Mass shooting in France at magazine that published Mohammed cartoons

Don't know how many they insulted the Jews, compared to Muslims, but they didn't hold back on anyone. Yet only the Muslims are allowed to flip their pancakes over a bunch of insulting cartoons.


If so many people there are crazy, in those communities, maybe they belong in an asylum, not among common-sensed people.

The Muslims are not allowed to "flip their pancakes." They just take it upon themselves to do it.

In response to your suggestion, the obvious question is how do we know who the crazies are? And without the ability to make that determination the only alternatives are to institutionalize 1.5 billion Muslims. Or genocide.

So the response to your comment is -- we have a problem.
again, the West keeps sticking their dicks in the hornet's nest and then expressing absolute surprise when they get stung.
I agree.

Knowing some radical Muslims are suicidal fanatics, and having already been fire-bombed for publishing material which is offensive to radical Muslims, and having no way to defend themselves against an armed attack, these people went right ahead asking for exactly what they got.

you aren't very bright.
I might not be very bright but I'm certainly not stupid enough to taunt a rabid and maddened dog.

Are you?

Is this your way of telling us you are converting to fundamental islam? You are now obeying strict sharia law?

Well it must be, since you are claiming you do not want to make them mad.
Knowing some radical Muslims are suicidal fanatics, and having already been fire-bombed for publishing material which is offensive to radical Muslims, and having no way to defend themselves against an armed attack, these people went right ahead asking for exactly what they got.

Nice sarcasm...
What sarcasm?

I made a direct statement in the above commentary. Nothing duplicitous or insinuative about it.

If you disagree with it, tell us why.
Bottom line is this magazine ridiculed all faiths equally, yet it was the Islamic animals that massacred the cartoonists, because they felt their religion sanctioned it.

Islam is a cancer upon modern civilization, freedom, and democracy. It's pretty evident that it simply cannot coexist with 21st century Western values.
again, the West keeps sticking their dicks in the hornet's nest and then expressing absolute surprise when they get stung.
I agree.

Knowing some radical Muslims are suicidal fanatics, and having already been fire-bombed for publishing material which is offensive to radical Muslims, and having no way to defend themselves against an armed attack, these people went right ahead asking for exactly what they got.

you aren't very bright.
I might not be very bright but I'm certainly not stupid enough to taunt a rabid and maddened dog.

Are you?

Is this your way of telling us you are converting to fundamental islam? You are now obeying strict sharia law?

Well it must be, since you are claiming you do not want to make them mad.

How do you know if the dirtbag isn't already a Muslim? But at least he's confirming that Churchill was right....


The PC Police blaming France for allowing the publication to provoke Muslims: People know the consequences Opposing view

He even uses the word "consequences".


Sounds vaguely familiar.

And here's another thought: The killers are soldiers in a war against freedom of thought and speech, against tolerance, pluralism, and the right to offend—against everything decent in a democratic society.

From: The Blame for the Charlie Hebdo Murders - The New Yorker

Wow. Deja vu, man.


The leftist media are making this all about an attack on free press. Truth is France is very active in fighting jihadists all over the world now, and passing very stringent anti Islam legislation. Making France the number one target now for Jihadists, even more than the US. Charlie Hebdo was just a convenient and easy target. The next ones could be other types of target. Already we are hearing another police office has been shot point blank by an individual wearing the same attire and using an automatic rifle.
If we do not get what we are fighting after what we all witnessed on 911, then we never will. We will get the academic types "talking" about what these fanatics want. They will eventually do what they do best, blame the west for their murderous ways and they act like WE need to understand them better.

They will not come to the conclusion that they will not stop until everyone is under sharia law, everyone is converted to their brand of islam, or everyone that does not is dead. That is all these fundamentalists know. That is it.

The pathetic morons on the left will bring up how Christianity is just as insidious. Yeah, cause I remember a lot of people dying on behalf of fundamentalist Christians as a result of "piss Christ" which displayed the crucifix in a jar of the artist's piss.

I do not see threats against South Park for showing insulting images of Christ from Seth McFarlane for doing the same with Family Guy.

Fucking liberals, and their hypocrisy and utter bullshit is what enables these demented sandniggers. That is right, sandNIGGERS.

The cowards in the media have no balls, but if they had an ounce of honor they would all be showing the Charlie Hebdo cartoons to protest this attack.
That post shouldn't be argued about here, but on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict board, I don't want to take the discussion that way. Personally speaking, I myself don't fight in name of any religion, but in the name of the land of my great-greatparents, who lived in the land of Israel since 1880.

If to take the argument to where it TRULY belongs, as again, I refuse to let you just brush off the subject, the question here is about freedom of speech. If you're a Liberal, you should allow all sort of speech to be discussed, not just the type that suits you. If people are afraid to speak up, just because someone might be insulted, that's when you can close up shop, and flip off the lights, your colture is doomed.

It's sad that you support such a thing, really.

I don't support such a thing. These THREE guys should be arrested and punished.

You guys keep trying to make this an indictment of an entire religion. And it's the usual Zionist Amen Corner (as Pat Buchanan used to call them) that is making this a big deal and how we need to protect our values and our women from this evil religion.

Our problems with the Islamic world is about a lot more than some cartoons.

Typical Muslim response by Joe: "look, the Joooooos".

These Muslim terrorist apologists are truly pathetic pieces of excrement.
Too bad so many Jewish Americans vote in democrat leaders, who clearly want nothing to do with Israel. Israel certainly know it too.

Yeah, probably because a lot of American Jews look at Israel bombing the Palestinians and are kind of embarrassed by it. As they should be.

Jewish Americans overwhelmingly vote in democrats, and it is no longer a debate. The left clearly identify Israel as an extension of white conservative America. Funny, Mel Gibson says one thing that is insulting to these Jewish Americans that are clear left wingers he is utterly blackballed, but when any celebrity says something disparaging about Israel they are praised.

Mel Gibson was blackballed because he works in an industry dominated by Jewish people. And he's a batshit crazy drunk.

Joe the Muslim imposter, in typical Muslim fashion now trying to change the debate to Israel. This occurs every time Muslim animals commit an atrocity. Almost 24 hours later, they start squealing about Israel.
Now, let's get back on topic. Joe seems to argue about the need to limit freedom of expression, yet never answers to the point, which is why. Care to finally respond to the point, Joe?

Well, how about good taste? Frankly, I've seen the cartoons. Maybe French humor is different, but they weren't terribly funny. They were just meant to be offensive.

Now, yeah, freedom of speech means I have every right to go into the Biker Bar and yell, "You guys are a bunch of pussies!!!"

But I shouldn't be horribly surprised when those bikers beat the snot out of me when I do it.

And Freedom of speech means I have every right to go into my Boss's office and tell him, "I think you a pompous phony", but I shouldn't expect to have a job afterwards.

Freedom of speech means that they have every right to publish offensive cartoons, but I don't want to hear them whine when one of the people they intentionally insulted goes off the deep end.

Freedom of SPeech does not mean Freedom from consequences.

Like said said this magazine ridiculed all three religions equally, yet it was your Muslim brethren that decided to carry out the this act according to what they believed was true Islam.
No, he's just crazy drunk, period. He blamed the officer arresting him for being wasted on the road for being a Jewish asshole, just because he has no backbone realizing you shouldn't get wasted on the road.

"I see dead Jews" replied the Mel, yet acted surprised when people thought him crazy.

Now, let's get back on topic. Joe seems to argue about the need to limit freedom of expression, yet never answers to the point, which is why. Care to finally respond to the point, Joe?

Yeah, he was obviously crushed for making The Passion of the Christ. Jewish Americans, especially in Hollywood and writers like Frank Rich of the NY Times crushed him.

Abe Foxman of the anti-defamation league tried to stop the showing of that movie. Mel Gibson was blackballed before what he shouted, and his shouts were more against those Jews that I described.

The simple fact is we do not see these Hollywood Jews shout support for Israel, cause they do not support Israel. They believe in the false notion that they stole land from the mythical Palestinian people. Hence, the silence. Hence the reason they vote 80% for Israels enemies.

The democrats.

Actually Hollywood Jews do support and donate to Israel, but their opinions are more in line with delusional Israeli leftists, which is, peace at all costs,even if it means jeopardizing Israel's national security. They actually believe that terrorists who's intention is to destroy Israel can be negotiated with. :cuckoo:
If we do not get what we are fighting after what we all witnessed on 911, then we never will. We will get the academic types "talking" about what these fanatics want. They will eventually do what they do best, blame the west for their murderous ways and they act like WE need to understand them better.

They will not come to the conclusion that they will not stop until everyone is under sharia law, everyone is converted to their brand of islam, or everyone that does not is dead. That is all these fundamentalists know. That is it.

The pathetic morons on the left will bring up how Christianity is just as insidious. Yeah, cause I remember a lot of people dying on behalf of fundamentalist Christians as a result of "piss Christ" which displayed the crucifix in a jar of the artist's piss.

I do not see threats against South Park for showing insulting images of Christ from Seth McFarlane for doing the same with Family Guy.

Fucking liberals, and their hypocrisy and utter bullshit is what enables these demented sandniggers. That is right, sandNIGGERS.

The cowards in the media have no balls, but if they had an ounce of honor they would all be showing the Charlie Hebdo cartoons to protest this attack.

There are only few papers that dared to republish those cartoons after Paris killing. Jihadists know that these kinds of tactics will work in silencing the media and pretty much whole liberal West and that's exactly what fanatics wants.
Obama: “The Future Must Not Belong To Those Who Slander The Prophet Of Islam”

Never said it.

You're a lying cocksuck.

yes he did you jackass.

It's funny when you leave out context.

True, he said more in that speech in UN.

Do you think that jihadists sitting in their caves care about the context? Hell no, they will cut out everything else and advertise that Obama agree with them.

What I heard from that speech is that he doesn't care about first amendment and that he's ready to trade off freedom of speech in favor of PC.

Obama as a Muslim and like many leftists in the media believes his Muslim brethren deserve "special treatment" and shouldn't be offended at all costs. He is a promoter of IslamoFacism and the reason why Jihadists are on the march, all over the world.
If we do not get what we are fighting after what we all witnessed on 911, then we never will. We will get the academic types "talking" about what these fanatics want. They will eventually do what they do best, blame the west for their murderous ways and they act like WE need to understand them better.

They will not come to the conclusion that they will not stop until everyone is under sharia law, everyone is converted to their brand of islam, or everyone that does not is dead. That is all these fundamentalists know. That is it.

The pathetic morons on the left will bring up how Christianity is just as insidious. Yeah, cause I remember a lot of people dying on behalf of fundamentalist Christians as a result of "piss Christ" which displayed the crucifix in a jar of the artist's piss.

I do not see threats against South Park for showing insulting images of Christ from Seth McFarlane for doing the same with Family Guy.

Fucking liberals, and their hypocrisy and utter bullshit is what enables these demented sandniggers. That is right, sandNIGGERS.

The cowards in the media have no balls, but if they had an ounce of honor they would all be showing the Charlie Hebdo cartoons to protest this attack.

There are only few papers that dared to republish those cartoons after Paris killing. Jihadists know that these kinds of tactics will work in silencing the media and pretty much whole liberal West and that's exactly what fanatics wants.

The leftists in the media were already cowards to begin with, we didn't need this incident to confirm it. All this moaning about "free speech" we are hearing now is about their own self preservation. They are already self censoring themselves from publishing or saying anything negative about Islam.
Obama: “The Future Must Not Belong To Those Who Slander The Prophet Of Islam”

Never said it.

You're a lying cocksuck.

yes he did you jackass.

It's funny when you leave out context.

True, he said more in that speech in UN.

Do you think that jihadists sitting in their caves care about the context? Hell no, they will cut out everything else and advertise that Obama agree with them.

What I heard from that speech is that he doesn't care about first amendment and that he's ready to trade off freedom of speech in favor of PC.

Obama as a Muslim and like many leftists in the media believes his Muslim brethren deserve "special treatment" and shouldn't be offended at all costs. He is a promoter of IslamoFacism and the reason why Jihadists are on the march, all over the world.

In other words, keep mocking Christians and Jews, we're definitely more safe doing so.
The radicals will do anything to convert others or kill them. They don't need an excuse and if you or anyone cowers in fear, particularly within our western world, then they win, without ever firing a shot. Listen to this guy tell it like it is. Even our moderate sunni man believes the same as he does

Knowing some radical Muslims are suicidal fanatics, and having already been fire-bombed for publishing material which is offensive to radical Muslims, and having no way to defend themselves against an armed attack, these people went right ahead asking for exactly what they got.

Nice sarcasm...
What sarcasm?

I made a direct statement in the above commentary. Nothing duplicitous or insinuative about it.

If you disagree with it, tell us why.
Well, how about good taste? Frankly, I've seen the cartoons. Maybe French humor is different, but they weren't terribly funny. They were just meant to be offensive.


Yes, but you peculate that this cartoons were not the starter, bit themselves the REACTION to islamic atrocities.
Already the cartoons of Westergaard wer a REACTION.
I see here a generel misperception of action and reaction.

If you observe Islam, or better the Muslims (and I mean all of them) over history you will find always the same pattern.
They attack, if they face counterforce they immediately declare themselves as victims, which in most cases they use as justification for more atrocities.

There is no excuse for this people. Zero. And please don't come up with the "but there is a majority of non violent Muslims" bullshit.
The peaceful majority never counts. It is the manure from which the poison mushrooms grow. You will never see any Muslims supporting protests or hard action against their heroes. Never and nowhere. The only thing you will see, and we had it as predicted immediately after the attacks (yes, there were more by now), that some of their official mouthpieces flooded the media with the usual "this has nothing to do with Islam" and "we warn of any possible damnation of Islam because of this unislamic incident" taquiya bullshit.

Don't be misleaded. Read the Quran and the Hadiths. They are not to be interpreted, they are the eternal words of their god, and the flawless life action description of their role model Mohammed who rode to Allah himself on a flying horse. This people, all of them, are obliged to either kill or enslave you once there is the opportunity to do so. That not everyone of them acts this way is just related to the normal Gauss curve of human charakters, stupidity, cowardness or heroism and so on.

All of the three desert religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, have the same insane violent roots of a bloodshed tribe culture.
The difference with Islam is: it never underwent externally or internally forced irrelevance for peoples lifes like Judaism and Christianity had to cope with, and which led them to a more spiritual interpretation of their believe systems, just to survive. That happened only because their priests lost their secular powers.
(Which in case of Christianity is not that far away in history)
Islam is still in power, one reason is that it combines religion with ideology and legislation. One smart move of the "prophet".

Get the message. We face the third islamic attempt to take over the world. Well, today it is the world. From 600 to 1000 A.D. it was only around the Meditarranean and down to India. From 1000 to 1683 (Islam at the gates of Vienna) the target was Europe as a whole (remeber they had already enslaved Spain for a few hundred years until the Reconquista) but they had not much of an idea about the rest of the planet, today it is all in.

And this will lead either to their total defeat into meaninglessness, or into a very unpleasant future for us all.


Actually it is the peaceful, tolerant Muslims that are going against the teachings of true Islam. Keep in kind that prior to the Arab Muslim invasions and forced conversions to Islam, many of these countries who practiced other faiths (such as Iran) had a rich history of coexistence and tolerance. So it is because of their culture and not because of Islam that they do not exhibit the intolerance and violence.

There is no such thing as a moderate Muslim. It is an appeasement term made up by Westerners.
again, the West keeps sticking their dicks in the hornet's nest and then expressing absolute surprise when they get stung.
I agree.

Knowing some radical Muslims are suicidal fanatics, and having already been fire-bombed for publishing material which is offensive to radical Muslims, and having no way to defend themselves against an armed attack, these people went right ahead asking for exactly what they got.

you aren't very bright.
I might not be very bright but I'm certainly not stupid enough to taunt a rabid and maddened dog.

Are you?

no... you should cower and allow sociopaths to decide what the press can say
Never said it.

You're a lying cocksuck.

yes he did you jackass.

It's funny when you leave out context.

True, he said more in that speech in UN.

Do you think that jihadists sitting in their caves care about the context? Hell no, they will cut out everything else and advertise that Obama agree with them.

What I heard from that speech is that he doesn't care about first amendment and that he's ready to trade off freedom of speech in favor of PC.

Obama as a Muslim and like many leftists in the media believes his Muslim brethren deserve "special treatment" and shouldn't be offended at all costs. He is a promoter of IslamoFacism and the reason why Jihadists are on the march, all over the world.

In other words, keep mocking Christians and Jews, we're definitely more safe doing so.

Yes. Christians and Jews don't turn into subhuman beasts if you say anything negative about their religion or prophet.

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