Mass Shootings: We Have To Work Harder

LOL VASTY more?? That's a good one. I'm surprised that you can spell IQ. I don't know who you are quoting in this latest word salad but it sounds like an entrance exam into the Trump Cult. There simply is no hope for you.

Racism - the use of a scapegoat, is what defines you Nazis.

More Nazi democrat wisdom;

Meanwhile, white kids are herded into separate classrooms and taught to raise their “awareness of the prevalence of Whiteness and privilege,” challenge “notions of colorblindness (and) assumptions of ‘normal,’ ‘good,’ and ‘American’” and “understand and own European ancestry and see the tie to privilege.”

The same slides point out that a number of leading private schools across the country also have segregated students by “race-based affinity groups.” It lists several in New York, including Riverdale Country School, Brooklyn Friends School, The Cathedral School, The Calhoun School, Ethical Culture Fieldston School, and Little Red School House and Elisabeth Irwin High School.}

We want to not be racist. We want to not believe that people who look different are different. It’s just that all around us we hear whispers that they are. According to Nayeli Chavez, a licensed clinical psychologist and associate professor at the Chicago School of Professional Psychology, we just can’t avoid it.

“I think that stops a lot of people from growing, thinking ‘I’m not racist, I don’t have racist beliefs,’ because it’s impossible…,” Chavez told Quartz. “You have to be from a different planet not to be racist and white in this country.” Our conscious brains say one thing, but our sweaty palms say another.

“Race always matters,” Hector Adames, Associate Professor of Psychology at the Chicago school told Quartz. Why is that? Chavez answers, “Race always matters because it was established as the defining feature of who was human and who was not human…Race has shaped the history of every individual who has set foot in this country.”}

Nazis were fine with the slaughter of innocent human beings.

So are you.

An example of a transitive law is “If a is equal to b and b is equal to c, then a is equal to c.” There are transitive laws for some relations but not for others. A transitive relation is one that holds between a and c if it also holds between a and b and between b and c for any substitution of objects for a, b, and c.

transitive law | logic and mathematics - Encyclopedia Britannica › ... › Philosophical Issues

You are no different from the Nazis.
Wow! All the way to C? Hell, by year's end you'll have the whole 26 memorized. Maybe it is worth it to go to an Ivy League college. People like you are the best argument for abortion. Good job, Comrade! If A hates America and B loves the hater then, A and B both hate America. I only learned up to B. You're much better off to STFU because it just makes the case for fourth term abortions. Why are you always trying to appear smart? It doesn't work. It's that whole silk purse and sow's ear thing.
Wow! All the way to C? Hell, by year's end you'll have the whole 26 memorized. Maybe it is worth it to go to an Ivy League college. People like you are the best argument for abortion. Good job, Comrade! If A hates America and B loves the hater then, A and B both hate America. I only learned up to B. You're much better off to STFU because it just makes the case for fourth term abortions. Why are you always trying to appear smart? It doesn't work. It's that whole silk purse and sow's ear thing.

So, no denial that you are a Nazi?

Okay, Comrade!

There is not 1° of difference between Nazis and Bolsheviks...and you.

A year after Lenin's death, 1924, the NYTimes published a small article about a newly established party in Germany, the National Socialist Labor Party, which "...persists in believing that Lenin and Hitler can be compared or contrasted...Dr. Goebell's....assertion that Lenin was the greatest man second only to Hitler....and that the difference between communism and the Hitler faith was very slight...." November 27, 1925.

Shortly thereafter the Nazis found it more useful to stress differences, and the earlier campaign posters showing similarities disappeared, posters with both the hammer and sickle and the swastika. (18:30)

a. "Hitler often stated that he learned much from reading Marx, and the whole of National Socialism is doctrinally based on Marxism." George Watson, Historian, Cambridge.

b. "Socialists in Germany were national socialists, communists were international socialists." Vladimir Bukovsky.

There is not 1° of difference between Nazis and Bolsheviks...and you.

A year after Lenin's death, 1924, the NYTimes published a small article about a newly established party in Germany, the National Socialist Labor Party, which "...persists in believing that Lenin and Hitler can be compared or contrasted...Dr. Goebell's....assertion that Lenin was the greatest man second only to Hitler....and that the difference between communism and the Hitler faith was very slight...." November 27, 1925.

Shortly thereafter the Nazis found it more useful to stress differences, and the earlier campaign posters showing similarities disappeared, posters with both the hammer and sickle and the swastika. (18:30)

a. "Hitler often stated that he learned much from reading Marx, and the whole of National Socialism is doctrinally based on Marxism." George Watson, Historian, Cambridge.

b. "Socialists in Germany were national socialists, communists were international socialists." Vladimir Bukovsky.
Why are you so surprised that someone calls you a Comrade? You support and defend a party that is hell bent on establishing a tyrannical system of government led by an autocratic madman. A party that is doing everything in its power to deny the right to vote to people of color because they realize that those folks will probably vote for the other side. You ignore the obvious symbiotic relationship between our long time staunch enemy and our former President even though his capitulation and groveling at the feet of that enemy was broadcast on world wide television for all to see. You see a party that is in transition from a party that has always had a right leaning lunatic fringe to a party that has been taken over by that lunatic fringe. And has now devolved into an anti American and anti democratic workforce for Putin and his dreams of destruction of anything and everything that America has stood for in the past. And as a person of color, you have proven that the plan is working. When even the targets of the hate filled rhetoric from the GOP are on board the crazy train, the divisions, the lies, the insurrection and the worship of a clown with a diseased mind, most intelligent folks can recognize what is underway and fight against it. But not you and your low IQ cronies. By your ceding to the madness you have become a soldier of Russia and of Putin and of his dictatorship. That makes you an enemy of all true Americans. It doesn't matter that you may have been successfully recruited via your skewed view of reality or via just plain stupidity and blind loyalty to a con man. It is what it is. You have become a Comrade of our enemies. And your only defense to that is by trying to brand your detractors as Commies, Nazis, socialists and all of the QAnon labels that are just silly. Your opinion of others or of yourself is the fruit of the poisonous tree that was planted in 2017. Someday it might dawn on you that you were owned but your avid defense of everything Trump does not bode well for your future.

You're so WITTY, toenail!

Do you agree that the democrat political platform is essentially Mein Kampf with whites in the role of the Jews?
You'd have to ask Trump about Mein Kampf because it is probably the only book he has ever read. It was the outline he used to gain power. From the sowing of distrust in the free press to the trashing of all entities that have any amount of power to hold him responsible for his crimes. But that perceived impenetrable wall is crumbling faster than his plans to build a real one. He will face justice. And as Desi Arnaz used to say, You've got some "Splainin' to do.
Why are you so surprised that someone calls you a Comrade? You support and defend a party that is hell bent on establishing a tyrannical system of government led by an autocratic madman. A party that is doing everything in its power to deny the right to vote to people of color because they realize that those folks will probably vote for the other side. You ignore the obvious symbiotic relationship between our long time staunch enemy and our former President even though his capitulation and groveling at the feet of that enemy was broadcast on world wide television for all to see. You see a party that is in transition from a party that has always had a right leaning lunatic fringe to a party that has been taken over by that lunatic fringe. And has now devolved into an anti American and anti democratic workforce for Putin and his dreams of destruction of anything and everything that America has stood for in the past. And as a person of color, you have proven that the plan is working. When even the targets of the hate filled rhetoric from the GOP are on board the crazy train, the divisions, the lies, the insurrection and the worship of a clown with a diseased mind, most intelligent folks can recognize what is underway and fight against it. But not you and your low IQ cronies. By your ceding to the madness you have become a soldier of Russia and of Putin and of his dictatorship. That makes you an enemy of all true Americans. It doesn't matter that you may have been successfully recruited via your skewed view of reality or via just plain stupidity and blind loyalty to a con man. It is what it is. You have become a Comrade of our enemies. And your only defense to that is by trying to brand your detractors as Commies, Nazis, socialists and all of the QAnon labels that are just silly. Your opinion of others or of yourself is the fruit of the poisonous tree that was planted in 2017. Someday it might dawn on you that you were owned but your avid defense of everything Trump does not bode well for your future.

Where did I say I was surprised?

I have stated and proven many times: Democrats lie about everything.
Where did I say I was surprised?

I have stated and proven many times: Democrats lie about everything.
Your words. "Comrade"????? Dems lie all the time? Absolutely. We all can't be as honest and forthcoming as Trump or Boebert or Perjury Trailer Queen. Get real, you clueless, naive babe in the woods. It's impossible to take suckers seriously. For you to claim superior intellect and brag about your Ivy League Education while believing a single syllable that spills out of the carp lips of your maniacal hero, is, or at least it should be, an embarrassment to you. But since it isn't, it showcases what I've said here about you. Because it IS an embarrassment to me to think you will somehow "get it" at some point. You are what I call a Helmet Head. No degree of logic or common sense can penetrate that helmet. But feel free to continue to entertain me and and all of my Nazi friends. It is quite a hoot!
Your words. "Comrade"????? Dems lie all the time? Absolutely. We all can't be as honest and forthcoming as Trump or Boebert or Perjury Trailer Queen. Get real, you clueless, naive babe in the woods. It's impossible to take suckers seriously. For you to claim superior intellect and brag about your Ivy League Education while believing a single syllable that spills out of the carp lips of your maniacal hero, is, or at least it should be, an embarrassment to you. But since it isn't, it showcases what I've said here about you. Because it IS an embarrassment to me to think you will somehow "get it" at some point. You are what I call a Helmet Head. No degree of logic or common sense can penetrate that helmet. But feel free to continue to entertain me and and all of my Nazi friends. It is quite a hoot!

If I ever need a new brain, I'd want yours, brand new and never been used.
If I ever need a new brain, I'd want yours, brand new and never been used.
Did you make that one up or is that another cut and paste? Seems too clever to have originated with you. BTW They would have to perform a helmetectomy before you could have your dysfunctional brain replaced with one that you could only dream about. But would you be open to a rental? It would have to be during my sleeping hours but nobody would really notice a difference between your woke brain and my unconscious one.

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