Mass shooting in France at magazine that published Mohammed cartoons

That post shouldn't be argued about here, but on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict board, I don't want to take the discussion that way. Personally speaking, I myself don't fight in name of any religion, but in the name of the land of my great-greatparents, who lived in the land of Israel since 1880.

If to take the argument to where it TRULY belongs, as again, I refuse to let you just brush off the subject, the question here is about freedom of speech. If you're a Liberal, you should allow all sort of speech to be discussed, not just the type that suits you. If people are afraid to speak up, just because someone might be insulted, that's when you can close up shop, and flip off the lights, your colture is doomed.

It's sad that you support such a thing, really.

I don't support such a thing. These THREE guys should be arrested and punished.

You guys keep trying to make this an indictment of an entire religion. And it's the usual Zionist Amen Corner (as Pat Buchanan used to call them) that is making this a big deal and how we need to protect our values and our women from this evil religion.

Our problems with the Islamic world is about a lot more than some cartoons.

It's not the "Zionist" who make it a religion problem, it's the fantic Muslims who made it a religious problem. After the Toulous Massacre, people tried to paint it like the Jews are the only ones they have problem with. How blind can you people be? who are you trying to fool? was the Newspaper Jewish? where the cops and civilians run over and stabbed in France in the past couple of months Jewish? I hear one of the dead was Muslim.

So how come it's a 'Zionist' problem? you've got to be joking, or extemenly stupid or naive to believe that, much more to try and make others believe it.

Too bad so many Jewish Americans vote in democrat leaders, who clearly want nothing to do with Israel. Israel certainly knows it too.

This president and every like minded democrat has emboldened Israel's enemies while they have slapped our greatest ally (Israel) across the face again and again.

Jewish Americans overwhelmingly vote in democrats, and it is no longer a debate. The left clearly identify Israel as an extension of white conservative America. Funny, Mel Gibson says one thing that is insulting to these Jewish Americans that are clear left wingers he is utterly blackballed, but when any celebrity says something disparaging about Israel they are praised.


Yes, there are those who are the WOLVES IN SHEEPS CLOTHING that the prophets warned about. They are insidious enemies to the land of Canaan. They may identify themselves as Jewish, but all of their actions are contrary to their claim.

Hence we see the left blaming America, Christianity and Israel while they want to show compassion to these barbarians.

Look at how they feign outrage over those that planned 911 being made uncomfortable. Diane Feinstein?
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That post shouldn't be argued about here, but on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict board, I don't want to take the discussion that way. Personally speaking, I myself don't fight in name of any religion, but in the name of the land of my great-greatparents, who lived in the land of Israel since 1880.

If to take the argument to where it TRULY belongs, as again, I refuse to let you just brush off the subject, the question here is about freedom of speech. If you're a Liberal, you should allow all sort of speech to be discussed, not just the type that suits you. If people are afraid to speak up, just because someone might be insulted, that's when you can close up shop, and flip off the lights, your colture is doomed.

It's sad that you support such a thing, really.

I don't support such a thing. These THREE guys should be arrested and punished.

You guys keep trying to make this an indictment of an entire religion. And it's the usual Zionist Amen Corner (as Pat Buchanan used to call them) that is making this a big deal and how we need to protect our values and our women from this evil religion.

Our problems with the Islamic world is about a lot more than some cartoons.

It's not the "Zionist" who make it a religion problem, it's the fantic Muslims who made it a religious problem. After the Toulous Massacre, people tried to paint it like the Jews are the only ones they have problem with. How blind can you people be? who are you trying to fool? was the Newspaper Jewish? where the cops and civilians run over and stabbed in France in the past couple of months Jewish? I hear one of the dead was Muslim.

So how come it's a 'Zionist' problem? you've got to be joking, or extemenly stupid or naive to believe that, much more to try and make others believe it.

Too bad so many Jewish Americans vote in democrat leaders, who clearly want nothing to do with Israel. Israel certainly know it too.

This president and every like minded democrat has emboldened Israel's enemies while they have slapped our greatest ally (Israel) across the face again and again.

Jewish Americans overwhelmingly vote in democrats, and it is no longer a debate. The left clearly identify Israel as an extension of white conservative America. Funny, Mel Gibson says one thing that is insulting to these Jewish Americans that are clear left wingers he is utterly blackballed, but when any celebrity says something disparaging about Israel they are praised.


Yes, there are those who are the WOLVES IN SHEEPS CLOTHING that the prophets warned about. They are insidious enemies to the land of Canaan. They may identify themselves as Jewish, but all of their actions are contrary to their claim.

Hence we see the left blaming America, Christianity and Israel while they want to show compassion to these barbarians.

Look at how they feign outrage over those that planned 911 being made uncomfortable. Diane Feinstein?

Rihanna is not exactly a role model, well, maybe except girls girls pre-puberty.

Jews vote democracy because that goes hand in hand with what Jews believe in, equality, free speech, freedom etc. of these guys was convicted of terrorism in 2008....and yet......he was still able to get access to military grade Russian rifles and a rocket propelled gun controlled France.....

But, on the bright side.....gun control did work for the 12 people murdered and the 15 people wounded at the news office....not one of them had a pistol on them when they were attacked.....a win for gun control...............

That's not true. There was an armed guard on sight. he was the first one shot.
Too bad so many Jewish Americans vote in democrat leaders, who clearly want nothing to do with Israel. Israel certainly know it too.

Yeah, probably because a lot of American Jews look at Israel bombing the Palestinians and are kind of embarrassed by it. As they should be.

Jewish Americans overwhelmingly vote in democrats, and it is no longer a debate. The left clearly identify Israel as an extension of white conservative America. Funny, Mel Gibson says one thing that is insulting to these Jewish Americans that are clear left wingers he is utterly blackballed, but when any celebrity says something disparaging about Israel they are praised.

Mel Gibson was blackballed because he works in an industry dominated by Jewish people. And he's a batshit crazy drunk. of these guys was convicted of terrorism in 2008....and yet......he was still able to get access to military grade Russian rifles and a rocket propelled gun controlled France.....

But, on the bright side.....gun control did work for the 12 people murdered and the 15 people wounded at the news office....not one of them had a pistol on them when they were attacked.....a win for gun control...............

That's not true. There was an armed guard on sight. he was the first one shot.
Yeah...a police guys only want police armed...right....lot of good it did those 27 people.....had more of them been armed, these guys would probably be dead already....instead of on the run......
It's not the "Zionist" who make it a religion problem, it's the fantic Muslims who made it a religious problem. After the Toulous Massacre, people tried to paint it like the Jews are the only ones they have problem with. How blind can you people be? who are you trying to fool? was the Newspaper Jewish? where the cops and civilians run over and stabbed in France in the past couple of months Jewish? I hear one of the dead was Muslim.

So how come it's a 'Zionist' problem? you've got to be joking, or extemenly stupid or naive to believe that, much more to try and make others believe it.

If the Zionists entity didn't exist, they Muslims would go back to being warring tribes arguing over watering holes.

You give them a common enemy.
Too bad so many Jewish Americans vote in democrat leaders, who clearly want nothing to do with Israel. Israel certainly know it too.

Yeah, probably because a lot of American Jews look at Israel bombing the Palestinians and are kind of embarrassed by it. As they should be.

Jewish Americans overwhelmingly vote in democrats, and it is no longer a debate. The left clearly identify Israel as an extension of white conservative America. Funny, Mel Gibson says one thing that is insulting to these Jewish Americans that are clear left wingers he is utterly blackballed, but when any celebrity says something disparaging about Israel they are praised.

Mel Gibson was blackballed because he works in an industry dominated by Jewish people. And he's a batshit crazy drunk.

Yeah....and that whole launching thousands of rockets into Israel....that is another Mossad plot.....right?
Yeah...a police guys only want police armed...right....lot of good it did those 27 people.....had more of them been armed, these guys would probably be dead already....instead of on the run......

Yeah, guy, except that never happens. Not even in this country.

Besides, weren't you the one who said we had 2.5 million DGU's where they bad guys did run away when they saw a gun.
No, he's just crazy drunk, period. He blamed the officer arresting him for being wasted on the road for being a Jewish asshole, just because he has no backbone realizing you shouldn't get wasted on the road.

"I see dead Jews" replied the Mel, yet acted surprised when people thought him crazy.

Now, let's get back on topic. Joe seems to argue about the need to limit freedom of expression, yet never answers to the point, which is why. Care to finally respond to the point, Joe?
Yeah...a police guys only want police armed...right....lot of good it did those 27 people.....had more of them been armed, these guys would probably be dead already....instead of on the run......

Yeah, guy, except that never happens. Not even in this country.

Besides, weren't you the one who said we had 2.5 million DGU's where they bad guys did run away when they saw a gun.

Yeah, 2.5 million in Dr. Kleck's study....but I took the other 18 studies, conducted over a 40 year period, done by different researchers, both private and public, including clinton's Justice dept. and obama's CDC, and I averaged them....and came out with 1.6 million....on average......there are 3 studies that put the number at 3 million a year....and no credible studies that put it under 776,000 a year.......

They run away, are held by the victim till the police get there, they are shot and wounded, and shot and killed......that is what happens when law abiding citizens have guns to protect themselves.......otherwise....they are raped, beaten, stabbed, robbed, tortured or murdered.....that is what happens when they don't have a gun.....
The old testament. The new takes precedence.

If, upon your death bed you continue to deny Him after knowing Him, you have blasphemed.
I do not minimize anything. I do call you out for wanting to punish 65 million gun owners for the actions of less than 1%. And I call you out for being focused on crimes that amount to less than 1% of the murders. If you are so focused on that tiny portion, the rest will continue onward.

No, I want to take your guns because I think you all are a bunch of assholes who have helped screw up the country. The fact you are responsible for 32,000 gun deaths, 78,000 gun injuries and 300,000 gun crimes EVERY YEAR because you don't limit the privilage is your own fault.

What passage in the bible calls for us to put someone to death for taking Yahweh's name in vain?

  1. And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying ... he that blasphemeth the name of the LORD, he shall surely be put to death, and all the congregation shall certainly stone him. Leviticus 24:13-16
It's not the "Zionist" who make it a religion problem, it's the fantic Muslims who made it a religious problem. After the Toulous Massacre, people tried to paint it like the Jews are the only ones they have problem with. How blind can you people be? who are you trying to fool? was the Newspaper Jewish? where the cops and civilians run over and stabbed in France in the past couple of months Jewish? I hear one of the dead was Muslim.

So how come it's a 'Zionist' problem? you've got to be joking, or extemenly stupid or naive to believe that, much more to try and make others believe it.

If the Zionists entity didn't exist, they Muslims would go back to being warring tribes arguing over watering holes.

You give them a common enemy.

If the Zionist industry didn't exist, the Radical Islam would have found something else to hate. Buddhism is the classig example, first thing that came to mind.

FYI, Zionism is a global movement. Millions of Christians cherish Zionism as well, not Just Jews. You basically call to go against anything non-Muslim, just to not "piss them off."

WOW. How far you plan to go with this?
Now, let's get back on topic. Joe seems to argue about the need to limit freedom of expression, yet never answers to the point, which is why. Care to finally respond to the point, Joe?

Well, how about good taste? Frankly, I've seen the cartoons. Maybe French humor is different, but they weren't terribly funny. They were just meant to be offensive.

Now, yeah, freedom of speech means I have every right to go into the Biker Bar and yell, "You guys are a bunch of pussies!!!"

But I shouldn't be horribly surprised when those bikers beat the snot out of me when I do it.

And Freedom of speech means I have every right to go into my Boss's office and tell him, "I think you a pompous phony", but I shouldn't expect to have a job afterwards.

Freedom of speech means that they have every right to publish offensive cartoons, but I don't want to hear them whine when one of the people they intentionally insulted goes off the deep end.

Freedom of SPeech does not mean Freedom from consequences.
I was glad to see the French president not hesitate to call it terrorism. No way Obama would have.

he didn't call it Islamic Terrorism.......until Western leaders can do that, we aren't really fighting them.....

obumble just gave a sympathy speech in which he steadfastly refused to call this attack terrorism. He never mentioned islam at all.

This attitude has been described as malignant apathy.

Fortunately you have the most up to date intelligence at your disposal. Please tell everyone who exactly committed this heinous crime.....don't keep us in suspense.

I will give you three guesses and then tell you the answer.

"Gunmen stormed the offices of satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo in Paris Wednesday and opened fire, killing at least 12 people in what French authorities are calling the worst terror attack in four decades.The masked gunmen shouted Islamist slogans and exchanged gunfire with police as they fled, and a massive manhunt for the suspects is underway. Follow Yahoo News' live coverage below."

Live 12 killed in shooting at satirical newspaper office in Paris - Yahoo News

I'm not interested in guessing.

Then try and understand that shouting Islamist slogans while shooting a couple of dozen people is pretty conclusive in identifying who did the shooting. Can you say radical Islamist terrorists? Didn't think so.
The old testament. The new takes precedence.

If, upon your death bed you continue to deny Him after knowing Him, you have blasphemed.

Uh, no, it doesn't.

1) “For truly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass the law until all is accomplished. Whoever then relaxes one of the least of these commandments and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but he who does them and teaches them shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 5:18-19 RSV) Clearly the Old Testament is to be abided by until the end of human existence itself. None other then Jesus said so.

2) All of the vicious Old Testament laws will be binding forever. "It is easier for Heaven and Earth to pass away than for the smallest part of the letter of the law to become invalid." (Luke 16:17 NAB)

3) Jesus strongly approves of the law and the prophets. He hasn’t the slightest objection to the cruelties of the Old Testament. "Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets. I have come not to abolish but to fulfill. Amen, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest part or the smallest part of a letter will pass from the law, until all things have taken place." (Matthew 5:17 NAB)

3b) "All scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for refutation, for correction, and for training in righteousness..." (2 Timothy 3:16 NAB)

3c) "Know this first of all, that there is no prophecy of scripture that is a matter of personal interpretation, for no prophecy ever came through human will; but rather human beings moved by the holy Spirit spoke under the influence of God." (2 Peter 20-21 NAB)

4) Jesus criticizes the Jews for not killing their disobedient children according to Old Testament law. Mark.7:9-13 "Whoever curses father or mother shall die" (Mark 7:10 NAB)

5) Jesus is criticized by the Pharisees for not washing his hands before eating. He defends himself by attacking them for not killing disobedient children according to the commandment: “He that curseth father or mother, let him die the death.” (Matthew 15:4-7)

Did you take the time to listen to what the extremists believe? No matter what we do, unless we submit to sharia they will choose to kill us. Nothing we say or do, other tha that will prevent them from trying to either convert or kill all within the world. It has absolutely nothing to do with anything we have ever gotten involved in with the middle east. And even the moderates, that claim such also believe sharia must become the law of the land. Sunni man here, is a perfect example of that so-called moderate. Watch this-

Now, let's get back on topic. Joe seems to argue about the need to limit freedom of expression, yet never answers to the point, which is why. Care to finally respond to the point, Joe?

Well, how about good taste? Frankly, I've seen the cartoons. Maybe French humor is different, but they weren't terribly funny. They were just meant to be offensive.

Now, yeah, freedom of speech means I have every right to go into the Biker Bar and yell, "You guys are a bunch of pussies!!!"

But I shouldn't be horribly surprised when those bikers beat the snot out of me when I do it.

And Freedom of speech means I have every right to go into my Boss's office and tell him, "I think you a pompous phony", but I shouldn't expect to have a job afterwards.

Freedom of speech means that they have every right to publish offensive cartoons, but I don't want to hear them whine when one of the people they intentionally insulted goes off the deep end.

Freedom of SPeech does not mean Freedom from consequences.
Now, let's get back on topic. Joe seems to argue about the need to limit freedom of expression, yet never answers to the point, which is why. Care to finally respond to the point, Joe?

Well, how about good taste? Frankly, I've seen the cartoons. Maybe French humor is different, but they weren't terribly funny. They were just meant to be offensive.

Now, yeah, freedom of speech means I have every right to go into the Biker Bar and yell, "You guys are a bunch of pussies!!!"

But I shouldn't be horribly surprised when those bikers beat the snot out of me when I do it.

And Freedom of speech means I have every right to go into my Boss's office and tell him, "I think you a pompous phony", but I shouldn't expect to have a job afterwards.

Freedom of speech means that they have every right to publish offensive cartoons, but I don't want to hear them whine when one of the people they intentionally insulted goes off the deep end.

Freedom of SPeech does not mean Freedom from consequences.

There is a difference between beating someone, and killing them. Surly you're smart enough to realize it?

Yeah, if I go to a black guy, offending him, I need to realize I might be the one fleeing the area, because don't throw stones of you live in a glass house.

That's being said, I don't need to fear DEATH just because I said something which might piss people off.

The newspaper insulted Jews, too. Yet you never heard of French Jews go shooting people over this. We're used be be insulted by French people who believe the sun shines from their asses. And yeah, maybe they deserved a good kick. But no one deserves being KILLED over a damn CARTOON.

People who go off the deep end should be put behind bars. "They evenged the prophet?" They prophet is fucking DEAD. Like most prophets. He won't get insulted. Even his remains don't exist anymore. So WTF?!

No, EVERYONE should be surprised at this, and everyone should whine, because people don't need to get killed for using their right to self expression. It's NEVER forgiven. EVER. Don't like it? take it to the friggin court! you pull a gun? you're killing, no excuse for that.
That post shouldn't be argued about here, but on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict board, I don't want to take the discussion that way. Personally speaking, I myself don't fight in name of any religion, but in the name of the land of my great-greatparents, who lived in the land of Israel since 1880.

If to take the argument to where it TRULY belongs, as again, I refuse to let you just brush off the subject, the question here is about freedom of speech. If you're a Liberal, you should allow all sort of speech to be discussed, not just the type that suits you. If people are afraid to speak up, just because someone might be insulted, that's when you can close up shop, and flip off the lights, your colture is doomed.

It's sad that you support such a thing, really.

I don't support such a thing. These THREE guys should be arrested and punished.

You guys keep trying to make this an indictment of an entire religion. And it's the usual Zionist Amen Corner (as Pat Buchanan used to call them) that is making this a big deal and how we need to protect our values and our women from this evil religion.

Our problems with the Islamic world is about a lot more than some cartoons.

It's not the "Zionist" who make it a religion problem, it's the fantic Muslims who made it a religious problem. After the Toulous Massacre, people tried to paint it like the Jews are the only ones they have problem with. How blind can you people be? who are you trying to fool? was the Newspaper Jewish? where the cops and civilians run over and stabbed in France in the past couple of months Jewish? I hear one of the dead was Muslim.

So how come it's a 'Zionist' problem? you've got to be joking, or extemenly stupid or naive to believe that, much more to try and make others believe it.

Too bad so many Jewish Americans vote in democrat leaders, who clearly want nothing to do with Israel. Israel certainly know it too.

This president and every like minded democrat has emboldened Israel's enemies while they have slapped our greatest ally (Israel) across the face again and again.

Jewish Americans overwhelmingly vote in democrats, and it is no longer a debate. The left clearly identify Israel as an extension of white conservative America. Funny, Mel Gibson says one thing that is insulting to these Jewish Americans that are clear left wingers he is utterly blackballed, but when any celebrity says something disparaging about Israel they are praised.


Yes, there are those who are the WOLVES IN SHEEPS CLOTHING that the prophets warned about. They are insidious enemies to the land of Canaan. They may identify themselves as Jewish, but all of their actions are contrary to their claim.

Hence we see the left blaming America, Christianity and Israel while they want to show compassion to these barbarians.

Look at how they feign outrage over those that planned 911 being made uncomfortable. Diane Feinstein?

Rihanna is not exactly a role model, well, maybe except girls girls pre-puberty.

Jews vote democracy because that goes hand in hand with what Jews believe in, equality, free speech, freedom etc.

No, many Jews emigrated here from old mother Russia and many of the traditions etc have been learned from the ancestors that came from there. Many of them certainly identified with communist Russia.

This goes back to the Emma Goldmans of the world who had profound influences over people here. Mainly Roger Baldwin who founded the ACLU and communism in America is their goal.

This also dates back to the Rosenbergs who were executed for espionage and giving Stalin the secrets to making the bomb.

They falsely by and large identify conservative America as Hitler. Yes, that is what they tell each other, what many of them believe and they vote accordingly.

Many Jewish Americans (most of them and all of the ones I know) are not kosher, they do not go to temple, they are as Jewish as I am. Many (if not most) of them do identify themselves as liberals before they see themselves as Jews. They vote democrat nearly 80% of the time!

That is what I see, and I clearly see them voting in the enemies of Israel, which are democrats. Why is it that certain Jewish celebrities who yap about politics day and night, do not come out and voice their support for Israel.

When have you seen Spielberg shout for support of Israel? How about Streisand? When has Hollywood come out and made a movie that shows the plight of Israel? No, the left cry over the plight of the Palestinians and they continue to push the lie.

They have no clue about the truth in regards to that. The left wing morons only go with the bandwagon. They actually think the Palestinian "land" was stolen. They are liars, and most of the Jewish Americans identify with this rhetoric, hence why they are deafeningly silent about the issue and we hardly see a peep from their faces about it.

See what is happening.
The problem is not whether you're allowed or not to carry a gun. The problem is how you deel with a bunch of psychos trying to destroy western civilization.

One of the ways that you do that is to not prevent the people from defending themselves from the psychos by having gun controls laws that don't work.

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