Mass shooting in France at magazine that published Mohammed cartoons

Billc, when it comes to math, English, history, geography and spelling liberdummies were in recess in their liberscum Gvmt. run skoolz [sic], what all they did learn was HATE AMERICA !!
Their was a caller who called into the Sean Hannity show yesterday. He said he used to be Muslim but left because it was a religion of violence. He said these people we call radical are actually the strict followers of Islam.
again, the West keeps sticking their dicks in the hornet's nest and then expressing absolute surprise when they get stung.
I agree.

Knowing some radical Muslims are suicidal fanatics, and having already been fire-bombed for publishing material which is offensive to radical Muslims, and having no way to defend themselves against an armed attack, these people went right ahead asking for exactly what they got.

you aren't very bright.
Anyone else believe that Obama's "The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam" comment helped get those people in France murdered?

It would happen with or without his comment, so I don't believe it helped.

But what I do believe is that speech explained for example, why maker of that YouTube video was jailed.
One of the things even more senseless that this tragedy is how Fox News uses it to bash Obama for calling it senseless violence instead of terrorism.

Any of you brainless ass hats who are fans of Fox News probably don't even realize what you're watching is pure GOP electioneering straight from the minds of political strategists.
No. A certain percentage of Islam believe all infidels must convert or die. They decided they weren't converter material.
Anyone else believe that Obama's "The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam" comment helped get those people in France murdered?
One of the things even more senseless that this tragedy is how Fox News uses it to bash Obama for calling it senseless violence instead of terrorism.

Any of you brainless ass hats who are fans of Fox News probably don't even realize what you're watching is pure GOP electioneering straight from the minds of political strategists.

Oh boo hoo hoo. Maybe it was "Workplace violence"?

I totally agree with you.
Anyone else believe that Obama's "The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam" comment helped get those people in France murdered?

It would happen with or without his comment, so I don't believe it helped.

But what I do believe is that speech explained for example, why maker of that YouTube video was jailed.
Well, how about good taste? Frankly, I've seen the cartoons. Maybe French humor is different, but they weren't terribly funny. They were just meant to be offensive.


Yes, but you peculate that this cartoons were not the starter, bit themselves the REACTION to islamic atrocities.
Already the cartoons of Westergaard wer a REACTION.
I see here a generel misperception of action and reaction.

If you observe Islam, or better the Muslims (and I mean all of them) over history you will find always the same pattern.
They attack, if they face counterforce they immediately declare themselves as victims, which in most cases they use as justification for more atrocities.

There is no excuse for this people. Zero. And please don't come up with the "but there is a majority of non violent Muslims" bullshit.
The peaceful majority never counts. It is the manure from which the poison mushrooms grow. You will never see any Muslims supporting protests or hard action against their heroes. Never and nowhere. The only thing you will see, and we had it as predicted immediately after the attacks (yes, there were more by now), that some of their official mouthpieces flooded the media with the usual "this has nothing to do with Islam" and "we warn of any possible damnation of Islam because of this unislamic incident" taquiya bullshit.

Don't be misleaded. Read the Quran and the Hadiths. They are not to be interpreted, they are the eternal words of their god, and the flawless life action description of their role model Mohammed who rode to Allah himself on a flying horse. This people, all of them, are obliged to either kill or enslave you once there is the opportunity to do so. That not everyone of them acts this way is just related to the normal Gauss curve of human charakters, stupidity, cowardness or heroism and so on.

All of the three desert religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, have the same insane violent roots of a bloodshed tribe culture.
The difference with Islam is: it never underwent externally or internally forced irrelevance for peoples lifes like Judaism and Christianity had to cope with, and which led them to a more spiritual interpretation of their believe systems, just to survive. That happened only because their priests lost their secular powers.
(Which in case of Christianity is not that far away in history)
Islam is still in power, one reason is that it combines religion with ideology and legislation. One smart move of the "prophet".

Get the message. We face the third islamic attempt to take over the world. Well, today it is the world. From 600 to 1000 A.D. it was only around the Meditarranean and down to India. From 1000 to 1683 (Islam at the gates of Vienna) the target was Europe as a whole (remeber they had already enslaved Spain for a few hundred years until the Reconquista) but they had not much of an idea about the rest of the planet, today it is all in.

And this will lead either to their total defeat into meaninglessness, or into a very unpleasant future for us all.

Anyone else believe that Obama's "The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam" comment helped get those people in France murdered?

It doesn't shows them that our leaders are naturally deferential to them.......what they expect because they believe they are guaranteed victory by allah....
One of the things even more senseless that this tragedy is how Fox News uses it to bash Obama for calling it senseless violence instead of terrorism.

Any of you brainless ass hats who are fans of Fox News probably don't even realize what you're watching is pure GOP electioneering straight from the minds of political strategists.

Fox news is the only real news network out there.....the rest are simply the media wing of the democrat party.....and it isn't "senseless" violence.....this violence has a purpose and a goal.......and the nit wits in charge had better get on board with that realization before more westerners are killed.....
One of the things even more senseless that this tragedy is how Fox News uses it to bash Obama for calling it senseless violence instead of terrorism.

Any of you brainless ass hats who are fans of Fox News probably don't even realize what you're watching is pure GOP electioneering straight from the minds of political strategists.

Oh boo hoo hoo. Maybe it was "Workplace violence"?

Are really stupid enough to think that if Obama calls it something else? like "terrorism" it'll actually stop it?

And you call me a moron.

They shot those people because of what they said and wrote, not because they were "emboldened" by anything Obama does.
One of the things even more senseless that this tragedy is how Fox News uses it to bash Obama for calling it senseless violence instead of terrorism.

Any of you brainless ass hats who are fans of Fox News probably don't even realize what you're watching is pure GOP electioneering straight from the minds of political strategists.

Fox news is the only real news network out there.....the rest are simply the media wing of the democrat party.....and it isn't "senseless" violence.....this violence has a purpose and a goal.......and the nit wits in charge had better get on board with that realization before more westerners are killed.....
Fox News is the furthest thing from real news. Very few Fox News personalities even have a journalism degree. Before Fox News, which has only been around since 1996, the media was center left. After Fox News created it's 100% advocacy tabloid news business model, lefty networks like MSNBC started their own 100% advocacy for the Democrats.

Karl Rove, Dana Perino, the late Tony Snow, and others who appear on Fox were big parts of the Bush administration. How can you possibly even entertain the notion that they are objective? or "real news", it boggles the mind.

For a long time I resisted the notion that Fox News brainwashes people. They don't. What they did, is have Frank Lunz and others hold focus groups to find out what outrages righties, and what keeps them tuned in. Then, they broadcast just that.
again, the West keeps sticking their dicks in the hornet's nest and then expressing absolute surprise when they get stung.
I agree.

Knowing some radical Muslims are suicidal fanatics, and having already been fire-bombed for publishing material which is offensive to radical Muslims, and having no way to defend themselves against an armed attack, these people went right ahead asking for exactly what they got.

you aren't very bright.
I might not be very bright but I'm certainly not stupid enough to taunt a rabid and maddened dog.

Are you?
One of the things even more senseless that this tragedy is how Fox News uses it to bash Obama for calling it senseless violence instead of terrorism.

Any of you brainless ass hats who are fans of Fox News probably don't even realize what you're watching is pure GOP electioneering straight from the minds of political strategists.

Oh boo hoo hoo. Maybe it was "Workplace violence"?

Are really stupid enough to think that if Obama calls it something else? like "terrorism" it'll actually stop it?

And you call me a moron.

They shot those people because of what they said and wrote, not because they were "emboldened" by anything Obama does.

Of course it wouldn't stop it. But by not calling it what it is you're saying you're not serious about it. Jihadists knows they're being pleased and keep pushing. When they come to our doorstep, who would care how they're called.
The first Crusade started 50 years after the Muslims invaded France...after they had already conquered Spain......

That doesn't change the fact that Muslim tried to shut off Jerusalem to "infidels" and the Christians responded with an armed pilgrimage in defiance of the restriction. The 1st Crusade was not an organized military movement but a collection of groups (encouraged by the Pope) moving enmasse to establish access to Jerusalem. It had many armed troops but many of the 60,000 were also unarmed.

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