Mass shooting in France at magazine that published Mohammed cartoons

You are obviously ignorant of the ongoing violence that Hindus have been waging against Muslims for the last 6 decades. Just as you are ignorant of the other religious violence that is ongoing. What do think is happening in Gaza? How how about in the middle of Africa?

So once again you made a statement based upon nothing but undiluted ignorance just as you have about Islam.

Perhaps the worst aspect of this is that your ignorance is self imposed and willful. You have no interest whatsoever in trying to learn anything at all about the 1.5 billion people you have declared to be your "enemy". Are you even aware that you have just declared a couple of million of your fellow Americans your "enemy"?

So yes, you are identical in attitude to those who committed murder in France because you are intolerant and ignorant.

And yes, you are the problem because you refuse to educate yourself.

Fortunately the majority of Americans are better people than you are and yes, I am including the American Muslim population in that majority.
You have zero understanding of the degree to which I have studied and understand Islam at large.

Your simple-minded falling back upon personal insult, baseless allegations, and outright lying about declarations and intent, and your inability to distinguish between declaring a belief-system an Enemy versus declaring war upon actual people, show you up for the intellectual coward and mental deficient that you have manifested as during the course of this exchange.

Furthermore, I am not 'into' endless automatic gainsay... especially with proven liars and Muslim apologists.

My arguments will have to stand or fall upon their own merits, in the eyes of others, your own whiny protestations notwithstanding.

This sequence is terminated.

Only a fool would claim to have "studied Islam" and still have no clue that you cannot suppress a religion any more than you can suppress an idea. That you have unilaterally declared it "the enemy" demonstrates that you had no idea just how many of your fellow Americans are Muslims. Sun Tzu would have laughed at loud at your stupidity for declaring 1.5 billion people as your "enemy".

Yes, you are running away because you cannot defend your own unAmerican bigotry and intolerance. Like many of your ilk you are incapable of admitting when you are proven wrong.

Derideo----you comment makes no sense-------"1.5 billion people cannot be an enemy"-- why not?

Because 1.6 billion people are not waging war on anyone.

1.6 (I thought it was 1.2) billion people aren't waging war on anyone, however the ideology they follow is. And those that are waging war on the free world, are simply true followers of the ideology.

Ideologies can't "wage war"!
The majority of Nazi party members did not believe in mass genocide of Jews, but they didn't exactly stop it from happening anyway.
In, The Theory and Practice Of Hell, author Eugen Kogen effectively describes the oppressive police state atmosphere of the German nation during the rise of the Third Reich. So if you lived in Germany at that time, either as a Nazi Party member or as an ordinary citizen, any opposition to Party objectives, regardless of how slight, would get you arrested, imprisoned, tortured, and possibly hanged with piano wire -- which is what the SS liked to do with Germans who helped Jews.

In spite of this circumstance there were many Germans who ignored the potential consequences to hide or otherwise aid their Jewish friends -- and many of them paid the ultimate price. But in spite of these circumstances there are many Jews who ignore the exceptions and harbor hatred for all Germans, thinking of them all as Nazis.

These same German-hating Jews also choose to ignore the many Jews who aided the SS by informing on other Jews. Some of these turncoat Jews actually served as guards (Sonderkommando) in concentration camps and participated in the actual mass murder of prisoners.
The majority of Nazi party members did not believe in mass genocide of Jews, but they didn't exactly stop it from happening anyway.
In, The Theory and Practice Of Hell, author Eugen Kogen effectively describes the oppressive police state atmosphere of the German nation during the rise of the Third Reich. So if you lived in Germany at that time, either as a Nazi Party member or as an ordinary citizen, any opposition to Party objectives, regardless of how slight, would get you arrested, imprisoned, tortured, and possibly hanged with piano wire -- which is what the SS liked to do with Germans who helped Jews.

In spite of this circumstance there were many Germans who ignored the potential consequences to hide or otherwise aid their Jewish friends -- and many of them paid the ultimate price. But in spite of these circumstances there are many Jews who ignore the exceptions and harbor hatred for all Germans, thinking of them all as Nazis.

These same German-hating Jews also choose to ignore the many Jews who aided the SS by informing on other Jews. Some of these turncoat Jews actually served as guards (Sonderkommando) in concentration camps and participated in the actual mass murder of prisoners.
The Nazi Holocaust wouldn't have happened if the German people (particularly the middle class and industrialists) popularly opposed the deportations. Some Nazi leaders in private thought they might have had to call it off, but were astounded how easily the German people went along with it.

The German people, like the Japanese people were collectively responsible for what happened to people under their control or 'protection', as they have multiple opportunities to oppose it.
Turkey also occupies Cyprus and you never hear lefties throwing hissyfits and wanting to BDS Turkey.
Are you intentionally trying to be dumb? Read it again.

I said a small percentage (around 5%) are the ones who are carrying out the violence and majority of the rest, agree with it or encourage it. For example, do majority of Muslims support capital punishment for those who insult Islam or Mohammad, or convert to another religion? Fuck yeah.
Actually, no. The majority of Muslims do not support capital punishment for those who insult Islam or Mohammad, or convert to another religion.

They support Shariah law, do they not? And Shariah law says capital punishment for those that insult Mohammad.
Use your bean. If they supported full Sharia law, their countries would function under full Sharia law. Take Turkey, for example, it is 90% Muslim, yet it absolutely does not function under Sharia law: I know, I lived there for 2 years. The vast majority of people there do not want a country that is ruled by Sharia law. Some countries in the ME have some form of Sharia law, but only Saudi is full Sharia. However, of the 1.6 billion Muslims on Earth, only a small minority hail from the ME. Again, logically, if most of the 1.6 billion Muslims on the planet wanted Sharia law to dominate, then most Muslim countries would have it, but they don't.
Not for long, the current Turkish government will eventually see to that. And some of them are more radical than the Muslim Brotherhood.
No, they are not more radical than the Muslim Brotherhood and they are not going to stay in power forever. Gloom and doom is all you people understand. You've never set foot in Turkey and you think you know all about it. I have Western and Turkish friends who live there. The situation is not at all as you are suggesting.
One does not have to visit Turkey to understand that Erdogan increasingly favors an Islamist -like agenda, does one?
The Nazi Holocaust wouldn't have happened if the German people (particularly the middle class and industrialists) popularly opposed the deportations. Some Nazi leaders in private thought they might have had to call it off, but were astounded how easily the German people went along with it.

The German people, like the Japanese people were collectively responsible for what happened to people under their control or 'protection', as they have multiple opportunities to oppose it.
I think that's going a bit too far. My mom grew up in Nazi Germany. Too young to do or know much but it is something I have pondered. I have seen many documentaries and don't believe most Germans really knew what was going on early on, many not until the end. What we take for granted here didn't happen then and there. Media was very controlled. The population was told what the Nazis wanted them to be told, period.

I am not excusing any responsibility though, they were a bit desperate and willingly went along with what they should have known was wrong. Power can only exist if you let it exist.
The Nazi Holocaust wouldn't have happened if the German people (particularly the middle class and industrialists) popularly opposed the deportations. Some Nazi leaders in private thought they might have had to call it off, but were astounded how easily the German people went along with it.

The German people, like the Japanese people were collectively responsible for what happened to people under their control or 'protection', as they have multiple opportunities to oppose it.
I think that's going a bit too far. My mom grew up in Nazi Germany. Too young to do or know much but it is something I have pondered. I have seen many documentaries and don't believe most Germans really knew what was going on early on, many not until the end. What we take for granted here didn't happen then and there. Media was very controlled. The population was told what the Nazis wanted them to be told, period.

I am not excusing any responsibility though, they were a bit desperate and willingly went along with what they should have known was wrong. Power can only exist if you let it exist.
They did know what was going on, but that wasn't the point. They knew people were being dragged from their homes for being Jewish, and they knew Jewish shops were being raided and property confiscated. They knew terrible things were going on, even before the genocide began.

They heard their government rant and rave against Jews every day, but did nothing. That is the point, as turning a blind eye to murder because of race or religion is just as bad as being a participant in that crime.

The student leaders of the rose movement understood, and it is a shame you don't. Doing nothing and turning a blind eye to the activities of a totalitarian government, is just as useful to a regime as supporting them. All a regime like Nazi Germany needs is a passive population, that turns a blind eye.
The Nazi Holocaust wouldn't have happened if the German people (particularly the middle class and industrialists) popularly opposed the deportations. Some Nazi leaders in private thought they might have had to call it off, but were astounded how easily the German people went along with it.

The German people, like the Japanese people were collectively responsible for what happened to people under their control or 'protection', as they have multiple opportunities to oppose it.
I think that's going a bit too far. My mom grew up in Nazi Germany. Too young to do or know much but it is something I have pondered. I have seen many documentaries and don't believe most Germans really knew what was going on early on, many not until the end. What we take for granted here didn't happen then and there. Media was very controlled. The population was told what the Nazis wanted them to be told, period.

I am not excusing any responsibility though, they were a bit desperate and willingly went along with what they should have known was wrong. Power can only exist if you let it exist.
They did know what was going on, but that wasn't the point. They knew people were being dragged from their homes for being Jewish, and they knew Jewish shops were being raided and property confiscated. They knew terrible things were going on, even before the genocide began.

They heard their government rant and rave against Jews every day, but did nothing. That is the point, as turning a blind eye to murder because of race or religion is just as bad as being a participant in that crime.

The student leaders of the rose movement understood, and it is a shame you don't. Doing nothing and turning a blind eye to the activities of a totalitarian government, is just as useful to a regime as supporting them. All a regime like Nazi Germany needs is a passive population, that turns a blind eye.
Knowing bad things were going on is not the same as knowing genocide was going to happen. You are contradicting yourself.
A beautiful sight in Paris tonight as French nationalists gather to condemn the Muslim invaders of their country. Hopefully this is an awakening for them and will send the Islamists packing. German nationals are protesting too. Europe needs a good swift purging of these 3rd worlders.

Now here come the riots and looting! Oh wait, they're European white people.






Beautiful. Now is the time for every magazine, Internet website, and channel on TV across the world to publish those Mohammad cartoons as a sign of unity in the face of Islamic barbarism.

Too bad the media is controlled by leftist cowards, they don't have the balls.

the thing is you are not hearing about Jews and Christians being included in the cartoons. What a striking contrast between peaceful Jews and Christians vs muslim nutjobs.
This is a phony attempt. Put your name and address underneath the picture, or post that picture in a magazine or in public with your name on it, and then we'll talk. A guy like Sunni can make a few phone calls if you know what I mean

Millions of people have been posting these anti islam pictures since 9-11 on these anonymous boards.

And yet they are still around lol. In any case these are the kind of stupid prove it challenges people present when they have no evidence to support an argument. Let me tell you two facts. No one with a brain would be stupid enough to do that. Even if this forum were remotely relevant, the people I have to worry about are the whacko grandma basement dwellers here, not some Muslim getting on a plane. As far as putting your money where your mouth is I believe if you aren't you have no business giving your opinion. I have had a cartoon Mohammed sticker on my car for over a year now. So the question is, have you done the same and put yourself out there beyond the Anonynets?

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