Massive Anti-Communist Demonstrations Taking Place Across Cuba

The Globalist are trying to take over Cuba again. They want to takeover their farmlands to plant their GMO crops. But the Cuban's head of agriculture had banned them. But none of the MSM isn't reporting that.

But by us going along with their narratives is making the elites even more powerful so that they can rule over the world.

Last June, authorities in Cuba said they have no plans to let U.S. companies in or introduce the use of transgenic seeds to the Cuban market. “To date we haven’t even considered working with Monsanto,” Manuel Rodriguez, CEO of the Cuban Ministry of Agriculture Company, told the Havana Times. “The policy of the country thus far is to not negotiate with anyone to produce transgenic seeds.” Even though Cuba has been struggling for years to improve its poor agricultural output as well as its deficiency in farming, it has only run some tests with transgenic crops in 2011, and has no plans to resume them. “A GMO program was established at some point. It advanced a little and it was stopped,” Rodrigues told the Havana Times in June 2015. German Bayer and Swiss Syngenta (NYSE:SYT) are the only two big biotech companies in Cuba now, leaving Monsanto (NYSE:MON), DuPont (NYSE:DD), and Dow Chemical (NYSE:DOW) – three of the biggest players – out.

Cuba's New Threat Could be U.S. GMOs

What crops?

The damn Cubans can't grow shit.

Communism has never produced much food. We have seen that demonstrated all over the world.

Cuba main crop is sugarcane which they make their famous brandy from. But the Globalist needs lots of farmland for this Paris Climate Accord.

Communism produce inefficient agriculture.

US makes its own cigar products. But why is it so important to risk a chance of going to jail for Cuban's cigars? Is it because they want to look real cool like Fidel?


Cuba main crop is sugarcane which they make their famous brandy from.

Brandy? DURR
I meant rum.

Why does the NWO need that shithole for GMOs?
Oil is being found all over the world. And the NWO elites are afraid that someone will strike the mother lode that will make them more powerful than the NWO elites.
But by them creating the story that fossil fuel is destroying the planet. That it will reduce the need for it. And if those who has oil on their property and wants to drill for it. That they will have to pay the NWO elites like the Rockefellers, carbon credits to drill and sell the oil. That they will never become wealthier than the NWO elites.
But the NWO elites have made substitute fuel and energy products that they have total control of. and making it mandatory product. These GMO sugarcanes are patented products that nobody cannot copy. But they will need lots of land to supply the world. If they cannot meet that demand, that we will have to stay with fossil fuel until they are able to.

But these SH**Hole countries like Haiti are being under the control of the Clinton's clan. But why are they there?


All those Leftists who’ve praised the Cuban government for decades, and NOT ONE has moved to Cuba.
Cuba main crop is sugarcane which they make their famous brandy from.

Brandy? DURR
I meant rum.

Why does the NWO need that shithole for GMOs?
Oil is being found all over the world. And the NWO elites are afraid that someone will strike the mother lode that will make them more powerful than the NWO elites.
But by them creating the story that fossil fuel is destroying the planet. That it will reduce the need for it. And if those who has oil on their property and wants to drill for it. That they will have to pay the NWO elites like the Rockefellers, carbon credits to drill and sell the oil. That they will never become wealthier than the NWO elites.
But the NWO elites have made substitute fuel and energy products that they have total control of. and making it mandatory product. These GMO sugarcanes are patented products that nobody cannot copy. But they will need lots of land to supply the world. If they cannot meet that demand, that we will have to stay with fossil fuel until they are able to.

But these SH**Hole countries like Haiti are being under the control of the Clinton's clan. But why are they there?

View attachment 512383

Oil is being found all over the world. And the NWO elites are afraid that someone will strike the mother lode that will make them more powerful than the NWO elites.


These GMO sugarcanes are patented products that nobody cannot copy.

There is no GMO sugarcane.

But they will need lots of land to supply the world.

It would be impossible to replace oil with ethanol.
There is no GMO sugarcane.
I've been keeping up with the information on GMOs. But this country has not approved GMO sugarcane. But under this Climate agreement, that they are going to make it mandatory that all farmers must use GMO crops to lower the emissions.

This guys daughter was the real Greta Thunberg. But him and his daughter are against GMOs.

There is no GMO sugarcane.
I've been keeping up with the information on GMOs. But this country has not approved GMO sugarcane. But under this Climate agreement, that they are going to make it mandatory that all farmers must use GMO crops to lower the emissions.

This guys daughter was the real Greta Thunberg. But him and his daughter are against GMOs.

I've been keeping up with the information on GMOs.

Apparently not.

But under this Climate agreement, that they are going to make it mandatory that all farmers must use GMO crops to lower the emissions.

Show me.
There is no GMO sugarcane.
I've been keeping up with the information on GMOs. But this country has not approved GMO sugarcane. But under this Climate agreement, that they are going to make it mandatory that all farmers must use GMO crops to lower the emissions.

This guys daughter was the real Greta Thunberg. But him and his daughter are against GMOs.

You really need to be less gullible.

I've been keeping up with the information on GMOs.

Apparently not.

But under this Climate agreement, that they are going to make it mandatory that all farmers must use GMO crops to lower the emissions.

Show me.

They are pushing the narrative that organic farming is hurting the environment. They have been trying to ban organic farming for decades.

But a new study out this week challenges this narrative, predicting that a wholesale shift to organic farming could increase net greenhouse gas emissions by as much as 21 percent.


I've been keeping up with the information on GMOs.

Apparently not.

But under this Climate agreement, that they are going to make it mandatory that all farmers must use GMO crops to lower the emissions.

Show me.

They are pushing the narrative that organic farming is hurting the environment. They have been trying to ban organic farming for decades.

But a new study out this week challenges this narrative, predicting that a wholesale shift to organic farming could increase net greenhouse gas emissions by as much as 21 percent.

Before you decide this headline is simply propaganda, let me assure that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is trying to ban organic farming.


You like the crazy sources.
Before you decide this headline is simply propaganda, let me assure that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is trying to ban organic farming.


You like the crazy sources.
There is a secret war on organic food products. And that is why the US government slapped sanctions on countries like Russia, Venezuela and Cuba that bans GMOs. That they don't want the public to find out how much healthier they will be if they consumes organic foods.
When I was a child. The doctors always tell the parents to have their family to drink buttermilk or soak it in a bowl with corn bread and consume it like that in order to stay healthy. But now they have been putting chemicals into the milk that kills the healthy enzymes, proteins or microbes.
Organic foods doesn't have a long shelf-life. But that is good. It is letting us to know that it has the healthy microbes that will help break down the foods in the stomach. But by them injecting cows with antibiotics that it kills these healthy microbes. And that is why cheese don't taste like cheese anymore and people are having lactose problems because of the lack of microbes in the dairy.

While the all-merciful United States calls for support for the protests in Cuba, resistance to the authorities and rivers of blood of Cubans, the vile China condemns any interference in the internal affairs of the island and even inhumanly calls for the lifting of the economic blockade.

Mike Pompeo officially recognized himself as a complete piece of scum, calling on the State Department to support the protests in Cuba after the condemnation and mass repression of Americans for protests in the United States.
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Before you decide this headline is simply propaganda, let me assure that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is trying to ban organic farming.


You like the crazy sources.
There is a secret war on organic food products. And that is why the US government slapped sanctions on countries like Russia, Venezuela and Cuba that bans GMOs. That they don't want the public to find out how much healthier they will be if they consumes organic foods.
When I was a child. The doctors always tell the parents to have their family to drink buttermilk or soak it in a bowl with corn bread and consume it like that in order to stay healthy. But now they have been putting chemicals into the milk that kills the healthy enzymes, proteins or microbes.
Organic foods doesn't have a long shelf-life. But that is good. It is letting us to know that it has the healthy microbes that will help break down the foods in the stomach. But by them injecting cows with antibiotics that it kills these healthy microbes. And that is why cheese don't taste like cheese anymore and people are having lactose problems because of the lack of microbes in the dairy.

There is a secret war on organic food products.

So you don't actually have any proof that the FDA ia trying to ban organic farming?
That they're trying to make GMOs mandatory?

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