Mass shooting in France at magazine that published Mohammed cartoons least gun control in France worked....not one honest, law abiding French citizen had a gun............of course these three killers were able to get, apparently, military grade rifles/sub machine guns, and a rocket launcer..........

I guess that is what the anti gunners want.....right.....?

At least the innocent, law abiding French citizens at that news paper didn't have guns to fight back and possibly stop or reduce the attack.....I the law abiding, good people had had guns.....that would have made it worse.....right? Or something?

YOu see, here's the thing. We have a few dozen "Active Shooter Incidents" a year because it's easy for nuts to get guns. and you guys minimize it and fight any law that would keep a Lanza or a Holmes from getting a gun, not that anyone ever stops them when they do.

The thing is, France bans guns and these sorts of things are RARE.

Which is why we have 11,500 gun homicides a year and the French have 127 a year.
This has happened and it will happen the documentary "Terror in the Mall" where radical islamic gunmen attacked the mall in Kenya, and the documentary "Terror in Mumbai," where a small group of muslim terrorists attacked the city of Mumbai...

people, this can and will eventually happen here in the states.....every successful attack gives new ideas and inspiration to the next one......

I'm sure it will. Your buddies have made it really easy for anyone to get a gun.

But you know, here's the thing. It is far more likely an American is going to get caught in a mass shooting because someone didn't take his medications and was able to buy a gun than being shot by a radical muslim.
This has happened and it will happen the documentary "Terror in the Mall" where radical islamic gunmen attacked the mall in Kenya, and the documentary "Terror in Mumbai," where a small group of muslim terrorists attacked the city of Mumbai...

people, this can and will eventually happen here in the states.....every successful attack gives new ideas and inspiration to the next one......

I'm sure it will. Your buddies have made it really easy for anyone to get a gun.

But you know, here's the thing. It is far more likely an American is going to get caught in a mass shooting because someone didn't take his medications and was able to buy a gun than being shot by a radical muslim.
It's more likely you'll be killed by some black thug's bullet than either, especially in your shit hole.
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One cannot appeal to atheists or agnostics, but to those who are certain God reigns, then they need to understand there are also spiritual demonic forces working towards the ruin of mankind and the ruin of souls.

Evil of this nature is monstrously malevolent. It is the work of Satan upon the corrupt hearts of man. Extremist Islamic hatred is the antithesis of the love of God.

We do not need Bush or Obama reminding us the Islam is a religion of peace. We need our leaders to tell us extremist Islam is a religion of evil and we need to take bold action to destroy it.

The problem with you religionists is that you see the atrocities you commit in the name of YOUR Sky Pixie as acceptable, but the atrocities they commit in the name of THEIR Sky Pixie is just horrible.

The Zionists just killed 2000 people in Gaza, most of them women and children. We killed anywhere from 150,000 to 1,000,000 Iraqis trying to bring them "Freedom" because George W. Stupid listened to a higher father rather than his own who had the good sense not to invade Iraq.

Again, this is not the issue. The issue here is freedom of speech, which you think should be limited, just because.... Why, again?
And blame over 310 million people for a few nuts.....on the gun issue......

No, I just think it's dumb to let people have guns to start with. Becuase they don't need them.

But you see, it is kind of fun to watch the very same people who minimize the mass shootings we have in this country go into histrionics about a shooting in France because the shooters were Muslims.

Lets see Joe, if you were one of the folks in the building in France being slaughtered, I bet you would have gave up a testicle in trade for a gun. Dude, you have victim wrote all over you. My guess is you would openly give your life to a muslim before giving it for our country.

Can't expect anything else.

The French have allowed those shitbags in their country for decades now.

Before you know it the Muslims will outnumber the French at the polls and you'll have the Islamist Republic of France.

Way to go you dumbass french. You reap what you sow.

"During the 19th and 20th centuries, the French colonial empire was one of the largest in the world, behind the British Empire, the Russian Empire, and the Spanish Empire..." Wiki.

Those countries which France
invaded and controled included Tunisia, Algeria, and Morroco. Muslim countries. So, it is okay for France to oppress these people for centuries, but if they come to France and disrupt things a bit for a few decades, that's just épouvantable.

I think this attack, the subject of the OP, is absolutely horrible and wrong, but it defies logic to blame the entire Muslim population for it.

This satirical newspaper has reportedly made fun of the followers of all religions, yet none of the members of those other religions have ever shown up to their offices with machine guns blazing.
We need to go beyond just the members who become violent, and start asking questions about this religion and why so many of its members want to conduct jihad.
This particular religion is showing us every day that it is different, that it is a poison, that it seeks to force itself on the rest of us through the acts of terrorism.
One cannot appeal to atheists or agnostics, but to those who are certain God reigns, then they need to understand there are also spiritual demonic forces working towards the ruin of mankind and the ruin of souls.

Evil of this nature is monstrously malevolent. It is the work of Satan upon the corrupt hearts of man. Extremist Islamic hatred is the antithesis of the love of God.

We do not need Bush or Obama reminding us the Islam is a religion of peace. We need our leaders to tell us extremist Islam is a religion of evil and we need to take bold action to destroy it.

The problem with you religionists is that you see the atrocities you commit in the name of YOUR Sky Pixie as acceptable, but the atrocities they commit in the name of THEIR Sky Pixie is just horrible.

The Zionists just killed 2000 people in Gaza, most of them women and children. We killed anywhere from 150,000 to 1,000,000 Iraqis trying to bring them "Freedom" because George W. Stupid listened to a higher father rather than his own who had the good sense not to invade Iraq.

Since you pointed out we "religionists" have a problem, does that imply you "non-religionists" do not have a problem? Have you come up with the solution to rid the world of evil?

I see you picked the lowest hanging fruit in pointing out the invasion of Iraq as an example of causing death to innocent civilians. Yes, quite tragic. Were you aware the pope and the Vatican pleaded with the USA not to invade Iraq back in 2002? Are you aware very few wars were ever fought because Christians wanted to take over other lands and force conversions. Even the Spanish conquests of the new Americas was state ordered for material conquests. And the Crusades I do not even want to get into since no one has it right any more.

So before you make this feeble attempt to link Christianity with the evils of extreme Islam or other mad ideologies, take a deeper look into reality. 1, God is real. 2, God's truest message is through the Judeo-Christian faith. 3, the devil is real. 4, we can see flaws in all humanity and their sins, but we can see demonic presence and true evil in false ideologies and the indiscriminate murder and torture of innocents. You need to sort these things out Joe, imo.
If we do not get what we are fighting after what we all witnessed on 911, then we never will. We will get the academic types "talking" about what these fanatics want. They will eventually do what they do best, blame the west for their murderous ways and they act like WE need to understand them better.

They will not come to the conclusion that they will not stop until everyone is under sharia law, everyone is converted to their brand of islam, or everyone that does not is dead. That is all these fundamentalists know. That is it.

The pathetic morons on the left will bring up how Christianity is just as insidious. Yeah, cause I remember a lot of people dying on behalf of fundamentalist Christians as a result of "piss Christ" which displayed the crucifix in a jar of the artist's piss.

I do not see threats against South Park for showing insulting images of Christ from Seth McFarlane for doing the same with Family Guy.

Fucking liberals, and their hypocrisy and utter bullshit is what enables these demented sandniggers. That is right, sandNIGGERS.
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This satirical newspaper has reportedly made fun of the followers of all religions, yet none of the members of those other religions have ever shown up to their offices with machine guns blazing.
We need to go beyond just the members who become violent, and start asking questions about this religion and why so many of its members want to conduct jihad.
This particular religion is showing us every day that it is different, that it is a poison, that it seeks to force itself on the rest of us through the acts of terrorism.

The United States and her allies have invaded or bombed 14 Islamic Countries since 1980. We've killed far more of them than they've killed of us. And that doesn't even include the shit the Zionists have been doing with our blessing for decades.

I think we need to get off our high horse, and stop pretending this is about "Religion" or than anyone's Sky Pixie is better or worse than anyone else's.
What on earth is "religionists".???

Those who shot the guys in the newspaper WERE the lowest form of "Religionists". Have no comment on THAT, Joe? Or the fact that those were Muslims make the "religionism" of THEM acceptable?
This satirical newspaper has reportedly made fun of the followers of all religions, yet none of the members of those other religions have ever shown up to their offices with machine guns blazing.
We need to go beyond just the members who become violent, and start asking questions about this religion and why so many of its members want to conduct jihad.
This particular religion is showing us every day that it is different, that it is a poison, that it seeks to force itself on the rest of us through the acts of terrorism.

The United States and her allies have invaded or bombed 14 Islamic Countries since 1980. We've killed far more of them than they've killed of us. And that doesn't even include the shit the Zionists have been doing with our blessing for decades.

I think we need to get off our high horse, and stop pretending this is about "Religion" or than anyone's Sky Pixie is better or worse than anyone else's.

Which is what the shooters believed, exactly. That Muhammad, a dead prophet, a human being dead prophet, should never be insulted or talked of, in a bad manner. THAT fanatic religious thinking is all dandy, but Christianity and Judaism can and welcomed to be trashed.

That's hypocricy at its best.
The pathetic morons on the left will bring up how Christianity is just as insidious. Yeah, cause I remember a lot of people dying in behalf of fundamentalist Christians as a result of "piss Christ" which displayed the crucifix in a jar of the artist's piss.

I do remember 12 million people being exterminated by guys who invaded every country in Europe who wore belt buckles that said, "Gott Mit Uns" (God's With Us!) And they did so with the full endorsement of the Pope, who never condemned their actions until after the war was over.
Which is what the shooters believed, exactly. That Muhammad, a dead prophet, a human being dead prophet, should never be insulted or talked of, in a bad manner. THAT fanatic religious thinking is all dandy, but Christianity and Judaism can and welcomed to be trashed.

That's hypocricy at its best.

As opposed to the Zionists who just killed 2000 people in Gaza because they believe that 3000 years ago, God gave that land to Moses, forget someone else owned it for the previous 2000 years.

YOu know, I know you Zionists just want to make a big deal about this and get others to fight your battles for you, but there has to be a certain point where you realize that frankly, the benefits aren't worth the costs. We spent 6000 lives and a trillion dollars in the last decade trying to make the Middle East safe for democracy. It doesn't work.
I do not see threats against South Park for showing insulting images of Christ of Seth McFarlane for doing the same with Family Guy.

Yawn, guy, I think our problem with the Islamic world has a lot more to do with the 14 countries we've bombed or invaded than some cartoons....

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