistan. The first involved direct reactions and sanctions focused on the Soviet Union, and both the State Department and the National Security Council prepared long lists of sanctions to be adopted, of steps to be taken to increase the international costs to the Soviet Union of their actions. And the second course of action led to my going to Pakistan a month or so after the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, for the purpose of coordinating with the Pakistanis a joint response, the purpose of which would be to make the Soviets bleed for as much and as long as is possible; and we engaged in that effort in a collaborative sense with the Saudis, the Egyptians, the British, the Chinese, and we started providing weapons to the Mujaheddin, from various sources again - for example, some Soviet arms from the Egyptians and the Chinese.

stupid -- we started providing weapons to the Mujaheddin, from various sources again - for example, some Soviet arms from the Egyptians and the Chinese.

It was not very much. It is what motivated Charlie Wilson. Under Reagan it went way up and Reagan traded arms with terrorists in Iran -- against US law
I agree.

Knowing some radical Muslims are suicidal fanatics, and having already been fire-bombed for publishing material which is offensive to radical Muslims, and having no way to defend themselves against an armed attack, these people went right ahead asking for exactly what they got.

So just because Muslims will threaten to kill you, Western societies and journalists should censor their speech and freedoms we have in a democracy? Appeasement will not get you anything with these animals. They look upon it as a further sign of weakness. They cannot be talked or negotiated with.

really? We've dealt with terrorists before. Just ask Ronald Reagan

Recruiting radical Muslims to fight the communists has nothing to do with the current situation.

Reagan sold weapons to our enemies.. He bargained with them. facts suck

okay, Reagan never sold weapons, he traded them. He made deals with terrorists

Yeah so? He directed the defeat of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan by arming the Taliban and other radicals. Would you rather American forces be sent there to die?

What does THAT have to do with Muslims attacking the freedoms and foundations of Western democracies? Zero. Just liberal diversion-ism.
Guess what, asswipe, that was Reagan referring to the Contras. That's the first thing mentioned in your own link. Do you morons even bother reading what you post?

So, to conclude, some leftist asshole put a quote regarding the Contras, on a background picture of Reagan and the Taliban. EPIC FAIL:

"Ronald Reagan's efforts to eradicate Communism spanned the globe, but the insurgent Contras' cause in Nicaragua was particularly dear to him. Battling the Cuban-backed Sandinistas, the Contras were, according to Reagan, "the moral equivalent of our Founding Fathers." Under the so-called Reagan Doctrine, the CIA trained and assisted this and other anti-Communist insurgencies worldwide."
Sorry. He was referring to the mujadeen.

Reagan 8216 Moral equivalent of our Founding Fathers 8230 8217 Islamiology

“In 1985, President Ronald Reagan received a group of bearded men. These bearded men I was writing about in those days in The New Yorker. They were very ferocious-looking bearded men with turbans looking like they came from another century. President Reagan received them in the White House. After receiving them he spoke to the press. He pointed towards them, I’m sure some of you will recall that moment, and said, “These are the moral equivalent of America’s founding fathers”. These were the Afghan Mujahiddin. They were at the time, guns in hand, battling the Evil Empire. They were the moral equivalent of our founding fathers!”

Yep Reagan's policy was a continuation of Jimmy Carters aid to the Muj...which were a diverse group at the time....the original idea, probably British was adopted by Brzezinski, Carters National Security Advisor

In 1980, Wilson read an Associated Press dispatch on the congressional wires describing the refugees fleeing Soviet-occupied Afghanistan. The communist Democratic Republic of Afghanistan had taken over power during the Saur revolution and asked the Soviet Union to help suppress resistance from the mujahideen. According to biographer George Crile III, Wilson called the staff of the House Appropriations Committee dealing with "black appropriations" and requested a two-fold appropriation increase for Afghanistan. Because Wilson had just been named to the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense (which is responsible for funding CIA operations), his request went through.[21]Charlie Wilson Texas politician - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Below is an excerpt from Brzezinski's interview he did in 1997...yes Jimmy Carter signed the first order to aid the Muj in 1979...Brzezinski got the ball rolling in Afghanistan...

INT: Right, describe your reaction when you heard that your suspicions had been fully justified: an invasion had happened.

: We immediately launched a twofold process when we heard that the Soviets had entered Afghanistan. The first involved direct reactions and sanctions focused on the Soviet Union, and both the State Department and the National Security Council prepared long lists of sanctions to be adopted, of steps to be taken to increase the international costs to the Soviet Union of their actions. And the second course of action led to my going to Pakistan a month or so after the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, for the purpose of coordinating with the Pakistanis a joint response, the purpose of which would be to make the Soviets bleed for as much and as long as is possible; and we engaged in that effort in a collaborative sense with the Saudis, the Egyptians, the British, the Chinese, and we started providing weapons to the Mujaheddin, from various sources again - for example, some Soviet arms from the Egyptians and the Chinese.

stupid -- we started providing weapons to the Mujaheddin, from various sources again - for example, some Soviet arms from the Egyptians and the Chinese.

It was not very much. It is what motivated Charlie Wilson. Under Reagan it went way up and Reagan traded arms with terrorists in Iran -- against US law

A little't admit a liberal started what you accused Reagan of doing...

Guess what, asswipe, that was Reagan referring to the Contras. That's the first thing mentioned in your own link. Do you morons even bother reading what you post?

So, to conclude, some leftist asshole put a quote regarding the Contras, on a background picture of Reagan and the Taliban. EPIC FAIL:

"Ronald Reagan's efforts to eradicate Communism spanned the globe, but the insurgent Contras' cause in Nicaragua was particularly dear to him. Battling the Cuban-backed Sandinistas, the Contras were, according to Reagan, "the moral equivalent of our Founding Fathers." Under the so-called Reagan Doctrine, the CIA trained and assisted this and other anti-Communist insurgencies worldwide."
Sorry. He was referring to the mujadeen.

Reagan 8216 Moral equivalent of our Founding Fathers 8230 8217 Islamiology

“In 1985, President Ronald Reagan received a group of bearded men. These bearded men I was writing about in those days in The New Yorker. They were very ferocious-looking bearded men with turbans looking like they came from another century. President Reagan received them in the White House. After receiving them he spoke to the press. He pointed towards them, I’m sure some of you will recall that moment, and said, “These are the moral equivalent of America’s founding fathers”. These were the Afghan Mujahiddin. They were at the time, guns in hand, battling the Evil Empire. They were the moral equivalent of our founding fathers!”

Yep Reagan's policy was a continuation of Jimmy Carters aid to the Muj...which were a diverse group at the time....the original idea, probably British was adopted by Brzezinski, Carters National Security Advisor

Hah! You mean after Carter's disastrous presidency where the Soviets felt so emboldened to invade and occupy Afghanistan, Reagan came in to save the day? And please don't bring up Brzezinski, the architect behind the Iranian Hostage Crisis, and the worst foreign policy in American history, after Obama of course.
This was France's wake up call, for letting millions of Islamic savages into their country.

Your post should be a wake up call for USMB -- they need to ban all you bigot assholes from Stormfront.
Eh? Never been to stormfront, moron. A gay man with a crescent moon and gay rainbow flag in the background. You know they hang gays by their balls in Muslim countries, you fucking moron?

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