Mass shooting in France at magazine that published Mohammed cartoons

again, the West keeps sticking their dicks in the hornet's nest and then expressing absolute surprise when they get stung.
I agree.

Knowing some radical Muslims are suicidal fanatics, and having already been fire-bombed for publishing material which is offensive to radical Muslims, and having no way to defend themselves against an armed attack, these people went right ahead asking for exactly what they got.

So just because Muslims will threaten to kill you, Western societies and journalists should censor their speech and freedoms we have in a democracy? Appeasement will not get you anything with these animals. They look upon it as a further sign of weakness. They cannot be talked or negotiated with.

really? We've dealt with terrorists before. Just ask Ronald Reagan

you remind me of the people who say 'they hate us for our freedoms' or 'way of life' which is just plain silly.
many immigrate to USA for those freedoms and way of life.

Most jihadists wouldn't be jihadists if we didn't need oil and other resources, or have certain national interests that have us interfering with THEIR way of life or the way of life in their homelands.

Not taking the shithead's side, just stating obvious ugly truths. Uglier than your mythical fantasy world view, but factual and truthful
No, hate is not the word I would use. More like indoctrination by Koran is more like it.
blaming a tool used? :rofl:

Guns don't kill people, people do
No... know anything about the First Barbary War? If not read up on it I am too busy to explain it to you right now.

"In March 1785, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams went to London to negotiate with Tripoli's envoy, Ambassador Sidi Haji Abdrahaman (or Sidi Haji Abdul Rahman Adja). When they enquired "concerning the ground of the pretensions to make war upon nations who had done them no injury", the ambassador replied:

It was written in their Koran, that all nations which had not acknowledged the Prophet were sinners, whom it was the right and duty of the faithful to plunder and enslave; and that every mussulman who was slain in this warfare was sure to go to paradise. He said, also, that the man who was the first to board a vessel had one slave over and above his share, and that when they sprang to the deck of an enemy's ship, every sailor held a dagger in each hand and a third in his mouth; which usually struck such terror into the foe that they cried out for quarter at once"
First Barbary War - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Quck! What nation was the very first to diplomatically recognize the new USA? Come on -- you can do it...

reading the old nonsense of ages ago and applying it to today? You have bought into radical jihadist propaganda. Thing is, most of the Muslim world has not/

I never said most of the Muslim world you did. I am talking about terrorists.
I would rather not live in a society where we need to arm ourselves to the teeth because we can't trust those around us. What happened today is the fault of successive pro multicultural governments in France allowing Islamic immigration to happen in mass and letting this radicalism fester in said immigrant communities. Europe, not just France, needs to stem the tide and stop this immigration. If they didn't allow immigration in the first place, this wouldn't have happened.

And you think we aren't a multi cultural society with millions of Muslims?

Been to Dearborn recently?

How many people live there? :lol:

Dontt know exactly. But there's a huge population of them there. Dearborn is but one of many cities where Muslims have taken over. So much so that they've changed many of the laws to make the city "Muslim compliant". It always starts with the creeping shariah and then gets to a point where like in France, certain Muslim neighborhoods, even the police are afraid to enter.

Huge population in my old neighborhood in Boston. They like living near airports. :laugh2:

even heard a few thank and laugh about 9/11 when drunk. They embarrassed other Muslims People can take drunks and fools far too seriously. As for the shithead terrorists? Missiles up their asses. Burn their homes.
We won't give up on their oil. so we have to deal with them

This is not only about oil. It's also a religious war and clash of civilizations.
again, the West keeps sticking their dicks in the hornet's nest and then expressing absolute surprise when they get stung.
I agree.

Knowing some radical Muslims are suicidal fanatics, and having already been fire-bombed for publishing material which is offensive to radical Muslims, and having no way to defend themselves against an armed attack, these people went right ahead asking for exactly what they got.

So just because Muslims will threaten to kill you, Western societies and journalists should censor their speech and freedoms we have in a democracy? Appeasement will not get you anything with these animals. They look upon it as a further sign of weakness. They cannot be talked or negotiated with.

really? We've dealt with terrorists before. Just ask Ronald Reagan

Recruiting radical Muslims to fight the communists has nothing to do with the current situation.

Reagan chose the lesser of two evils at the time, and used the Islamists to repel a Soviet takeover of Afghanistan. He did that without using a single American soldier. That should be a good thing no? Isn't that what Oblahblah is doing now, after fucking up two countries that we had won the war? Liberals always have a problem seeing the bigger picture.
Last edited:

you remind me of the people who say 'they hate us for our freedoms' or 'way of life' which is just plain silly.
many immigrate to USA for those freedoms and way of life.

Most jihadists wouldn't be jihadists if we didn't need oil and other resources, or have certain national interests that have us interfering with THEIR way of life or the way of life in their homelands.

Not taking the shithead's side, just stating obvious ugly truths. Uglier than your mythical fantasy world view, but factual and truthful
No, hate is not the word I would use. More like indoctrination by Koran is more like it.
blaming a tool used? :rofl:

Guns don't kill people, people do
No... know anything about the First Barbary War? If not read up on it I am too busy to explain it to you right now.

"In March 1785, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams went to London to negotiate with Tripoli's envoy, Ambassador Sidi Haji Abdrahaman (or Sidi Haji Abdul Rahman Adja). When they enquired "concerning the ground of the pretensions to make war upon nations who had done them no injury", the ambassador replied:

It was written in their Koran, that all nations which had not acknowledged the Prophet were sinners, whom it was the right and duty of the faithful to plunder and enslave; and that every mussulman who was slain in this warfare was sure to go to paradise. He said, also, that the man who was the first to board a vessel had one slave over and above his share, and that when they sprang to the deck of an enemy's ship, every sailor held a dagger in each hand and a third in his mouth; which usually struck such terror into the foe that they cried out for quarter at once"
First Barbary War - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Quck! What nation was the very first to diplomatically recognize the new USA? Come on -- you can do it...

reading the old nonsense of ages ago and applying it to today? You have bought into radical jihadist propaganda. Thing is, most of the Muslim world has not/

I never said most of the Muslim world you did. I am talking about terrorists.
you were talking about the Koran too. It is used by the terrorists, yet you failed to acknowledge that most people do not believe the Koran tells them to do what the terrorists claim it does.

I'll go there -- screw the Koran and the Bible.
again, the West keeps sticking their dicks in the hornet's nest and then expressing absolute surprise when they get stung.
I agree.

Knowing some radical Muslims are suicidal fanatics, and having already been fire-bombed for publishing material which is offensive to radical Muslims, and having no way to defend themselves against an armed attack, these people went right ahead asking for exactly what they got.

So just because Muslims will threaten to kill you, Western societies and journalists should censor their speech and freedoms we have in a democracy? Appeasement will not get you anything with these animals. They look upon it as a further sign of weakness. They cannot be talked or negotiated with.

really? We've dealt with terrorists before. Just ask Ronald Reagan

Recruiting radical Muslims to fight the communists has nothing to do with the current situation.

Reagan sold weapons to our enemies.. He bargained with them. facts suck

okay, Reagan never sold weapons, he traded them. He made deals with terrorists
No, hate is not the word I would use. More like indoctrination by Koran is more like it.
blaming a tool used? :rofl:

Guns don't kill people, people do
No... know anything about the First Barbary War? If not read up on it I am too busy to explain it to you right now.

"In March 1785, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams went to London to negotiate with Tripoli's envoy, Ambassador Sidi Haji Abdrahaman (or Sidi Haji Abdul Rahman Adja). When they enquired "concerning the ground of the pretensions to make war upon nations who had done them no injury", the ambassador replied:

It was written in their Koran, that all nations which had not acknowledged the Prophet were sinners, whom it was the right and duty of the faithful to plunder and enslave; and that every mussulman who was slain in this warfare was sure to go to paradise. He said, also, that the man who was the first to board a vessel had one slave over and above his share, and that when they sprang to the deck of an enemy's ship, every sailor held a dagger in each hand and a third in his mouth; which usually struck such terror into the foe that they cried out for quarter at once"
First Barbary War - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Quck! What nation was the very first to diplomatically recognize the new USA? Come on -- you can do it...

reading the old nonsense of ages ago and applying it to today? You have bought into radical jihadist propaganda. Thing is, most of the Muslim world has not/

I never said most of the Muslim world you did. I am talking about terrorists.
you were talking about the Koran too. It is used by the terrorists, yet you failed to acknowledge that most people do not believe the Koran tells them to do what the terrorists claim it does.

I'll go there -- screw the Koran and the Bible.
I would rather not live in a society where we need to arm ourselves to the teeth because we can't trust those around us. What happened today is the fault of successive pro multicultural governments in France allowing Islamic immigration to happen in mass and letting this radicalism fester in said immigrant communities. Europe, not just France, needs to stem the tide and stop this immigration. If they didn't allow immigration in the first place, this wouldn't have happened.

And you think we aren't a multi cultural society with millions of Muslims?

Been to Dearborn recently?

How many people live there? :lol:

Dontt know exactly. But there's a huge population of them there. Dearborn is but one of many cities where Muslims have taken over. So much so that they've changed many of the laws to make the city "Muslim compliant". It always starts with the creeping shariah and then gets to a point where like in France, certain Muslim neighborhoods, even the police are afraid to enter.

Huge population in my old neighborhood in Boston. They like living near airports. :laugh2:

even heard a few thank and laugh about 9/11 when drunk. They embarrassed other Muslims People can take drunks and fools far too seriously. As for the shithead terrorists? Missiles up their asses. Burn their homes.
We won't give up on their oil. so we have to deal with them

This is not only about oil. It's also a religious war and clash of civilizations.

If we were not in the oil countries in the Mid East there would be no al qaeda.

facts suck
blaming a tool used? :rofl:

Guns don't kill people, people do
No... know anything about the First Barbary War? If not read up on it I am too busy to explain it to you right now.

"In March 1785, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams went to London to negotiate with Tripoli's envoy, Ambassador Sidi Haji Abdrahaman (or Sidi Haji Abdul Rahman Adja). When they enquired "concerning the ground of the pretensions to make war upon nations who had done them no injury", the ambassador replied:

It was written in their Koran, that all nations which had not acknowledged the Prophet were sinners, whom it was the right and duty of the faithful to plunder and enslave; and that every mussulman who was slain in this warfare was sure to go to paradise. He said, also, that the man who was the first to board a vessel had one slave over and above his share, and that when they sprang to the deck of an enemy's ship, every sailor held a dagger in each hand and a third in his mouth; which usually struck such terror into the foe that they cried out for quarter at once"
First Barbary War - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Quck! What nation was the very first to diplomatically recognize the new USA? Come on -- you can do it...

reading the old nonsense of ages ago and applying it to today? You have bought into radical jihadist propaganda. Thing is, most of the Muslim world has not/

I never said most of the Muslim world you did. I am talking about terrorists.
you were talking about the Koran too. It is used by the terrorists, yet you failed to acknowledge that most people do not believe the Koran tells them to do what the terrorists claim it does.

I'll go there -- screw the Koran and the Bible.
I would rather not live in a society where we need to arm ourselves to the teeth because we can't trust those around us. What happened today is the fault of successive pro multicultural governments in France allowing Islamic immigration to happen in mass and letting this radicalism fester in said immigrant communities. Europe, not just France, needs to stem the tide and stop this immigration. If they didn't allow immigration in the first place, this wouldn't have happened.

And you think we aren't a multi cultural society with millions of Muslims?

Been to Dearborn recently?

How many people live there? :lol:

Dontt know exactly. But there's a huge population of them there. Dearborn is but one of many cities where Muslims have taken over. So much so that they've changed many of the laws to make the city "Muslim compliant". It always starts with the creeping shariah and then gets to a point where like in France, certain Muslim neighborhoods, even the police are afraid to enter.

Huge population in my old neighborhood in Boston. They like living near airports. :laugh2:

even heard a few thank and laugh about 9/11 when drunk. They embarrassed other Muslims People can take drunks and fools far too seriously. As for the shithead terrorists? Missiles up their asses. Burn their homes.
We won't give up on their oil. so we have to deal with them

This is not only about oil. It's also a religious war and clash of civilizations.
If these terrorists keep it up, Marine Le Pen will eventually be the French President: Le Pen May Gain as Magazine Attack Strains French Divide - Businessweek
France’s Front National leader Marine Le Pen pinned the blame for the killing of 12 people in Paris yesterday on Islamic radicals, as mainstream leaders tried to downplay the religious dimension of the attack.

While President Francois Hollande called for national unity in an attempt to deter the public from demonizing the country’s 5-million strong Muslim community, Le Pen said France has to confront the beliefs of the gunmen who stormed the offices of satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo.

“Time’s up for denial and hypocrisy,” Le Pen, who has railed against immigration, said in a video posted on her party’s website. “The absolute rejection of Islamic fundamentalism must be proclaimed loudly and clearly.”

you remind me of the people who say 'they hate us for our freedoms' or 'way of life' which is just plain silly.
many immigrate to USA for those freedoms and way of life.

Most jihadists wouldn't be jihadists if we didn't need oil and other resources, or have certain national interests that have us interfering with THEIR way of life or the way of life in their homelands.

Not taking the shithead's side, just stating obvious ugly truths. Uglier than your mythical fantasy world view, but factual and truthful
I would disagree. I believe it is true that they hate us for our freedoms and our way of life but not in the Captain America sense. More in the sense of our freedom to act in a completely sub-human manner at times. They think we are polluting the cosmic fabric of the world, loosely translated of course. In Islam that makes it their duty to eliminate us.

That nonsense doesn't hold up to scrutiny. Why did the jihadists fight the Soviet Union in Afghanistan? BEfore themm we had right and left wing terrorism all over Europe. It settled for a while and Arab world Islamists started focusing on us after Afghanistan and the Soviets.

The Arab jihadists have taken a unique brand of radical Islam and created a monster, but they had our help. We stumbled into their open arms.

You read too much into the propaganda they put out. They hate each othermore than us -- just watch what ISIL/Islamic State/Daesh has done. We are low on their list. Even Israel comes after the other Muslims
What you say might have much merit but look at what the brothers who carried out the Boston Marathon Bombing were thinking. Yes, they had motivations from what was happening in the Middle East but they were also disgusted with America. They attacked a marathon, not a government building. Also look at what the Boston Muslim community had to say about their actions, not a whole lot. There are also several other accounts of Muslims who go to Western countries and come back with a disgust for the West. I can understand their reaction, I can understand their rational for the violence, and I can also hate them for it. It is a religious hate, not an emotional one though.
And you think we aren't a multi cultural society with millions of Muslims?

Been to Dearborn recently?

How many people live there? :lol:

Dontt know exactly. But there's a huge population of them there. Dearborn is but one of many cities where Muslims have taken over. So much so that they've changed many of the laws to make the city "Muslim compliant". It always starts with the creeping shariah and then gets to a point where like in France, certain Muslim neighborhoods, even the police are afraid to enter.

Huge population in my old neighborhood in Boston. They like living near airports. :laugh2:

even heard a few thank and laugh about 9/11 when drunk. They embarrassed other Muslims People can take drunks and fools far too seriously. As for the shithead terrorists? Missiles up their asses. Burn their homes.
We won't give up on their oil. so we have to deal with them

This is not only about oil. It's also a religious war and clash of civilizations.
If these terrorists keep it up, Marine Le Pen will eventually be the French President: Le Pen May Gain as Magazine Attack Strains French Divide - Businessweek
France’s Front National leader Marine Le Pen pinned the blame for the killing of 12 people in Paris yesterday on Islamic radicals, as mainstream leaders tried to downplay the religious dimension of the attack.

While President Francois Hollande called for national unity in an attempt to deter the public from demonizing the country’s 5-million strong Muslim community, Le Pen said France has to confront the beliefs of the gunmen who stormed the offices of satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo.

“Time’s up for denial and hypocrisy,” Le Pen, who has railed against immigration, said in a video posted on her party’s website. “The absolute rejection of Islamic fundamentalism must be proclaimed loudly and clearly.”

She'll surely gain, but like Rudy Giulliani

again, the West keeps sticking their dicks in the hornet's nest and then expressing absolute surprise when they get stung.
I agree.

Knowing some radical Muslims are suicidal fanatics, and having already been fire-bombed for publishing material which is offensive to radical Muslims, and having no way to defend themselves against an armed attack, these people went right ahead asking for exactly what they got.
Sony got what their just desserts as well.

you remind me of the people who say 'they hate us for our freedoms' or 'way of life' which is just plain silly.
many immigrate to USA for those freedoms and way of life.

Most jihadists wouldn't be jihadists if we didn't need oil and other resources, or have certain national interests that have us interfering with THEIR way of life or the way of life in their homelands.

Not taking the shithead's side, just stating obvious ugly truths. Uglier than your mythical fantasy world view, but factual and truthful
I would disagree. I believe it is true that they hate us for our freedoms and our way of life but not in the Captain America sense. More in the sense of our freedom to act in a completely sub-human manner at times. They think we are polluting the cosmic fabric of the world, loosely translated of course. In Islam that makes it their duty to eliminate us.

That nonsense doesn't hold up to scrutiny. Why did the jihadists fight the Soviet Union in Afghanistan? BEfore themm we had right and left wing terrorism all over Europe. It settled for a while and Arab world Islamists started focusing on us after Afghanistan and the Soviets.

The Arab jihadists have taken a unique brand of radical Islam and created a monster, but they had our help. We stumbled into their open arms.

You read too much into the propaganda they put out. They hate each othermore than us -- just watch what ISIL/Islamic State/Daesh has done. We are low on their list. Even Israel comes after the other Muslims
What you say might have much merit but look at what the brothers who carried out the Boston Marathon Bombing were thinking. Yes, they had motivations from what was happening in the Middle East but they were also disgusted with America. They attacked a marathon, not a government building. Also look at what the Boston Muslim community had to say about their actions, not a whole lot. There are also several other accounts of Muslims who go to Western countries and come back with a disgust for the West. I can understand their reaction, I can understand their rational for the violence, and I can also hate them for it. It is a religious hate, not an emotional one though.

contrary to popular myth, many immigrants get disillusioned. The streets of America are not paved with gold (OH MY!) and anti immigrant fever is as American as apple pie.

If you have religious hate for them? That makes you no better.

Young people and others who are easily manipulated and are looking to experience life are susceptible to causes they can die for -- it gives life meaning (mistakenly I believe -- cause life itself has no meaning).

Fake quote.

You know what Muslims do with gays, right?

No, it isn't.

The Iran-Contra Affair . Reagan . WGBH American Experience PBS

Guess what, asswipe, that was Reagan referring to the Contras. That's the first thing mentioned in your own link. Do you morons even bother reading what you post?

So, to conclude, some leftist asshole put a quote regarding the Contras, on a background picture of Reagan and the Taliban. EPIC FAIL:

"Ronald Reagan's efforts to eradicate Communism spanned the globe, but the insurgent Contras' cause in Nicaragua was particularly dear to him. Battling the Cuban-backed Sandinistas, the Contras were, according to Reagan, "the moral equivalent of our Founding Fathers." Under the so-called Reagan Doctrine, the CIA trained and assisted this and other anti-Communist insurgencies worldwide."
Sorry. He was referring to the mujadeen.

Reagan 8216 Moral equivalent of our Founding Fathers 8230 8217 Islamiology

“In 1985, President Ronald Reagan received a group of bearded men. These bearded men I was writing about in those days in The New Yorker. They were very ferocious-looking bearded men with turbans looking like they came from another century. President Reagan received them in the White House. After receiving them he spoke to the press. He pointed towards them, I’m sure some of you will recall that moment, and said, “These are the moral equivalent of America’s founding fathers”. These were the Afghan Mujahiddin. They were at the time, guns in hand, battling the Evil Empire. They were the moral equivalent of our founding fathers!”

Yep Reagan's policy was a continuation of Jimmy Carters aid to the Muj...which were a diverse group at the time....the original idea, probably British was adopted by Brzezinski, Carters National Security Advisor
Terrorism today compared to terrorism of past: We live in a different world. Instant communication. Images and information and propaganda travel without filters. We get to see collateral damage, popular uprisings taken down with weapons or support from USA and Western nations (why do they leave Japan out?)

Guess what, asswipe, that was Reagan referring to the Contras. That's the first thing mentioned in your own link. Do you morons even bother reading what you post?

So, to conclude, some leftist asshole put a quote regarding the Contras, on a background picture of Reagan and the Taliban. EPIC FAIL:

"Ronald Reagan's efforts to eradicate Communism spanned the globe, but the insurgent Contras' cause in Nicaragua was particularly dear to him. Battling the Cuban-backed Sandinistas, the Contras were, according to Reagan, "the moral equivalent of our Founding Fathers." Under the so-called Reagan Doctrine, the CIA trained and assisted this and other anti-Communist insurgencies worldwide."
Sorry. He was referring to the mujadeen.

Reagan 8216 Moral equivalent of our Founding Fathers 8230 8217 Islamiology

“In 1985, President Ronald Reagan received a group of bearded men. These bearded men I was writing about in those days in The New Yorker. They were very ferocious-looking bearded men with turbans looking like they came from another century. President Reagan received them in the White House. After receiving them he spoke to the press. He pointed towards them, I’m sure some of you will recall that moment, and said, “These are the moral equivalent of America’s founding fathers”. These were the Afghan Mujahiddin. They were at the time, guns in hand, battling the Evil Empire. They were the moral equivalent of our founding fathers!”

Yep Reagan's policy was a continuation of Jimmy Carters aid to the Muj...which were a diverse group at the time....the original idea, probably British was adopted by Brzezinski, Carters National Security Advisor

In 1980, Wilson read an Associated Press dispatch on the congressional wires describing the refugees fleeing Soviet-occupied Afghanistan. The communist Democratic Republic of Afghanistan had taken over power during the Saur revolution and asked the Soviet Union to help suppress resistance from the mujahideen. According to biographer George Crile III, Wilson called the staff of the House Appropriations Committee dealing with "black appropriations" and requested a two-fold appropriation increase for Afghanistan. Because Wilson had just been named to the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense (which is responsible for funding CIA operations), his request went through.[21]Charlie Wilson Texas politician - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
No...YOU said it.
Your point was that the Paris shootings prove that gun control doesn't work.
You are proves nothing of the sort.

How did you come to that conclusion?

Strict gun control did not keep the terrorists from getting illegal weapons, hence gun control does not work. Gun control laws never keep the bad guys from committing the crimes.

In addition, gun control prevented the victims from being able to defend themselves, hence a double whammy.
The main reason why UK/Europe won't stop immigration in their country's is that if they did they would face the same crisis that Japan is facing a lack of new parents and without new parents soon the Country will cease to be in the coming generations

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