Mass Shootings: We Have To Work Harder

Did you make that one up or is that another cut and paste? Seems too clever to have originated with you. BTW They would have to perform a helmetectomy before you could have your dysfunctional brain replaced with one that you could only dream about. But would you be open to a rental? It would have to be during my sleeping hours but nobody would really notice a difference between your woke brain and my unconscious one.

The instructive thing about you and your posts is that many of us, being normal people, find it difficult to understand how seemingly normal folks in Germany, 30s and 40s, sould have agreed with what the Nazis were selling.

Then you come along, and we see an example of a current Good German.
The instructive thing about you and your posts is that many of us, being normal people, find it difficult to understand how seemingly normal folks in Germany, 30s and 40s, sould have agreed with what the Nazis were selling.

Then you come along, and we see an example of a current Good German.
And this she says as she worships at the altar of her orange god while he spreads his Hitler like propaganda to the adoring hoards. It matters not to these "normal people" that their fuhrer organized and orchestrated an insurrection of our Capitol and sat staring at his television and cheering for the other "normal people" to do his bidding for 3 1/2 hours. This while everyone around him including his daughter, son, staff and chief of staff begged him to call off his snarling dogs. An insurrection that was triggered by his words at a "rally" attended by his loyal white nationalists and his Anti American, indoctrinated fools. You know, "normal folks" like her. And the sights and sounds of that invasion was music to her ears. But, like all of the other things that she has no awareness of, this will not stand. He, and by extension she is about to see the checks and balances that the Founders built into our Constitution to address the unthinkable. And even she may finally understand that nobody is above the law. He did take it to the absolute doorway of hell so far but he is about to pay the price for his treason. I hope she is prepared to be exposed as the dimwitted, messenger of evil that she has become. And she will at least see the error of her ways, a tiny bit. That's all we can hope for from someone so thoroughly indoctrinated. She will witness the true depth and breadth of the most corrupt gang of scoundrels ever assembled. She needs to see this. She needs to see how close we came to becoming just another dictatorship that is established simply to serve the American Oligarchy.
And this she says as she worships at the altar of her orange god while he spreads his Hitler like propaganda to the adoring hoards. It matters not to these "normal people" that their fuhrer organized and orchestrated an insurrection of our Capitol and sat staring at his television and cheering for the other "normal people" to do his bidding for 3 1/2 hours. This while everyone around him including his daughter, son, staff and chief of staff begged him to call off his snarling dogs. An insurrection that was triggered by his words at a "rally" attended by his loyal white nationalists and his Anti American, indoctrinated fools. You know, "normal folks" like her. And the sights and sounds of that invasion was music to her ears. But, like all of the other things that she has no awareness of, this will not stand. He, and by extension she is about to see the checks and balances that the Founders built into our Constitution to address the unthinkable. And even she may finally understand that nobody is above the law. He did take it to the absolute doorway of hell so far but he is about to pay the price for his treason. I hope she is prepared to be exposed as the dimwitted, messenger of evil that she has become. And she will at least see the error of her ways, a tiny bit. That's all we can hope for from someone so thoroughly indoctrinated. She will witness the true depth and breadth of the most corrupt gang of scoundrels ever assembled. She needs to see this. She needs to see how close we came to becoming just another dictatorship that is established simply to serve the American Oligarchy.

Most of the Democrat supporters......when confronted with the Democrat agenda...
The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism,



opposition to free speech,

standing with criminals and felons rather than law-abiding citizens

substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry,

support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists,

accepting payment from Communist China for future considerations,

and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

....understand that there is no logical way to explain their they try to lie and claim that it isn't true.

You don't. You basically admit the fact.....but ignore it.

The only possible explanation is psychosis.

Have you been diagnosed for this affliction before????

How often?????
You'd have to ask Trump about Mein Kampf because it is probably the only book he has ever read. It was the outline he used to gain power. From the sowing of distrust in the free press to the trashing of all entities that have any amount of power to hold him responsible for his crimes. But that perceived impenetrable wall is crumbling faster than his plans to build a real one. He will face justice. And as Desi Arnaz used to say, You've got some "Splainin' to do.

Oh, Trump...
  • democrats have a scapegoat based on race. Whites are the new "Juden."
  • democrats are collectivist, seeking control of the means of production by their Reich.
  • democrats are totalitarian. Well duh.
  • democrats supplant civil rights with group privilege
  • democrats eradicate the rule of law and create dictatorship based on the party
  • democrats forcibly suppress religion
  • democrats crush freedom of speech
  • democrats create a police state and "Roger Stone" enemies for even minor process crimes in order to create terror
Doesn't sound much like Trump. It sound's like you Nazi vermin.

Because you ARE Nazis - fact.
The instructive thing about you and your posts is that many of us, being normal people, find it difficult to understand how seemingly normal folks in Germany, 30s and 40s, sould have agreed with what the Nazis were selling.

Then you come along, and we see an example of a current Good German.

My grandparents fled Germany in 1928. As a child I would ask why the German people let the Nazis rise. Were people blind? Did they not see what was going on? My grandmother explained that there was comfort. That people feared losing their jobs, their homes, and the comforts of life so would not speak up. And a great many viewed the Nazis as a source of prosperity and pride. The loss of liberty and the violence on the streets was less important than a stable currency and heat in their homes.

Hitler used an old trope to consolidate power, a scapegoat. He chose the Jews, but it could be anyone, who it is doesn't matter, just as long as people can be focused on one group as the cause of all problems.

Around 2010, I observed that Obama was using the same trope, and not just Obama, but the party and the utterly corrupt press. Whites have been the safe group to lampoon and set as the butt of all jokes for decades. But this was different, uglier, meaner. By 2015 open hatred of whites was part of everyday life. The halls of education railed against the new Juden, the whites, Hollywood changed the tone and amped up the vitriolic anti-White crusade. And the party became openly hostile to anything white, culture and people.

The democrats had become the new Nazi party.
Victims don't give a stuff about your wittle feelings on Rights, especially kids with a bullet of an AR-15 through their skull.

Victims are what you seek to make.

Only one thing over 50 years is PROVEN to reduce mass shootings.

Concealed Carry.

What is it you of the radical left oppose more than anything?

Concealed Carry.

What is your agenda?
Victims are what you seek to make.

Only one thing over 50 years is PROVEN to reduce mass shootings.

Concealed Carry.

What is it you of the radical left oppose more than anything?

Concealed Carry.

What is your agenda?
Our agenda is to balance the scales of justice. We're crazy enough to think that kids should be able to study and play and be kids without the threat of another righty knucklehead spraying them with bullets. And we believe that their right to live far outweighs your right to act like Clint Eastwood to impress the rest of your wannabe bad ass friends. And we don't ever want to hear "our thoughts and prayers.....BLA BLA BLA" again. We want to reduce the number of guns on the street or in the home and available to disturbed kids and adults. We don't buy, for a second the argument that more guns equals fewer dead kids. We see it for what it is, ridiculous! We believe that the founders didn't envision the numbers and the types of weapons being sold to just anybody. The words, "well regulated Militia" were included in the language for the purpose of making sure that idiots and crackpots were filtered out and that the remainder be trained and organized with oversight and a single purpose, to protect our country from insurrection. And we reject the Hunting bullshit too. We have never witnessed a deer running through the forest wearing a flak jacket.
Our agenda is to balance the scales of justice. We're crazy enough to think that kids should be able to study and play and be kids without the threat of another righty knucklehead spraying them with bullets. And we believe that their right to live far outweighs your right to act like Clint Eastwood to impress the rest of your wannabe bad ass friends. And we don't ever want to hear "our thoughts and prayers.....BLA BLA BLA" again. We want to reduce the number of guns on the street or in the home and available to disturbed kids and adults. We don't buy, for a second the argument that more guns equals fewer dead kids. We see it for what it is, ridiculous! We believe that the founders didn't envision the numbers and the types of weapons being sold to just anybody. The words, "well regulated Militia" were included in the language for the purpose of making sure that idiots and crackpots were filtered out and that the remainder be trained and organized with oversight and a single purpose, to protect our country from insurrection. And we reject the Hunting bullshit too. We have never witnessed a deer running through the forest wearing a flak jacket.

Your agenda is totalitarian dictatorship.
Victims are what you seek to make.

Only one thing over 50 years is PROVEN to reduce mass shootings.

Concealed Carry.

What is it you of the radical left oppose more than anything?

Concealed Carry.

What is your agenda?
The mass shooting killers made the victims. Concealed carry adds fuel to the fire. What happen to all those guns in Texas, why wasn't the killer shot before killing all those kids? Doesn't work does it!! I'm UK Conservative.

You live in a false dream world believing that those who don't want shot and/or have sensible gun regulation must be Left Wing.
The mass shooting killers made the victims.
I thought it was the guns? That's what your party keeps claiming.

Concealed carry adds fuel to the fire.

Quite the opposite, statistically concealed carry decreases public shootings,

What happen to all those guns in Texas, why wasn't the killer shot before killing all those kids? Doesn't work does it!! I'm UK Conservative.

Gun free zone. No one had a gun and the BLM terrorist knew it.

You live in a false dream world believing that those who don't want shot and/or have sensible gun regulation must be Left Wing.

Nothing "sensible" about the proposals your party makes. 50 years of failure but you demand we do more of what failed.

One thing worked - concealed carry - and you oppose it. Because reducing shootings isn't your agenda.
I thought it was the guns? That's what your party keeps claiming.

Quite the opposite, statistically concealed carry decreases public shootings,

Gun free zone. No one had a gun and the BLM terrorist knew it.

Nothing "sensible" about the proposals your party makes. 50 years of failure but you demand we do more of what failed.

One thing worked - concealed carry - and you oppose it. Because reducing shootings isn't your agenda.
Frankly, I'm shocked that you found a pro gun website to make your case. LOL Why not quote the NRA? They seem fair, unbiased and balanced.
I thought it was the guns? That's what your party keeps claiming.

Quite the opposite, statistically concealed carry decreases public shootings,

Gun free zone. No one had a gun and the BLM terrorist knew it.

Nothing "sensible" about the proposals your party makes. 50 years of failure but you demand we do more of what failed.

One thing worked - concealed carry - and you oppose it. Because reducing shootings isn't your agenda.
Hey genius! WTF were these kids shot with? Slingshots? BBs? Nerf balls? Could you be more clueless? Seems impossible but you'll find a way!!
I've had a gun in my bedside drawer for over 40 years. It's never once gone out and shot anyone.

Must be defective.
And the parents of the last mass killer of schoolkids probably had that gun "secured" as well. And if his dad didn't have a gun he would have had to find one elsewhere. And being that there are currently a glut of guns, that would have been far too easy to do. More guns in society, more killings, period!
And the parents of the last mass killer of schoolkids probably had that gun "secured" as well. And if his dad didn't have a gun he would have had to find one elsewhere. And being that there are currently a glut of guns, that would have been far too easy to do. More guns in society, more killings, period!

You're as stupid as you are dishonest.

Ramos bought his guns - $7,000 worth. Where did he get the money? BLM funds?

He passed the background checks.

You lie that he stole them from his parents, but we know you're as stupid as you are dishonest.
You're as stupid as you are dishonest.

Ramos bought his guns - $7,000 worth. Where did he get the money? BLM funds?

He passed the background checks.

You lie that he stole them from his parents, but we know you're as stupid as you are dishonest.
So you're saying that the background checks were woefully inadequate? First sensible thing I've seen you post.
Hey genius! WTF were these kids shot with? Slingshots? BBs? Nerf balls? Could you be more clueless? Seems impossible but you'll find a way!!
Yep......and we all know the guns don't need a finger to pull the trigger.
The reason you motherfuckers want to go after parent is because you want to disarm them.
You could care less about criminals. You just want to take our only means of defense away from us so you can round us up and throw us into cattle cars.

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