MASSIVE SHOOTING in MAINE RIGHT NOW and shooter on the lose

lol you should take your own advice. Republicans only started posturing over 'civil rights' when FDR started getting their votes, and in Texas that was because of LBJ.
FDR proved that you get voters by buying them. What advice are you speaking of? Republicans took a hard swing on behalf of blacks by trying to solve their voting rights.
FDR proved that you get voters by buying them. What advice are you speaking of? Republicans took a hard swing on behalf of blacks by trying to solve their voting rights.

He proved you can also get votes by representing the most voters, the part you were never told by your handlers. Republicans failed miserably, which is why FDR got re-elected many times. You morons can't even keep demented criminals like Biden out of office, so the GOP should just dump you idiots and try and get votes from Americans, like Trump can. lol your very first act with your majority was to jack up taxes on the working people and giving tax breaks to billionaires selling the country out. You're butt stupid.
He proved you can also get votes by representing the most voters, the part you were never told by your handlers. Republicans failed miserably, which is why FDR got re-elected many times. You morons can't even keep demented criminals like Biden out of office, so the GOP should just dump you idiots and try and get votes from Americans, like Trump can. lol your very first act with your majority was to jack up taxes on the working people and giving tax breaks to billionaires selling the country out. You're butt stupid.
I was born during FDR's presidency and he died when I was in the 2nd grade. FDR harmed the USA in so many ways. The Supreme court and him battled. Why are you being rude?
This is the tactic used by so many Democrats. Are you that proud of FDR you excuse him for putting our ships of war in a small port that the Japanese eagerly bombed? I suggest you get a copy of Amity Shlaes book called the Forgotten Man. Biden clearly is a criminal. But Democrats installed to represent them.
Warned the police or a family member I suppose if I legally could.

You’re right, some states have crappy laws. All states should have some type of red flag laws.
Maybe we need a very minimal federal red flag law that when an obviously mentally unstable person who’s being treated for hearing voices telling him to shoot, would be reported and his guns get temporarily confiscated until a full review can be done. My guess is Maine will learn from its stupidity and make one.

I’m not one for gun control but I’m for common sense. This guy, like Adam Lanza, had all the signs of mental instability and shouldn’t have been allowed to have access to guns.

I’m more in favor of better mental health. Most people haven’t had to deal with the mental system in this country. The insurance companies control what healthcare a person gets. It’s all based on the insurance companies bottom line not the health of the patient. This needs to stop. Patients do not get the care they need if they don’t have the money and last night in Maine was the result of that policy. Clearly he wasn’t better and needed to be in residential care. Why wasn’t he there? Of course that’s more expensive than out patient therapy which is what most insurances cover. Because of the expense many residential facilities shut down so the facilities that are still open have a list to get in because there aren’t enough beds. I know because I’ve lived this with a family member.

Perhaps now a common sense bipartisan piece of legislation can get minimal federal red flag laws along with more federal funding for long term mental health facilities. Yesterday never should have happened. SMH.

Maine already has a law to remove guns from those committed for psychiatric reasons. Why did it not happen? The fact yu do not know this invalidates every argument you have because you are proposing a law that is already in effect.
Heard this story today, and it truly represents a vast and far more deeper penetration into today's brainwashed minds (via these political operatives/activist), and their agenda's in which end up scarring the vulnerable population that had been forgotten about or left behind with no real guidance.

I bet this cat purposely went to get mentally evaluated because he had planned this for a very long time I'll bet. Now he'll have the insanity plea ready for the weak ace Democrat's to agree too as the smoke clears.
With people like you one has to be specific as you give sideways answers and then later go "that is not what I said"

Thus I asked a simple yes or no question, which you lack the balls to answer.

That is all anyone needs to know
You keep on trying to put words in my mouth. I answered your question but you are determined to not accept my answer. That's fine but then don't keep on asking me.
That's how these institutions have always worked. I know you won't, but if you read the link then you see the myth about mental patients and violence.

LOL. So, you're saying there is no link between mental patients and violence?
I was born during FDR's presidency and he died when I was in the 2nd grade. FDR harmed the USA in so many ways. The Supreme court and him battled. Why are you being rude?
This is the tactic used by so many Democrats. Are you that proud of FDR you excuse him for putting our ships of war in a small port that the Japanese eagerly bombed? I suggest you get a copy of Amity Shlaes book called the Forgotten Man. Biden clearly is a criminal. But Democrats installed to represent them.

lol yes, you're butt stupid. I already pointed that out.
I bet this cat purposely went to get mentally evaluated because he had planned this for a very long time I'll bet. Now he'll have the insanity plea ready for the weak ace Democrat's to agree too as the smoke clears.

Definitely a possibility.

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