Mass shooting in France at magazine that published Mohammed cartoons

So just because Muslims will threaten to kill you, Western societies and journalists should censor their speech and freedoms we have in a democracy? Appeasement will not get you anything with these animals. They look upon it as a further sign of weakness. They cannot be talked or negotiated with.

really? We've dealt with terrorists before. Just ask Ronald Reagan

Recruiting radical Muslims to fight the communists has nothing to do with the current situation.

Reagan sold weapons to our enemies.. He bargained with them. facts suck

okay, Reagan never sold weapons, he traded them. He made deals with terrorists

Yeah so? He directed the defeat of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan by arming the Taliban and other radicals. Would you rather American forces be sent there to die?

What does THAT have to do with Muslims attacking the freedoms and foundations of Western democracies? Zero. Just liberal diversion-ism.

clueless and ignorant? deadly combination

Freudian slip?
This was France's wake up call, for letting millions of Islamic savages into their country.

Your post should be a wake up call for USMB -- they need to ban all you bigot assholes from Stormfront.
So Islamic militants did not attack a French paper?

Roudy wrote about the French allowing Islamic savages into their country. Are you saying all Muslims are either Islamist militants Islamic savages? Be honest
Did they or did they not allow these savages in? Or do you have another word for these terrorists that murdered 12 people in cold blood?
France becomes more of a Jonestown by the day.........the culture is permanently fucked. French society has woken up in recent years but its too late. By 2020......Islamic peoples will be 50% of the population.:ack-1: These people are fucked.

Multiculturalism is ghey.......never works.......another silly stoopid progressive concept that has ended up with disasterous results. You have millions of Muslims living there and most looking for handouts and NONE having anything to do with any French culture = a Jonestown future for this country!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::up:
Can anyone explain the way the democrats....the progressives most of all, protect muslim refusing to call them muslim terrorists....I mean...if Christians did exactly what the muslims do....not what the left dreams that Christians do....murdering gays, forcing women to wear the veil, raping women, and girls, and cutting off heads......

And yet muslim monsters do this all the time....and they are defended by democrats and other progressives.....not necessarily the violence part...but refusing to call them muslim terrorists.....what is with that? They can't make a distinction between Christians and the very, very few nut cases who claim Christianity.....they are more than willing to call lone lunatics who bomb abortion clinics Christians....but not with muslims who murder film directors in the middle of a public street....or gun down 12 people and wound 15......again....what is their problem.....

Howard Dean....says isis aren't muslims...they are a cult....President of France, won't call them muslim terrorists....President obama won't call Fort Hood shooter muslim terrorist...
The thing is... west invented term "radical Islam" and term is used to absolve the rest of the Muslims that refuse to stand up against it. Those regulars, who suppose to take an action, refused to stand against the terrorism among their religion, in fact majority or ME Muslims support these attacks and minority that claim they "condemn" it are just playing the game to gain our trust until they become just like them. Remember, we're all infidels.
No, this is not the magazine's responsibility. This is solely the responsibility of mad dog cowards who think a cartoon justifies murder.
The magazine published the cartoon without thinking about the consequences.

And the employees paid for it with their lives. ..... :cool:

Consequences?? The consequences of a cartoon are, at the most, lawsuits or a drop in readers. Not murders.
Sunni man openly supports Muslim terrorists has from day one.

He was cheering and supporting ISIS openly on this board before, with chants of "go team Sunni"

He might even be a sleeper cell or lone wolf wanna be, who knows.
I've reported him to the FBI once already. He had some arab writing on his profile that when translated made some reference to JIHAD with crossed swords. Don't know if they ever contacted him about it but it disappeared real fast.

He's full bore muslim trash, pure and simple. He says the wrong thing here again and I'll report him AGAIN, in a heart beat. I wouldn't be surprised at all if he was a sleeper or lone wolf, just waiting for his turn to gun down a bunch of innocent people in cold blood.
Can anyone explain the way the democrats....the progressives most of all, protect muslim refusing to call them muslim terrorists....I mean...if Christians did exactly what the muslims do....not what the left dreams that Christians do....murdering gays, forcing women to wear the veil, raping women, and girls, and cutting off heads......

And yet muslim monsters do this all the time....and they are defended by democrats and other progressives.....not necessarily the violence part...but refusing to call them muslim terrorists.....what is with that? They can't make a distinction between Christians and the very, very few nut cases who claim Christianity.....they are more than willing to call lone lunatics who bomb abortion clinics Christians....but not with muslims who murder film directors in the middle of a public street....or gun down 12 people and wound 15......again....what is their problem.....

Howard Dean....says isis aren't muslims...they are a cult....President of France, won't call them muslim terrorists....President obama won't call Fort Hood shooter muslim terrorist...

Well, CNN and PMSNBC are scrambling to cover up now, using the same tricks from the same playbook...bringing one Muslim after another who keeps telling us that what happened in France is against Islam blah blah blah. It's the same usual suspects over and over apologizing for Islamic animals. Funny part is they actually believe that people are falling for it. It works the first few times and after the 3rd or 4th Islamic terrorist attack it becomes obvious the deceptive behavior that the leftist media is engaging in.
Here's the whole gist of the situation. These Muslims will not stop at wanting to convert the west to the 7th century way of the Koran. They will kill and keep killing until their way of life is is the only way of life on Earth. It's time to purge these type people from the west. They will never assimilate to our White European customs, values and culture.
Here's the whole gist of the situation. These Muslims will not stop at wanting to convert the west to the 7th century way of the Koran. They will kill and keep killing until their way of life is is the only way of life on Earth. It's time to purge these type people from the west. They will never assimilate to our White European customs, values and culture.

It's not only White European culture and customs, it's any culture that is contrary to "true Islam".

All infidels must....convert, submit, or die.
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Here's the whole gist of the situation. These Muslims will not stop at wanting to convert the west to the 7th century way of the Koran. They will kill and keep killing until their way of life is is the only way of life on Earth. It's time to purge these type people from the west. They will never assimilate to our White European customs, values and culture.

I wish you would stop the "white" BS It's kinda funny. I is a jew-------I knew from early childhood that -----I AIN'T Christian and white (actually I am virtually albino----ten minutes in the sun and I IS A LOBSTER) My good luck is that my parents were not into skin color-----by the time I was
six years old (way back----back many years) I knew that the
"n" word was a dirty word-------I lived in a town in which the "n" word was normal for the Sunday school crowd ---true story>>>> my mom was so distressed (long before rosa parks) when she heard my sunday school friends saying
----"eeeni meeeni miney moe---catch an "N" by the toe...."
that she popped out of our house and taught us -----"odds and evens" (the finger thing) to choose up sides. For my sunday school friends ----the "N" word was normal and "hell" was a dirty word. I turned into a biology major in
college and, therefore an expert--------"race" does not
exist in the Human species homo SAPIEN-----skin color is
not a marker of nothun' ------------we is all one species----I turned into neuroscience--------all human brains---ie across
cultural lines-------HAVE THE SAME POTENTIALS
I would rather not live in a society where we need to arm ourselves to the teeth because we can't trust those around us. What happened today is the fault of successive pro multicultural governments in France allowing Islamic immigration to happen in mass and letting this radicalism fester in said immigrant communities. Europe, not just France, needs to stem the tide and stop this immigration. If they didn't allow immigration in the first place, this wouldn't have happened.

And you think we aren't a multi cultural society with millions of Muslims?

Been to Dearborn recently?
Where did I say that smart guy?

America's problems go beyond Dearborn. America is so fractured culturally, racially, socially at this point, there is no coherence to American society. So no, the situation in America is not comparable to Europe, we are in a much worse situation. There is no such thing as single "American" culture beyond crass commercialism that is unfortunately spreading to the rest of the world through globalization.
I don't blame billion people people. If we're more reasonable, We should blame about 15-20% present of them, as they are the real radicals. that makes them about 200 million people who are danger to western society. ISIS is estimated to be no more than 100,000, give or take. so you do the math, if there is a danger here or not.
Of course your point is sensible. But how do we know who the fanatical radicals are?

As the cliche goes, "Don't call us, we call you."

Just make sure they don't. European intelligence is capable enough of locating them

So some zealots decide they're going to issue the "consequences" of others expressing their opinion.

These zealots want to control, intimidate, punish, as judge and jury.


Sounds vaguely familiar.


There you go! Civil, mature discussion! You are an example for all to look up to. Way to be what you want others to be, Mac!
Maybe not, but their government is taking obvious side, and it's the wrong one. Multiple terror attacks in France, but they still dig their hands in the sand, calling those doing it "disturbed" and "crazy" instead of realizing they are in war, and on the losing side.

Again, trying to blame 1 billion people for the actions of a few nuts is, well, nutty.

Enough said below I think


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So some zealots decide they're going to issue the "consequences" of others expressing their opinion.

These zealots want to control, intimidate, punish, as judge and jury.


Sounds vaguely familiar.


There you go! Civil, mature discussion! You are an example for all to look up to. Way to be what you want others to be, Mac!

And way to be
I don't blame billion people people. If we're more reasonable, We should blame about 15-20% present of them, as they are the real radicals. that makes them about 200 million people who are danger to western society. ISIS is astimated to be no more than 100,000, give or take. so you do the math, if there is a danger here or not.

No, they are a danger to the Zionist Entity, but honestly, who gives a fuck about them?

Maybe if the West stopped sticking it's dick in the MIddle East Hornet's nest, it would stop getting stung.

Far out Joe. You're really stepping out here calling the shootings a 'good kill'

Maybe not, but their government is taking obvious side, and it's the wrong one. Multiple terror attacks in France, but they still dig their hands in the sand, calling those doing it "disturbed" and "crazy" instead of realizing they are in war, and on the losing side.

Again, trying to blame 1 billion people for the actions of a few nuts is, well, nutty.

I don't blame billion people people. If we're more reasonable, We should blame about 15-20% present of them, as they are the real radicals. that makes them about 200 million people who are danger to western society. ISIS is astimated to be no more than 100,000, give or take. so you do the math, if there is a danger here or not.
There are 1.6 billion Muslims in the world. A very, very tiny percentage are radicals or extremists, far far less than 15-20%.

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