MASSIVE Conflict of Interest - Biden DOJ Injecting Itself Into Az Election Audit


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

Biden and the Democrats are SO worried about the truth coming out in Az that Biden's DOJ is injecting itself into the audit process...on top of the Democrats stacking the deck by putting die-hard anti-Trump leftists on the audit team already....

Nothing says 'We cheated & stole the election' like a massive conflict of interest consisting of the stolen election recipient sending in his DOJ to ensure the truth remains hidden and his 'win' is protected.
Arizona's audit can just needs to follow the legal statute....

The State election committee, has to have legal custody of the ballots to make certain they are kept secure and maintain integrity...

So, with a few minor changes, the audit can continue.
Arizona's audit can just needs to follow the legal statute....

The State election committee, has to have legal custody of the ballots to make certain they are kept secure and maintain integrity...

So, with a few minor changes, the audit can continue.
Again, if the Democrats thought the election was legit it would not be packing the audit with known corrupt Trump-hating leftists and Biden would not be sending his DOJ in to put their thumb on the scales.

Biden and the Democrats are SO worried about the truth coming out in Az that Biden's DOJ is injecting itself into the audit process...on top of the Democrats stacking the deck by putting die-hard anti-Trump leftists on the audit team already....

Nothing says 'We cheated & stole the election' like a massive conflict of interest consisting of the stolen election recipient sending in his DOJ to ensure the truth remains hidden and his 'win' is protected.
By "Biden DOJ Injecting Itself Into Az Election Audit," you mean ensuring the law is being followed. That's actually Biden's job.
Arizona's audit can just needs to follow the legal statute....

The State election committee, has to have legal custody of the ballots to make certain they are kept secure and maintain integrity...

So, with a few minor changes, the audit can continue.
Again, if the Democrats thought the election was legit it would not be packing the audit with known corrupt Trump-hating leftists and Biden would not be sending his DOJ in to put their thumb on the scales.
By that token, if there was massive fraud, Republicans wouldn't have hired a company with zero experience, led by a "stop the steal" conspiracy nut, observed by a "stop the steal" conspiracy "news" outlet, and reviewing ballots by a "stop the steal" conspiracy Republican whose own name is on the ballots he's reviewing.

Arizona's audit can just needs to follow the legal statute....

The State election committee, has to have legal custody of the ballots to make certain they are kept secure and maintain integrity...

So, with a few minor changes, the audit can continue.
Again, if the Democrats thought the election was legit it would not be packing the audit with known corrupt Trump-hating leftists and Biden would not be sending his DOJ in to put their thumb on the scales.
No one is sending the Doj in, silly one. Auditors and the state, simply need to follow the law.

Do you have a problem with following the law?
Arizona's audit can just needs to follow the legal statute....

The State election committee, has to have legal custody of the ballots to make certain they are kept secure and maintain integrity...

So, with a few minor changes, the audit can continue.
Again, if the Democrats thought the election was legit it would not be packing the audit with known corrupt Trump-hating leftists and Biden would not be sending his DOJ in to put their thumb on the scales.
By that token, if there was massive fraud, Republicans wouldn't have hired a company with zero experience, led by a "stop the steal" conspiracy nut, observed by a "stop the steal" conspiracy "news" outlet, and reviewing ballots by a "stop the steal" conspiracy Republican whose own name is on the ballots he's reviewing.

Yep, there never was the intent of finding legitimate fraud, or they would not have hired, who they hired, to audit it.
Arizona's audit can just needs to follow the legal statute....

The State election committee, has to have legal custody of the ballots to make certain they are kept secure and maintain integrity...

So, with a few minor changes, the audit can continue.
yEAH....if the AUDIT just changes some rules to help biden out...Bwhahaha

Biden and the Democrats are SO worried about the truth coming out in Az that Biden's DOJ is injecting itself into the audit process...on top of the Democrats stacking the deck by putting die-hard anti-Trump leftists on the audit team already....

Nothing says 'We cheated & stole the election' like a massive conflict of interest consisting of the stolen election recipient sending in his DOJ to ensure the truth remains hidden and his 'win' is protected.
By "Biden DOJ Injecting Itself Into Az Election Audit," you mean ensuring the law is being followed. That's actually Biden's job.

Arizona's audit can just needs to follow the legal statute....

The State election committee, has to have legal custody of the ballots to make certain they are kept secure and maintain integrity...

So, with a few minor changes, the audit can continue.
yEAH....if the AUDIT just changes some rules to help biden out...Bwhahaha
What rules do you think were changed? This law has existed since 1960...

Arizona's audit can just needs to follow the legal statute....

The State election committee, has to have legal custody of the ballots to make certain they are kept secure and maintain integrity...

So, with a few minor changes, the audit can continue.
yEAH....if the AUDIT just changes some rules to help biden out...Bwhahaha
Having the ballots secured in state custody as required by LAW, does not favor Biden, silly one.

Do you have something against following the law?
Arizona's audit can just needs to follow the legal statute....

The State election committee, has to have legal custody of the ballots to make certain they are kept secure and maintain integrity...

So, with a few minor changes, the audit can continue.
yEAH....if the AUDIT just changes some rules to help biden out...Bwhahaha
Having the ballots secured in state custody as required by LAW, does not favor Biden, silly one.

Do you have something against following the law?
The Qult sure cared about that law when they thought Georgia was shredding ballots from the 2020 election. They're fickle that way.

Biden and the Democrats are SO worried about the truth coming out in Az that Biden's DOJ is injecting itself into the audit process...on top of the Democrats stacking the deck by putting die-hard anti-Trump leftists on the audit team already....

Nothing says 'We cheated & stole the election' like a massive conflict of interest consisting of the stolen election recipient sending in his DOJ to ensure the truth remains hidden and his 'win' is protected.
By "Biden DOJ Injecting Itself Into Az Election Audit," you mean ensuring the law is being followed. That's actually Biden's job.
Sry, that is the state's matter. Feds has no say on the issue. Did you forget the SCOTUS ruling last year? I was wondering the base on the DOJ

Biden and the Democrats are SO worried about the truth coming out in Az that Biden's DOJ is injecting itself into the audit process...on top of the Democrats stacking the deck by putting die-hard anti-Trump leftists on the audit team already....

Nothing says 'We cheated & stole the election' like a massive conflict of interest consisting of the stolen election recipient sending in his DOJ to ensure the truth remains hidden and his 'win' is protected.
By "Biden DOJ Injecting Itself Into Az Election Audit," you mean ensuring the law is being followed. That's actually Biden's job.
Sry, that is the state's matter. Feds has no say on the issue. Did you forget the SCOTUS ruling last year? I was wondering the base on the DOJ
The state can fight that battle in court, but as of now, that's still the law.

Biden and the Democrats are SO worried about the truth coming out in Az that Biden's DOJ is injecting itself into the audit process...on top of the Democrats stacking the deck by putting die-hard anti-Trump leftists on the audit team already....

Nothing says 'We cheated & stole the election' like a massive conflict of interest consisting of the stolen election recipient sending in his DOJ to ensure the truth remains hidden and his 'win' is protected.
By "Biden DOJ Injecting Itself Into Az Election Audit," you mean ensuring the law is being followed. That's actually Biden's job.
Sry, that is the state's matter. Feds has no say on the issue. Did you forget the SCOTUS ruling last year? I was wondering the base on the DOJ
" . . We are very concerned that the auditors are engaged in on going and imminent violations of federal voting and election laws. Specifically, we believe that the senate and its agents, including Cyber Ninjas, are 1) violating their duty under federal law to retain and preserve ballots cast in a federal election, which are and have been in danger of being stolen, defaced, or irretrievably damaged,and 2) preparing to engage in conduct which will constitute unlawful voter intimidation in violation of the Voting Rights Act and other federal laws.. . "
Arizona's audit can just needs to follow the legal statute....

The State election committee, has to have legal custody of the ballots to make certain they are kept secure and maintain integrity...

So, with a few minor changes, the audit can continue.

ROFLMAO, no one concerned themselves with other States that violated their own election laws to install xiden in the oval. You hypocritical commies need to just STFU.


Biden and the Democrats are SO worried about the truth coming out in Az that Biden's DOJ is injecting itself into the audit process...on top of the Democrats stacking the deck by putting die-hard anti-Trump leftists on the audit team already....

Nothing says 'We cheated & stole the election' like a massive conflict of interest consisting of the stolen election recipient sending in his DOJ to ensure the truth remains hidden and his 'win' is protected.
By "Biden DOJ Injecting Itself Into Az Election Audit," you mean ensuring the law is being followed. That's actually Biden's job.
Sry, that is the state's matter. Feds has no say on the issue. Did you forget the SCOTUS ruling last year? I was wondering the base on the DOJ
Its a FEDERAL STATUTE requiring each State's Election authorities to keep ballots secure and in their custody for 22 months.
Arizona's audit can just needs to follow the legal statute....

The State election committee, has to have legal custody of the ballots to make certain they are kept secure and maintain integrity...

So, with a few minor changes, the audit can continue.

ROFLMAO, no one concerned themselves with other States that violated their own election laws to install xiden in the oval. You hypocritical commies need to just STFU.

Please explain.
Arizona's audit can just needs to follow the legal statute....

The State election committee, has to have legal custody of the ballots to make certain they are kept secure and maintain integrity...

So, with a few minor changes, the audit can continue.

ROFLMAO, no one concerned themselves with other States that violated their own election laws to install xiden in the oval. You hypocritical commies need to just STFU.

Please explain.

If you need an explanation you're too retarded to understand. The topic as been covered in this forum multiple times.

Arizona's audit can just needs to follow the legal statute....

The State election committee, has to have legal custody of the ballots to make certain they are kept secure and maintain integrity...

So, with a few minor changes, the audit can continue.
yEAH....if the AUDIT just changes some rules to help biden out...Bwhahaha
What rules do you think were changed? This law has existed since 1960...

I think you know dam well that the Biden administration is playing games and asking for way more than you are indicating and hoping that no one else knows about. The BIden administration is now trying to create legal loopholes out of their asses as pre-emptive defense to what the audit is showing or will show along with trying intimidate the auditors which is their main goal with this stunt.

The biden administration is seeking more than just a chain of custody but also claiming that doing the audit is intimidating voters (you know all those fraudulent ones who don't want it known that they voted illegally.)

The ballots are being kept and a chain of custody is being kept of them---but watch you and other lib trolls spin nonsense.

The DOJ is claiming that they jumped in because the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, (you know the collection of corrupt community activist democrat support communists ranging from the NAACP crooks to corrupt UNIONS) is demanding that the DOJ gets involved. THE leadership conference likely being ones using their various groups to organize corrupt groups to both riot for blm and get out to corruptly vote. THE DOJ is also claiming that two other groups pushed them to jump in, but the lib sites won't mention their names---which is in itself telling.
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