Mass shooting in France at magazine that published Mohammed cartoons

yes he did you jackass.

It's funny when you leave out context.

True, he said more in that speech in UN.

Do you think that jihadists sitting in their caves care about the context? Hell no, they will cut out everything else and advertise that Obama agree with them.

What I heard from that speech is that he doesn't care about first amendment and that he's ready to trade off freedom of speech in favor of PC.

Obama as a Muslim and like many leftists in the media believes his Muslim brethren deserve "special treatment" and shouldn't be offended at all costs. He is a promoter of IslamoFacism and the reason why Jihadists are on the march, all over the world.

In other words, keep mocking Christians and Jews, we're definitely more safe doing so.

Yes. Christians and Jews don't turn into subhuman beasts if you say anything negative about their religion or prophet.

So, if these radical scare tactics works, what's preventing Christians and Jews to start doing the same?

Oh, we're not like them.

Well, as long as the West is kissing jihadists asses, I guess the West will have to ask them for permission to do anything. The other solution is to start getting serious with these assholes and put them back in line.
It's funny when you leave out context.

True, he said more in that speech in UN.

Do you think that jihadists sitting in their caves care about the context? Hell no, they will cut out everything else and advertise that Obama agree with them.

What I heard from that speech is that he doesn't care about first amendment and that he's ready to trade off freedom of speech in favor of PC.

Obama as a Muslim and like many leftists in the media believes his Muslim brethren deserve "special treatment" and shouldn't be offended at all costs. He is a promoter of IslamoFacism and the reason why Jihadists are on the march, all over the world.

In other words, keep mocking Christians and Jews, we're definitely more safe doing so.

Yes. Christians and Jews don't turn into subhuman beasts if you say anything negative about their religion or prophet.

So, if these radical scare tactics works, what's preventing Christians and Jews to start doing the same?

Oh, we're not like them.

Well, as long as the West is kissing jihadists asses, I guess the West will have to ask them for permission to do anything. The other solution is to start getting serious with these assholes and put them back in line.

Jews and Christians won't do it because their religions are has been shown with all the abuse they take and don't act like muslims....
It's funny when you leave out context.

True, he said more in that speech in UN.

Do you think that jihadists sitting in their caves care about the context? Hell no, they will cut out everything else and advertise that Obama agree with them.

What I heard from that speech is that he doesn't care about first amendment and that he's ready to trade off freedom of speech in favor of PC.

Obama as a Muslim and like many leftists in the media believes his Muslim brethren deserve "special treatment" and shouldn't be offended at all costs. He is a promoter of IslamoFacism and the reason why Jihadists are on the march, all over the world.

In other words, keep mocking Christians and Jews, we're definitely more safe doing so.

Yes. Christians and Jews don't turn into subhuman beasts if you say anything negative about their religion or prophet.

So, if these radical scare tactics works, what's preventing Christians and Jews to start doing the same?

Oh, we're not like them.

Well, as long as the West is kissing jihadists asses, I guess the West will have to ask them for permission to do anything. The other solution is to start getting serious with these assholes and put them back in line.

Or stripping the ones that are problematic of their citizenship that was given to them by mistake, rounding them up and shipping them out. Passing legislation that prevents hoards of Muslims from invading Europe.
True, he said more in that speech in UN.

Do you think that jihadists sitting in their caves care about the context? Hell no, they will cut out everything else and advertise that Obama agree with them.

What I heard from that speech is that he doesn't care about first amendment and that he's ready to trade off freedom of speech in favor of PC.

Obama as a Muslim and like many leftists in the media believes his Muslim brethren deserve "special treatment" and shouldn't be offended at all costs. He is a promoter of IslamoFacism and the reason why Jihadists are on the march, all over the world.

In other words, keep mocking Christians and Jews, we're definitely more safe doing so.

Yes. Christians and Jews don't turn into subhuman beasts if you say anything negative about their religion or prophet.

So, if these radical scare tactics works, what's preventing Christians and Jews to start doing the same?

Oh, we're not like them.

Well, as long as the West is kissing jihadists asses, I guess the West will have to ask them for permission to do anything. The other solution is to start getting serious with these assholes and put them back in line.

Jews and Christians won't do it because their religions are has been shown with all the abuse they take and don't act like muslims....

A Jew or Christian will laugh at you if you tell them to strap on a suicide vest. "You do it".
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True, he said more in that speech in UN.

Do you think that jihadists sitting in their caves care about the context? Hell no, they will cut out everything else and advertise that Obama agree with them.

What I heard from that speech is that he doesn't care about first amendment and that he's ready to trade off freedom of speech in favor of PC.

Obama as a Muslim and like many leftists in the media believes his Muslim brethren deserve "special treatment" and shouldn't be offended at all costs. He is a promoter of IslamoFacism and the reason why Jihadists are on the march, all over the world.

In other words, keep mocking Christians and Jews, we're definitely more safe doing so.

Yes. Christians and Jews don't turn into subhuman beasts if you say anything negative about their religion or prophet.

So, if these radical scare tactics works, what's preventing Christians and Jews to start doing the same?

Oh, we're not like them.

Well, as long as the West is kissing jihadists asses, I guess the West will have to ask them for permission to do anything. The other solution is to start getting serious with these assholes and put them back in line.

Jews and Christians won't do it because their religions are has been shown with all the abuse they take and don't act like muslims....

Not really, Christians were not always peaceful especially when they had total power.
Obama as a Muslim and like many leftists in the media believes his Muslim brethren deserve "special treatment" and shouldn't be offended at all costs. He is a promoter of IslamoFacism and the reason why Jihadists are on the march, all over the world.

In other words, keep mocking Christians and Jews, we're definitely more safe doing so.

Yes. Christians and Jews don't turn into subhuman beasts if you say anything negative about their religion or prophet.

So, if these radical scare tactics works, what's preventing Christians and Jews to start doing the same?

Oh, we're not like them.

Well, as long as the West is kissing jihadists asses, I guess the West will have to ask them for permission to do anything. The other solution is to start getting serious with these assholes and put them back in line.

Jews and Christians won't do it because their religions are has been shown with all the abuse they take and don't act like muslims....

Not really, Christians were not always peaceful especially when they had total power.

I disagree with you. The Vatican in their Doctrine of Lea has been clear from the beginning they were not Christians. They were and are Catholics. Do not confuse the two. The Vatican which has never done away with the Doctrine of Lea which gave them such power as to burn Jews and Christians at the stake for their faith - did so in order to protect their own teachings which were not and are not based on the Bible. The teachings of the Roman Church are not found in the bible and therein it is not a Christian religion.

The history of the Vatican was that they ordered the tongues of Christians who preached the Gospel of Jesus Christ - to be nailed to the roofs of their mouths so they could no longer spread the Gospel. That is the history of the Roman religion.
If we do not get what we are fighting after what we all witnessed on 911, then we never will. We will get the academic types "talking" about what these fanatics want. They will eventually do what they do best, blame the west for their murderous ways and they act like WE need to understand them better.

They will not come to the conclusion that they will not stop until everyone is under sharia law, everyone is converted to their brand of islam, or everyone that does not is dead. That is all these fundamentalists know. That is it.

The pathetic morons on the left will bring up how Christianity is just as insidious. Yeah, cause I remember a lot of people dying on behalf of fundamentalist Christians as a result of "piss Christ" which displayed the crucifix in a jar of the artist's piss.

I do not see threats against South Park for showing insulting images of Christ from Seth McFarlane for doing the same with Family Guy.

Fucking liberals, and their hypocrisy and utter bullshit is what enables these demented sandniggers. That is right, sandNIGGERS.

The cowards in the media have no balls, but if they had an ounce of honor they would all be showing the Charlie Hebdo cartoons to protest this attack.

There are only few papers that dared to republish those cartoons after Paris killing. Jihadists know that these kinds of tactics will work in silencing the media and pretty much whole liberal West and that's exactly what fanatics wants.

Then the west is stupid and needs to learn the Mid-East thinking, rapidly. You're going to have to learn to swim in deep waters, or drown.
Never said it.

You're a lying cocksuck.

yes he did you jackass.

It's funny when you leave out context.

True, he said more in that speech in UN.

Do you think that jihadists sitting in their caves care about the context? Hell no, they will cut out everything else and advertise that Obama agree with them.

What I heard from that speech is that he doesn't care about first amendment and that he's ready to trade off freedom of speech in favor of PC.

Obama as a Muslim and like many leftists in the media believes his Muslim brethren deserve "special treatment" and shouldn't be offended at all costs. He is a promoter of IslamoFacism and the reason why Jihadists are on the march, all over the world.

In other words, keep mocking Christians and Jews, we're definitely more safe doing so.

No. The other way around. Use free speech, show they don't have the upper hand.

Now it's about cartoons. Tomorrow they decide they shoot people who don't convert, so you're all going to convert because they threaten you? those with that coward thinking maybe deserve being shot.

Don't be fools, don't fall to this game.
It's funny when you leave out context.

True, he said more in that speech in UN.

Do you think that jihadists sitting in their caves care about the context? Hell no, they will cut out everything else and advertise that Obama agree with them.

What I heard from that speech is that he doesn't care about first amendment and that he's ready to trade off freedom of speech in favor of PC.

Obama as a Muslim and like many leftists in the media believes his Muslim brethren deserve "special treatment" and shouldn't be offended at all costs. He is a promoter of IslamoFacism and the reason why Jihadists are on the march, all over the world.

In other words, keep mocking Christians and Jews, we're definitely more safe doing so.

Yes. Christians and Jews don't turn into subhuman beasts if you say anything negative about their religion or prophet.

So, if these radical scare tactics works, what's preventing Christians and Jews to start doing the same?

Oh, we're not like them.

Well, as long as the West is kissing jihadists asses, I guess the West will have to ask them for permission to do anything. The other solution is to start getting serious with these assholes and put them back in line.

Don't know about Christians, it's never going to happen with Jews, as missionarism is against the Jewish religion.

The west is going to ask for permission? WTF? from a bunch of primitive folks who are, as you people say "minority"?

That's the big western empire you brag about, people? bunch of coward weasels?
Obama: “The Future Must Not Belong To Those Who Slander The Prophet Of Islam”


Never said it.

You're a lying cocksuck.

yes he did you jackass.

It's funny when you leave out context.

True, he said more in that speech in UN.

Do you think that jihadists sitting in their caves care about the context? Hell no, they will cut out everything else and advertise that Obama agree with them.

What I heard from that speech is that he doesn't care about first amendment and that he's ready to trade off freedom of speech in favor of PC.
That post shouldn't be argued about here, but on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict board, I don't want to take the discussion that way. Personally speaking, I myself don't fight in name of any religion, but in the name of the land of my great-greatparents, who lived in the land of Israel since 1880.

If to take the argument to where it TRULY belongs, as again, I refuse to let you just brush off the subject, the question here is about freedom of speech. If you're a Liberal, you should allow all sort of speech to be discussed, not just the type that suits you. If people are afraid to speak up, just because someone might be insulted, that's when you can close up shop, and flip off the lights, your colture is doomed.

It's sad that you support such a thing, really.

I don't support such a thing. These THREE guys should be arrested and punished.

You guys keep trying to make this an indictment of an entire religion. And it's the usual Zionist Amen Corner (as Pat Buchanan used to call them) that is making this a big deal and how we need to protect our values and our women from this evil religion.

Our problems with the Islamic world is about a lot more than some cartoons.

Typical Muslim response by Joe: "look, the Joooooos".

These Muslim terrorist apologists are truly pathetic pieces of excrement.

Don't expect the radicals to change their stance on anything. Muslims could murder thousands of people on live tv and the Progressives would still rather attack Christians, Jews, whites, and conservatives. These shitstains cannot be reasoned with.
That post shouldn't be argued about here, but on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict board, I don't want to take the discussion that way. Personally speaking, I myself don't fight in name of any religion, but in the name of the land of my great-greatparents, who lived in the land of Israel since 1880.

If to take the argument to where it TRULY belongs, as again, I refuse to let you just brush off the subject, the question here is about freedom of speech. If you're a Liberal, you should allow all sort of speech to be discussed, not just the type that suits you. If people are afraid to speak up, just because someone might be insulted, that's when you can close up shop, and flip off the lights, your colture is doomed.

It's sad that you support such a thing, really.

I don't support such a thing. These THREE guys should be arrested and punished.

You guys keep trying to make this an indictment of an entire religion. And it's the usual Zionist Amen Corner (as Pat Buchanan used to call them) that is making this a big deal and how we need to protect our values and our women from this evil religion.

Our problems with the Islamic world is about a lot more than some cartoons.

Typical Muslim response by Joe: "look, the Joooooos".

These Muslim terrorist apologists are truly pathetic pieces of excrement.

Don't expect the radicals to change their stance on anything. Muslims could murder thousands of people on live tv and the Progressives would still rather attack Christians, Jews, whites, and conservatives. These shitstains cannot be reasoned with.

They did murder thousands on tv and the left indeed blames America, whites and Christians.

September 11th 2001
And you think we aren't a multi cultural society with millions of Muslims?

Been to Dearborn recently?

How many people live there? :lol:

Dontt know exactly. But there's a huge population of them there. Dearborn is but one of many cities where Muslims have taken over. So much so that they've changed many of the laws to make the city "Muslim compliant". It always starts with the creeping shariah and then gets to a point where like in France, certain Muslim neighborhoods, even the police are afraid to enter.

Huge population in my old neighborhood in Boston. They like living near airports. :laugh2:

even heard a few thank and laugh about 9/11 when drunk. They embarrassed other Muslims People can take drunks and fools far too seriously. As for the shithead terrorists? Missiles up their asses. Burn their homes.
We won't give up on their oil. so we have to deal with them

This is not only about oil. It's also a religious war and clash of civilizations.
If these terrorists keep it up, Marine Le Pen will eventually be the French President: Le Pen May Gain as Magazine Attack Strains French Divide - Businessweek
France’s Front National leader Marine Le Pen pinned the blame for the killing of 12 people in Paris yesterday on Islamic radicals, as mainstream leaders tried to downplay the religious dimension of the attack.

While President Francois Hollande called for national unity in an attempt to deter the public from demonizing the country’s 5-million strong Muslim community, Le Pen said France has to confront the beliefs of the gunmen who stormed the offices of satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo.

“Time’s up for denial and hypocrisy,” Le Pen, who has railed against immigration, said in a video posted on her party’s website. “The absolute rejection of Islamic fundamentalism must be proclaimed loudly and clearly.”
Marine Le Pen is getting out in front of this killing at Charlie Hebdo. She pushing for the return of the death penalty for France. Quelle surprise.
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again, the West keeps sticking their dicks in the hornet's nest and then expressing absolute surprise when they get stung.
I agree.

Knowing some radical Muslims are suicidal fanatics, and having already been fire-bombed for publishing material which is offensive to radical Muslims, and having no way to defend themselves against an armed attack, these people went right ahead asking for exactly what they got.

you aren't very bright.
I might not be very bright but I'm certainly not stupid enough to taunt a rabid and maddened dog.

Are you?

no... you should cower and allow sociopaths to decide what the press can say
Choosing to not antagonize radical fanatics known to be armed and uninhibitedly inclined to violence is not cowering. It is exercising common sense -- which you seem to lack.
If you back down, they have won. How can you not see that? Or have THEY made their threat so scary you will quit whatever they don't like, if you think it will keep you from suffering the consequences they threaten with? What if they threaten to kill unless you convert, will you also do that? Tell you to quit speaking to your neighbor or you will be killed, will you do that? Quit reading the books you prefer, will you do that? Where would it stop for you? What is the limit?
Stopping anything for them makes them the winner and you the cowering loser, and even then if you look at them wrong, you could still be killed.
again, the West keeps sticking their dicks in the hornet's nest and then expressing absolute surprise when they get stung.
I agree.

Knowing some radical Muslims are suicidal fanatics, and having already been fire-bombed for publishing material which is offensive to radical Muslims, and having no way to defend themselves against an armed attack, these people went right ahead asking for exactly what they got.

you aren't very bright.
I might not be very bright but I'm certainly not stupid enough to taunt a rabid and maddened dog.

Are you?

no... you should cower and allow sociopaths to decide what the press can say
Choosing to not antagonize radical fanatics known to be armed and uninhibitedly inclined to violence is not cowering. It is exercising common sense -- which you seem to lack.
The shootings in Paris should give us pause

Another good example of what can happen when government disarms its citizens.

You're unable to defend yourself 24/7


The "no-go zones" also have to be considered, areas where a certain group has virtually complete control and where French law enforcement and other services will not visit.

But that's okay, because we have to be respectful 'n stuff. To certain people.



Why is the media so terrified of offending Islamists? always pussyfooting around the issues, afraid that a backlash may occur!

Even while the Muslims are killing you, backlash is absolutely forbbiden therefore you can't do or say anything to offend them...and so they can kill you with impunity just to prove that we are not racists!

At this rate the Western civilization is doomed to be taken over by a bunch of ex desert dwelling savages from the 1400 years ago!

One of the things even more senseless that this tragedy is how Fox News uses it to bash Obama for calling it senseless violence instead of terrorism.

Any of you brainless ass hats who are fans of Fox News probably don't even realize what you're watching is pure GOP electioneering straight from the minds of political strategists.

Oh boo hoo hoo. Maybe it was "Workplace violence"?

Are really stupid enough to think that if Obama calls it something else? like "terrorism" it'll actually stop it?

And you call me a moron.

They shot those people because of what they said and wrote, not because they were "emboldened" by anything Obama does.

Of course it wouldn't stop it. But by not calling it what it is you're saying you're not serious about it. Jihadists knows they're being pleased and keep pushing. When they come to our doorstep, who would care how they're called.
Okay, that takes the cake....

I would expect a Fox news viewer to believe Obama doesn't take terrorism seriously.

This s a great example of how Fox News creates false and misleading impressions, and you guys believe them.

Haven't you noticed that every news story Fox covers eventually winds back into some type of criticism of Obama?

Not every negative news story is Obama's fault.

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