Mass shooting near school in Baltimore

Racism seems to go hand in hand with a gun fetish and bigotry. The common denominator ... drum roll please .... hate and fear.
Nonsense. the well established, and verifiable fact of reality is that gun control measures historically have been race/ethnically motivated. Look up the Black Codes adopted after the civil war, look into the Sullivan Act.

So? What do events 100+ years ago have with the posts of the gun fetish community and their racists comments posted above? Nothing!
Progressives are still motivated to keep guns out of the hands of everyone but the right whites.

Those who pathologically react with anger on a discussion on a forum such as this, also post hateful comments about environmentalists, gays, ethnic minorities, the poor and, in fact, anyone who dares to confront their faux conservatism.
OK. Whatever.

Face it, you and the rest of the set are anti democratic, authoritarians who are fueled by greed, hate and fear. Such personage have historically been in power and always scapegoat a section of a population.
Face it, those like you who wish to concentrate gun ownership in the hands of the politically privileged elite, are the "anti democratic, authoritarians who are fueled by greed, hate and fear."

Basically you're dishonest. I want everyone who wants to own, possess or ever have in their custody and control licensed by their state. Posting lies won't change my policy positions no matter how often those on the fringe try to rewrite it.

We have a problem and that problems is gun violence. It impacts families, schools, small business, government services on all levels and health care.

The NRA and its followers offer no solutions, for their rights to enjoy their fetish, supersede the rights of everyone else. Thus it is my opinion that the NRA and its members are culpable for more deaths of innocent Americans than all the terrorists have accomplished.

And what does a "License" actually do.,..what is the mechanics of requiring non criminal, non violent people to get a piece of paper....considering criminals won't get one, and mass shooters will get one if they don't plan on murdering people for a while....thereby making a license just stupid.

See, this is the mechanics of a gun license....

A normal, non sociopath citizen buys a gun and carries it for self defense. He commits no crime with it.

A normal, non sociopath citizen is required to get a license, he gets the license, carries the gun and commits no crime with it.

The difference between the, the license costs the guy more money, and if he is poor it makes it hard if not impossible to afford a gun.

Second, if he screws up on the paperwork, or fails to get the paperwork he never needed before and which does nothing to stop him from committing a crime because he is normal and will not commit a crime...he can be arrested and turned into a felon........for a paperwork mistake.

New one....

A citizen buys a gun and carries it. He commits a crime with the gun and is arrested and put in jail.

No license is currently required to do this.

New one....

A criminal doesn't get a license, he buys a gun and carries it and commits a crime with it, gets caught, arrested and put in jail.

No license is required to do this.

A felon, does not get a license, buys a gun and carries it....does not commit a crime, yet, but is stopped by police and they see he, as a felon has a gun...they arrest him, put him in jail....

No license was required to do this becaue it is already against the law for a felon to have a gun.

So tell me wry....just what purpose does a license serve that isn't already done without the license....

The just want the chance to fuck over a normal, law abiding gun owner who commits the crime of wanting to own and carry a gun for self defense...just admit it...that is the whole point to a license, gun registration and universal background checks.
Racism seems to go hand in hand with a gun fetish and bigotry. The common denominator ... drum roll please .... hate and fear.
Nonsense. the well established, and verifiable fact of reality is that gun control measures historically have been race/ethnically motivated. Look up the Black Codes adopted after the civil war, look into the Sullivan Act.

So? What do events 100+ years ago have with the posts of the gun fetish community and their racists comments posted above? Nothing!
Progressives are still motivated to keep guns out of the hands of everyone but the right whites.

Those who pathologically react with anger on a discussion on a forum such as this, also post hateful comments about environmentalists, gays, ethnic minorities, the poor and, in fact, anyone who dares to confront their faux conservatism.
OK. Whatever.

Face it, you and the rest of the set are anti democratic, authoritarians who are fueled by greed, hate and fear. Such personage have historically been in power and always scapegoat a section of a population.
Face it, those like you who wish to concentrate gun ownership in the hands of the politically privileged elite, are the "anti democratic, authoritarians who are fueled by greed, hate and fear."

Basically you're dishonest. I want everyone who wants to own, possess or ever have in their custody and control licensed by their state. Posting lies won't change my policy positions no matter how often those on the fringe try to rewrite it.

We have a problem and that problems is gun violence. It impacts families, schools, small business, government services on all levels and health care.

The NRA and its followers offer no solutions, for their rights to enjoy their fetish, supersede the rights of everyone else. Thus it is my opinion that the NRA and its members are culpable for more deaths of innocent Americans than all the terrorists have accomplished.

We offer the actual solution...catch gun crimnals and lock them up.
Racism seems to go hand in hand with a gun fetish and bigotry. The common denominator ... drum roll please .... hate and fear.
Nonsense. the well established, and verifiable fact of reality is that gun control measures historically have been race/ethnically motivated. Look up the Black Codes adopted after the civil war, look into the Sullivan Act.

So? What do events 100+ years ago have with the posts of the gun fetish community and their racists comments posted above? Nothing!
Progressives are still motivated to keep guns out of the hands of everyone but the right whites.

Those who pathologically react with anger on a discussion on a forum such as this, also post hateful comments about environmentalists, gays, ethnic minorities, the poor and, in fact, anyone who dares to confront their faux conservatism.
OK. Whatever.

Face it, you and the rest of the set are anti democratic, authoritarians who are fueled by greed, hate and fear. Such personage have historically been in power and always scapegoat a section of a population.
Face it, those like you who wish to concentrate gun ownership in the hands of the politically privileged elite, are the "anti democratic, authoritarians who are fueled by greed, hate and fear."

Basically you're dishonest. I want everyone who wants to own, possess or ever have in their custody and control licensed by their state. Posting lies won't change my policy positions no matter how often those on the fringe try to rewrite it.

We have a problem and that problems is gun violence. It impacts families, schools, small business, government services on all levels and health care.

The NRA and its followers offer no solutions, for their rights to enjoy their fetish, supersede the rights of everyone else. Thus it is my opinion that the NRA and its members are culpable for more deaths of innocent Americans than all the terrorists have accomplished.

And what does a "License" actually do.,..what is the mechanics of requiring non criminal, non violent people to get a piece of paper....considering criminals won't get one, and mass shooters will get one if they don't plan on murdering people for a while....thereby making a license just stupid.

See, this is the mechanics of a gun license....

A normal, non sociopath citizen buys a gun and carries it for self defense. He commits no crime with it.

A normal, non sociopath citizen is required to get a license, he gets the license, carries the gun and commits no crime with it.

The difference between the, the license costs the guy more money, and if he is poor it makes it hard if not impossible to afford a gun.

Second, if he screws up on the paperwork, or fails to get the paperwork he never needed before and which does nothing to stop him from committing a crime because he is normal and will not commit a crime...he can be arrested and turned into a felon........for a paperwork mistake.

New one....

A citizen buys a gun and carries it. He commits a crime with the gun and is arrested and put in jail.

No license is currently required to do this.

New one....

A criminal doesn't get a license, he buys a gun and carries it and commits a crime with it, gets caught, arrested and put in jail.

No license is required to do this.

A felon, does not get a license, buys a gun and carries it....does not commit a crime, yet, but is stopped by police and they see he, as a felon has a gun...they arrest him, put him in jail....

No license was required to do this becaue it is already against the law for a felon to have a gun.

So tell me wry....just what purpose does a license serve that isn't already done without the license....

The just want the chance to fuck over a normal, law abiding gun owner who commits the crime of wanting to own and carry a gun for self defense...just admit it...that is the whole point to a license, gun registration and universal background checks.

I've posted it numerous times. Which you know, so stop lying.
Racism seems to go hand in hand with a gun fetish and bigotry. The common denominator ... drum roll please .... hate and fear.
Nonsense. the well established, and verifiable fact of reality is that gun control measures historically have been race/ethnically motivated. Look up the Black Codes adopted after the civil war, look into the Sullivan Act.

So? What do events 100+ years ago have with the posts of the gun fetish community and their racists comments posted above? Nothing!
Progressives are still motivated to keep guns out of the hands of everyone but the right whites.

Those who pathologically react with anger on a discussion on a forum such as this, also post hateful comments about environmentalists, gays, ethnic minorities, the poor and, in fact, anyone who dares to confront their faux conservatism.
OK. Whatever.

Face it, you and the rest of the set are anti democratic, authoritarians who are fueled by greed, hate and fear. Such personage have historically been in power and always scapegoat a section of a population.
Face it, those like you who wish to concentrate gun ownership in the hands of the politically privileged elite, are the "anti democratic, authoritarians who are fueled by greed, hate and fear."

Basically you're dishonest. I want everyone who wants to own, possess or ever have in their custody and control licensed by their state. Posting lies won't change my policy positions no matter how often those on the fringe try to rewrite it.

We have a problem and that problems is gun violence. It impacts families, schools, small business, government services on all levels and health care.

The NRA and its followers offer no solutions, for their rights to enjoy their fetish, supersede the rights of everyone else. Thus it is my opinion that the NRA and its members are culpable for more deaths of innocent Americans than all the terrorists have accomplished.

We offer the actual solution...catch gun crimnals and lock them up.

Funny that, that's what I did for 32 years.
Nonsense. the well established, and verifiable fact of reality is that gun control measures historically have been race/ethnically motivated. Look up the Black Codes adopted after the civil war, look into the Sullivan Act.

So? What do events 100+ years ago have with the posts of the gun fetish community and their racists comments posted above? Nothing!
Progressives are still motivated to keep guns out of the hands of everyone but the right whites.

Those who pathologically react with anger on a discussion on a forum such as this, also post hateful comments about environmentalists, gays, ethnic minorities, the poor and, in fact, anyone who dares to confront their faux conservatism.
OK. Whatever.

Face it, you and the rest of the set are anti democratic, authoritarians who are fueled by greed, hate and fear. Such personage have historically been in power and always scapegoat a section of a population.
Face it, those like you who wish to concentrate gun ownership in the hands of the politically privileged elite, are the "anti democratic, authoritarians who are fueled by greed, hate and fear."

Basically you're dishonest.
Not at all. None of your factually baseless accusations have any merit.

I want everyone who wants to own, possess or ever have in their custody and control licensed by their state.
Good. What do you offer in return? Nothing of value?

Posting lies won't change my policy positions no matter how often those on the fringe try to rewrite it.
What lies? I posted no lies.

We have a problem and that problems is gun violence.
No. YOU have a problem with "gun violence." For the rest of us the problem is violence... ALL of it. You obviously find violence entirely acceptable, provided only that no gun is involved.

Probably because in your romanticized notions of violence, guns allow for an unfair advantage... for victims.

It impacts families, schools, small business, government services on all levels and health care.
Right. Not violence... ONLY "gun violence."

The NRA and its followers offer no solutions, for their rights to enjoy their fetish, supersede the rights of everyone else.
100% denial of reality from a superstitious gun-queer.

Thus it is my opinion that the NRA and its members are culpable for more deaths of innocent Americans than all the terrorists have accomplished.
An opinion based entirely on logical fallacy and OBVIOUS disinformation.

Nothing you've posted reflects reality. Thus, you are schizophrenic or a liar.
Nonsense. None of your factually baseless accusations have any merit.

Which logical fallacy do you suppose I've committed?
Ignoratio Elenchi, Argumentum Ad-hominem, Du Chaudron, Strawman Fallacy, Fallacy of Composition, Magical Thinking, Appeal to Emotion, Post Hoc, Affirming the Consequent... the list goes on--pick one, Princess.

BTW, I recommend you look up the work "culpable", maybe your ignorance will defend your foolish remarks.
Done. Now let's see if you can make a point using valid logic applied to verifiable facts of reality.
So? What do events 100+ years ago have with the posts of the gun fetish community and their racists comments posted above? Nothing!
Progressives are still motivated to keep guns out of the hands of everyone but the right whites.

Those who pathologically react with anger on a discussion on a forum such as this, also post hateful comments about environmentalists, gays, ethnic minorities, the poor and, in fact, anyone who dares to confront their faux conservatism.
OK. Whatever.

Face it, you and the rest of the set are anti democratic, authoritarians who are fueled by greed, hate and fear. Such personage have historically been in power and always scapegoat a section of a population.
Face it, those like you who wish to concentrate gun ownership in the hands of the politically privileged elite, are the "anti democratic, authoritarians who are fueled by greed, hate and fear."

Basically you're dishonest.
Not at all. None of your factually baseless accusations have any merit.

I want everyone who wants to own, possess or ever have in their custody and control licensed by their state.
Good. What do you offer in return? Nothing of value?

Posting lies won't change my policy positions no matter how often those on the fringe try to rewrite it.
What lies? I posted no lies.

We have a problem and that problems is gun violence.
No. YOU have a problem with "gun violence." For the rest of us the problem is violence... ALL of it. You obviously find violence entirely acceptable, provided only that no gun is involved.

Probably because in your romanticized notions of violence, guns allow for an unfair advantage... for victims.

It impacts families, schools, small business, government services on all levels and health care.
Right. Not violence... ONLY "gun violence."

The NRA and its followers offer no solutions, for their rights to enjoy their fetish, supersede the rights of everyone else.
100% denial of reality from a superstitious gun-queer.

Thus it is my opinion that the NRA and its members are culpable for more deaths of innocent Americans than all the terrorists have accomplished.
An opinion based entirely on logical fallacy and OBVIOUS disinformation.

Nothing you've posted reflects reality. Thus, you are schizophrenic or a liar.
Nonsense. None of your factually baseless accusations have any merit.

Which logical fallacy do you suppose I've committed?
Ignoratio Elenchi, Argumentum Ad-hominem, Du Chaudron, Strawman Fallacy, Fallacy of Composition, Magical Thinking, Appeal to Emotion, Post Hoc, Affirming the Consequent... the list goes on--pick one, Princess.

BTW, I recommend you look up the work "culpable", maybe your ignorance will defend your foolish remarks.
Done. Now let's see if you can make a point using valid logic applied to verifiable facts of reality.

Anyone can go on line and list logical fallacies. Without providing examples you have done nothing beyond mentally masturbating (MM).

That you think, oops, that you believe your response is anything but MM is sad.

Guns are ubiquitous in our culture and easily obtained by all of us, even those most of us agree should never own, possess or have one in their custody and control.

Gun sales to those who should never have access to them can be limited if a national registry existed, where anyone who sold a gun could check to see if the buyer was legally licensed on line.

There exists no Constitutional Right to Privacy, no matter how the NRA and its supporters want to spin "infringed".

Thus the sale a of a gun to an unlicensed person would become a felony, and cause to suspend or revoke the license of the seller.

For the seller would by definition become a criminal.

It would also make sense for all new guns sold to be registered to the buyer, and when the gun is sold, it is sold to a buyer licensed, and the record of the sale be forwarded to the DOJ.

Thus, if the weapon is used in a crime, it can be tracked to its lawful owner; and, if the gun is stolen, it can be reported as such and recorded on the same registry.

Can and will fraud continue? Of course, but laws are made because (1) honest citizens understand the need for laws and respect them, and (2) those who violate the law are punished. That is why they mostly work. To not have laws is anarchy.

There is no rational rebuttal to this argument; only an emotional challenge; such challenges always includes a recitation of the Second Amendment, which only fools and those challenged by reality believe is sacrosanct.

Getting a license will be easy, as long as one has never been convicted of a crime of violence, has never been civilly detained as a danger to themselves or others, found by a court to be a member of a criminal gang, sanctioned with a restraining order or on probation.

Of course anyone prohibited by the Gun Control Act of 1968 should be unable to secure a license.
Last edited:
Five shot near elementary school in West Baltimore

Why is this only local news? Why did it take someone to forward me this story for me to hear about it? Why isn't this national headlines? Mass shooting - check. Next to a school - check. Why wouldn't liberals and the media jump all over this?

More reason to ban guns

Fine, pass a Constitutional Amendment & you can ban guns like we banned booze in the 20s. That worked out fabulous didn't it....
Progressives are still motivated to keep guns out of the hands of everyone but the right whites.

OK. Whatever.

Face it, those like you who wish to concentrate gun ownership in the hands of the politically privileged elite, are the "anti democratic, authoritarians who are fueled by greed, hate and fear."

Basically you're dishonest.
Not at all. None of your factually baseless accusations have any merit.

I want everyone who wants to own, possess or ever have in their custody and control licensed by their state.
Good. What do you offer in return? Nothing of value?

Posting lies won't change my policy positions no matter how often those on the fringe try to rewrite it.
What lies? I posted no lies.

We have a problem and that problems is gun violence.
No. YOU have a problem with "gun violence." For the rest of us the problem is violence... ALL of it. You obviously find violence entirely acceptable, provided only that no gun is involved.

Probably because in your romanticized notions of violence, guns allow for an unfair advantage... for victims.

It impacts families, schools, small business, government services on all levels and health care.
Right. Not violence... ONLY "gun violence."

The NRA and its followers offer no solutions, for their rights to enjoy their fetish, supersede the rights of everyone else.
100% denial of reality from a superstitious gun-queer.

Thus it is my opinion that the NRA and its members are culpable for more deaths of innocent Americans than all the terrorists have accomplished.
An opinion based entirely on logical fallacy and OBVIOUS disinformation.

Nothing you've posted reflects reality. Thus, you are schizophrenic or a liar.
Nonsense. None of your factually baseless accusations have any merit.

Which logical fallacy do you suppose I've committed?
Ignoratio Elenchi, Argumentum Ad-hominem, Du Chaudron, Strawman Fallacy, Fallacy of Composition, Magical Thinking, Appeal to Emotion, Post Hoc, Affirming the Consequent... the list goes on--pick one, Princess.

BTW, I recommend you look up the work "culpable", maybe your ignorance will defend your foolish remarks.
Done. Now let's see if you can make a point using valid logic applied to verifiable facts of reality.

Anyone can go on line and list logical fallacies. Without providing examples you have done nothing beyond mentally masturbating (MM).

That you think, oops, that you believe your response is anything but MM is sad.

Guns are ubiquitous in our culture and easily obtained by all of us, even those most of us agree should never own, possess or have one in their custody and control.

Gun sales to those who should never have access to them can be limited if a national registry existed, where anyone who sold a gun could check to see if the buyer was legally licensed on line.

There exists no Constitutional Right to Privacy, no matter how the NRA and its supporters want to spin "infringed".

Thus the sale a of a gun to an unlicensed person would become a felony, and cause to suspend or revoke the license of the seller.

For the seller would by definition become a criminal.

It would also make sense for all new guns sold to be registered to the buyer, and when the gun is sold, it is sold to a buyer licensed, and the record of the sale be forwarded to the DOJ.

Thus, if the weapon is used in a crime, it can be tracked to its lawful owner; and, if the gun is stolen, it can be reported as such and recorded on the same registry.

Can and will fraud continue? Of course, but laws are made because (1) honest citizens understand the need for laws and respect them, and (2) those who violate the law are punished. That is why they mostly work. To not have laws is anarchy.

There is no rational rebuttal to this argument; only an emotional challenge; such challenges always includes a recitation of the Second Amendment, which only fools and those challenged by reality believe is sacrosanct.

Getting a license will be easy, as long as one has never been convicted of a crime of violence, has never been civilly detained as a danger to themselves or others, found by a court to be a member of a criminal gang, sanctioned with a restraining order or on probation.

Of course anyone prohibited by the Gun Control Act of 1968 should be unable to secure a license.

Criminals can't legally own guns now………they won't be on the registry when you create it…they will get people who can get onto the registry to buy their guns or they will steal them……

More useless crap.

And what is the magic of a gun License…it does nothing to criminals or mass shooters…….you guys are obsessed with these laws that do nothing…but generate paperwork and inconvenience normal people…..

Do you realize that not one of the things you just posted will do anything to reduce criminals or mass shooters from getting guns..not one.

YOur data base, your registry, are all avoided by stealing guns or straw purchasers…..and create nothing but legal traps for law abiding people.

The only thing you need to do to stop gun crime…..put gun criminals in jail for a long time when you catch them….everything else is stupid and a waste of time.

None of the things you just suggested will help put criminals in jail either.

Canada just ended their gun registry..why….it cost a fortune, far more than the anti gunners said it would cost, the manpower need was way over what the anti gunners said it would take to maintain……and they couldn't register all of the guns and they just have 15 million…meanwhile, gangs in Canada easily get guns…..

If someone uses a gun to commit a arrest them….if they get out of jail then they can't own guns again and if you catch them with a gun you can arrest them again and lock them up….

You don't need to license normal gun owners, you don't need to create a national registry, and you can lower the gun murder rate by getting violent criminals off the streets.

It really is that simple….
Five shot near elementary school in West Baltimore

Why is this only local news? Why did it take someone to forward me this story for me to hear about it? Why isn't this national headlines? Mass shooting - check. Next to a school - check. Why wouldn't liberals and the media jump all over this?

More reason to ban guns

Fine, pass a Constitutional Amendment & you can ban guns like we banned booze in the 20s. That worked out fabulous didn't it....

I'll try to simplify the issue:
  • Very few advocate a total ban on guns.
  • Not everyone who wants more gun control wants to confiscate guns from law abiding citizens.
  • Gun violence in America is a problem.
  • Gun control debates seek a solution.
  • Victims of guns - those killed and their loved ones - have had their life infringed forever.
  • Prohibition does not work, regulations do but can never be perfect.
Basically you're dishonest.
Not at all. None of your factually baseless accusations have any merit.

I want everyone who wants to own, possess or ever have in their custody and control licensed by their state.
Good. What do you offer in return? Nothing of value?

Posting lies won't change my policy positions no matter how often those on the fringe try to rewrite it.
What lies? I posted no lies.

We have a problem and that problems is gun violence.
No. YOU have a problem with "gun violence." For the rest of us the problem is violence... ALL of it. You obviously find violence entirely acceptable, provided only that no gun is involved.

Probably because in your romanticized notions of violence, guns allow for an unfair advantage... for victims.

It impacts families, schools, small business, government services on all levels and health care.
Right. Not violence... ONLY "gun violence."

The NRA and its followers offer no solutions, for their rights to enjoy their fetish, supersede the rights of everyone else.
100% denial of reality from a superstitious gun-queer.

Thus it is my opinion that the NRA and its members are culpable for more deaths of innocent Americans than all the terrorists have accomplished.
An opinion based entirely on logical fallacy and OBVIOUS disinformation.

Nothing you've posted reflects reality. Thus, you are schizophrenic or a liar.
Nonsense. None of your factually baseless accusations have any merit.

Which logical fallacy do you suppose I've committed?
Ignoratio Elenchi, Argumentum Ad-hominem, Du Chaudron, Strawman Fallacy, Fallacy of Composition, Magical Thinking, Appeal to Emotion, Post Hoc, Affirming the Consequent... the list goes on--pick one, Princess.

BTW, I recommend you look up the work "culpable", maybe your ignorance will defend your foolish remarks.
Done. Now let's see if you can make a point using valid logic applied to verifiable facts of reality.

Anyone can go on line and list logical fallacies. Without providing examples you have done nothing beyond mentally masturbating (MM).

That you think, oops, that you believe your response is anything but MM is sad.

Guns are ubiquitous in our culture and easily obtained by all of us, even those most of us agree should never own, possess or have one in their custody and control.

Gun sales to those who should never have access to them can be limited if a national registry existed, where anyone who sold a gun could check to see if the buyer was legally licensed on line.

There exists no Constitutional Right to Privacy, no matter how the NRA and its supporters want to spin "infringed".

Thus the sale a of a gun to an unlicensed person would become a felony, and cause to suspend or revoke the license of the seller.

For the seller would by definition become a criminal.

It would also make sense for all new guns sold to be registered to the buyer, and when the gun is sold, it is sold to a buyer licensed, and the record of the sale be forwarded to the DOJ.

Thus, if the weapon is used in a crime, it can be tracked to its lawful owner; and, if the gun is stolen, it can be reported as such and recorded on the same registry.

Can and will fraud continue? Of course, but laws are made because (1) honest citizens understand the need for laws and respect them, and (2) those who violate the law are punished. That is why they mostly work. To not have laws is anarchy.

There is no rational rebuttal to this argument; only an emotional challenge; such challenges always includes a recitation of the Second Amendment, which only fools and those challenged by reality believe is sacrosanct.

Getting a license will be easy, as long as one has never been convicted of a crime of violence, has never been civilly detained as a danger to themselves or others, found by a court to be a member of a criminal gang, sanctioned with a restraining order or on probation.

Of course anyone prohibited by the Gun Control Act of 1968 should be unable to secure a license.

Criminals can't legally own guns now………they won't be on the registry when you create it…they will get people who can get onto the registry to buy their guns or they will steal them……

More useless crap.

And what is the magic of a gun License…it does nothing to criminals or mass shooters…….you guys are obsessed with these laws that do nothing…but generate paperwork and inconvenience normal people…..

Do you realize that not one of the things you just posted will do anything to reduce criminals or mass shooters from getting guns..not one.

YOur data base, your registry, are all avoided by stealing guns or straw purchasers…..and create nothing but legal traps for law abiding people.

The only thing you need to do to stop gun crime…..put gun criminals in jail for a long time when you catch them….everything else is stupid and a waste of time.

None of the things you just suggested will help put criminals in jail either.

Canada just ended their gun registry..why….it cost a fortune, far more than the anti gunners said it would cost, the manpower need was way over what the anti gunners said it would take to maintain……and they couldn't register all of the guns and they just have 15 million…meanwhile, gangs in Canada easily get guns…..

If someone uses a gun to commit a arrest them….if they get out of jail then they can't own guns again and if you catch them with a gun you can arrest them again and lock them up….

You don't need to license normal gun owners, you don't need to create a national registry, and you can lower the gun murder rate by getting violent criminals off the streets.

It really is that simple….

You're an idiot in need of a village.
Five shot near elementary school in West Baltimore

Why is this only local news? Why did it take someone to forward me this story for me to hear about it? Why isn't this national headlines? Mass shooting - check. Next to a school - check. Why wouldn't liberals and the media jump all over this?

More reason to ban guns

Fine, pass a Constitutional Amendment & you can ban guns like we banned booze in the 20s. That worked out fabulous didn't it....

I'll try to simplify the issue:
  • Very few advocate a total ban on guns.
  • Not everyone who wants more gun control wants to confiscate guns from law abiding citizens.
  • Gun violence in America is a problem.
  • Gun control debates seek a solution.
  • Victims of guns - those killed and their loved ones - have had their life infringed forever.
  • Prohibition does not work, regulations do but can never be perfect.

I was responding to rightwinger who would completely shred the 2nd Amendment. But let's address your points....

  • Very few advocate a total ban on guns. There's more than you realize.

  • Not everyone who wants more gun control wants to confiscate guns from law abiding citizens. There should not be anyone who would want to confiscate guns from law abiding citizens. Owning a gun is a fundamental individual right. The same as free speech, thought & worship.
  • Gun violence in America is a problem. Of course it is, but more gun control leads to more problems. We have enough evidence of this.
  • Gun control debates seek a solution. We do as well. Start addressing the problem, not the symptoms. How about we start with that in mind for a change?
  • Victims of guns - those killed and their loved ones - have had their life infringed forever. Yes they have, but infringing the rights of law abiding citizens does nothing to combat the issue.

  • Prohibition does not work, regulations do but can never be perfect. You are correct, prohibition does not work. Then provide solutions which will work. Here are a few: Get rid of gun free zones immediately. Immediate nation-wide reciprocity for carry permits--why is a privilege (driving) accorded this while a right is not? Hard sentences for criminals who commit crimes with guns or who steal them. No early outs & start with 25 years min for first offense. Castle Doctrine across the land. See the key is to go after the criminal, not the law abiding citizen.
Racism seems to go hand in hand with a gun fetish and bigotry. The common denominator ... drum roll please .... hate and fear.
Nonsense. the well established, and verifiable fact of reality is that gun control measures historically have been race/ethnically motivated. Look up the Black Codes adopted after the civil war, look into the Sullivan Act.

So? What do events 100+ years ago have with the posts of the gun fetish community and their racists comments posted above? Nothing!
Progressives are still motivated to keep guns out of the hands of everyone but the right whites.

Those who pathologically react with anger on a discussion on a forum such as this, also post hateful comments about environmentalists, gays, ethnic minorities, the poor and, in fact, anyone who dares to confront their faux conservatism.
OK. Whatever.

Face it, you and the rest of the set are anti democratic, authoritarians who are fueled by greed, hate and fear. Such personage have historically been in power and always scapegoat a section of a population.
Face it, those like you who wish to concentrate gun ownership in the hands of the politically privileged elite, are the "anti democratic, authoritarians who are fueled by greed, hate and fear."

Basically you're dishonest. I want everyone who wants to own, possess or ever have in their custody and control licensed by their state. Posting lies won't change my policy positions no matter how often those on the fringe try to rewrite it.

We have a problem and that problems is gun violence. It impacts families, schools, small business, government services on all levels and health care.

The NRA and its followers offer no solutions, for their rights to enjoy their fetish, supersede the rights of everyone else. Thus it is my opinion that the NRA and its members are culpable for more deaths of innocent Americans than all the terrorists have accomplished.
gun violence? Really. We have people violence using guns to act out. Period. And usually the people doing their act have legally obtained the gun. Your problem is you still don't understand human behavior. Not many do or ever will. Do you know what causes depression? Nope, no one does, but they have drugs that can help the feelings. So basically, does society state depressed people ought not to have the right to own a gun? You tell me. It isn't the NRAs job to be psychologists. You are preaching at the wrong choir. What's your solution?
Seems you are looking at others to solve the problem you believe is out there, and yet you don't know what the problem actually is. Why don't you first understand the problem and again, the problem is not guns. A gun is an object.
Five shot near elementary school in West Baltimore

Why is this only local news? Why did it take someone to forward me this story for me to hear about it? Why isn't this national headlines? Mass shooting - check. Next to a school - check. Why wouldn't liberals and the media jump all over this?

More reason to ban guns

Fine, pass a Constitutional Amendment & you can ban guns like we banned booze in the 20s. That worked out fabulous didn't it....

I'll try to simplify the issue:
  • Very few advocate a total ban on guns.
  • Not everyone who wants more gun control wants to confiscate guns from law abiding citizens.
  • Gun violence in America is a problem.
  • Gun control debates seek a solution.
  • Victims of guns - those killed and their loved ones - have had their life infringed forever.
  • Prohibition does not work, regulations do but can never be perfect.

I was responding to rightwinger who would completely shred the 2nd Amendment. But let's address your points....

  • Very few advocate a total ban on guns. There's more than you realize.

  • Not everyone who wants more gun control wants to confiscate guns from law abiding citizens. There should not be anyone who would want to confiscate guns from law abiding citizens. Owning a gun is a fundamental individual right. The same as free speech, thought & worship.
  • Gun violence in America is a problem. Of course it is, but more gun control leads to more problems. We have enough evidence of this.
  • Gun control debates seek a solution. We do as well. Start addressing the problem, not the symptoms. How about we start with that in mind for a change?
  • Victims of guns - those killed and their loved ones - have had their life infringed forever. Yes they have, but infringing the rights of law abiding citizens does nothing to combat the issue.

  • Prohibition does not work, regulations do but can never be perfect. You are correct, prohibition does not work. Then provide solutions which will work. Here are a few: Get rid of gun free zones immediately. Immediate nation-wide reciprocity for carry permits--why is a privilege (driving) accorded this while a right is not? Hard sentences for criminals who commit crimes with guns or who steal them. No early outs & start with 25 years min for first offense. Castle Doctrine across the land. See the key is to go after the criminal, not the law abiding citizen.

Your bias is evident even before I read your comments. An avatar pointing a gun is not something an open minded gun owner would likely use. But I digress.

a. Maybe more than I realize seek to abolish gun in America, I'm not one of them.

b. Free speech and worship are not absolute rights, speech is restricting (tell the flight attendent you have a gun next time you board an arliner), and no religion is allowed to sacrifice virgins or are they allowed to than one spouse. The Second also has restrictions on military arms, felons and mentally ill persons.

c. What probative evidence do you have that more gun control equates to more gun violence? Evidence from GB & Australia suggest otherwise.

d. Gun control proponents seek a solution, gun zealots seek more guns in the hands of more citizens as a solution. Which is sane, and which is not? Why not let each state decide?

e. Methinks the death of an innocent child or loved one is the greatest form of infringement. Requiring a license to own, possess or have in one's custody and control is no more burdensome than requiring a license to drive or fish or hunt.
Basically you're dishonest. I want everyone who wants to own, possess or ever have in their custody and control licensed by their state.
Still waiting for you to demonstrate the necessity of doing so.
Gun license / registration -- a sound argument? | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

[I see you took your pills this morning. Do you take the stupid pill first or the dishonesty pill first?]

Asked and answered several times, maybe you don't understand, or maybe you're a liar. I know you're both and as dumb as 2aguy who spams the same bullshit.
Racism seems to go hand in hand with a gun fetish and bigotry. The common denominator ... drum roll please .... hate and fear.
Nonsense. the well established, and verifiable fact of reality is that gun control measures historically have been race/ethnically motivated. Look up the Black Codes adopted after the civil war, look into the Sullivan Act.

So? What do events 100+ years ago have with the posts of the gun fetish community and their racists comments posted above? Nothing!

Those who pathologically react with anger on a discussion on a forum such as this, also post hateful comments about environmentalists, gays, ethnic minorities, the poor and, in fact, anyone who dares to confront their faux conservatism.

Face it, you and the rest of the set are anti democratic, authoritarians who are fueled by greed, hate and fear. Such personage have historically been in power and always scapegoat a section of a population.
what does this have to do with the OP? You're probably Trolling around in many threads I supposed. Mass shooting is the OP what does your rant have to do with it?

You brought up the issue, you call others morons and it's pretty obvious you're incapable of even remembering your own posts, let alone the posts of others.
I called someone a moron? hmmmmm, I don't recall doing that in this thread. Can you provide the post number in which I called someone a moron? You must have me confused with another objective human.
Nonsense. the well established, and verifiable fact of reality is that gun control measures historically have been race/ethnically motivated. Look up the Black Codes adopted after the civil war, look into the Sullivan Act.

So? What do events 100+ years ago have with the posts of the gun fetish community and their racists comments posted above? Nothing!
Progressives are still motivated to keep guns out of the hands of everyone but the right whites.

Those who pathologically react with anger on a discussion on a forum such as this, also post hateful comments about environmentalists, gays, ethnic minorities, the poor and, in fact, anyone who dares to confront their faux conservatism.
OK. Whatever.

Face it, you and the rest of the set are anti democratic, authoritarians who are fueled by greed, hate and fear. Such personage have historically been in power and always scapegoat a section of a population.
Face it, those like you who wish to concentrate gun ownership in the hands of the politically privileged elite, are the "anti democratic, authoritarians who are fueled by greed, hate and fear."

Basically you're dishonest.
Not at all. None of your factually baseless accusations have any merit.

I want everyone who wants to own, possess or ever have in their custody and control licensed by their state.
Good. What do you offer in return? Nothing of value?

Posting lies won't change my policy positions no matter how often those on the fringe try to rewrite it.
What lies? I posted no lies.

We have a problem and that problems is gun violence.
No. YOU have a problem with "gun violence." For the rest of us the problem is violence... ALL of it. You obviously find violence entirely acceptable, provided only that no gun is involved.

Probably because in your romanticized notions of violence, guns allow for an unfair advantage... for victims.

It impacts families, schools, small business, government services on all levels and health care.
Right. Not violence... ONLY "gun violence."

The NRA and its followers offer no solutions, for their rights to enjoy their fetish, supersede the rights of everyone else.
100% denial of reality from a superstitious gun-queer.

Thus it is my opinion that the NRA and its members are culpable for more deaths of innocent Americans than all the terrorists have accomplished.
An opinion based entirely on logical fallacy and OBVIOUS disinformation.

Nothing you've posted reflects reality. Thus, you are schizophrenic or a liar.

Which logical fallacy do you suppose I've committed?

BTW, I recommend you look up the work "culpable", maybe your ignorance will defend your foolish remarks.
what is reality for you then?
Progressives are still motivated to keep guns out of the hands of everyone but the right whites.

OK. Whatever.

Face it, those like you who wish to concentrate gun ownership in the hands of the politically privileged elite, are the "anti democratic, authoritarians who are fueled by greed, hate and fear."

Basically you're dishonest.
Not at all. None of your factually baseless accusations have any merit.

I want everyone who wants to own, possess or ever have in their custody and control licensed by their state.
Good. What do you offer in return? Nothing of value?

Posting lies won't change my policy positions no matter how often those on the fringe try to rewrite it.
What lies? I posted no lies.

We have a problem and that problems is gun violence.
No. YOU have a problem with "gun violence." For the rest of us the problem is violence... ALL of it. You obviously find violence entirely acceptable, provided only that no gun is involved.

Probably because in your romanticized notions of violence, guns allow for an unfair advantage... for victims.

It impacts families, schools, small business, government services on all levels and health care.
Right. Not violence... ONLY "gun violence."

The NRA and its followers offer no solutions, for their rights to enjoy their fetish, supersede the rights of everyone else.
100% denial of reality from a superstitious gun-queer.

Thus it is my opinion that the NRA and its members are culpable for more deaths of innocent Americans than all the terrorists have accomplished.
An opinion based entirely on logical fallacy and OBVIOUS disinformation.

Nothing you've posted reflects reality. Thus, you are schizophrenic or a liar.
Nonsense. None of your factually baseless accusations have any merit.

Which logical fallacy do you suppose I've committed?
Ignoratio Elenchi, Argumentum Ad-hominem, Du Chaudron, Strawman Fallacy, Fallacy of Composition, Magical Thinking, Appeal to Emotion, Post Hoc, Affirming the Consequent... the list goes on--pick one, Princess.

BTW, I recommend you look up the work "culpable", maybe your ignorance will defend your foolish remarks.
Done. Now let's see if you can make a point using valid logic applied to verifiable facts of reality.

Anyone can go on line and list logical fallacies. Without providing examples you have done nothing beyond mentally masturbating (MM).

That you think, oops, that you believe your response is anything but MM is sad.

Guns are ubiquitous in our culture and easily obtained by all of us, even those most of us agree should never own, possess or have one in their custody and control.

Gun sales to those who should never have access to them can be limited if a national registry existed, where anyone who sold a gun could check to see if the buyer was legally licensed on line.

There exists no Constitutional Right to Privacy, no matter how the NRA and its supporters want to spin "infringed".

Thus the sale a of a gun to an unlicensed person would become a felony, and cause to suspend or revoke the license of the seller.

For the seller would by definition become a criminal.

It would also make sense for all new guns sold to be registered to the buyer, and when the gun is sold, it is sold to a buyer licensed, and the record of the sale be forwarded to the DOJ.

Thus, if the weapon is used in a crime, it can be tracked to its lawful owner; and, if the gun is stolen, it can be reported as such and recorded on the same registry.

Can and will fraud continue? Of course, but laws are made because (1) honest citizens understand the need for laws and respect them, and (2) those who violate the law are punished. That is why they mostly work. To not have laws is anarchy.

There is no rational rebuttal to this argument; only an emotional challenge; such challenges always includes a recitation of the Second Amendment, which only fools and those challenged by reality believe is sacrosanct.

Getting a license will be easy, as long as one has never been convicted of a crime of violence, has never been civilly detained as a danger to themselves or others, found by a court to be a member of a criminal gang, sanctioned with a restraining order or on probation.

Of course anyone prohibited by the Gun Control Act of 1968 should be unable to secure a license.
Northern Illinois had a bomb threat yesterday. No gun, so if there was a bomb would someone need a license to buy the material to make it?

Boston Bomber used pressure cookers instead of gun. All pressure cookers require a license to buy? As already stated nicely by others in here, you don't know what you're talking about.

And I'm telling you that you have no idea what the problem is to solve. Find that answer first. hint, has nothing to do with guns.
Five shot near elementary school in West Baltimore

Why is this only local news? Why did it take someone to forward me this story for me to hear about it? Why isn't this national headlines? Mass shooting - check. Next to a school - check. Why wouldn't liberals and the media jump all over this?

More reason to ban guns

Fine, pass a Constitutional Amendment & you can ban guns like we banned booze in the 20s. That worked out fabulous didn't it....

I'll try to simplify the issue:
  • Very few advocate a total ban on guns.
  • Not everyone who wants more gun control wants to confiscate guns from law abiding citizens.
  • Gun violence in America is a problem.
  • Gun control debates seek a solution.
  • Victims of guns - those killed and their loved ones - have had their life infringed forever.
  • Prohibition does not work, regulations do but can never be perfect.

I was responding to rightwinger who would completely shred the 2nd Amendment. But let's address your points....

  • Very few advocate a total ban on guns. There's more than you realize.

  • Not everyone who wants more gun control wants to confiscate guns from law abiding citizens. There should not be anyone who would want to confiscate guns from law abiding citizens. Owning a gun is a fundamental individual right. The same as free speech, thought & worship.
  • Gun violence in America is a problem. Of course it is, but more gun control leads to more problems. We have enough evidence of this.
  • Gun control debates seek a solution. We do as well. Start addressing the problem, not the symptoms. How about we start with that in mind for a change?
  • Victims of guns - those killed and their loved ones - have had their life infringed forever. Yes they have, but infringing the rights of law abiding citizens does nothing to combat the issue.

  • Prohibition does not work, regulations do but can never be perfect. You are correct, prohibition does not work. Then provide solutions which will work. Here are a few: Get rid of gun free zones immediately. Immediate nation-wide reciprocity for carry permits--why is a privilege (driving) accorded this while a right is not? Hard sentences for criminals who commit crimes with guns or who steal them. No early outs & start with 25 years min for first offense. Castle Doctrine across the land. See the key is to go after the criminal, not the law abiding citizen.

Your bias is evident even before I read your comments. An avatar pointing a gun is not something an open minded gun owner would likely use. But I digress. My choice of avatar means nothing, but let's not argue pedantics.

a. Maybe more than I realize seek to abolish gun in America, I'm not one of them. Good.

b. Free speech and worship are not absolute rights, speech is restricting (tell the flight attendent you have a gun next time you board an arliner), and no religion is allowed to sacrifice virgins or are they allowed to than one spouse. The Second also has restrictions on military arms, felons and mentally ill persons. Who said anything about absolute? I have no issue with felons & mentally ill not having arms. Though what do you mean by "military arms"? That's broad based. When I was on active duty, I had to qualify on the 9MM...does this make it a "military arm"?

c. What probative evidence do you have that more gun control equates to more gun violence? Evidence from GB & Australia suggest otherwise. And evidence closer to home trumps it. I used to live near DC & Baltimore (two cities with strict gun control). DC was the murder capital & Baltimore had the riots. Plus, we could discuss Chicago, New York, Detroit, etc.

d. Gun control proponents seek a solution, gun zealots seek more guns in the hands of more citizens as a solution. Which is sane, and which is not? Why not let each state decide?

Because in addition to the 2nd Amendment, it would violate the 14th Amendment as well. That's why abortion is legal nation wide. You can't have pockets of freedom on a fundamental right.

e. Methinks the death of an innocent child or loved one is the greatest form of infringement. Requiring a license to own, possess or have in one's custody and control is no more burdensome than requiring a license to drive or fish or hunt.

Driving is a privilege which is why you require a license. Hunting technically is a right, but the license is used to for game manage purposes, so I get that. My ability to defend myself is a fundamental right (much like speech, thought & religion). No permit should be required to exercise that right. Imagine if you had to have a license to type on this message board or were restricted to one post per month. If I died at the hands of a criminal because I could not exercise that right, that is just the same.

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